Counteracting Negative Impact

Asteroids orbiting in main belt between Mars and Jupiter via Image Credit: R. Evans & K. Stapelfeldt (JPL) and NASAAt times our existence on this planet seems so precarious, especially when we experience such wakeup calls as the asteroid flyby and explosive meteor over southern Russia February 15th.  Just as world governments bear the responsibility of creating the means by which we can protect our planet from such natural hazards, we all bear the responsibility to refuse negativity so that each of our spirits can progress positively within us.

A few weeks ago, as I was pulling the car onto the road in front of our (former) house outside Montréal, I looked up toward the east and saw a bright fireball cascading across the sky.  Since it was so bright, at first I thought it might have been an aircraft on fire.  But, as I watched it arcing across my line of vision, I saw it glow reddish then disappear, so I knew I’d seen a meteor.  And it was fascinating!  By that time I had already begun to regard the impending impact of a large celestial object striking our planet as a real possibility yet, at that moment, the sight of that fireball simply filled me with a sense of wonder.  Afterward it brought home with greater validity the realization that asteroids are part of our planet’s natural environment.

Although the recent cosmic activity has alerted the general public to the very real possibility of a celestial body creating havoc on our planet, there have already been steps taken by NASA to track and map the largest asteroids, but they’ve only located a few.  What’s needed is international cooperation to fund and create the advanced technology necessary to enable the deflection of such asteroids as Apophis, the big one that’s heading our way in 2029 and again in 2036.  If we do nothing, we risk the chance of a direct hit.  Just thinking about it isn’t enough.

In his Newsweek article, Dr. Michio Kaku outlined some of the proposed technology that would alleviate the threat, adding:

“It is inevitable that one day we will be hit, and hit hard. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. We realize this every time we see the pockmarked surface of the moon. Unfortunately, without an early-warning system, we don’t know when such an impact might take place.”  (See link to entire article below.)

Just like asteroids and comets are attracted to our planet, negativity is at some level attracted to each one of us.   We’re all being bombarded day and night with negativity and, unless we commit to doing something about it, we’re sitting targets to this constant negative pummeling.  The little grains-of-sand meteor-type hits are easy but, eventually, a big hit will come in and bring with it the kind of personal devastation that no one desires.  There are always positive solutions when you’re ready to create them, but it’s always so much harder to counteract negativity when you’re caught off guard in a state of weakness without means and knowledge.

Here are a few ways to fight the negativity in your daily life:

  1. Make a commitment to yourself to refuse negativity whenever it arises. Become more aware of the negativity that you’re accepting.  Take a few seconds to refuse all sources.  As you get used to doing this, you’ll get better at it.
  2. Refusing negativity is the first step, but you also need to replace the negativity with something positive. Remove yourself from the negative environment.  Go for a walk in the fresh air; excuse yourself from a negative conversation; get rid of objects that remind you of past negative situations.
  3. Take steps to change your situation, if you’re unhappy with the way your life is unfolding.  Quit worrying and regretting.  Forgive yourself more often. Start looking for a new job; strengthen or end relationships; move into a new location that suits you better; you get the drift of it!
  4. Love yourself a little more.  Start doing more of the things that you love to do for yourself: Exercise more, eat better, sleep better; play a musical instrument; build something; learn something new that interests and/or pleases you! There are plenty of ways to make your life more positive–be creative!
  5. “Ideally” request a healing/removal from me.  I will immediately remove the large packets of spiritual negativity and allow you to start from a position of strength.
Just as the world needs to find act to diffuse the inevitability of an asteroid hitting the Earth, only by fighting back against negativity, by building strength of resistance and by creating a positive stance will we endure the impact of negative personal onslaughts.

Side note: After our move from Montréal, I thought I’d see if there were any reports on record about the meteor I’d seen. I found that, according to the American Meteor Society, 50 reports had been received about the fireball (a meteor that is larger than normal), and it’s rare for an individual to see one or two fireballs per lifetime. (Wow!)

(Read the article about Event #181 for 2013 here:

1 “Asteroid Apocalypse”  by Michio Kaku, February 26, 2013 via The Daily Beast:

Related news: 19 March 2013 via Asteroid Threat Collides with Earthly Budget Realities in Congress

For more information about my work as a Higher Level Healing Expert

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