7 Ways to Take Back Control

     At this or at any time, you may be looking toward changes that will boost your energy, improve your outlook, and motivate you to move forward into the future you envision.  With all that’s going on in the world, it would be highly beneficial to assume control over the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your life that you may have relinquished to something or someone else.  Although there are elements of our lives over which we have little or no control, there are some things that we can control quite effectively.  Here are a few ways to get started…

  1. Identify what makes you feel out of control, such as your overall personal state, your relationships with others, or your financial condition.A solution for every problem may not seem readily apparent, so take some time to work through how to proceed towards the changes you would like in your life.
  1. Take responsibility for how you arrived in this condition, because then you can do something about it. It’s easy to blame others, but we personally make the decisions that set the direction of our lives.  But don’t be too hard on yourself – being kind to your mind can help you work out a solution without emotional interference.
  1. Forgive yourself. Consider your situation from a nonjudgmental point of view, and factor in the positive elements that presently exist in your personal world.  Get serious about your health and start looking after yourself.  Nurture the relationships you have with people that you care about and strive to be around the family, friends, and colleagues that make you feel comfortable.
  1. Relax and reflect. Learning to fully relax allows your mind to reflect upon the positive and negative aspects of how regaining control could affect your current situation.  Look at how your reaction to your problem has affected you energetically.  Are you allowing old habits to interfere with your progress?  Are you burning out because you’re trying to do too much all the time?  Do you allow your relationships with some people to drain your energy?  Do you procrastinate a lot?  Are you frustrated with your work?
  1. Make a change plan. Define the changes can be made immediately to help you to start taking back control of your well-being. Then include those aspects of your world that you care about and either start with easy small changes or reflect upon how realistic it will be to make big changes immediately possible.  Think things through – then get going to change the rest until you feel like you’re gaining control once again.  The longer you linger, the less motivated you might feel about taking the necessary steps toward improvement.  Then be ready to adapt to changing circumstances that inevitably affect any plan along the way.
  1. Practice self-love and self-acceptance. All your life experiences have made you who you are as a unique individual.  Continue to develop and enjoy those attributes as you bring yourself into a state of balance, so that you’re able to make any desired changes for additional improvement.
  1. Work within. By learning to work within with your spirit and by practicing some essential skills, your efforts may bring clarity to your self-perception and help motivate you to quickly take back control in a relaxed and confident manner.

We are far more capable than our current awareness!  Taking back control means attending to the things that you perceive as important in your life and by selectively choosing the aspects over which you feel you have the ability and confidence to improve.  Now you can get started!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

💫 💖✨

♡ Love at All Levels ♡

Red Roses.wp

♡ LOVE ♡

Love is a state in which we all thrive.  Love embraces us with health and happiness, as it instills us with vibrant energy.  We all need love throughout our lives and have the power to give and receive love, as well as share the energy that love generates through our relationships with others.  We can also improve and elevate our personal wellbeing by  experiencing self-love, which allows us to live in harmony with our spirits.

Once you truly love yourself, you’ll be more capable of loving someone else.  Basically, self-love is nonjudgmental self-acceptance.  When you love yourself completely, you’ll exercise control over any negative thoughts and feelings that have prevented you from appreciating your own self-worth.  As a result, you’ll be able to share your love and positive emotions more easily with someone else.  Self-love extends outwards when we’re friendly, respectful, and helpful to others.  More broadly, you’ll be less judgmental and more understanding of others in the world.


Love generates positive energy.  Self-love initiates the process of wellbeing and facilitates a positive state in which your spirit can progress.  In order to fulfill the physical responsibilities as a person who nurtures a positively oriented spirit, you can actively maintain your physical health to ensure that you create a positive physical environment in which your spirit can interact with you.  When you care about your mental and emotional wellbeing, your ongoing efforts to remain relaxed, clear-minded, and emotionally positive will provide another level of positive behavior to help your spirit feel comfortable in your body.  Generally, self-love generates the positive energy that is required to successfully meet all the challenges that life presents.

From my own perspective, my relationship with my spirit motivates and helps me to maintain self-love.  I care deeply about my spiritual self, as I extend love into a higher level of my being.  The process of self-love allows me to provide a positive state in which my spirit can thrive within me.  In this way, I am always ready to keep my commitments to myself, to remove the negativity that I encounter, and to find a positive outcome for every situation.

Love is to be expressed in so many ways, and self-love brings happiness and self-esteem into our being at all levels!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is, when you work with a positively-oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com


♡ Love on the Wall ♡


♡ Love on the Lawn ♡

Aspire Higher in 2019!

HorizonalTangentwpNow that we’re entering another new year, we can look forward to the many prospects before us.  We can take advantage of this new calendar year to make the changes that will take us in the direction that we want to go!

From year to year our memories contain the highlights of our lives.  However, our day-to-day experiences could hold so much more significance if we were to think about progressing at a higher level. Each day holds such great potential for personal advancement, yet it’s so easy to get lost in the activities of the day and lose attention for what we really want to be doing.  Our thoughts about the world around us contain the elements of negative and positive processes that can cause either deteriorating or ameliorating experiences.  If we were to consider ourselves as spiritual beings that can work through our higher consciousness, we could view our existence as an opportunity to gain positive universal knowledge.  In this way, we can increase our awareness of how we can be positive in each moment and stand up for ourselves, so that we can maintain our energy and enthusiasm for reaching our preferred state of being.


From the perspective that our spirits operate at a much higher level than we do, we could   effectively use a higher-level standard to guide us toward a more positive life experience.  Rather than waste precious time thinking about what could or should be happening in life, we could be working at the higher level every day to promote our own spiritual progress.  Working toward a state of harmony within naturally contributes to our wellbeing, and allows us to generate the strength and means to achieve our goals.

In 2019, let’s aspire to have the kind of existence we desire…

Let’s use our imagination and create our future as we visualize it to be.

Let’s be kind to ourselves and practice patience and understanding along the way, so that we feel comfortable with the process of creating positive changes.

And let’s smile to express who we are at the spiritual level and draw from our inner beauty and strength.

2019 is going to be amazing!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Help Your Spirit & Help Yourself

Lake Louise 7.2018 wpSometimes life can seem difficult under present circumstances, but you can direct yourself toward the life experience you desire by acquiring positive spiritual knowledge.  The initiation of positive changes is one of the best ways to provide yourself with the unique experiences that can strengthen you as you adapt to meet new challenges that help both you and your spirit to progress toward a positive state.

Resolving issues in your life can take time and effort to accomplish.  It’s easy to imagine that remaining in the same predicament won’t make spiritual negativity or any other kind of negativity go away.  Rather than continuing on an unintended trajectory in life, you can get help to change direction by working with your spirit.

Overcast Plains.wp

From my own perspective, I learned to utilize positive higher-level skills that helped me to overcome the negative onslaught that typically accompanies life-bettering endeavors.  After many years of hesitation, four years ago I made a legal claim against the RC Church to expose the perverted actions of a previously undetected pedophile priest that had sexually assaulted me as a child.  Although there was a great deal of anxiety caused by churning up all the memories of the abuse and its effects on my early life, the telling of my story helped me to remove the balance of the lingering spiritual negativity.

Most often, fear and shame force victims into silence.  Sexual abuse at any age causes great spiritual impairment, as the direct and indirect consequences increasingly inundate a survivor with negativity.  However, the growing number of people who have been coming forward to report sexual abuse or harassment brings strength to all those who have remained silent.  Immediately before the #MeToo movement went viral last year, I had just completed legal proceedings against the church.  Like so many people, I had been fearful of the difficult process of confronting the church’s protective and scheming lawyers, who were rudely skeptical of my story.

Ocean Horizon Sunset.wpA spirit gains strength when its body fights fear.  This week’s grand jury report that exposed the decades-long activities of predatory priests in Pennsylvania make me feel elated that so many survivors have finally come forward!  Innocent survivors that should never be ashamed and fearful.  However, the ever-silent and complicit Vatican officials’ feeble responses indicate their unwillingness to properly deal with the pedophilia that runs rampant in their institution.  It’s essential for all survivors to fight back against any criminal who destroyed their joy and initiated difficulty in their life.

When you strive for a positive future, self-love brings you increasingly closer into harmony with your spirit.  When you stop loving yourself, due to fear, shame, or guilt, you diminish the strength of your spirit and risk being overwhelmed by spiritual negativity.  If you’ve suffered any abuse in your lifetime, it’s finally time to come forward and talk about it, so you can fight back, and initiate the change you need to return to a state of self-love.

Full Moon Tranquility.wp

Everything happens for a reason and, as an innocent child, I had absolutely no spiritual knowledge.  Now I work strongly at the spiritual level without fear and with total confidence in my spirit’s wisdom and ability!

You can facilitate your own spiritual progress by loving yourself more each day and by standing up for yourself – especially against the negativity that makes you feel fearful and vulnerable.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Your 2018 Creation


A Path.wpAs 2018 approaches and we reflect upon our experiences during the past year, we can now look forward to making some changes that can truly make a difference in our lives.  There’s no sense in dreaming about the life we want – we have to break out of our old habits and start making those positive changes happen!

Although this past year has sped by like a whirlwind and may have been full of personal challenges, we are once again peacefully standing on the threshold of yet another year full of amazing potential.  The thoughts spinning in our heads throughout the year about how to proceed toward our objectives in life can at any time be turned into resolute action toward self-improvement and the achievement of those goals.

However, all change needs a starting point, and for some of us the New Year is the time to make it happen.  When you consider that our lives are continuously changing all the time, making that first meaningful step toward positive change is part of an evolving process that requires ongoing patience and determination.  Whether it’s now or at any time during the year, it seems like we have to take a daring step out of our comfort zone to initiate the positive changes that propel us into the kind of life we want to live.

Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant

Many of us have discovered the powerful tool of working within to attain harmony with our spirit.  When you carry through with a commitment to work with your spirit in a positively prescribed manner, you’re promoting pivotal change at the spiritual level.  As the benefits of this change filter through to you at the physical level, you will have access to unique advantages that will help you attain your desired goals.

In the coming year, as you make daily effort toward a positive future, you will also enhance your spirit’s eternal journey.  In return, your spirit can supply the resiliency and inspiration that helps transform your resolutions into reality, while keeping you on track with daily enthusiasm for the process.

Here are some helpful ways to help you to promote harmony with your spirit on a daily basis:

  1. Love yourself completely! Make the incremental changes that help you feel great about yourself – eat healthier, exercise regularly, get adequate sleep, be creative   –and smile!
  2. Believe in yourself by thinking and speaking in a positive manner about yourself, your accomplishments, and your future objectives.  Refrain from being treated poorly by anyone – never be afraid to speak out and stand up for yourself!
  3. Refuse negative thoughts and feelings, and replace them with positive ones that will alleviate negative remnants of past memories and influences.  Lingering negativity, such as fear, can be reduced by your conscious refusal and counteraction!
  4. Bring positive universal energy into your body and spirit to help you become more positive.  Remember that the pure white “Light” will respond only when you are in a positive state.
  5. Create your positive changes in 2018 by setting realistic goals that can be accomplished in a reasonable time frame.  Be prepared to face external events over which you have no control, and adapt your changes accordingly.

How will your 2018 creation look?  Let’s get going toward a positive future full of inner harmony that accumulates over time and yields real results!

Western Sky.wp


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Promoting Spiritual Advancement

Sailboat 7.8.2017Many believe that we should live with the spirit we’re born with because we have no power to change it. I believe that the wellbeing of our spiritual selves is at the core of our being, and that instigating the change that a spirit needs to advance in this lifetime is a fundamental necessity.

The influences that occur both inside and outside of your realm of control can affect you at all levels, and bring either positive or negative progress to your spirit.  At the global level, spirituality can be viewed as a conglomeration of either destructive or constructive energy that transmutes the nature of our planet. While war and injustice generate negative spiritual power within a nation, a peaceful and prosperous country can positively benefit the spiritual nature of its population. Just as we can immediately feel the impact of the change in a country’s leadership, the positive or negative changes in the nature of your spirit can make a drastic difference in the course of your life.

While there should be more enlightened spirits in the universe, there are too many that have succumbed to negative enticement. A spirit initially comes into being with full positive knowledge but, over the span of an infinitely enduring existence, it can lose ground and allow the deterioration of its luminosity and intelligence. This is why some people begin with spirits that have abandoned, forgotten or otherwise lost their positive knowledge, creating conflict instead of harmony in their lives.

Through no fault of their own, many have been born with a spirit that has undermined its own progress by accepting negative conditioning at some stage in its existence. A negatively oriented spirit resists positive change, because it’s been compromised by stronger negative influences and purely positive energy has become foreign or unpleasant. In order to counteract higher-level resistance and promote real spiritual progress at the personal level, a firm and dedicated commitment is needed to instill one’s spirit with the positive knowledge that will allow it to progress toward a purely positive state.

Orion Nebula, M42, NGC 1976

Sometimes a spirit will become inundated with negativity that inhibits its ability to generate the energy it needs to resist negativity and effect positive changes. Many of us began with a spirit that was strong and positively oriented until we were subjected to abuse as children, severing the essential connection with our spiritual self, as well as suffering the loss of much of our inherent spiritual knowledge. When we learn how to work at the higher level to properly refuse higher-level negativity, we restore the connection with our spirits and help them to gradually increase their strength and knowledge.

Even when we’ve learned to identify and stand up against the obstacles that interfere with our wellbeing at the physical level, those efforts alone won’t necessarily promote strength at the intangible spiritual level. Negativity at any level can simply promote more negativity with minimal effort. It’s popular, but rather ineffective to say: “I’m only going to have positive thoughts and everything will turn out right.” Instead, this kind of wishful thinking can leave you vulnerable – especially at the spiritual level – because you’re not actively doing anything to deter higher-level negativity.

Through my work I’ve learned that, when I help someone to change their spirit, it stimulates fundamental changes their life. It may sound strange, but spirits can and do make commitments to remain negatively oriented, and could continue with tendencies that undermine someone’s ongoing efforts for improvement. However, when the solitary spiritual being that animates your consciousness willingly cooperates, it can infuse your life experience with the optimal advantages that accompany spiritual advancement.

You could help complete your spirit’s journey in this lifetime, instead of wasting spiritual time!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

LOVE Today

This is one of my favorite Starlike© paper art sculptures by Leo Jean. It represents self-love, as shown by the 3 stars on the heart: my spirit, my higher self and my body. The square is covered on 5 sides by stacked paper stars of various colors, the dimensions of my being into which I extend my self-love.Of all the holidays celebrated during the year, my favorite is Valentine’s Day because it’s all about the expression of LOVE!

In my perspective, LOVE between two people is the result of being able to authentically share life’s experiences in an atmosphere of honesty, trust, understanding and patience, while openly expressing mutual respect, affection and appreciation.

Love is not obligatory or bounded within a cage – true LOVE is happiness with wings!

People fall in and out of love, so it’s good to remember that sex is not love…but it’s so incredible when you have it with the one you LOVE!

Once you achieve the state of self-love you’ll find it so much easier to find LOVE, because you’ve already acquired the essential qualities that you’ll need to truly and unconditionally love someone else."Glowing Hearts" by Leo Jean (aka Leo's Logo)

I hope you’re sharing lots of positive LOVE energy today with the one you LOVE!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com


Infusing Change Into 2017

Trampler 14: Glittering star cluster.At this time of the year many of us are reflecting upon our past year, and find ourselves speculating about how to approach 2017. I always think of each New Year as an opportunity for a brighter future, when we can let go of past fears, be grateful for who we are right now, and renew our efforts to make the kind of positive changes we want to enhance our future.

Before we start any new endeavour, we first have to clean our mind slate of all the unpleasant memories of past difficulties, so that we can initiate our fresh start in full confidence. Once we identify that we are capable of succeeding and breaking through the boundaries that may have deterred us in the past, we can be creative in effecting the changes that we want to make in our lives. While visualizing a realistic outcome for our uniquely remarkable goals, we can use our higher-level skills to remove lingering doubt and apprehension, so that we can boldly and strategically execute our plans.

As we regularly acknowledge our appreciation for who we are and what we’ve accomplished so far, we can be more NGC 248 in Small Magellanic Cloudinnovative as we forge forward into uncharted territory. If we recognize that our spiritual existence impacts us at the physical level, we can begin to reconcile the disparity between suffering and extravagance in our world in a more fundamental way. Rather than accepting divisive social and economic boundaries, in our plans we could include bridges to assist those who are making efforts to get to the other side of their struggle. Furthermore, when we work at the spiritual level we work in the immediacy of the present, at the precise time in which we can receive inspiration that nurtures our ingenuity to bring effective solutions to complex problems at all levels.

Through making firm commitments to both ourselves and to our individual spirits, we initiate the higher-level processes that stimulate our mental capacity to effectively bring about the positive changes that we desire. Strong commitments at the higher level inevitably result in a more focused and deliberate approach toward our goals. This high level of commitment perpetuates the strength and stamina necessary to help us through the process of implementing our unique vision in the coming and future years.

Sun Brightened CloudsIn addition to our individual efforts toward positive change, we can also celebrate our diversity as global participants in a challenging world in which we are unique spiritual beings. If we were to view our existence as a tangible expression of our spirits’ pursuit of knowledge, we could better understand and care about each other and the world in which we live. In effect, we could view each New Year as a symbolic steppingstone within our personal evolution toward spiritual progress.

Let’s infuse 2017 with ongoing positive changes at all levels of our being!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

A Positive Perspective


James Webb Space TelescopeThe other day I was watching a Discovery Channel special about preparations for the 2018 launch of the James Webb Space Telescope – just completed today – the complex infrared instrument that will allow us to peer further into space than ever before, while it prompts astronomers and astrophysicists to speculate about the prospect of finding more planets in the Goldilocks zone of their stars. As we’re about to make this historic visual leap into unknown regions of the universe, once the James Webb launches we might all feel a flash of excitement about the prospect of finding signs of intelligent life in our universe.

From a spiritual perspective, I believe that our lives are a reflection of our apparent spiritual advancement and that, with acquired awareness, we can more clearly focus on our innate responsibility to promote our own spiritual progress. Each one of us is presented with multi-level challenges as we embark on the complex journey that is our individual lives, and some of us undergo greater endurance testing than others. In this way our strength, resilience and adaptability are proven, and how we deal with difficulty translates into how our spirits will progress.
James Webb Sunshield Layers

Our ability to observe ourselves in a positive light is of utmost importance, because the decisions we make to ameliorate or worsen our condition will help or hinder our spirits on their timeless journey. Over the past 30 years I’ve worked with clients who have raised a plethora of questions about the purpose for their existence and, once they’re aware of the nature of their spiritual aspect, their focus shifts to the import that a positive spirit could have in their lives. When approached through a spiritual lens, there is a clearer understanding of the cause and effect of why adverse conditions are presented in their otherwise ‘normal’ lives. In addition to being challenged physically, mentally and emotionally with negative circumstances, many have been suffering the effects of having been accosted spiritually.

Cat's Eye NebulaSimilar to how the James Webb Space Telescope will be able to penetrate through dense cosmic dust clouds to send back incredibly clear images of previously unseen stars, when you work with your spirit you’ll be able to break through the negativity that interferes with your wellbeing. Since your spiritual self inhabits a higher plane of existence, the acquisition of positive spiritual knowledge will enhance your ability to view your life experiences with more clarity. Once you learn how to recognize and counteract the impact of negative challenges in the immediate moment, you can emerge stronger, healthier and happier as you move forward. As you visualize a positive outcome to your endeavors, your spirit can provide inspiration that will make a real difference in how your future will emerge!

Although the efficacy of working with one’s spirit has too long been hidden from sight, this enlightening practice brings immeasurable clarity at all levels. We can begin to expand our positive spiritual knowledge within this lifetime to allow our spirits to progress, so they can attain and maintain a purely positive stance.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Evolution

MonkeyHead Nebula PillarAt times I wonder how we can reconcile our abundant existence on this planet with the apparent lifelessness of the vast cosmos. It appears we’re about to determine whether or not panspermia occurred in our solar system, as the ESO has found an Earth-sized planet orbiting our nearest star and NASA further confirms there are water vapor plumes emanating from the surface of Europa. In my estimation, we have barely scratched the surface of awakening our potential inclusion as a small, yet integral, part of a universal life system that eludes our current comprehension.

Within only the past 20 years have scientists openly stated that they believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe. While these revelations haven’t impacted my own long held belief in extraterrestrial life, I find some comfort when astrophysicists and cosmologists have publicly declared its high probability. A few have even cautioned that our civilization would seem insignificantly primitive compared to those that might have evolved for billions of years longer and developed unimaginable technology.

In addition to how we would pale in comparison to more technologically evolved beings, we would lag far behind them in our spiritual capacity. I believe that, if we were to start developing our spiritual know-how effectively, we might still have a chance to make a good first impression. We’ve somehow allowed our basic spiritual knowledge on this planet to slip away, as many have allowed institutions to dictate the circumstances under which their spiritual selves must exist, thereby limiting their potential and rendering them subordinate and dependent at this essential level. Instead of progressing spiritually, our civilization has continued to allow countless generations to submit themselves to stagnant belief systems that prevent the evolution of positive spiritual knowledge.

Amazingly, we’re better equipped spiritually as children than we are at maturity. As small children we’re all completely sensitive to the inter-dimensional and spiritual realms but, as many of us grow older, we’ve been conditioned to leave behind our higher-level awareness, and allow the events occurring in our lives to captivate our attention and limit our consciousness to the tangible world. Through my work I’ve taught many children to work with their spirit, and have found them far more capable than most adults, since they believe in themselves and in their spiritual self, as well as trust in the process of counteracting all types of negativity at the higher level. While adults often become bitter or disillusioned with life, children who accept and develop a connection with a positively oriented spirit that works with them – rather than against them – are able to concentrate better, be more empathetic and direct their lives more creatively.

Just as a lifeless universe seems incomprehensible, the hidden dimensions around us remain enigmatically vibrant. Because our spirits transcend our physical existence, we could surmise that otherworldly beings might have similarly evolved spirits that can interact with ours in ways that are above our level of comprehension. If there is other intelligent life out there in the universe, we might have the chance to make that first physical contact in our lifetime, as the UN is already considering. In the interim, if we acknowledged that, by fine-tuning a positive spirit as a virtual instrument that could help us to achieve a higher standard of mental and spiritual skills, we’ll be better able to conduct ourselves to deal with influences that could impact our wellbeing at all levels.

In the blink of a cosmic eye our individual lives whizz by. If we continue to block our own spiritual advancement by stubbornly adhering to antiquated belief systems – out of fear, ignorance or complacency – we’ll deny our spirits the progress they deserve and our civilization might never reach its potential. In effect, the most outstanding expectation we could develop as the outcome of our efforts in this existence is to promote our own spiritual progress.

Let’s not waste time – let’s get started on our spiritual advancement!


Related article:

ESO Discovers Earth-Size Planet in Habitable Zone of Nearest Star



I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Create Your Happiness | Be…Live…Believe in Yourself!

Sunlit Cloud.wpWhile many people talk about finding happiness, I encourage everyone to create your own happiness by generating success at the highest level of your being.

Our state of happiness is subjective, so we can start, not by comparing our happiness to that of others, but by recognizing what makes us happy now and extrapolating forward. In addition to acknowledging our positive attributes at the physical, mental and emotional levels of our being, we can make positive changes by nurturing our spiritual self on a daily basis.

Many of us who have become disillusioned and felt like our quest for happiness is seemingly without end, have begun to think more creatively about what will actually make us happy. You can reconcile…in the here and now…between your past experiences and what you want your future wellbeing to be like. In addition, when you start refusing the negativity that you’re inadvertently accepting, you’ll move more easily beyond your troubles and on to a brighter future.

After I had gone through a rollercoaster ride of RollercoasterRail.wpups and downs in my own life, with no apparent hope of happiness, I found a dynamic way to transition to a happy state of being. Rather than comparing and complaining about what my life presented to me at the physical level, I learned a unique way of working with my spirit and started to refuse the higher-level negativity that was impeding my progress at all levels of my being. There was a lot of uphill work to do but, as I gradually became stronger spiritually, my perspective on life changed and I started experiencing the energetic joy that comes only from within.

Whatever impediments to happiness you face, there are many ways to help you bring balance and self-satisfaction that will improve your mood at the physical level and propel you toward a brighter future. A few include:

  1. Schedule time to relax and self-heal.
  2. Exercise to stimulate healthful processes in your body and enhance your self-esteem.
  3. Spend active time in nature: walking, cycling, swimming, sailing, rollerblading, etc.
  4. Eat a healthy diet and limit or refrain from drinking alcohol.
  5. Get adequate and restful sleep to reset yourself physiologically.
  6. Spend time with family and friends that bring you positive feelings.
  7. Express your creativity with music, art, writing, dance, photography, etc.
  8. Work with your spirit by refusing higher-level negativity that bombards you.

Some further positive changes that can better your life on a long-term basis:

  1. Get organized and productive in your personal and business affairs.
  2. Start your own business, upgrade your education, move or renovate your current home.
  3. Reflect on your current relationship…it might be time to move on and find another partner with whom sex and communication are improved.

Falls Rainbow.wpWhen you acknowledge that your spirit is actually there to help you through this life, you’ll realize that you can stop waiting around for something or someone else. When you believe in yourself and interact positively with your spirit, you’ll receive more insight and inspiration about how to be happy!

As we strive to attain and maintain our individual happiness, we bring positive energy to improve the overall nature of our existence on this planet.

Be…Live…Believe in yourself…and be creative about your happiness!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

The Effectiveness of Higher-Level Commitments

ArborCorridor.wpWithin each of us is the ability to change any dissatisfying aspects of our lives, but many people find it difficult to follow through on their commitments, due to many factors, including higher-level interference. It’s been my observation over many years that all kinds of commitments become easier to sustain in the long term, when you make them at the higher level.

Many of us have faced extreme difficulties in life, and the manner in which we emerge from those circumstances can reveal not only our resilience, but also our resolve. When we make a firm commitment, we believe that our perseverance will carry us through each moment of hesitation and indecision into the life we’ve envisioned for ourselves. However, as time passes, commitments often seem hard to keep, even if we make them to improve our health, relationships or livelihood. There are times when we find it easier to just fall back into the comfort of our old habits, when we didn’t have to think about or go through the process of making positive changes. This is when making commitments at the higher level of our being help us to overcome the unknown complexities we might face, and enable us to reach those seemingly unattainable goals, no matter what.

Layered Star Formation

There is no one else to whom we can make commitments that endure beyond all the enticement and self-induced persuasion than to our spiritual self within. For those of you that have never acknowledged the notion that your spirit is an integral part of your being, you’re missing out on a valuable untapped resource within our human repertoire. There can be no greater strength than that which comes from within, from our spiritual aspect, as it elevates us to a place where a commitment really means something.

Keeping a commitment that you make to both yourself and to your spirit is so important! In addition, just as loving yourself completely allows you to love others, you will be better able to make solid commitments to others when you so choose. Commitments are stronger, more meaningful and successful when you make them at the higher level. When the going gets rough, the work you do with your spirit will hoist you over those hurdles in a way you’ve never imagined.

Heading Out on the OceanMaking a higher-level commitment to yourself and to your spirit brings higher-level elements into play that would otherwise never be included in the process. Negativity that causes higher-level interference with your thoughts, emotions and habits might draw you into replacing one negative aspect of your life with another, even more negative substitute. When dealing with negativity, there are underlying higher-level factors that could influence your steadfastness as you move forward to make positive changes. Once you make a higher-level commitment to yourself and to your spirit that you will work together to counteract those negatives that have interfered with your wellbeing, you’ll have ample strength to get through the friction of making meaningful changes and glide much more easily toward your desired life beyond.

Taken Under the "Wing" of the Small Magellanic Cloud Credit: NASA, ESA, CXC and the University of Potsdam, JPL-Caltech, and STScI

I hope I don’t sound like positive changes came easily to me. From my own perspective, soon after I made a commitment to start working with my own spirit, all the other commitments I wanted to improve my life eventually came through as the result of my daily efforts. Fundamental to my ability to persevere through the challenges presented during that period was the unyielding, uncompromising and infinite commitment I had made to work with my spirit using the Light – the purely positive energy of the universe. The process of making major changes to better my life took tons of effort and resolve and, as I’ve repeatedly stated in my blog over the years, working with my spirit is the most powerful tool I could ever imagine to bring me toward my goal of attaining and maintaining a positive existence.

My real hope is that you, and others like you, will feel inspired to make those unspoken commitments within to help you enhance your wellbeing at all levels – you’re worth it!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; a generic term not associated with any religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Orientation

LayeredSkylineOur mere glimpse upon life seems myopic, compared to the broad vista upon which our spirits gaze. Whether we realize it or not, each one of us is part of our spirit’s timeless journey, making our lives of paramount importance in providing and developing a positive spiritual orientation.

At conception a person’s spirit already possesses its positive or negative orientation from its many experiences in the timeless cosmos. Just because a child is born in physical innocence doesn’t mean that its creation spirit might not have been through many lifetimes in which it adhered to negative principles. In too many cases, a spirit brings with it a tendency toward negativity that can influence its physical body. If a child were to have a negatively oriented spirit, it could be easily inspired to accept and display negative behavior and malaise. However, if that same child were to be introduced to the positive knowledge of the Light*, they would have a chance to bring positive energy to their spirit and, over time, their negatively oriented spirit could change its ways and redirect itself toward a positive existence.

Even when a spirit is positively oriented at conception, there will still be work to do at the physical level to counteract the negativity that it faces during this lifetime. What I’ve learned is that a spirit can’t progress unless it’s in a body and, once in a form, a spirit is subject to the conditioning that is presented. Simply because of the overwhelming amount of negativity on our planet, there will inevitably be opposition to a spirit that is positively oriented.

As a small child I could see the twinkling sparkle of my spirit and marveled at the sight of it, even though I didn’t know what it was – how sad I didn’t even recognize my own beautiful spirit! It didn’t take long until I was being challenged by negative spirits in the guise of familiar or trusted forms, like those that entered my dream state, or like the priest who sexually abused me. That particular event threw me off course, and I began accepting negatively oriented activities that created even more difficulty. In spite of my disillusionment, I still had a sincere yearning for harmony within, likely as a result of my spirit’s desire to progress. Once I was introduced to positive spiritual knowledge, I began to infuse my spirit with positive energy and I became enthusiastic about helping my spirit to progress.

Star Cluster NGC 2074

While we would all like to believe that our spiritual orientation is positive, there are many elements of negativity that interfere with our personal and collective wellbeing. There isconstant negativity bombarding the airwaves, not just from the TV and internet, but from the negatively oriented people living on our planet who are incessantly bombarding everyone with their negative energy and spiritual malaise. While so many of us are striving to live in a positive constructive fashion, we are constantly being challenged and drained by those who thrive on negativity.

One of the deterrents to a peaceful existence is that there are so many higher-level destructive elements that attract negativity in the form of negative spirits and energy to our planet. Instead of promoting our collective progress as positively oriented spirits, we tend to neglect the very essence of our being and leave our spirits weak and vulnerable. A spirit that is positively oriented cannot consistently tolerate negativity and can lose strength, unless its form harnesses the ability to counteract negativity. If we were to become more knowledgeable and positively oriented at the spiritual level, we could bring lasting harmony to our planet.

The significance of our short-term existence can be measured in how we direct our spirits toward the positive spiritual progress they can embrace widely into their limitless perspective.

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

LOVE & Your Spirit

"Glowing Hearts" by Leo Jean (aka Leo's Logo)Even though Valentine’s Day might seem a rather trivial holiday, I really enjoy seeing the symbol of LOVE everywhere!

All the love we experience in our lives appears to be rooted first in our family, then our friends, eventually in a partner/spouse and, finally, in our children. It’s so natural and heartwarming to feel the positive emotions associated with love! Love is attainable by all, and each of us should have the opportunity to experience love in our lives.

Through my work I’ve observed many times that, when a child begins to love him/her self, they begin to start caring about how another child loves him/herself. This domino effect involving self-love impacts children, not only physically, mentally and emotionally but, most importantly, spiritually.

This is one of my favorite Starlike© paper art sculptures by Leo Jean. It represents self-love, as shown by the 3 stars on the heart: my spirit, my higher self and my body. The square is covered on 5 sides by stacked paper stars of various colors, the dimensions of my being into which I extend my self-love.

Once someone acknowledges self-love, they are then able to truly extend love to another person and to accept love back. Not only is it mutually beneficial at the physical level, it’s the knowing and acceptance of the self that increases our physical positivity, presenting our individual spirits with the platform from which to progress toward a positive state.

When someone experiences self-love, this positive state of being allows them to prepare their body for spiritual progress and to become more aware of others’ spiritual status. In turn, this awareness brings a greater understanding of the spiritual state of people close to us and, in the greater picture, of the impact of our spiritual progress as a whole.

fbheartstarlike1Hopefully, the spiritual aspect of our world can evolve dynamically from its incorrigible negativity into a fundamentally positive state. Perhaps, if love for oneself were more important, people could start caring for themselves, for each other, and for our planet.

Valentine’s Day is a great time to reflect upon those we love and the essential energy that love generates for us – and our timeless spirits ­– as we move through this existence together.

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Facilitating Change

Hawaiian Vista |Distant ViewWhenever one of my clients is about to make a change to better their life, they’re confident that the cumulative positive knowledge they’ve gained by working with their spirit will simplify their transition toward their goal of a brighter future. When you work at the higher level to bring your spiritual aspect into the process of change, you’ll be able to view the elements of change from a whole new perspective.

Many of us are afraid to break out of the shell we’ve created for ourselves – a shell in which we feel secure – but in many cases it’s that seemingly impermeable shell that often encapsulates us with all the negativity we’ve accumulated over time.  As children we were used to being shown the way in which things should be done, but many of us grew to understand that we didn’t fit inside the mold that was being fitted around us. Whether it was because we had been neglected, bullied or abused – or felt apart from the crowd – those of us who found ourselves outside the ‘box’ were compelled to discover how to go forward without conforming to a set of uncomfortably confined dimensions.

On the one hand, any who had experienced traumatic events and settled into the security of a self-fabricated protective framework most of their lives, might find the element of change foreign or even frightening. Just think of all the unknown elements they might have to consider over which they have no control, in order to make improvements in their lives!

Hawaiian Vista |Clear View

On the other hand, those of us, like me, who sought to escape the mental and emotional distress  of early events found ourselves steered toward an existence of continuous change that caused us to adapt to challenging new circumstances in new environments. In my case, learning how to work with my spirit was the explosion that broke open my confinement and facilitated making the critical changes in my life that allowed me to experience self-love, to believe in myself and to view myself as the director of my existence.

When harnessing the benefits of higher-level knowledge to effect change you can more easily:

  • Plan realistic, not whimsical changes;
  • Predict and prepare for obvious and unexpected obstacles;
  • Meet snags and challenges more effectively; and
  • Replace anxiety and uncertainty with calmness and confidence.

The skill of removing the persistent and often undetectable elements of negativity that could potentially thwart your efforts to successfully bring about meaningful change is contingent upon a firm commitment to working in an alert, positive manner at all levels of your being. Your spirit is waiting for you to engage with it to crack open that shell of complacency, routine and acceptance that limits your potential to enjoy a happier, healthier and more satisfying life in stride with your entire self!

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Shifting Into 2016

NewYearsFireworksAt this time of the year, the ‘chime of change’ is sounding once again. As we reflect upon our accomplishments during the past year, we can now start anew to make the changes we want to improve our wellbeing during the coming year.

Rather than get caught up in the hype to make abrupt changes, your determination to effect enduring change is dependent on prioritizing your options and making a real commitment to yourself. You might be surprised to learn that you could make changes much more easily by merely including your spiritual aspect as part of the process!

Once you acknowledge the importance of your spiritual aspect and are ready to make a commitment to work toward positive change with your spirit, your efforts will bring enduring strength, energy and results continuously over time. Being a spiritual person doesn’t make you weak, subdued and distant – when you learn how to enhance your spirit’s incredible energy you will become stronger, more resilient and highly present. An interactive connection with your spirit will strengthen your stamina to effect positive changes, no matter what distractions, obstacles or interference pop up.

Starburst Galaxy M82

Although your spirit is an integral part of your being, like the wind it passes unseen through this life with you. If you were to neglect your spiritual aspect, you could find yourself being blown over without notice. However, if you acknowledge and engage with your spirit by using the positive energy of the universal light, its steady flow can help you move more effortlessly through each year of this existence.

As we look forward to more happiness, love and prosperity in 2016, now’s a perfect time to make the positive shift toward the future we desire by tapping into the higher-level knowledge of our timeless spiritual selves!

Happy New Year 2016!

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Harmony

StrikingSky 12.6.15We all seek spirituality in our own way, but some of us need a more self-propelled approach to our spiritual needs than what is pursued by the vast majority. The attainment of spiritual harmony can be established by coupling a genuine desire with a firm commitment that brings about a determined effort to progress with one’s spirit.

Although neuroscientists have concluded that our sense of spiritual yearning has either evolved over time or is hardwired into our brains, there appears to be little knowledge about how to independently promote our own spiritual progress. In childhood our innate sense of spirituality is strong, but it doesn’t take long for many of us to abandon connecting with our spiritual selves, since we recognize so little gratification in the process. As it remains our own choice about how to direct our individual journey through this life, we have to want to pursue a course of action that will give us a sense of achievement for our work at the spiritual level.

Similar to how we crave food and drink to sustain ourselves, we also crave a sense of spiritual nourishment that is either handed to us at the corner institution, or is earned through a conscious commitment to interact with our spiritual selves. Although it might be assumed that you first have to gain a healthy balance at the physical level in order to be in harmony with your spirit, once you start to conscientiously work with your spirit by following positive principles, you will naturally find balance at all levels. You might be surprised to find how easily you can adopt a healthy secure lifestyle and generally take care of yourself better, when you actually feel attuned to your spirit.

A positively oriented spirit requires a firm commitment with its physical body in order for it to be able to exist in a harmonious relationship. A spirit is not affected by time, emotion or the elements of the physical world, but it can be affected by the negative or positive energies that you accept or reject at all levels. A positively oriented spirit will work in unison with its body, when there is mutually positive interaction. Your main task is to genuinely assume the responsibility of doing the hard work of removing the elements of negativity that inhibit your spirit from existing in a positive state.


Bringing a positive perspective into all aspects of your life is an incremental process through which the benefits fall into place as you build on a sound foundation. No one can eliminate all negativity from this life – it’s all around us on our planet – but we can reduce its impact through counteraction and positive replacement. Working against negativity is a challenge that, when met with the strength of commitment to work with a positively oriented spirit, results in a positive stance in your life.

You can feel at peace anywhere anytime, when you know your spirit is progressing, because your efforts to remove the negative elements from your life elevate both you and your spirit to a positive state. When you reach a state of harmony with your spirit, you feel a sense of calm, even when you’re in the middle of traffic, dealing with finances, working out a relationship or dealing with troubling events in your life – somewhat like the feeling you get when you’re out in nature: walking through a forest, sailing atop the ocean waves or looking up at the stars at night.

Being in harmony with your spirit means that you feel a keen sense of serenity and contentment all the time. When your spirit is intimately connected with the purely positive energy of the  universe/multiverse, it brings a sense of timeless majesty into your being. You naturally become more aware of the importance of being in balance with your spirit, as you work alongside it to bring spiritual progress and harmony into your existence.

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Spectrum

PrismSimilar to how a prism refracts white light into the colors of the rainbow, I visualize that the religions of the world have separated the common desire for spiritual fulfillment into the various faith factions that exist on the planet. In this way, people align themselves spiritually with the colors of the spectrum, rather than allowing their spirit to resonate with the frequency of pure white light.

The various religions separate what should be a basic goal into a variety of spiritual stances, as though they’re dispersing light into the spectrum and providing mere components of its absolute state.  During the pope’s recent visit to America, I reflected on the calamity that religion had cast into my early life. As is apparent in our modern world, religions continue to scatter what should be positive universal teachings into disparate belief systems tinted with hues that scarcely resemble a coherent spiritual message.

Island Rainbow

Rather than engaging in the dynamics of institutional belief systems, we could rely on a fundamental method of spiritual progress that is simpler, more effective and timeless. In effect, the wavelength at which a person delivers spiritual vibration to its spirit impacts how it will progress.  If an individual were to work within with their own positively oriented spirit using the pure white light of the universe, they’d be instilling their spirit with infinitely positive energy that could help it progress now and perpetuate positive knowledge throughout its existence.

When I consider that the many religious institutions of the world are offering different versions of how to arrive at the same end goal, I wonder…why not skip all the extravagance, rituals and divisiveness?

Instead of vibrating with any of the colors of the rainbow, why not just use the original source of spiritual enlightenment and allow our individual spirits to absorb the ‘un-refracted’ white light of the universe? The world would certainly be a much happier and more harmonious place in which to live and progress spiritually!

Prism in Reverse

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Strength | The Benefits

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818, Hubble Space TelescopeThe recent discovery of the fossilized remains of Homo naledi in a South African cave suggests that our primitive ancestors displayed burial practices long before previously thought. Rather than having developed this behavior over millennia, are we innately spiritual beings who have always contemplated our timeless spiritual journey beyond this finite physical existence?

We could even speculate that our spirits had lives before ours, perhaps somewhere else in the grand cosmos, and that they were once powerfully and positively attuned within their former bodies. Were that true, then what’s happened to our spirit-body relationship? Why don’t we let go of the negativity we drag around and allow our spirits to work in healthful unison within us? And what should we do with our spiritual strength, after we’ve put so much effort into helping our spirits increase their positive knowledge and power?

It’s my belief that our lives are inspired by higher-level guidance from our spiritual selves. If our spirits are positive when we come into this world, but we’re ignorant or closed to their direction, then our consciousness would become clouded with the input that we do allow to infiltrate our minds. If we become cut off from positively-oriented inspiration, then our mental and emotional impressions could become inundated with negativity that interferes with our wellbeing at all levels.

From my own perspective as someone who had extricated myself from the complacency of religious conditioning at a very young age, my spiritual weakness only became apparent after I hit rock bottom. From a very promising childhood with a positively oriented spirit I had descended from being a straight A student in elementary school to becoming a victim of domestic violence. Childhood abuse had caused a downslide in my spiritual strength that continued into adulthood, until I reached a state that threatened my health and safety.

Sunlight in Cave

I had continued to allow people to take advantage of my good nature, abuse and otherwise mistreatme, until one day I read an article in Psychology Today (c. 1985) in which the author noted that rape victims who were not treated soon after their abuse event would continue to suffer worsening symptoms over time. Over a matter of hours that thought led me through heightening anxiety to a profound realization when I said to myself: “I’m going to fight!”

I believe it was at that moment that I gave my spirit the go ahead to start helping me. Instead of just accepting all the negativity that was being hammered upon me, I was suddenly inspired to make my escape from a severely abusive relationship. Until then I had not taken any action to defend myself against the onslaught of negativity that had been weakening me, not just mentally, emotionally and physically, but especially, spiritually. Thankfully, soon after the abrupt turn in my determination, I found my mentor (and later, partner) who presented me with the means by which I was able to climb out of the depths of my sorry situation.

From my starting point 30 years ago, my consistent attention to my spirit as an essential part of me continues to yield significant improvements in my overall wellbeing. As a result of learning how to properly use the positive energy of pure white universal Light*, my spiritual strength has continued to build, and I’ve been able share positive higher-level knowledge with my clients around the world.

Some of the benefits of a dynamic positive spirit-body relationship include:

  1. Loving and accepting yourself completely for who you are
  2. Developing calmness and patience while increasing your focus, concentration and endurance
  3. Working with your higher self (the liaison with your spirit) to assist you with better decision-making and implementation of positive change
  4. Motivating and improving your creative expression
  5. Heightening your awareness to identify negative interference
  6. Using your spiritual sensitivity to deal with inter-dimensional influences
  7. Facilitating the adoption of positive habits, activities and relationships as you learn to counteract the obstacles
  8. Increasing your overall energy and enthusiasm
  9. Using the positive energy of the Light to bring balance and improve your health at all levels
  10. Emanating inner happiness into your present and future life experience

Sunshine thru RocksAt the end of the day, there’s only you and your spirit. So, why not acknowledge your spiritual self as an integral part of your present being? When you come to a point in your life when your understanding of your physical existence relative to your spirit’s timeless nature becomes important, you might want to begin working within with your spirit.

The remarkable results of gaining positive spiritual strength will enhance your wellbeing at all levels and promote your spiritual progress.

See Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

See http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/150910-human-evolution-change/

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

M27 HubbleSitewpEven as we shape the pieces of our existential puzzle together relative to the apparent universe enveloping us, we remain lagging behind with the spiritual advancement that could alter our lives both individually and collectively when approached from a positive perspective. Gaining spiritual strength isn’t a competition – it’s a personal endeavor that requires focus and attention over a lifetime.

When we’re small children, working with our spiritual self is as natural as asking for something to eat or drink. As an essential part of our childhood, we naturally identified the positives and negatives of our spiritual activity and acted accordingly. We might have continued our spiritual savvy long into life, but most of us have been conditioned to leave behind our inherent spiritual knowledge. Many of us faced further obstacles like neglect, bullying or abuse and were adversely affected onward into our lives, and further separated from our spiritual selves.

The further a child drifts from his/her sense of harmony with their spirit, they lose a natural state of wellbeing and the ability to deal with the higher-level negativity that constantly bombards them. If someone continues to lose ground spiritually, the repercussions can filter through to the physical level in the form of physiological and mental malaise and/or financial and relationship problems. Not everyone finds strength of healing through traditional means because there are often spiritual issues at hand that can block and deter the healing process.


From my own perspective as an intelligent enthusiastic child, my world had spiraled downward as I lost spiritual knowledge and strength as a result of a clergy abuse event. At an early age I recognized the inadequacy of available antiquated religious institutions and dropped my family’s traditions.  I felt lost and off balance for many years and remember searching for some sort of harmony in my life, but I didn’t realize that my physical problems had escalated into a spiritual crisis.

When I regained the inherent knowledge of how to work with my spirit and started working with the Light*, I began building up my spiritual strength and positive changes took effect immediately. I experienced a boost in my self-esteem and adopted a completely new perspective about how to look after my physical self. I discovered that my spirit needs a positively oriented body in order to make progress, so I initiated a continuously healthy lifestyle. I realized it’s my responsibility to strive to be as positive as possible in all aspects of my being, if I’m to continue to grow in spiritual strength and positive knowledge.

Sunlight Thru Ocean CloudswpOne of the greatest obstacles to gaining spiritual strength is fear. When you give in to fear of any kind, like fear of failure or success, fear of others’ acceptance or rejection or fear of changing your current situation in life, you’re succumbing to negativity. As you start being yourself and working through all the steps needed to overcome your fears, you’ll notice a boost in your ability to counteract negative thoughts and emotions before they give rise to additional difficulty.

Spiritual strength doesn’t come instantly – it takes effort and commitment. Some people have been duped into quick fixes such as accepting spirit guides, angels, or summoning the spirits of deceased loved ones, as a way to gain spiritual strength; while others have been invited to accept a stranger’s life energy.  Any of these ruses would be a clear opportunity for negative beings/spirits to be invited into ruining your life. Others have decided to join a religious institution with the hope it would take over their spiritual responsibility, but are often led into a false sense of complacency. It’s impossible to learn how to gain strength with your spirit in a few hours or by depending on others – you have to be committed to this very personal endeavor on a long-term basis, since spiritual strength intensifies over time.Mountain Vista

Everyone has the potential to be good at personal spiritual work, but becoming strong spiritually doesn’t come without effort. No one can hand you access to the positive energy of the Light. You have to earn its benefits on a daily basis by meeting negative challenges with determined positive reactions and solutions. Higher-level negativity can be much less obvious than what you already recognize, especially when it emanates from other people and their associations with others. Your perseverance in being patient and acquiring awareness of higher-level negativity will allow you to continuously gain stamina to meet new challenges.

Sunbrushed Lake CloudsOur spirits transcend this physical existence, yet it’s up to us to consciously promote our spiritual progress. While climbing each cliff to overcome negativity, then coasting conscientiously along the plateaus until meeting the next hurdle, you’ll grow stronger as your spirit gains strength due to your efforts.

Gaining spiritual strength is a process of learning, adapting and following through with a lifelong commitment to work positively alongside your spirit to enhance your life experience.

“Make a firmer commitment and believe in yourself!” ~Leo Jean

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com