7 Ways to Take Back Control

     At this or at any time, you may be looking toward changes that will boost your energy, improve your outlook, and motivate you to move forward into the future you envision.  With all that’s going on in the world, it would be highly beneficial to assume control over the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your life that you may have relinquished to something or someone else.  Although there are elements of our lives over which we have little or no control, there are some things that we can control quite effectively.  Here are a few ways to get started…

  1. Identify what makes you feel out of control, such as your overall personal state, your relationships with others, or your financial condition.A solution for every problem may not seem readily apparent, so take some time to work through how to proceed towards the changes you would like in your life.
  1. Take responsibility for how you arrived in this condition, because then you can do something about it. It’s easy to blame others, but we personally make the decisions that set the direction of our lives.  But don’t be too hard on yourself – being kind to your mind can help you work out a solution without emotional interference.
  1. Forgive yourself. Consider your situation from a nonjudgmental point of view, and factor in the positive elements that presently exist in your personal world.  Get serious about your health and start looking after yourself.  Nurture the relationships you have with people that you care about and strive to be around the family, friends, and colleagues that make you feel comfortable.
  1. Relax and reflect. Learning to fully relax allows your mind to reflect upon the positive and negative aspects of how regaining control could affect your current situation.  Look at how your reaction to your problem has affected you energetically.  Are you allowing old habits to interfere with your progress?  Are you burning out because you’re trying to do too much all the time?  Do you allow your relationships with some people to drain your energy?  Do you procrastinate a lot?  Are you frustrated with your work?
  1. Make a change plan. Define the changes can be made immediately to help you to start taking back control of your well-being. Then include those aspects of your world that you care about and either start with easy small changes or reflect upon how realistic it will be to make big changes immediately possible.  Think things through – then get going to change the rest until you feel like you’re gaining control once again.  The longer you linger, the less motivated you might feel about taking the necessary steps toward improvement.  Then be ready to adapt to changing circumstances that inevitably affect any plan along the way.
  1. Practice self-love and self-acceptance. All your life experiences have made you who you are as a unique individual.  Continue to develop and enjoy those attributes as you bring yourself into a state of balance, so that you’re able to make any desired changes for additional improvement.
  1. Work within. By learning to work within with your spirit and by practicing some essential skills, your efforts may bring clarity to your self-perception and help motivate you to quickly take back control in a relaxed and confident manner.

We are far more capable than our current awareness!  Taking back control means attending to the things that you perceive as important in your life and by selectively choosing the aspects over which you feel you have the ability and confidence to improve.  Now you can get started!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

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Spiritual Strength | The Benefits

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818, Hubble Space TelescopeThe recent discovery of the fossilized remains of Homo naledi in a South African cave suggests that our primitive ancestors displayed burial practices long before previously thought. Rather than having developed this behavior over millennia, are we innately spiritual beings who have always contemplated our timeless spiritual journey beyond this finite physical existence?

We could even speculate that our spirits had lives before ours, perhaps somewhere else in the grand cosmos, and that they were once powerfully and positively attuned within their former bodies. Were that true, then what’s happened to our spirit-body relationship? Why don’t we let go of the negativity we drag around and allow our spirits to work in healthful unison within us? And what should we do with our spiritual strength, after we’ve put so much effort into helping our spirits increase their positive knowledge and power?

It’s my belief that our lives are inspired by higher-level guidance from our spiritual selves. If our spirits are positive when we come into this world, but we’re ignorant or closed to their direction, then our consciousness would become clouded with the input that we do allow to infiltrate our minds. If we become cut off from positively-oriented inspiration, then our mental and emotional impressions could become inundated with negativity that interferes with our wellbeing at all levels.

From my own perspective as someone who had extricated myself from the complacency of religious conditioning at a very young age, my spiritual weakness only became apparent after I hit rock bottom. From a very promising childhood with a positively oriented spirit I had descended from being a straight A student in elementary school to becoming a victim of domestic violence. Childhood abuse had caused a downslide in my spiritual strength that continued into adulthood, until I reached a state that threatened my health and safety.

Sunlight in Cave

I had continued to allow people to take advantage of my good nature, abuse and otherwise mistreatme, until one day I read an article in Psychology Today (c. 1985) in which the author noted that rape victims who were not treated soon after their abuse event would continue to suffer worsening symptoms over time. Over a matter of hours that thought led me through heightening anxiety to a profound realization when I said to myself: “I’m going to fight!”

I believe it was at that moment that I gave my spirit the go ahead to start helping me. Instead of just accepting all the negativity that was being hammered upon me, I was suddenly inspired to make my escape from a severely abusive relationship. Until then I had not taken any action to defend myself against the onslaught of negativity that had been weakening me, not just mentally, emotionally and physically, but especially, spiritually. Thankfully, soon after the abrupt turn in my determination, I found my mentor (and later, partner) who presented me with the means by which I was able to climb out of the depths of my sorry situation.

From my starting point 30 years ago, my consistent attention to my spirit as an essential part of me continues to yield significant improvements in my overall wellbeing. As a result of learning how to properly use the positive energy of pure white universal Light*, my spiritual strength has continued to build, and I’ve been able share positive higher-level knowledge with my clients around the world.

Some of the benefits of a dynamic positive spirit-body relationship include:

  1. Loving and accepting yourself completely for who you are
  2. Developing calmness and patience while increasing your focus, concentration and endurance
  3. Working with your higher self (the liaison with your spirit) to assist you with better decision-making and implementation of positive change
  4. Motivating and improving your creative expression
  5. Heightening your awareness to identify negative interference
  6. Using your spiritual sensitivity to deal with inter-dimensional influences
  7. Facilitating the adoption of positive habits, activities and relationships as you learn to counteract the obstacles
  8. Increasing your overall energy and enthusiasm
  9. Using the positive energy of the Light to bring balance and improve your health at all levels
  10. Emanating inner happiness into your present and future life experience

Sunshine thru RocksAt the end of the day, there’s only you and your spirit. So, why not acknowledge your spiritual self as an integral part of your present being? When you come to a point in your life when your understanding of your physical existence relative to your spirit’s timeless nature becomes important, you might want to begin working within with your spirit.

The remarkable results of gaining positive spiritual strength will enhance your wellbeing at all levels and promote your spiritual progress.

See Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

See http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/150910-human-evolution-change/

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

M27 HubbleSitewpEven as we shape the pieces of our existential puzzle together relative to the apparent universe enveloping us, we remain lagging behind with the spiritual advancement that could alter our lives both individually and collectively when approached from a positive perspective. Gaining spiritual strength isn’t a competition – it’s a personal endeavor that requires focus and attention over a lifetime.

When we’re small children, working with our spiritual self is as natural as asking for something to eat or drink. As an essential part of our childhood, we naturally identified the positives and negatives of our spiritual activity and acted accordingly. We might have continued our spiritual savvy long into life, but most of us have been conditioned to leave behind our inherent spiritual knowledge. Many of us faced further obstacles like neglect, bullying or abuse and were adversely affected onward into our lives, and further separated from our spiritual selves.

The further a child drifts from his/her sense of harmony with their spirit, they lose a natural state of wellbeing and the ability to deal with the higher-level negativity that constantly bombards them. If someone continues to lose ground spiritually, the repercussions can filter through to the physical level in the form of physiological and mental malaise and/or financial and relationship problems. Not everyone finds strength of healing through traditional means because there are often spiritual issues at hand that can block and deter the healing process.


From my own perspective as an intelligent enthusiastic child, my world had spiraled downward as I lost spiritual knowledge and strength as a result of a clergy abuse event. At an early age I recognized the inadequacy of available antiquated religious institutions and dropped my family’s traditions.  I felt lost and off balance for many years and remember searching for some sort of harmony in my life, but I didn’t realize that my physical problems had escalated into a spiritual crisis.

When I regained the inherent knowledge of how to work with my spirit and started working with the Light*, I began building up my spiritual strength and positive changes took effect immediately. I experienced a boost in my self-esteem and adopted a completely new perspective about how to look after my physical self. I discovered that my spirit needs a positively oriented body in order to make progress, so I initiated a continuously healthy lifestyle. I realized it’s my responsibility to strive to be as positive as possible in all aspects of my being, if I’m to continue to grow in spiritual strength and positive knowledge.

Sunlight Thru Ocean CloudswpOne of the greatest obstacles to gaining spiritual strength is fear. When you give in to fear of any kind, like fear of failure or success, fear of others’ acceptance or rejection or fear of changing your current situation in life, you’re succumbing to negativity. As you start being yourself and working through all the steps needed to overcome your fears, you’ll notice a boost in your ability to counteract negative thoughts and emotions before they give rise to additional difficulty.

Spiritual strength doesn’t come instantly – it takes effort and commitment. Some people have been duped into quick fixes such as accepting spirit guides, angels, or summoning the spirits of deceased loved ones, as a way to gain spiritual strength; while others have been invited to accept a stranger’s life energy.  Any of these ruses would be a clear opportunity for negative beings/spirits to be invited into ruining your life. Others have decided to join a religious institution with the hope it would take over their spiritual responsibility, but are often led into a false sense of complacency. It’s impossible to learn how to gain strength with your spirit in a few hours or by depending on others – you have to be committed to this very personal endeavor on a long-term basis, since spiritual strength intensifies over time.Mountain Vista

Everyone has the potential to be good at personal spiritual work, but becoming strong spiritually doesn’t come without effort. No one can hand you access to the positive energy of the Light. You have to earn its benefits on a daily basis by meeting negative challenges with determined positive reactions and solutions. Higher-level negativity can be much less obvious than what you already recognize, especially when it emanates from other people and their associations with others. Your perseverance in being patient and acquiring awareness of higher-level negativity will allow you to continuously gain stamina to meet new challenges.

Sunbrushed Lake CloudsOur spirits transcend this physical existence, yet it’s up to us to consciously promote our spiritual progress. While climbing each cliff to overcome negativity, then coasting conscientiously along the plateaus until meeting the next hurdle, you’ll grow stronger as your spirit gains strength due to your efforts.

Gaining spiritual strength is a process of learning, adapting and following through with a lifelong commitment to work positively alongside your spirit to enhance your life experience.

“Make a firmer commitment and believe in yourself!” ~Leo Jean

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Positive Headway

WaveThe ideal morality we aspired to as children is constantly being challenged as we reconcile the discrepancy between an idyllic world and the reality we experience. If we were to instead view life simply in terms of positive and negative, it would help make sense of what happens at all levels of our being.

While most of us will generally agree upon what is positive and what is negative, much of our evaluation is subjective, based on our own values, conditioning and past experiences. We can more easily assess the remaining gray areas with the help of higher-level skills acquired through daily practice.

At a larger scale we see how corruption runs rampant in our government, religious and corporate institutions, and we eventually become desensitized to deception, hypocrisy and greed. Since we’re unable to do anything significant about their actions, we can only assess whether the institution makes a positive or negative contribution to our personal lives. There’s no need to become upset by the blatant negativity expressed by governments, religions and corporations – why not just evaluate them as either positive or negative and move on?

In our own personal lives, at this level we have the power to make positive changes to enhance our life situation. But it’s not always easy to rid ourselves of the lingering negativity of the past, unless we have some tools to help us remove those barriers to having a positive life. We’ve all been conditioned to accept so much negativity unopposed into our lives that we often can’t distinguish the difference anymore. Amazing changes can be made when we stop allowing its detrimental effect on our wellbeing!

On a daily basis we make decisions about the positive and negative nature of our relationships, our workplace environment and our general wellbeing. It helps to regard our relationships as either positive or negative to manage the emotions we generally feel about people. Evaluating a coworker or boss as a positive or negative in the workplace also helps to diminish their influence on our energy and concentration. We can make more intelligent health and wealth decisions based on the positive or negative nature of each consideration. In this way we can stop accepting higher-level interference and enjoy who we are, the benefits of what we’ve achieved and the reasons for what we’re doing at the present time.

Ocean Surface

At the spiritual level we are constantly swimming against the tide of negativity and devising ways of staying afloat in positive mode. As we progress and attain higher-level skills, we become more adept at maintaining our balance on the crests of the waves. As we find ourselves maneuvering through each trough, we swim with stronger strokes to rise up and continue riding upon a crest again. Each day on the ocean of life can be exhilarating, when we apply higher-level knowledge to facilitate our journey.

Ocean CloudsYour spirit is much more sensitive to and affected by the negativity you accept or reject at all levels.   When you learn to regard people, places and inanimate things as either positive or negative, it helps you to overcome unpleasant past occurrences, improve your present situation and move you into a brighter future. If you want your spirit to be more positive, then you have to put effort into identifying and refusing the negative influences that interfere with you at any given moment.

Making a commitment to be positive at all levels is of paramount importance to the wellbeing of our individual spirits, so being able to refuse the negatives and promote the positives in our lives makes us better navigators of these undulating waters of life.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Inner Essentials

Spiral Galaxy NGC 7742 Even as astronomers scour the galaxy for signs of extraterrestrial life in the billions of locations that are potentially suited to sustain complex organisms, there are so many questions about our existence that need to be explored and discovered at the higher levels of our being. Instead, we are still fighting the endless conflicts of religion and politics that continue to divide and create greater disparity between us. In the micro-cosmos that begins here within each and every one of us, there is still great progress to be made toward reaching a harmonious balance that includes all aspects of our existence.

As young children, when our emotional, physical and spiritual worlds were still melded in wholesomeness, our inner happiness and peace could shine through in youthful energy. However, for many of us there were rips or tears in our emotional world as a result of abuse that permeated our spiritual wellbeing. Just as a black hole rips through the fabric of the universe absorbing matter at an astonishing rate, an abusive event can rip through the structure of a child’s spiritual self, visibly eating away at their overall health.

Niagara Whirlpool Rapids

Each time a child is bullied or abused, the experience  weakens the framework thatbinds his/her spiritual self to their emotional and physical selves. Ongoing abusive experiences can further rip a child’s spiritual self from them, leading to mental and physical distress that can end in addiction, lasting depression or crumbling physical health. However, similar to how closer investigation of black holes in the universe can potentially answer age old questions about our very existence in the cosmos, peering into the spiritual void initiated during a traumatic event can bring understanding of oneself and allow the spark of inner harmony to begin.

The other day I was watching a documentary about the Greek islands1 and I found the description of the island of Kos especially interesting. In one location on the island, the ancient Greeks divided the focus of their healing process into three parts: the physical body, the soul or emotional body and the spiritual body, and provided different venues for healing each aspect. The Greek guide made it clear that the ancients’ meaning of the ‘soul’ was not the same as their meaning of the ‘spirit’. While the basic balances of a natural healing process have become increasingly complicated by scientific treatment, the ancient Greeks seemed to understand the need for an integrated approach to wellness.

As adults we’re still children within, striving to bring balance to our ongoing physical, mental and emotional experiences. It can be quite a juggling act to keep everything going with the right rhythm and timing, as we keep compensating for all the hurts, guilt, fear and other negative emotional waves that have caused imbalance within us. In addition to filling the spiritual gap with the positive energies of self-love, self-forgiveness and daily effort toward a brighter future, we have to get rid of the negative spiritual influences that obstruct overall health.

Tranquil PathA healthy spiritual self is paramount to all aspects of our wellbeing and our choices in how we approach our spirituality can make a difference. There appear to be spiritual extroverts who like to express their spiritual beliefs in the company of others and spiritual introverts who prefer to experience spirituality in solitude. While spiritual dependence on others can interfere with our spirits’ needs, our time alone is most likely the best test for overall balance, because our thoughts, emotions and energy are our own. In the absence of inner harmony, our individual spirits can be adversely affected by the influence of the cumulative negativity that can curtail the body’s ability to self heal.

When you work in harmony with your spirit, you’ll naturally be more mindful and capable of promoting wellness at all levels of your being.

1 Joanna Lumley’s Greek Odyssey. ITV. 2011.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

What is a Spirit?

MonkeyHead Nebula PillarMost of us assume that we know what a spirit is, but you might be surprised at how little knowledge we’ve retained about our spiritual nature – your own spirit quite possibly remains the least understood and most important aspect of your existence!

A spirit sparks the energy of life into an embryo in order to progress during that life experience, but relies on the conscious efforts of its form to conduct that progress. While we would like to think that all spirits have good intentions, a spirit doesn’t necessarily work in the best interests of its physical form. Over its timeless existence a spirit’s intent can be compromised and its knowledge of progress can be misinterpreted or forgotten, leading a spirit to create indefinite hardship for its physical forms.

A spirit’s character is a result of its timeless journey, much like we are the product of our own life experiences. A spirit that was once well-intended may have become frustrated with the inability of its forms to allow it to progress in a meaningful way. Another way that a spirit can become negatively oriented is because it relates its progress in negative instead of positive terms, so it nurtures negativity in its life experiences.

Through my many years of working with people to ensure their healthy connection with their spirit, I’ve found that a surprising number of people have allowed more than one spirit into their forms. In moments of weakness, such as when they’ve experienced emotional episodes of intense fear, anger, hatred or despair, individuals have unwittingly allowed spirits with negative intentions to enter their body. The life consequences of such spiritual negativity can be devastating at all levels of their being.

Shining Horizon.11.2013

A spirit creates a form with the expectation that it will be able to progress, but it’s dependent on its body for direction. Most of us are taught a religious notion of what a spirit or ‘soul’ is, so that we relinquish the responsibility for our spirit to some institution, rather than work with it. A spirit can become imprisoned in its body, accompanied by additional spirits that are permitted entry, or it will leave or be ousted altogether.

If a spirit exists solo in a body, then the positive activities of its form can propel it to a higher state of strength and knowledge. However, if the body is open to other spirits, there’s little chance for a spirit to grow stronger, and it will gradually lose ground. That’s what happened to my spirit when I was a child, since I was taught that my spirit or ‘soul’ belonged to a supreme being that would punish me with eternal damnation if I strayed from the doctrines of my religion. The very fear of that incredible notion, along with my complete spiritual dependency on an institution, made my own spirit idly unable to help me. Additional negative spiritual threats I suffered during a clergy abuse event opened me to more spiritual invasion and further obfuscated my ability to help my spirit progress. Years later, when I acknowledged that we are all responsible for and in control of our own spiritual aspect, I took charge of my spirit and remarkably improved my wellbeing.

Calm MarshA spirit is a sentient being that seeks ways to progress through the direction and participation of its form. If you want a good strong spirit with plenty of positive energy to propel it through its journey with you, you can start by regularly bringing in the Light*, the pure positive energy of the universe, without associating it with anything else to prevent its flow. When you feel the difference, you can go a step further and ask me for help to get rid of the stronger spiritual influences that impede your spirit until you can gain strength yourself.

There’s a wealth of knowledge about the positive spiritual realm that has been usurped and capitalized upon or simply forgotten over the course of history. It’s time to start finding out how a positively oriented spirit can help you to achieve a meaningful and joyful life, while allowing you to enjoy its peace and beauty within!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Your Spiritual Uniqueness

M33 - Traingulum Galaxy  from  hubblesite.org

No one has the same spiritual experience. Just as you are a unique individual, your spirit is different from every other spiritual being in the cosmos, and its experiences can influence your life through its inherent nature and the memories it carries forward.

Since your spirit has probably experienced existences that are incomprehensible to us in our myopic universal view, it may have brought some memories with it into this life that can influence the way your life unfolds. This cumulative information is stored at the spiritual level and can be recognized and acted upon within the spiritual world. This in turn can bring spiritual influence from unexpected sources that can affect you at the physical level.

Since the spiritual realm differs drastically from our tangible experience, there appears to be a misunderstanding of what spiritual knowledge is. Even within your own spiritual belief system you still have a responsibility to help your spirit progress in this lifetime. Otherwise, it moves on into its next existence without having achieved the progress it intended.

Your spirit is unique in all aspects of its being, yet it may have brought with it encumbrances that can interfere with or enhance your life. Not all fortunes come without a higher-level price and not all misfortunes come without a higher-level reason. The term karmic debt has been used to describe what comes from past spiritual experiences, while curses are encumbrances that have been delegated during this current life. As part of my work, I remove the large groups of spirits that comprise such interference, so that my clients can develop and nurture their spirit in a positive spiritual environment.

Your spirit might have had life experiences that surpass your current level of understanding, so you might have to deal with influences that defy all physical means of dealing with them. Spiritual negativity presents challenges that can often create baffling circumstances with one’s life, yet there is always a way through, when you work in a positive way with your spirit.

Your basic spiritual need is to ask for the pure white Light* to come in to remove the negativity that has accumulated within you both spiritually and physically. When you do this regularly on a long-term basis, you should definitely feel the positive effects throughout your entire being.

When you become spiritually aware, that is to say, when you realize that your spirit has sentience and can interact with you, you can start to allow your spirit’s uniqueness to filter through into your physical reality. The most precious possession in life is your spirit, because its uniqueness can make your life a stupendous journey that will propel it into the positive realm.

Even as our civilization melds technology into the fabric of our lives, our spirits will always remain the advanced beings they are, patiently waiting for us to incorporate positive universal knowledge into our collective humanity.

BTW: I work across distance to extend my healing knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Please drop by my other website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Higher-Level Free Will

Spiral Galaxy M100

Spiral Galaxy M100

Expanding on #6 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

We understand what the taking and breaking of free will means and how it’s affected us throughout our lives, but what does it mean to have free will at the higher level?  How would it affect you?

In a similar way to how your free will works, what if your spirit, as a sentient being, also makes choices that affect its wellbeing?  Throughout its quantum existence, your spirit deliberates alternatives that determine positive or negative outcomes as it continues on its timeless journey.

However, what if much of your spirit’s free will has been eroded in a manner similar to the constant conditioning you’ve undergone in your life? Just as your conscious decisions are based on past experiences, observations and incoming suggestions, your spirit’s ability to choose between positive and negative alternatives in the spiritual realm might be influenced in the same way.

How would you know if your spirit’s free will has been weakened or compromised, so that it could be filtering down negative information to you, instead of inspiring you in a positive way?  It would help you to become aware of how to deal with higher-level negativity that could influence your decisions and interfere with your judgment at the physical level, especially if you’re spiritually sensitive.

Furthermore, what if your spirit has already exercised its free will and has chosen to accept negative orientation?  Since your spirit relies on your conscious direction to either accept or reject negativity, and you rely on your spirit to help you counteract negativity with the positive energy of the Light*, you could be working against each other’s will!

Wouldn’t it be great to know you’re working in concert with a spirit that’s positively oriented, so that you can more effectively clear your mind of negative influences during the process of making decisions?

When you learn to work harmoniously with your spirit, you can exercise your free will at all levels by eliminating higher-level negativity that infringes upon your freedom to make positive choices that enhance your wellbeing.


Find out how I can help determine whether your spirit is helping or hindering your efforts to be positive and what to do about it, by visiting my website: OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit


10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit

Star Cluster V838 Monocerotis

Credit: NASA, ESA, and H. Bond (STScI)

If you’ve never heard of working with your spirit, it’s probably because the knowledge has been lost in time with the building of our civilization.  You’ve heard about the spiritual teachings of prophets that had wonderful experiences and sparked the evolution of various religions, and maybe you’ve even followed them, but you’ve never been told about your own innate ability to work with your spirit.

Too many spirits live through countless numbers of lives without any progress, because their forms are oblivious about how to participate in the process.

Here are some of the ways that you could benefit from your essential ability of working with your spirit:

  1. You’ll feel happy inside.  Happy like you did when you were a very young child because, back then, you were working with your spirit as a natural part of being alive.  You’ll learn higher-level ways to counteract incoming streams of depressing thoughts before they overwhelm and send you into emotional gloom.
  2. You’ll get rid of the negativity of fear and doubt.  You’ll realize that a lot of the fears and doubts that cause anxiety come not only from the lingering memories of past experiences, but from outside yourself in the spiritual and inter-dimensional realms.  You’ll learn how to refuse and deal with it effectively.
  3. You’ll stop accepting other forms of negativity.  You’ll have an advantage over the onslaught of negative thoughts and emotions that trigger reactions such as guilt, anger, hatred, sadness, shame, self-pity, jealousy, depression, greed, frustration, possessiveness and all the others that interfere with your feeling of wellness.  Your spirit will assist you to overcome such negativity!
  4. Your self-esteem will skyrocket. Your self-confidence will increase as you exercise self-love.  And you’ll be able to accept and see yourself as the unique, beautiful and worthy individual you truly are!
  5. You’ll be self-motivated to get healthy.  Have you ever wanted to get back into shape, start eating a healthy diet or stop smoking or drinking, but just never got it together?  By self-healing with your spirit, you’ll not only feel motivated, you’ll feel totally at ease as you gain and maintain great health!
  6. You’ll take back your free will.  If you’ve ever struggled against factors that interfere with the direction in which you want to take your life, you’ll take back control by identifying the negative factors that interfere with decision making and cloud your judgment about your needs and wants.  You’ll be in charge of your life once and for all!
  7. You’ll unleash your inner creativity.  One of our greatest attributes we have as human beings is our ability to create.  Not only is it a talent, it’s as necessary to your spiritual well-being as it is to your physical/mental health.  Self-expression brings relaxation and concentration together in harmony as you create an art form that’s uniquely you!
  8. You’ll understand yourself better.  During childhood you probably had a better understanding of yourself than you do now, because you were still working with your spirit.   Once you reconnect, your spirit will bring you a fundamentally comforting sense of self once again.
  9. You’ll feel calm, even amid all the chaos.  When all hell breaks loose around you, you’ll be able to call upon your spirit to help you to return to a tranquil state  within yourself so you can deal with it all cool, calm and collectively.
  10. You’ll progress with your spirit.  As you gain strength by working with your spirit, you’ll progress at both the physical and spiritual levels.  By following the fundamental guidelines of how to remain in the positive realm, you’ll feel more empowered as you incrementally gain and implement positive spiritual knowledge.
If you’re anything like me, once you’ve heard about working with your spirit, you’ll want to start immediately…Your spirit’s waiting for you!

Find out how to get started now at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!


#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit


Begin Being

Image Credit: ESA & NASA

Image Credit: ESA & NASA

Our spirits might explain how the world of quantum mechanics relates to us as human beings, as they are capable of carrying information from one existence to another in a rather ‘spooky’ way.

Just as the universe expanding faster than the speed of light during ‘a’ Big Bang seems to have broken all laws of physics (because expanding space can travel faster than light while particles cannot!), our spiritual aspect transcends space, time and consciousness in a realm that surpasses our current comprehension.

When I first learned that I could work with my spirit, it was as though that notion clicked an immediate response within my psyche.  I could interact daily with my spirit using universal positive principles instead of just dealing with the negative environment on our planet – what a better way to live!

While spirits are constantly interacting at infinite rates in the spiritual realm, our physical sense of spirit is lagging behind at a snail’s pace.  Most people have no idea that their spirit means any more to them than what their religion offers as explanation for its being.  Our bodies are created with far more capabilities to excel at the physical and spiritual levels, yet our spirits have been clumped together in galaxies of various religious beliefs that can offer opposition and even hostility at all levels.

Taking into account the fact that very few of us have considered the potential benefits of interacting with our spirit, most are missing out on the most inspiring influence on our being. Unfortunately, few spirits are given the opportunity to progress in a lifetime, as many are relegated to a position marked: “Unknown”.

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Sabbi (ESA/STScI)

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Sabbi (ESA/STScI)

A spirit wants to work with its body and the Light*; it wants to gain knowledge; it wants to move on to a higher state of existence.  A spirit doesn’t carry forward unnecessary details of this life, but stores vital information during each existence that will assist it at the spiritual level to create its next existence somewhere in the multiverse.

We’re already making some of the most startling cosmological discoveries in the history of our race, yet we are so far behind in spiritual knowledge. If we’re here to learn about our existence, then most of us have a learning disability, because our attention is constantly being absorbed by all of the distractions we’ve created for ourselves.

While many of us are struggling to cope with life’s difficulties and become fixated on our physical wellbeing, our spirits are being ignored and neglected.  However, when we connect with and interact with our own spirit, together we naturally care for and nurture our physical self.

In order for our spirits to excel and penetrate the negative obstacles we encounter at all levels of our being, we need to begin to refuse and counteract negativity to allow positive energy to flow to us and through us.  Then we’ll allow our spirits to shine most brightly as they should.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Perceptive Development

Falls ViewThe other day someone on Twitter asked me to provide some information for their research about how people like me ‘discovered’ our abilities.  There are many circumstances under which someone’s higher-level skills are activated but, for me, there was an underlying desire to develop my inherent skills and a series of events that triggered their activation.  Then my desire to help others who were in a similar state promoted my long journey of working daily to acquire the spiritual and inter-dimensional knowledge necessary to be fully capable of practicing my perceptive and higher-level healing skills.

While it’s true in many cases that someone all of a sudden becomes spiritually activated, I believe that everyone inherently has higher-level abilities, but most people don’t develop them. For those whose abilities are instantaneously given, say after a traumatic accident or illness, there appears to be a spiritual intervention that can be involuntary and destructive.

Very young children are naturally receptive to the spiritual and inter-dimensional worlds, but most are conditioned out of these tendencies very early in life.  Most of us are conditioned to believe in a spiritual being whose very existence transcends all logic of our reality, but we’re hushed when we describe some vision, feeling or event that we’ve experienced outside of that belief system.

House View

Yesterday, while Leo and I took a drive along the scenic falls view drive at Niagara Falls, I reflected back to my earliest years, when I was atoddler enjoying that same view.  I stopped along the way to take a picture of the house where I had lived until I turned 5 years old.  While I don’t remember having any out-of-the ordinary happen to me as a toddler living in the little cottage into which 8 children were crammed, I still have a very clear memory of many events that occurred when I was as young as 2 years of age.  I remember the religious conditioning that started when I was about that young, and I was really taken by it, until I had the brash realization that it was all a fabrication when I was sexually assaulted by the ‘parish priest’ when I was 10.

Sky ViewWhen I was 15 years old and pretty disillusioned about life, I received a vivid vision and telepathic communication from what appeared to be futuristic beings that conveyed to me that my life was some sort of proving ground or run of the gauntlet, so to speak, during which I should adhere to a set of fundamental principles that governed my being. After 15 more years of difficulty in dealing with life’s experiences, I only began to realize the meaning of that event when I met Leo Jean and started to work with my spirit.

For me, the process of the development of my higher-level abilities was actually a daily learning experience to progress with my spirit during which I developed and practiced my inherent skills over 25 years.  I learned to:

  1. Identify the unique vibrations of the types of beings that people on our planet encounter at the spiritual and inter-dimensional levels;
  2. Receive vibrational ‘readings’ from people both in my presence and across distance that signal where their spiritual, inter-dimensional and physical problems lie;
  3.  Receive higher-level/telepathic communication from the individual, their spirit or their higher self about the origin and nature of their problems;
  4. Receive higher-level/telepathic communication about the negative energy/spirits that must be removed in order to eliminate others’ higher-level problems;
  5. Acquire the skill to utilize the purely positive energy of the pure white Light to remove the negative energy/spirits that influence and interfere with my clients’ wellbeing.

In effect, I establish a quantum connection with each individual that signals me when they’re having difficulty, so that I can offer help and knowledge.  A great part of my work entails teaching each client how they can take back control of their spiritual self and higher self in the most positive ways possible.

I really appreciate the interest shown by the researcher and hope I’ve given him an overview of my experience.  Simply put, I didn’t ‘discover’ my skills; I developed them over time through an earnest personal desire to learn about and share knowledge about the higher-level aspects that we all inherently have.

My 1st photo at the Falls: I’m the “baby”.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

How I Met My Spirit
Why I Work With My Spirit


Spirit Anxiety vs. Awareness

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop tri-legged glass pedestalLately I’ve noticed that many of the people directed to my blog site by search engines have been searching for information about how to deal with ‘spirit anxiety’.  When someone is sensitive to the presence of spirits but doesn’t know how to react, the anxiety they experience is the first sign that they’re allowing a spirit to interfere with them.

How do people know that a spirit is around them? 

Some people are more sensitive to the spirit world and can feel, see or hear a spirit.  People can ‘feel’ a spirit through its ability to electrically charge particles, resulting in a drop in ambient temperature or by creating an electrostatic charge that feels like a touch or brush.  Others can ‘see’ a spirit when it presents itself as a shadowy figure or an ‘orb’, which looks like a colored translucent sphere floating in the air.  Some people can ‘hear’ a spirit through the contact that they allow through their mind, usually in the form of a voice that speaks to them.

Why do people become so interested and feel compelled to help a spirit that is trying to contact them?   

Some people become intrigued with the phenomenon and figure that the spirit needs their help or that it’s possibly the spirit of a poor lost soul or one of their loved ones, an ancestor or someone who used to live in their house.  Many feel sorry for a spirit that is lost or wandering, similar to how someone feels sympathy for someone like that at the physical level.  Others get so curious that they can’t stop trying to make contact, because they think it’s exciting.

What’s the right way to proceed?

From my many years of dealing with people who have been troubled by some spiritual interaction or disturbance, I’ve learned that the best and only way for people to deal with spirits is to refuse them completely.  Forget about trying to understand, listen to, feel sorry for or give any other attention to spirits.  Although spirits can incite profound curiosity, try a positive approach and refuse them immediately rather than accept them!

Be aware that positive spirits don’t hang around people, because they don’t break free will.  So, if a spirit trying to ‘contact’ you, it’s actually a spirit that has lost its positive knowledge and should be recognized as a negatively oriented spirit.  Never trust a spirit or try to form a ‘relationship’ with it, because you’d be placing yourself in a vulnerable position.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop tri-legged glass pedestal

Spirits that have lost their positive knowledge can actually present a destructive menace to your wellbeing.  The main reason that spirits come around is to absorb or drain your energy.  Stronger ones can interfere with your thought patterns and alter your emotional state, waiting for an opportune moment, like when you’re struck with excitement or fear, so that they can jump inside one of your spiritual openings when you lose control.  So why would you want them around?

For those who are more advanced in their understanding, it will help you to know that inter-dimensional beings are highly sophisticated spiritually.  Although they can have significantly more negative impact on someone who has accepted them at some level, I recommend that you refuse them in much the same way you would treat incarnate spirits.

My advice is to adopt a positive stance: Instead of anxiety, calm down, relax and focus on refusing and hitting the spirit with the Light.  If this process has little effect, I’m fully capable of helping you.

The best way to counteract spirit anxiety would be to contact me to learn how to work with your own spirit, so that you can gain strength and confidence and eliminate your vulnerability to spiritual interference.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

Spiritual vs. Inter-dimensional Influence
Higher-Level Interference
Higher-Level Conditioning

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Higher-Level Conditioning

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on slate with porcelain and resin dolphin figurineWe’re far more capable of processing information at the higher level than most of us realize.  Over the years I’ve found that the way someone accepts higher-level conditioning is similar to how they accept negative conditioning at the physical level, except that most people are oblivious to how higher-level activity can affect them.

Many people have negatively oriented spirits that bring their negative behavior with them.  Since a spirit has free will, no one can force positive energy onto a spirit that rejects it.  Without a physical form to bring it positive knowledge, many spirits will accept negative conditioning that is filtered down to their body and will continue to operate in a negative realm of existence.

If you accept negativity at any level, you deter your spirit’s progress and it can take on spiritual impediments that prevent you from being able to work with it effectively.  Interaction with otherworldly negative beings at the inter-dimensional level can cause quantum entanglement with those beings, making it harder to refuse to respond to them.

How and when does all this higher-level negativity get started?  Early in life, children are summoned to interact with negative beings in higher dimensions.  If a child chooses to go by responding to the summons, then the beings will condition them to continue to interact with them throughout their lifetime.  Because everyone has free will, if a child chooses not to go, the negative beings can’t force their participation.

However, there are many ways to trick or coerce positively oriented children to participate in negative higher-level practices that will facilitate their inter-dimensional conditioning.  These summons usually occur when a child is sleeping but, since a child is still so attuned to their spiritual self, they can be subject to summoning practically anytime. If a child becomes accustomed to allowing their free will to be broken, their acceptance of future summons into inter-dimensional activities is more likely.  At the physical level, they might continue to allow their free will to be broken, break others’ free will and even break their own free will as a result of this acceptance.

So, how does a child resist going with a sophisticated being with remarkable powers of persuasion?  Many children are born with positively oriented spirits, but are conditioned to accept negativity, because their body is accepting it.  When a child responds to higher-level summoning, the negativity at the spiritual level can be overwhelming and, in some cases, a child’s spirit will be ‘kicked out’ and replaced by a stronger spirit that most often won’t work in the child’s favor.

When a child is approached by negative inter-dimensional beings and has the positive knowledge of how to say “No!” to them, they have the power to refuse properly.  The positive way forward is to continue to refuse, no matter what the enticement or threat.  If a child rejects negative conditioning at the spiritual and inter-dimensional levels, they’re likely to become an adult that carries this knowledge forward.

We all think and act in a certain way, but is it the result of how we accepted conditioning or because we made choices to become as we are?  Why do some people welcome change and new ideas, while others remain inflexible and unable to embrace new ways of thinking?

From my own experience, I kept searching for solutions to help me to ‘kick the habit’ of my stressful negative conditioning.  I knew there was something at the higher level that kept me hanging on to negativity, but there was never anything tangible until I started to acquire positive knowledge.  There was one subtle mark of higher-level conditioning that seemed to serve as a reminder that I had possibly been part of some kind of inter-dimensional activity that I couldn’t remember at the physical level.

When I was a child, I used to wonder how I received the ‘scoop’ mark on my leg.  On the back of my left leg, just below the knee joint, in the fleshy part of the calf I had a shallow wedge-shaped indentation where there appeared to be some flesh missing from my leg.  The ‘scooped out’ part was about 2 inches long in a horizontal direction across the back of my upper calf, about 3/8” wide in the middle and tapered at both ends.  I would have remembered a wound that size, since I was very sensitive to any physical injury.  I asked my mother about it a few times, but she never had an answer, so I figured she must have forgotten or maybe it was some sort of defect.

When I met Leo I showed the unusual scoop mark to him, and asked if he might know what it was.  He asked me to refuse the source, memory and influence of the marking, so that he could remove the negative energy/spirits/beings that were responsible.   Within a few weeks, I remember looking for the scoop mark but it had disappeared from my leg, as though it had never been there before!

With Leo’s help I had succeeded in rejecting whatever I had accepted at the higher level that had caused the scoop mark on my leg.  It was as though the marking was an indication that I had been a willing participant in higher-level activities, even though my participation was inadvertent.  My efforts to work with my spirit, stay in body and reacquire my free will at all levels had yielded immediate results to rescind my acceptance of negative behavior patterns.

Although not everyone has physical markings, by making them aware of how to refuse negative influences at all levels, I’m able to help others override their susceptibility to higher-level conditioning.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Counteracting Negative Impact

Asteroids orbiting in main belt between Mars and Jupiter via hubblesite.org Image Credit: R. Evans & K. Stapelfeldt (JPL) and NASAAt times our existence on this planet seems so precarious, especially when we experience such wakeup calls as the asteroid flyby and explosive meteor over southern Russia February 15th.  Just as world governments bear the responsibility of creating the means by which we can protect our planet from such natural hazards, we all bear the responsibility to refuse negativity so that each of our spirits can progress positively within us.

A few weeks ago, as I was pulling the car onto the road in front of our (former) house outside Montréal, I looked up toward the east and saw a bright fireball cascading across the sky.  Since it was so bright, at first I thought it might have been an aircraft on fire.  But, as I watched it arcing across my line of vision, I saw it glow reddish then disappear, so I knew I’d seen a meteor.  And it was fascinating!  By that time I had already begun to regard the impending impact of a large celestial object striking our planet as a real possibility yet, at that moment, the sight of that fireball simply filled me with a sense of wonder.  Afterward it brought home with greater validity the realization that asteroids are part of our planet’s natural environment.

Although the recent cosmic activity has alerted the general public to the very real possibility of a celestial body creating havoc on our planet, there have already been steps taken by NASA to track and map the largest asteroids, but they’ve only located a few.  What’s needed is international cooperation to fund and create the advanced technology necessary to enable the deflection of such asteroids as Apophis, the big one that’s heading our way in 2029 and again in 2036.  If we do nothing, we risk the chance of a direct hit.  Just thinking about it isn’t enough.

In his Newsweek article, Dr. Michio Kaku outlined some of the proposed technology that would alleviate the threat, adding:

“It is inevitable that one day we will be hit, and hit hard. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. We realize this every time we see the pockmarked surface of the moon. Unfortunately, without an early-warning system, we don’t know when such an impact might take place.”  (See link to entire article below.)

Just like asteroids and comets are attracted to our planet, negativity is at some level attracted to each one of us.   We’re all being bombarded day and night with negativity and, unless we commit to doing something about it, we’re sitting targets to this constant negative pummeling.  The little grains-of-sand meteor-type hits are easy but, eventually, a big hit will come in and bring with it the kind of personal devastation that no one desires.  There are always positive solutions when you’re ready to create them, but it’s always so much harder to counteract negativity when you’re caught off guard in a state of weakness without means and knowledge.

Here are a few ways to fight the negativity in your daily life:

  1. Make a commitment to yourself to refuse negativity whenever it arises. Become more aware of the negativity that you’re accepting.  Take a few seconds to refuse all sources.  As you get used to doing this, you’ll get better at it.
  2. Refusing negativity is the first step, but you also need to replace the negativity with something positive. Remove yourself from the negative environment.  Go for a walk in the fresh air; excuse yourself from a negative conversation; get rid of objects that remind you of past negative situations.
  3. Take steps to change your situation, if you’re unhappy with the way your life is unfolding.  Quit worrying and regretting.  Forgive yourself more often. Start looking for a new job; strengthen or end relationships; move into a new location that suits you better; you get the drift of it!
  4. Love yourself a little more.  Start doing more of the things that you love to do for yourself: Exercise more, eat better, sleep better; play a musical instrument; build something; learn something new that interests and/or pleases you! There are plenty of ways to make your life more positive–be creative!
  5. “Ideally” request a healing/removal from me.  I will immediately remove the large packets of spiritual negativity and allow you to start from a position of strength.
Just as the world needs to find act to diffuse the inevitability of an asteroid hitting the Earth, only by fighting back against negativity, by building strength of resistance and by creating a positive stance will we endure the impact of negative personal onslaughts.

Side note: After our move from Montréal, I thought I’d see if there were any reports on record about the meteor I’d seen. I found that, according to the American Meteor Society, 50 reports had been received about the fireball (a meteor that is larger than normal), and it’s rare for an individual to see one or two fireballs per lifetime. (Wow!)

(Read the article about Event #181 for 2013 here: http://www.amsmeteors.org/2013/01/new-england-fireball-january-23-2013/)

1 “Asteroid Apocalypse”  by Michio Kaku, February 26, 2013 via The Daily Beast:   http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2013/02/25/asteroid-apocalypse-why-scientists-worry-about-2036-planet-buster.html

Related news: 19 March 2013 via Space.com: Asteroid Threat Collides with Earthly Budget Realities in Congress

For more information about my work as a Higher Level Healing Expert

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Spiritual vs. Inter-Dimensional Influence

NGC 4038/4039, Antennae Galaxies (interacting galaxies)  Image credit: NASA, ESA, SAO, CXC, JPL-Caltech, and STScI  Since spiritual interference and inter-dimensional interference seem so similar, the distinctions between them require some explanation.  Spiritual interference takes place when entities from the spiritual realm impose themselves upon people at the spiritual level, while inter-dimensional interference occurs when beings that exist in other dimensions of reality, i.e. space and/or time, interact with someone.

Recently a blogger commented on one of my posts about his experience in summoning spirits.  The 7-year practitioner of Reiki had been schooled in a healing method that involved the use of spiritual ‘guides’. Instead of understanding that it was his lack of knowledge about how to deal with spirits, he was terrified when he started to see the ‘demonic’ faces of spirits as he called in his ‘guides’.  While I agree with him about the misguidedness of the ‘New Age’, he had allowed the beings that presented themselves to influence him to believe that they were representatives of the Light*.

As I learned many years ago, people who summon spirits most often have no idea who or how many they’re summoning.  Despite the best of intentions, the use of spiritual guides can be especially dangerous, because any more powerful spirit or being can step in and interfere.  The vast majority of spirits that are attracted to our planet are negatively-oriented and will readily respond to anyone who summons spirits for any reason.  When a spirit is summoned, it can trigger a reaction from the inter-dimensional realm and bring negative influences upon an unsuspecting person.

Since I started my spiritual work, I have always understood that spirits are not to be fooled around with for any reason.  I never trust a spirit that comes around; I immediately refuse it, because no positive spirit would ever break free will and interfere with me.  The summoning of spirit ‘guides’ is a questionable practice that can entice beings from other dimensional realms to interfere with both the practitioner and their client.   If someone who summons spirits has a negative spirit within, or doesn’t have knowledge of vibrations or doesn’t know how to detect the positive nature of a spirit, they can be heading for trouble, as the blogger described.

Recently, I was impressed by the works of Arthur C. Clarke that were featured in an episode of the series: “Prophets of Science Fiction”.  Although I’ve never read any of Clarke’s novels, I was aware that it was he that had provided the calculations for the geosynchronous orbits of satellites.  Probably even more striking to me was the plot of his first novel in which he described the arrival of aliens resembling demons that hovered above the earth for an entire generation in a cloaked or higher dimensional state while they observed the progress of humans.  Clarke’s depiction of the aliens was similar to what religious people would identify as devils or demons.

Photo by G. Romlewski; tall pink cloud

Clarke’s fictional aliens struck me as awesome since, when I was in the middle of my first conscious spiritual battle, I perceived thefigure of what I can only describe as a satyr superimposed over the body of a human (obviously in another dimension).  Once I had found Leo Jean and told him about my experience, he started to remove the satyr-like beings that were harassing me.  We discovered that those particular beings are very common in the negative realm, but are able to remain secretive in their higher dimensional state while interacting with humans.  They are not only spiritual beings, but they hail from other worlds, where their physical characteristics are the product of their evolution.  Former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell stated recently on TV that he believes we are being visited by beings from other worlds and that they are monitoring our progress. (“UFO Hunters” 2012)

Perhaps Clarke was far more knowledgeable about the inter-dimensional realm, as he brought forward advanced knowledge that could only be introduced as fiction to a closed-minded society.  After all, most of the ‘prophets’ of history had to disguise or encode their writings in order to avoid having them destroyed by religious institutions or the ruling class.  Mitchell, backed by his scientific and aeronautical knowledge and personal experiences, offers a rational approach to the exposure and inevitable acknowledgement that we are not alone.

I work with people from around the world who have suffered the consequences of spiritual and inter-dimensional interference.  So many people wonder why they can’t refuse properly, but they don’t realize that they’ve already accepted negative influences.  The uniqueness of my approach to healing is derived from the acquired knowledge of how to remove spirits according to their distinct vibration from within and around people. 
If people were to refuse inter-dimensional beings at both the spiritual and inter-dimensional levels, their secretiveness would continue to unravel and fewer would be susceptible to their negative influence. 

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Numbered and Encumbered

30Doradus Hodge31Some recent studies in neuroscience have revealed that our human brains are hardwired to be spiritually aware. However, I’ve observed that all living creatures are spiritually aware.  And it’s important to note that spirits are not religious; people are religious.

As a child I was given no choice but to be indoctrinated into the catholic religion’s belief system.  When I questioned certain practices, there was a stern glance and a change of subject.  When I was sexually assaulted by the priest, my only way out was to keep quiet under threat that my entire family would be punished by some omnipotent being.  Now, as the pope resigns and the moral depravity of the RC church has been exposed, I feel a great sense of relief that the church’s days are numbered.

When you enter into a religious belief system, you’re surrendering your spirit or ‘soul’ into the care of that faith.  That means that you’re also accepting and are subject to all of the spiritual encumbrances that come along with your commitment.  For most people, it’s apparent that they feel comfortable being in the company of numbers of people who have similar spiritual inclinations.  As a child, I was subject to every fear, guilty feeling and shame that the church could place on me to keep me in line.

What I’ve learned is that your spirit doesn’t care if you have a faith or religion.  It doesn’t make you any more or less moral or likely to progress with your spirit.  The fact that you wear certain clothes, symbols or wear your beard in a certain fashion doesn’t mean anything to your spirit.  It could care less.  The fact that you might be accepting some spiritual encumbrances does matter.

When your spirit started out with you in this life, it accepted all of the circumstances that you shared.  As you proceeded in life, you helped or hindered your spirit as you made choices that have led you to where you are today.  Whether you’re religious or not, you still have the intuitive tendency to believe that there is more to your life than what’s apparent.  But what is your spirit being subjected to?  Animals are spiritual, and they’re not religious.  Their spirits are experiencing an existence, just like ours are.  Because our evolution gives us different abilities doesn’t mean that we’re any more or less likely to progress spiritually than a dog, dolphin or elephant.

The spiritual knowledge on our planet has been largely lost due to man’s long history of creating religious and other practices that hold people to spiritual encumbrances, like karmic debt, that follow their spirit into each reincarnation.  What they are, in essence, are groups of spirits that attach themselves to the spirit and whatever form it creates in each subsequent lifetime.  So, a spirit can bring many groups of spirits with it that can create a lifetime of interference in many ways.

When Leo and I started to remove spiritual encumbrances, it was a long slow process until we gained enough strength and spiritual knowledge to know how to remove the advanced spirits that summon the groups to attach to a person.  Once we accessed a high level of vibrational knowledge, we’ve been able to successfully remove the layers of huge groups of spirits that cause interference. What a spirit can’t escape is being summoned by their unique vibration, to which they must respond.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture on glass filled with resin and beads

The spiritual level impacts the physical level when someone accepts an encumbrance from someone else. Even if a person thinks they’re helping their spirit by joining a religion, they’re oblivious to and accepting of everything, including spiritual and inter-dimensional influences, that the religion sends with it.

When Leo and I were living in California in the 90’s, we were essentially told to stop providing healing services by the Medical Association because we were not doctors, so we weren’t allowed to heal people.  We consulted with an attorney who stated that the only way we could continue to work with people in California was to create a religion by way of a 501(c)3 corporation.  Since Leo & I were adverse to religion, we moved to Arizona, where the law was different.  Soon afterward it became apparent that, unless we started a religion in the USA, we were going to be harassed by the powerful AMA.  We actually began the process of starting a 501(c)3, but then realized that we were being pushed into a negative practice.  So we moved to Canada, where people can freely heal and be healed without the involvement of a religious institution.

When large groups of spirits are removed from someone, there is a distinct release of higher level negativity that trickles down from the spiritual to the physical level.  Due to the lack of positive spiritual knowledge on our planet, religious institutions thrive by offering negative spiritual encumbrances that bind people into their numbers.

Find out more by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Meeting Challenges

lightningstrikewpDuring the course of our lives, we all face challenges that bring us to the realization that we’re not immune to difficulty.  It’s in how we meet those challenges that tests our resolve, allows us to use our innovative skills and increases our capacity to adapt to change.

Recently, I was faced with some challenges when, two months ago, Leo (my partner of 28 years) fell and broke his upper arm in the dining area of our home.  My first instinct was to make him comfortable, to observe him and not to rush to judgment of his condition.  My greatest concern was that he would be treated in an ill-equipped country hospital 30 miles outside the city.  Within 48 hours, when Leo’s arm was completely black and blue from shoulder to elbow, I had to call the ambulance and, as I expected, the driver refused to take him to the ER in a quality hospital in downtown Montréal.  Leo’s upper arm was indeed broken and he needed to be admitted because of his age (90).

Immediately, I knew that we had to move out of our house, where multiple levels meant stairs everywhere that would put Leo at risk whenever he moved around.  So, I immediately started to look online for a new place that would meet the criteria necessary to make Leo safe.  I decided to look in Ontario, because it proved to be a reality on so many occasions that English people in Québec were treated with disdain, and I wanted to leave that area anyway.  So I drove 300 miles to the west side of Toronto (Canada’s most populous city), and looked for a place in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge area that was all on one level, had underground parking, elevators and was light and bright, of course!

While my first trip into Ontario brought only a few choices that were not fulfilling all the criteria for safety, I had included the Niagara Peninsula in my online searches and, after my return to Montréal, a realtor called to tell me that there was a condo available that sounded ideal for our needs.  So, I made another trip a week later, took a tour that evening and found the ‘perfect place’ for us that exceeded my list of must-haves.

After finding a suitable place to live, my challenges were seemingly just beginning. I returned to find Leo in a worsening condition at the country hospital.  An MRI scan found that he had also suffered a pelvic fracture, the reason why he wasn’t able to stand up yet.  Then, to make matters worse, members of the care staff were rushing him to eat and he ended up with pneumonia.  So, if the effects of the morphine for the fractures weren’t enough, he was now on antibiotics for the infection.  He was losing weight and wouldn’t eat even the food that I was bringing from home.

As a very high level healer, Leo is very sensitive to the energy around him, and he was immersed in the destructive energy of that care facility.  On two occasions, when I walked in Leo’s room to visit with him as I did every day (except on the days of my trips to Ontario), I found him naked and shivering on his bed, with no care staff around.  The second time, it happened to be December 25th and, while I don’t celebrate religious holidays, I found it to be clearly negligent to treat an elderly person with fractures that way.  I was livid and couldn’t stand to see him remain there for one more day.

The next day, I went to the hospital and asked to have Leo’s doctor release him into my care, so that I could transfer him to one of the facilities downtown.  After four hours of waiting for the doctor to arrive, he indignantly stated that he knew I wasn’t ‘satisfied’ (understatement!) that it would be too hard on Leo to move him to another hospital.  I assured him that I was prepared to transfer him and would provide Leo’s power of attorney in the morning. (I wouldn’t have had the authority over the doctor if I didn’t have the p.o.a.; something of importance for spouses!)

The following day the forecast was for 18 inches of snow and, on my way to the country hospital, I drove past trucks that had driven off the road, small groups of cars that had stopped to clean the ice off their windshields and many abandoned cars.  After Leo was released to my care, a medical transfer truck took him downtown while I drove very carefully through a blizzard that was sending the entire Island of Montréal into chaos.  Leo was admitted to the downtown hospital with ‘weakness’ and treated for dehydration.  I noted a definite difference in the energy level at this facility.

After 2 weeks, I arranged a meeting with the professional team of doctor, head nurse, physiotherapist and social worker to discuss what plan was needed for Leo to get back on his feet.  The doctor explained that, after 6 weeks, Leo’s pelvic fracture was not interfering with his ability to walk; the physiotherapist explained that Leo quite possibly couldn’t stand up.  My first reaction to this attitude was that I would be glad to be present at the physiotherapy sessions, if they would just tell me when they were going to work with him.  When I visited with Leo afterward, I told him what the team had said, then I spent the night refusing the negativity and focusing on getting positive results.

The following day, I sat in on the physiotherapy ‘session’.  The therapist had such a negative approach and I could see that Leo wasLeo Jean's Starlike© Art sculpture atop crystal triangular heart refusing her and, thus, refusing to work with her.  After the physiotherapist left, Leo kept trying to stand up on his own, so I called for someone to help.  An orderly brought a walker and Leo headed out of the room and down the hall.

The doctor just happened to be standing outside the room with the head nurse and yelled out: “It’s a miracle! ” and many heads popped out of doorways to have a look.  Everyone was quite amazed.  The head nurse told me that it was incredible how I was able to elicit such a response from Leo and further noted that my energy was remarkable.  From that day forward, Leo’s health and mobility have improved steadily.  I only facilitated Leo’s determination to ‘get mobile’; the effort was his.  From my point of view, much could be gained from integrating higher level healing into a medical environment to improve the wellbeing of both patients and staff.

For the duration of this entire episode, I have maintained my positive self.  I never stopped working with my spirit and my higher self, as they gave me the inspiration and energy to get through it all.  My ability to refuse the draining negativity that was hitting me mentally, emotionally and physically was certainly put to the test.  However, as each new obstacle emerged, I was able to meet them with real solutions that brought positive results, because I envisioned those results and worked to achieve them.

After all the packing, moving and unpacking (still in progress), Leo and I are now settling in and enjoying our light bright place in Niagara Falls!

Find out more about my work by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


No Worries…Just the Best Possible Outcome

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on shiny blue glassSome of the most negative thinking comes to mind as regret or worry.  Regrets are negative thoughts about the past, while worries are negative thoughts about the future.  Neither of them has any validity in the present, but they are recurring thoughts that unnecessarily interfere with our wellbeing.

The best way to deal with such negative thinking is to at first realize that it’s just wasted time.  Leo used to always ask people: “Do you worry a lot?”  With the almost-always affirmative reply, he’d say:

“If you worry a lot, then you’re a professional at doing nothing.  You have to act to do something about it.”

Those strong words were directed at me when I first met Leo, because I was under a cloud of worry-tivity – my world was full of worry.  I worried about everyone else, too, because I had become an expert at worrying.  I spent my childhood learning all about the ins and outs of worrying from my mother who was an expert at worrying about everything and everybody.  That’s even worse than worrying about one’s own problems, because there’s really nothing anyone can do about someone else’s problems.

I gladly learned that worrying is simply fear of the future.  While we can and should act to make our future the reality that we desire, we still have to go through all the positive steps that will lead to that future.  Our lives are a work in progress, so we need to understand that every constructive action we take will lead us in a positive direction toward our goals.  And we must be prepared to ad lib and make changes as external events act upon us.

Worrying takes us nowhere, but it causes a distraction in our normal thought processes and takes us into the negative realm.  Once we’re submersed in negative thinking patterns (i.e. the go-nowhere good-for-nothing worrying), we also attract negative energy/spirits that fuel the process and feed off of the negative energy that we’ve created.

When I was learning to refuse negativity, I learned to counteract the act of worrying, that had forced me into the corner of doing nothing about my problems.  While I was worrying, I wasn’t formulating a plan of how to solve my problems; I was just adding to them.  While I was a ‘worry-wart’ I was unable to disassociate myself from the future negativity that I was creating in my mind.  In other words, I was heading straight into negative territory every time I worried.

In addition to attracting negative energy/spirits when we worry a lot, there are greater spiritual implications.  Mental and emotional negativity converge at the throat chakra and can allow damage to the spiritual opening, causing additional physical side effects such as thyroid malfunction.  When I started to work with my spirit and learned to refuse the negativity that invaded my thoughts every time I thought about my future, I was able to direct myself in a positive direction.  Not only had I been creating undue mental stress, but I was unable to enjoy the luxury of physical relaxation.  When I let go of my worrying, I was able to allow my body to relax and heal.  As I learned to relax, refuse negative thoughts and to take action to direct my own future, I let go of my expertise at worrying and all its negative side effects.

 “Energy turned back on itself creates stress.  Energy allowed to flow freely allows relaxation.” ~Leo JeanLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on slice of blue rock

As I worked with my spirit and emerged from my worrying pastime, I saw so much more potential in my life than as a survivor of spousal abuse.  In a time of high unemployment while I was training to work as Leo’s assistant, I found interim work as the manager of a portrait studio (350 applicants) and renewed my interest in coaxing babies to break out their smiles (toothless or not!)  Once I started to love myself, believe in myself and care for myself both physically and spiritually, I abandoned my expertise at worrying and became the director of my future.

Whether we believe in fate or determinism, it seems true that everything happens for a reason so that we can learn and benefit from both the positives and the negatives in life.  As long as we direct ourselves in the best ways possible, it does us no good to worry about events that are beyond our control.  For instance, while we await the ‘end date’ of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, we can choose to view it simply as the end of a calendar, as the date of a possible global catastrophe or as the beginning of an enlightened era in human history.  From the quantum perspective of the Many Worlds Theory, every action we take could manifest countless alternative outcomes in other parallel universes, but we get only one.

As we gain more insight about our place in the multiverse, we ought to face our future with confidence and optimism for the best possible outcome, so that we can allow ourselves to prosper at all levels of existence.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Related posts:
Choose to Use Your Free Will
Mayan People Did Not Predict World to End in 2012 (BBC)
Doomsday Myths Debunked (Space.com)

Spiritual Solutions

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on glass filled with layers of colored resinOn this rollercoaster of life we all face a myriad of problems, and it’s the way in which we approach solutions that brings the optimum outcome.

Many of us suffer from the anxiety of our problems, while others seem to have a carefree attitude about life.  What makes some of us worriers while others are seemingly worry free?  A lot of it depends on your perception and how you let your problems affect you, but many people receive much more higher level interference than others.

One of the principles of my work is: “Every problem has a solution at the spiritual level.” ~Leo Jean   Over time I’ve learned to apply it to problem solving by combining both physical and spiritual practices.

When you receive the news that you have a problem, you react in a positive or negative manner.  There seem to be differences in whether a problem is personally  or extraneously generated but, in both instances, there are similar ways to constructively attain a solution.

If I initially react to a problem with a negative attitude, I can expect to get a negative response because I’m attracting negative energy at the higher level.  In turn the negative energy attracts negative spirits that can group together and cause a mushrooming cluster of negative energy.  That would certainly prevent the ease at which I find a positive outcome to any problem!  (Like someone who gets very angry when they receive bad news and starts yelling or badmouthing someone else.  Or someone who blurts out a litany of despair about how unfair life is.)

On the other hand, if I’m presented with a problem, no matter how difficult it seems, I can take several positive approaches to help me as I work with my spirit to effect a positive change.  Here are some ways that I’ve learned to reach solutions that incorporate both physical and spiritual approaches:

  1. I immediately refuse the impact of the negative news at the spiritual level.  In this way, I refuse to invite or attract negative energy.  It’simportant to remind yourself to keep your spiritual openings closed, since they tend to fling open at such times.
  2. I look objectively at the pros and cons of the decisions that I must make, and I refuse and hit all negative thoughts and emotions with the Light*, since fear doubt and worry can cause interference as I take a reasonable approach to solving my problem. (As a bonus for my efforts over time I’ve learned how to work with my spirit to remove any negative spirits that come to interfere with me during this process.)
  3. I consider most problems to be negative impediments to my present and future well-being, so I turn the problem into a challenge that must be met in order to make my life better.
  4. Once I’ve refused properly, I then ask my higher self to help me to reach the right resolution.  Then I let it go and do something else for a while until I receive the answer.  Depending on the magnitude of the issue, I give my higher self enough time to allow a decision that will usually come to me while I’m in a relaxed state.
  5. While I’m in the ongoing process of dealing with my problem, I stick to the plan and continue to refuse properly so that I can minimize negative interference.
You can effect a suitable solution rather quickly by applying this practice to everyday or major problems, as you integrate positive spiritual knowledge into the process.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe



Higher-level Interference

Leo Jean's Starlike© spiralling paper sculpture on glass baseUnless they interfere with me or my clients I never get involved with spirits, because I refuse their influence completely and respect their right to exist in their present state.

Just like us, spirits are free to choose, and they have the right to be positive or negative.  However, there are countless lost/aimless/negative spirits that find clever ways to feed off the energy of people and animals.  Many of today’s children accept higher-level interference, simply through their intense interest in the occult, vampires, zombies and other negative trends.

Very early in my work, when I was learning about the nature of spirits, I participated in the removal of some negative spirits from the houses of some of our clients.  A middle-aged couple had made an appointment to see Leo and me because they were suffering from  headaches and sleeplessness since they had moved into their home about a year earlier.  In the process of their healing they realized that, because their spiritual openings were jammed open, they were much more vulnerable than they had imagined.  Once they had made a commitment to refuse negativity, we were only too happy to accommodate their request to do some ‘ghostbusting’ in their home.

A few days later when we arrived at their place, their big German Shepherd greeted us at the front door.  The Mrs. explained that their dog refused to go into their bedroom and was often reluctant to venture up the staircase.  As we took a tour of the house, Leo and I picked up (removed with the Light*) the negative spirits that lingered in some of the rooms downstairs.  As we started up the large wooden staircase, I could feel a coldness that hovered at the top of the stairs.  The woman pointed into the bedroom at their beautiful antique wooden bedroom set, saying that she thought her dog might be afraid to go near it.  As we stood in the doorway, we began to remove a large group of spirits that had attached themselves to the furniture, in particular, to the bed and a large dresser with mirror.

Within a few minutes, Leo turned and called to the dog that had been watching the whole process from the foot of the staircase.  After it bounded up the stairs, Leo took the dog inside the room where it sniffed around, then sat down on the floor at the foot of the bed.  The Mrs. was so flabbergasted, that she clapped her hands, then grabbed Leo and gave him a big hug.  While her husband laughed and petted his dog, she said she never thought her dog would enter the bedroom and was so happy to have him there.

Many people don’t realize how sensitive animals are to spirits.  From my experiences over the last 27 years, I understand more about how both humans and animals are affected by the presence of negatively-oriented spirits around them.  Here’s another more humorous account of a ‘ghostbusting’ that we conducted at the house of another client in California that brings home the acute spiritual awareness of man’s best friend:

 (Leo’s account from our 1997 interview with Voice of America)

 “We received a phone call about a year and a half ago and the woman said she has a little poodle, a little French Poodle, and she could not stop it from chewing the leg on the bench of the piano.  He barked at it and was going wild.  The dog came over to me and grabbed my finger and he took me to the piano bench.  I knew already there was a big spirit over there and so I removed the spirit and the dog somersaulted and licked my hand and licked his owner’s hand and it was a sight!”1

Once the spirit was removed, the lady said that the dog never bothered with the piano bench again.

Since then, I’ve had many other experiences with the removal of spirits from our clients’ residences but, interestingly, instead of having to visit each residence in person, I now regularly conduct ‘ghostbusting’ services for clients across the world.  When necessary to facilitate their spiritual healing, I can detect the presence of spirits in the rooms of a client’s home as they walk through them.  From my reading of their environment in this way, I can conveniently read the vibrations of the spirits and remove them just as effectively as if I’m standing next to the client.

Higher-level interference can occur in so many ways: through thoughts, emotions and from within one’s home or work environment, and it’s important never to trust that any positive behavior will be exhibited by spirits.  When I deal with negatively oriented spirits I offer them the chance to immerse themselves in the Light or to find themselves encapsulated, so they can never interfere with anyone again.

1 “Ghostbusters in California”, Voice of America interview by Greg Flakus, Los Angeles Bureau Chief, Westlake Village, California, 10/23/97.

Find out more about my work by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe