Help Your Spirit & Help Yourself

Lake Louise 7.2018 wpSometimes life can seem difficult under present circumstances, but you can direct yourself toward the life experience you desire by acquiring positive spiritual knowledge.  The initiation of positive changes is one of the best ways to provide yourself with the unique experiences that can strengthen you as you adapt to meet new challenges that help both you and your spirit to progress toward a positive state.

Resolving issues in your life can take time and effort to accomplish.  It’s easy to imagine that remaining in the same predicament won’t make spiritual negativity or any other kind of negativity go away.  Rather than continuing on an unintended trajectory in life, you can get help to change direction by working with your spirit.

Overcast Plains.wp

From my own perspective, I learned to utilize positive higher-level skills that helped me to overcome the negative onslaught that typically accompanies life-bettering endeavors.  After many years of hesitation, four years ago I made a legal claim against the RC Church to expose the perverted actions of a previously undetected pedophile priest that had sexually assaulted me as a child.  Although there was a great deal of anxiety caused by churning up all the memories of the abuse and its effects on my early life, the telling of my story helped me to remove the balance of the lingering spiritual negativity.

Most often, fear and shame force victims into silence.  Sexual abuse at any age causes great spiritual impairment, as the direct and indirect consequences increasingly inundate a survivor with negativity.  However, the growing number of people who have been coming forward to report sexual abuse or harassment brings strength to all those who have remained silent.  Immediately before the #MeToo movement went viral last year, I had just completed legal proceedings against the church.  Like so many people, I had been fearful of the difficult process of confronting the church’s protective and scheming lawyers, who were rudely skeptical of my story.

Ocean Horizon Sunset.wpA spirit gains strength when its body fights fear.  This week’s grand jury report that exposed the decades-long activities of predatory priests in Pennsylvania make me feel elated that so many survivors have finally come forward!  Innocent survivors that should never be ashamed and fearful.  However, the ever-silent and complicit Vatican officials’ feeble responses indicate their unwillingness to properly deal with the pedophilia that runs rampant in their institution.  It’s essential for all survivors to fight back against any criminal who destroyed their joy and initiated difficulty in their life.

When you strive for a positive future, self-love brings you increasingly closer into harmony with your spirit.  When you stop loving yourself, due to fear, shame, or guilt, you diminish the strength of your spirit and risk being overwhelmed by spiritual negativity.  If you’ve suffered any abuse in your lifetime, it’s finally time to come forward and talk about it, so you can fight back, and initiate the change you need to return to a state of self-love.

Full Moon Tranquility.wp

Everything happens for a reason and, as an innocent child, I had absolutely no spiritual knowledge.  Now I work strongly at the spiritual level without fear and with total confidence in my spirit’s wisdom and ability!

You can facilitate your own spiritual progress by loving yourself more each day and by standing up for yourself – especially against the negativity that makes you feel fearful and vulnerable.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit:

Overcoming the Negativity of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Child in SpaceI hope that anyone who has been sexually abused by a priest or anyone in authority will be able to learn from my story…

Over the past few years I embarked on an endeavor to resolve some unfinished business that had adversely affected my life since childhood.  It was apparent to me for a long that I had to do something more besides just thinking and talking about it, and I suppose I was just waiting for the ‘right’ time to act.

Four years ago, when I was almost crushed by a car careening at me in a supermarket parking lot, I made a decision to give a statement to a law firm of how I had been raped by a Catholic priest at the age of 10.  My thinking was that, if ever there was a class action suit when others were coming forward about that same priest, my statement would be heard.  The lawyer that I spoke with told me that his firm would be able to help me on an individual basis and that the whole legal procedure would only take a couple of years at most.*

Although I had begun the process of making a report to the authorities 30 years ago when I first realized the impact of that violation of my innocence, I backed away because I was terrified of bringing all that emotional turmoil out into the open.  In fact, I was woefully aware that my own dear mother would never have supported me, because she believed in the religion far more than in her own daughter.

Child with Telescope

Throughout the legal process, I found out how voraciously the church defends their pedophile priests when childhood victims come forward.  Not only does the RC church use their authority to stretch out the time over which a victim has to endure the anxiety of thinking about going into a courtroom against their powerful institution, they accused me of lying!

Early on, the lawyers for the defense indicated that “the Diocese never received any complaints about Fr. Lefaive and had no knowledge of him being an abuser.” They were determined to cast doubt on me and attributed all my teenage and early adulthood problems to other issues, because there was no difference whatsoever in my scholastic achievements immediately following the rape.  In fact, I had skipped a grade in the year just prior to the event and was able to excel in that year and in the two years following.  Since I was under threat to keep the priest’s actions secret, it wasn’t until the priest had left my village that my behavior changed.

JulyCloudsSurprisingly, I never anticipated how difficult it would be to resurface all those childhood memories of the abuse and the aftermath in my life.  I thought that, with all the healing that had taken place since I’d started to work with my spirit, I would easily get through it all.  However, I learned that the entire legal procedure is painstakingly slow, and I underwent an absurd type of psychological torment that might have been intolerable 30 years ago.

During the legal process, I had to submit to psychological assessments by a leading psychologist and a psychiatrist educator who were hired for financial gain to provide conflicting views on my sorry story.   While I was comforted by the contents of my side’s report, I ended up paying a fortune for it.

When I was assessed by the defense psychiatrist, I was questioned for nearly 8 hours straight after a sleepless night, which only ended because the doctor had to pick up his children from school.  In his psychological report, the psychiatrist blamed my early issues on my family’s emotional and economic problems, but he said a few things that were almost supportive and even strange.  He cited studies that revealed that pre-pubescent children and those with higher intelligence fare better after being sexually abused, because they have better coping mechanisms. When I described how I had floated up out of my body, then lost consciousness while the priest was raping me, he rather absurdly stated I must have been thinking about something else.


As the first person to ever come forward about Father Ulysse A. Lefaive, a gruffly-mannered pompous  pedophile priest, I felt confused and betrayed as the date of my trial approached.  Even though he told me that the Diocese in which I was victimized had one of the worst records of child abuse, my lawyer suddenly changed his supportive manner and described the great risk of how the defense lawyers would turn everything around and basically destroy my character and possibly even force me to pay all their legal expenses!

Since the priest and my mother were both dead and I didn’t have enough witnesses to support my case, my lawyer told me that a judge or jury would find it hard to rule against a dead man with no prior accusations employed by such a powerful institution.  How uncaring to have put me through almost 4 years of anxiety by ripping open the wounds of my early life, only to be told that my case wasn’t strong enough to go into court!

Within a few weeks of my trial, I was suddenly surprised to receive an email from an elementary school classmate who had moved shortly after the priest had raped me.  I remembered this boy and had always wondered why he had left so suddenly with no explanation.  When I told what had happened to me at the hands of our parish priest, he said he knew about the ‘bisexual priest’, because he had been molested by him as well.  When I received this news, I was so hopeful that it would help my case, but my lawyer kept telling me that it was best to settle before going into the courtroom.

Ocean SurfaceAlthough I had very much wanted to publicly expose what had happened to me and its effects on my life, my case was settled out of court for much less than had initially been suggested, under the threat of ripping my family name apart and causing my personal financial ruin.  On their part, the RC church doesn’t want the acts of a pedophile priest to be subjected to public scrutiny, so they often bring cases like mine to the courthouse steps before they agree to settle.**  The lawyers and the experts are making money, but the victims can never be repaid.  As children, we were preyed upon by pedophiles who stood in the highest regard in our communities.

Even though the activities of pedophiles employed by the Catholic Church have been exposed during the past 20 years, there’s still a lot more to be done to help the childhood victims of sexual abuse at the hands of their clergymen. The third highest ranking member of the Vatican is now being sued for sexual abuse in Australia, so how can anyone continue to trust in their integrity? At the world level, even though they condemned the Holy See in 2014, I sincerely hope that the UN will consider suspending the membership of the Holy See and conduct their own investigation into the human rights abuses perpetrated by this overly powerful religious institution.Summer Sky 2017.wp

Apart from being disillusioned with my case, I sincerely hope that my story will be helpful to anyone who has been sexually abused in any way by a person of authority.  I am proud of having been strong enough to finally stand up to the wealthy and powerful RC church, as they cast blame on us child survivors and attack our credibility when we come forward.

I’m not saying that making a legal claim against the RC church would help your emotional or mental suffering, because it will open up all the painful memories that your ordeal caused in your life. However, what can be gained from coming forward as an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse:

  1. Self-esteem. You’ll feel so much better for having stood up against a powerful authority that hurt and silenced you.
  2. Credibility.  Your family and friends will understand you better.  What happened set you on a different path than would have been traveled – you’ve blazed your own unique trail.
  3. Validation.  You’ll feel like someone of authority (your lawyer, your psychological assessor) believes you and will act on your behalf in the justice system.  As a child, you weren’t capable of righting the wrong; now your claim against the pedophile will be filed in the court records to help future victims, even if it never makes it to court.

Here is a link to the newspaper article that the law firm representing me posted prior to settling my case:

Glo 7.8.2017.wpFrom my perspective, I am so very grateful that I found a higher-level way to help me fight the extreme negativity I was facing!  If I hadn’t learned how to work with my spirit 30 years ago, I might never have survived the ongoing disgusting negativity that leaves an abused child stranded in fear and hopelessness for the rest of their life.

Now I’ve completed the business of bringing my story into the justice system, so that other child victims of the same pedophile can come forward with more credibility and strength to have their story heard.


Canadian law provides survivors of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of authoritative figures the right to come forward, no matter how much time has lapsed.  A very recent law allows survivors to bring the employers of deceased pedophiles to justice.
** The Diocese of London, Ontario, Canada has waived confidentiality in all cases of child sexual abuse (with the exception of the amount of the settlement), due to the fact that the diocese had never alerted families that a pedophile priest had been abusing children and was being moved from parish to parish prior to 1963.  If families had been notified, they could have taken precautions against leaving their innocent children alone with the employee-priests.

I am always available to help anyone who wants to learn how to work with their spirit in a practical and effective way to get rid of negativity at all levels.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit:


My Take on “Spotlight”

Archway FallsviewLast night I finally watched the Oscar-winning best movie: “Spotlight” and found its delivery of the Boston Globe journalists’ investigation of the Boston clergy abuse scandal very enlightening. Although it was intended that the audience watch the movie to follow the journalists’ journey through the veil of silence perpetrated by the Boston diocese, I was also viewing as a survivor.

Throughout the movie I realized how carefully the entire scandal had been muted and silenced by the entire community and justice system. The complexity of proving that a religious institution had been protecting sexual predators at such a large scale should have provoked an overwhelming outcry to correct the issue. However, as the movie pointed out so poignantly, the sexual abuse of children has been a longstanding practice that continues even today.

I loved the delivery of the story…the way it carried you along through how the court had sealed records about a case against the diocese, and how the court files that would have substantiated the journalists’ story were somehow missing from the public records. The exposure of the cover up by the diocese’s lawyers and the cardinal himself revealed how the RC church maintains their veil of silence about their ongoing protection of pedophiles within their ranks.

At the time of the press release of the scandal, I had already begun my recovery from the effects of having been raped as a 10-year-old child at the hands of my parish priest. As some of the victims in the movie pointed out, there was no way to comprehend what was happening, nor anyone to confide in about the abuse by people we had respected as representatives of God himself. One character survivor in the movie stated that his mother had brought out some cookies when the priest came to their house, after her child had told her about the abuse. When you can’t tell the people you’re supposed to trust the most, there’s nowhere to go, but into confusion and self-punishment and, for many, into self-destruction.

Majestic Falls

The only time that I burst out in tears during the movie was when the lawyer who had been working with victims for years described the condition of one of his clients: ‘He’s one of the lucky ones – he’s still alive!’ As someone who endured the aftermath of having been raped by one of the church’s perverted priests, I was ‘lucky’ not to have succumbed to the self-degradation and self-loathing that resulted from my experience.

During the Oscars, the producer of “Spotlight” made a plea to the present pope to help the situation, but the sexual abuse of children appears so rampant that the entire church could fail. Despite the pious character of the present pope, there’s really nothing he can do when priests are allowed to be alone with trusting and reverent children. After all, we were taught to confess our ‘sins’ to them and they ‘forgave’ us. Such hypocrisy has cost the lives of too many innocent children who blindly trusted the church’s representatives and were silenced like deaf mutes into despair.

From my perspective, I somehow made it through the utter confusion of my childhood, teen years and young adulthood, until I found myself not really knowing why it was happening to me. However, there was a glimmer of hope within me that guided me to keep fighting and searching for a solution to my condition. Fortunately, I found someone who understood my spiritual malaise and taught me to work within with the Light* to strengthen my spirit, which gradually brought me back to the person I truly am.

“Spotlight” brings home the multi-faceted lengths to which Catholics protect their priests, bishops and cardinals at the expense of the innocent victims of their perverted sense of religious authority.

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; a generic term not associated with any religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website!

Why NOT to Summon Spirits

PinkEdgedCloudwpPeople summon spirits for different reasons and, while some call in spirits deliberately, others do it inadvertently.  Either way, there are many misconceptions about the summoning of spirits that can lead to unintentional consequences.

If you’re naïve enough to think you can summon a spirit or spirits for some useful purpose, you need to give it a lot more consideration.  From my experiences of helping people to remove persistent negativity, I can tell you that any spirit that you think you’re calling in might respond in a manner completely contrary to your original intention.

Lots of people are interested in the practice of summoning a spirit guide, ‘angel’ or other supposedly beneficial being, because they think they’re going to be provided with assistance or needed information.  The practice of inviting a spirit to act as one’s spirit guide or for any other reason is a precarious spiritual practice that can potentially cause harm.  So-called spirit guides can offer little for your wellbeing, but are masters at deception.

Spirits exist in a realm of existence where they often act in very unpredictable ways.  Most act in unity with other spirits with definite goals, but there are many that act in a random manner.  All target people that are vulnerable.  If you summon a spirit for any reason, you will attract an idle spirit or group of spirits to your invitation.  And you wouldn’t know the difference!

People are conditioned to summon spirits, likely because it’s an accepted ancient practice in every ‘place of worship’ on the planet.  Although people think their prayers are beneficial, the practice is actually an open invitation to an unlimited number of spirits to enter their presence.  A single spirit or groups of spirits will continue to hang around each of the attendees long after they’ve left the building.  People pray because the spirits that respond will often give them temporary relief from their problems but, in actuality, those spirits will remain with them indefinitely, often with much different outcomes.

My Sky Golden

How do those who are summoning/praying/chanting know which being they’re actually summoning?  In reality, they have no idea! Even if someone is calling on a specific deity, angel, deceased person or other spiritual being, anyone in the spiritual realm can respond.  Spirits around the earth are negatively oriented beings, and any number of idle spirits is just waiting for the chance to attach to unsuspecting people.

Once a spirit has been summoned it’s extremely hard to get rid of it, because it’s their negative nature to make every attempt to attach to the person that summoned them.  The consequences of this negative interference is even more detrimental to your spirit and can cause it to be increasingly isolated from you.

From the perspective of someone who has spent many years learning and teaching positive spiritual knowledge, I can advise that the only spirit that you should associate with is your own spirit, because it’s the only way to safely interact with the spiritual world.

Working with your own spirit and the Light* is the only reliable method to obtain positive results from spiritual interaction, so why not learn how?

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Find out more about my work at

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually around the globe with people from every background 

Spiritual Spectrum

PrismSimilar to how a prism refracts white light into the colors of the rainbow, I visualize that the religions of the world have separated the common desire for spiritual fulfillment into the various faith factions that exist on the planet. In this way, people align themselves spiritually with the colors of the spectrum, rather than allowing their spirit to resonate with the frequency of pure white light.

The various religions separate what should be a basic goal into a variety of spiritual stances, as though they’re dispersing light into the spectrum and providing mere components of its absolute state.  During the pope’s recent visit to America, I reflected on the calamity that religion had cast into my early life. As is apparent in our modern world, religions continue to scatter what should be positive universal teachings into disparate belief systems tinted with hues that scarcely resemble a coherent spiritual message.

Island Rainbow

Rather than engaging in the dynamics of institutional belief systems, we could rely on a fundamental method of spiritual progress that is simpler, more effective and timeless. In effect, the wavelength at which a person delivers spiritual vibration to its spirit impacts how it will progress.  If an individual were to work within with their own positively oriented spirit using the pure white light of the universe, they’d be instilling their spirit with infinitely positive energy that could help it progress now and perpetuate positive knowledge throughout its existence.

When I consider that the many religious institutions of the world are offering different versions of how to arrive at the same end goal, I wonder…why not skip all the extravagance, rituals and divisiveness?

Instead of vibrating with any of the colors of the rainbow, why not just use the original source of spiritual enlightenment and allow our individual spirits to absorb the ‘un-refracted’ white light of the universe? The world would certainly be a much happier and more harmonious place in which to live and progress spiritually!

Prism in Reverse

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

Spiritual Strength | The Benefits

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818, Hubble Space TelescopeThe recent discovery of the fossilized remains of Homo naledi in a South African cave suggests that our primitive ancestors displayed burial practices long before previously thought. Rather than having developed this behavior over millennia, are we innately spiritual beings who have always contemplated our timeless spiritual journey beyond this finite physical existence?

We could even speculate that our spirits had lives before ours, perhaps somewhere else in the grand cosmos, and that they were once powerfully and positively attuned within their former bodies. Were that true, then what’s happened to our spirit-body relationship? Why don’t we let go of the negativity we drag around and allow our spirits to work in healthful unison within us? And what should we do with our spiritual strength, after we’ve put so much effort into helping our spirits increase their positive knowledge and power?

It’s my belief that our lives are inspired by higher-level guidance from our spiritual selves. If our spirits are positive when we come into this world, but we’re ignorant or closed to their direction, then our consciousness would become clouded with the input that we do allow to infiltrate our minds. If we become cut off from positively-oriented inspiration, then our mental and emotional impressions could become inundated with negativity that interferes with our wellbeing at all levels.

From my own perspective as someone who had extricated myself from the complacency of religious conditioning at a very young age, my spiritual weakness only became apparent after I hit rock bottom. From a very promising childhood with a positively oriented spirit I had descended from being a straight A student in elementary school to becoming a victim of domestic violence. Childhood abuse had caused a downslide in my spiritual strength that continued into adulthood, until I reached a state that threatened my health and safety.

Sunlight in Cave

I had continued to allow people to take advantage of my good nature, abuse and otherwise mistreatme, until one day I read an article in Psychology Today (c. 1985) in which the author noted that rape victims who were not treated soon after their abuse event would continue to suffer worsening symptoms over time. Over a matter of hours that thought led me through heightening anxiety to a profound realization when I said to myself: “I’m going to fight!”

I believe it was at that moment that I gave my spirit the go ahead to start helping me. Instead of just accepting all the negativity that was being hammered upon me, I was suddenly inspired to make my escape from a severely abusive relationship. Until then I had not taken any action to defend myself against the onslaught of negativity that had been weakening me, not just mentally, emotionally and physically, but especially, spiritually. Thankfully, soon after the abrupt turn in my determination, I found my mentor (and later, partner) who presented me with the means by which I was able to climb out of the depths of my sorry situation.

From my starting point 30 years ago, my consistent attention to my spirit as an essential part of me continues to yield significant improvements in my overall wellbeing. As a result of learning how to properly use the positive energy of pure white universal Light*, my spiritual strength has continued to build, and I’ve been able share positive higher-level knowledge with my clients around the world.

Some of the benefits of a dynamic positive spirit-body relationship include:

  1. Loving and accepting yourself completely for who you are
  2. Developing calmness and patience while increasing your focus, concentration and endurance
  3. Working with your higher self (the liaison with your spirit) to assist you with better decision-making and implementation of positive change
  4. Motivating and improving your creative expression
  5. Heightening your awareness to identify negative interference
  6. Using your spiritual sensitivity to deal with inter-dimensional influences
  7. Facilitating the adoption of positive habits, activities and relationships as you learn to counteract the obstacles
  8. Increasing your overall energy and enthusiasm
  9. Using the positive energy of the Light to bring balance and improve your health at all levels
  10. Emanating inner happiness into your present and future life experience

Sunshine thru RocksAt the end of the day, there’s only you and your spirit. So, why not acknowledge your spiritual self as an integral part of your present being? When you come to a point in your life when your understanding of your physical existence relative to your spirit’s timeless nature becomes important, you might want to begin working within with your spirit.

The remarkable results of gaining positive spiritual strength will enhance your wellbeing at all levels and promote your spiritual progress.

See Spiritual Strength | Gaining It


*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

M27 HubbleSitewpEven as we shape the pieces of our existential puzzle together relative to the apparent universe enveloping us, we remain lagging behind with the spiritual advancement that could alter our lives both individually and collectively when approached from a positive perspective. Gaining spiritual strength isn’t a competition – it’s a personal endeavor that requires focus and attention over a lifetime.

When we’re small children, working with our spiritual self is as natural as asking for something to eat or drink. As an essential part of our childhood, we naturally identified the positives and negatives of our spiritual activity and acted accordingly. We might have continued our spiritual savvy long into life, but most of us have been conditioned to leave behind our inherent spiritual knowledge. Many of us faced further obstacles like neglect, bullying or abuse and were adversely affected onward into our lives, and further separated from our spiritual selves.

The further a child drifts from his/her sense of harmony with their spirit, they lose a natural state of wellbeing and the ability to deal with the higher-level negativity that constantly bombards them. If someone continues to lose ground spiritually, the repercussions can filter through to the physical level in the form of physiological and mental malaise and/or financial and relationship problems. Not everyone finds strength of healing through traditional means because there are often spiritual issues at hand that can block and deter the healing process.


From my own perspective as an intelligent enthusiastic child, my world had spiraled downward as I lost spiritual knowledge and strength as a result of a clergy abuse event. At an early age I recognized the inadequacy of available antiquated religious institutions and dropped my family’s traditions.  I felt lost and off balance for many years and remember searching for some sort of harmony in my life, but I didn’t realize that my physical problems had escalated into a spiritual crisis.

When I regained the inherent knowledge of how to work with my spirit and started working with the Light*, I began building up my spiritual strength and positive changes took effect immediately. I experienced a boost in my self-esteem and adopted a completely new perspective about how to look after my physical self. I discovered that my spirit needs a positively oriented body in order to make progress, so I initiated a continuously healthy lifestyle. I realized it’s my responsibility to strive to be as positive as possible in all aspects of my being, if I’m to continue to grow in spiritual strength and positive knowledge.

Sunlight Thru Ocean CloudswpOne of the greatest obstacles to gaining spiritual strength is fear. When you give in to fear of any kind, like fear of failure or success, fear of others’ acceptance or rejection or fear of changing your current situation in life, you’re succumbing to negativity. As you start being yourself and working through all the steps needed to overcome your fears, you’ll notice a boost in your ability to counteract negative thoughts and emotions before they give rise to additional difficulty.

Spiritual strength doesn’t come instantly – it takes effort and commitment. Some people have been duped into quick fixes such as accepting spirit guides, angels, or summoning the spirits of deceased loved ones, as a way to gain spiritual strength; while others have been invited to accept a stranger’s life energy.  Any of these ruses would be a clear opportunity for negative beings/spirits to be invited into ruining your life. Others have decided to join a religious institution with the hope it would take over their spiritual responsibility, but are often led into a false sense of complacency. It’s impossible to learn how to gain strength with your spirit in a few hours or by depending on others – you have to be committed to this very personal endeavor on a long-term basis, since spiritual strength intensifies over time.Mountain Vista

Everyone has the potential to be good at personal spiritual work, but becoming strong spiritually doesn’t come without effort. No one can hand you access to the positive energy of the Light. You have to earn its benefits on a daily basis by meeting negative challenges with determined positive reactions and solutions. Higher-level negativity can be much less obvious than what you already recognize, especially when it emanates from other people and their associations with others. Your perseverance in being patient and acquiring awareness of higher-level negativity will allow you to continuously gain stamina to meet new challenges.

Sunbrushed Lake CloudsOur spirits transcend this physical existence, yet it’s up to us to consciously promote our spiritual progress. While climbing each cliff to overcome negativity, then coasting conscientiously along the plateaus until meeting the next hurdle, you’ll grow stronger as your spirit gains strength due to your efforts.

Gaining spiritual strength is a process of learning, adapting and following through with a lifelong commitment to work positively alongside your spirit to enhance your life experience.

“Make a firmer commitment and believe in yourself!” ~Leo Jean

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

Sexual Abuse is Spiritually Devastating

calmbeachwpThe recent revelations by the dozens of women about having been drugged and sexually assaulted at the hands of the so-called ‘iconic family man’, Bill Cosby, brings to mind the plight of the thousands of children around the world who have been sexually assaulted by Roman Catholic priests. Because of my own experience at the hands of a middle-aged priest when I was a child, this ongoing saga of sexual exploitation of women rings especially loud and clear.

For the now dozens of women who have accused Mr. Cosby of these abhorrent acts, there has since been no peace in their lives. They all relate how they had lived with the pain of their experience, due to the way they had been lured into the sole company of the perpetrator then drugged into unconsciousness, so that he could have his way with them. However, they were either afraid to tell anyone because they were afraid no one would believe them or, as many of them have stated, even their friends, family or bosses never believed them when they did speak up because their stories seemed so incredible.  We should all be outraged at the behavior of this sexual predator and collectively defrock Mr. Cosby of his celebrity status as these women seek legal recourse after the Statute of Limitation has passed for a criminal proceeding.

When I listen to all of these women’s stories about being drugged and raped by a prominent celebrity, their intense emotions of anger and betrayal bring back the terror of my own experience when I was only 10 years old. I had been ‘drugged’ into the belief system of the RC church and then lured into a situation where I was alone with a 40ish revered man. I was raped by an angry priest for making prank phone calls in the church basement while I was teaching catechism (tenets of the faith) to younger children who were attending the village public school.

Just as most of those women had had aspirations of furthering their acting careers in trusting Mr. Cosby, innocent young children like me have been placed in the hands of sexual perverts in the hopes of gaining spiritual favor through the RC church. We thought it was a privilege to be asked by such prominent people in our lives to spend time with them. We were sadly mistaken.

Stormy Sky

Even though it’s difficult to listen those adult victims talk about their nightmarish lives after their sexual assaults, children have much more difficulty dealing with the aftermath of such a breach of trust. From my own experience, I know how difficult it has been to overcome the enormous emotional pain and suffering. I understand their helplessness in not being believed, yet I had been threatened with the destruction of my entire family if I dared tell anyone what the priest had done to me. That was a massive responsibility, so I kept the event a secret until I couldn’t handle it anymore.

Thanks to the actions of the judge that unsealed Mr. Cosby’s 2005 deposition, I sincerely hope that the information now coming forward will vindicate these women and lead to some much needed healing, as their stories become believable in the court of public opinion. Rather than simply dismiss their stories, we all need to listen to women and children when they claim they’ve been sexually abused, because the vast majority of us don’t make up such sorrowful stories on a whim or to gain attention.

Relaxing SunsetLike these women I was a strong enough person to persevere through a hellish 20 years after the rape, but I was also a very spiritual person who had seen through the façade of religion and kept searching for an approach to spirituality that wasn’t tied to any organization or institution. It was only when I met my mentor that I was able to once again connect with my spiritual self and regain my dignity.

If you’re an abuse survivor, and the Statute of Limitation in your location has already passed, in order to start healing at all levels, you can:

  1. Forgive yourself. You’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t feel like you ever have to forgive the despicable brute that abused you.
  1. Love yourself. Start accepting yourself for who you are. Recognize and nurture your inner beauty.
  1. Practice calmness. Unchecked anxiety is detrimental to your physical health. Relax through regular exercise and quiet time in nature.
  1. Start self-healing by looking after yourself. Eat healthy and get proper sleep. Refrain from self-medicating through the use of drugs and alcohol. Find someone and/or a professional you trust to talk to about the abuse and allow their counsel as constructive, rather than critical.
  1. Start working with your spirit by actively bringing in the pure white Light* and using it to remove the negativity you feel mentally, emotionally and physically. Do your best to refuse the spiritual negativity that has accumulated from all the ongoing negativity you’ve experienced. I specialize in removing latent spiritual negativity and can help in this area.

Sexual abuse offends us at the highest level of our being and can potentially fracture our spiritual connection irreparably. Apart from the mental, emotional and social healing process, there is still a lot of spiritual work to do to emerge from the nightmare.

the pure white ‘Light’, a universal source that is comprised of essentially pure positive energy

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

Inner Essentials

Spiral Galaxy NGC 7742 Even as astronomers scour the galaxy for signs of extraterrestrial life in the billions of locations that are potentially suited to sustain complex organisms, there are so many questions about our existence that need to be explored and discovered at the higher levels of our being. Instead, we are still fighting the endless conflicts of religion and politics that continue to divide and create greater disparity between us. In the micro-cosmos that begins here within each and every one of us, there is still great progress to be made toward reaching a harmonious balance that includes all aspects of our existence.

As young children, when our emotional, physical and spiritual worlds were still melded in wholesomeness, our inner happiness and peace could shine through in youthful energy. However, for many of us there were rips or tears in our emotional world as a result of abuse that permeated our spiritual wellbeing. Just as a black hole rips through the fabric of the universe absorbing matter at an astonishing rate, an abusive event can rip through the structure of a child’s spiritual self, visibly eating away at their overall health.

Niagara Whirlpool Rapids

Each time a child is bullied or abused, the experience  weakens the framework thatbinds his/her spiritual self to their emotional and physical selves. Ongoing abusive experiences can further rip a child’s spiritual self from them, leading to mental and physical distress that can end in addiction, lasting depression or crumbling physical health. However, similar to how closer investigation of black holes in the universe can potentially answer age old questions about our very existence in the cosmos, peering into the spiritual void initiated during a traumatic event can bring understanding of oneself and allow the spark of inner harmony to begin.

The other day I was watching a documentary about the Greek islands1 and I found the description of the island of Kos especially interesting. In one location on the island, the ancient Greeks divided the focus of their healing process into three parts: the physical body, the soul or emotional body and the spiritual body, and provided different venues for healing each aspect. The Greek guide made it clear that the ancients’ meaning of the ‘soul’ was not the same as their meaning of the ‘spirit’. While the basic balances of a natural healing process have become increasingly complicated by scientific treatment, the ancient Greeks seemed to understand the need for an integrated approach to wellness.

As adults we’re still children within, striving to bring balance to our ongoing physical, mental and emotional experiences. It can be quite a juggling act to keep everything going with the right rhythm and timing, as we keep compensating for all the hurts, guilt, fear and other negative emotional waves that have caused imbalance within us. In addition to filling the spiritual gap with the positive energies of self-love, self-forgiveness and daily effort toward a brighter future, we have to get rid of the negative spiritual influences that obstruct overall health.

Tranquil PathA healthy spiritual self is paramount to all aspects of our wellbeing and our choices in how we approach our spirituality can make a difference. There appear to be spiritual extroverts who like to express their spiritual beliefs in the company of others and spiritual introverts who prefer to experience spirituality in solitude. While spiritual dependence on others can interfere with our spirits’ needs, our time alone is most likely the best test for overall balance, because our thoughts, emotions and energy are our own. In the absence of inner harmony, our individual spirits can be adversely affected by the influence of the cumulative negativity that can curtail the body’s ability to self heal.

When you work in harmony with your spirit, you’ll naturally be more mindful and capable of promoting wellness at all levels of your being.

1 Joanna Lumley’s Greek Odyssey. ITV. 2011.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

Energize Your Spirit

EarthHorizonAlong with focusing on your physical, mental and emotional health, how much thought do you give to how you can further enhance your wellbeing by energizing at the spiritual level? Although you probably don’t realize it, your spirit has the amazing ability to revitalize and inspire you when you learn how to keep it properly recharged.

Many of us get tired from the tediousness of our daily routines and we can always use more energy to keep up with the pace. Apart from the many known physical ways to increase your energy, you can do more by decreasing the amount of higher-level energy draining and increasing your energy charge.

Through my work I’ve found that most people are unwittingly drained of their energy through higher-level sources that interlace our reality. You can be inadvertently depleted of your energy through your contact with people, animals, places and inanimate objects that absorb energy from you. There is latent negativity present almost everywhere on this planet, so learning how to detect, resist and deflect this inter-dimensional interference can bring renewed energy to you at all levels.

While there are plenty of obvious sources of higher-level energy draining, some seem less evident because they’ve become generally accepted practices. For instance, the sites of ancient civilizations where the inhabitants fought battles and made blood sacrifices are blatantly saturated with lingering negativity. However, we tend to overlook the sites of present-day religious institutions where those in attendance continuously feed off of each other’s energy. Another example of how negativity can be transmitted from one person to another is when an old friend keeps telling you all their problems, yet does nothing to change their habits or lifestyle to improve their condition. After your conversations, they feel elated, while you walk away feeling drained and off balance.


Although we all try to be as positive as possible, some of us have been inflicted with the ongoing effects of early neglect, bullying or abuse in our lives that surfaces and causes a loss of vitality. During the many years in which I’ve been working with my spirit, I’ve progressively grown more energetic from the understanding of how to benefit from the positive energy available from my essential aspect. Through a systematic effort of infusing my spirit with positive energy over time, I’ve learned to strengthen not only my physical form, but I’ve increasingly enabled my spirit to overcome spiritual negativity on a massive scale. As I replenish my spirit from the ‘Light’, a universal source that is comprised of essentially pure positive energy, the beneficial effects filter to all aspects of my being.

There are many myths about how to increase your positivity through spiritual means. No one can give you positive energy, so I would never recommend that you allow someone to provide you with their energy, because you would never know what else you’d be accepting from them. And you can disregard any rumor that you can protect yourself with a bubble or dome of ‘Light’ – all light must travel or it ceases to exist. The ‘Light’ will not flow through a negative energy field so, in order to properly recharge your spirit with this positive energy source, it’s important to deal with and discard the negativity  that you’ve already accepted and learn how to avoid future acceptance at all levels.

Once we’ve removed the sources of negativity that interfere with our use of the ‘Light’, we can quickly deliver its energy to our spirit, so it can recharge its own energy as the Light passes through. Your spirit will appreciate your efforts to bring it this positive energy, since it relies on your efforts to progress while it’s with you.

When you energize your spirit with the ‘Light’, you bring positive energy to enhance all aspects of your being.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

What is a Spirit?

MonkeyHead Nebula PillarMost of us assume that we know what a spirit is, but you might be surprised at how little knowledge we’ve retained about our spiritual nature – your own spirit quite possibly remains the least understood and most important aspect of your existence!

A spirit sparks the energy of life into an embryo in order to progress during that life experience, but relies on the conscious efforts of its form to conduct that progress. While we would like to think that all spirits have good intentions, a spirit doesn’t necessarily work in the best interests of its physical form. Over its timeless existence a spirit’s intent can be compromised and its knowledge of progress can be misinterpreted or forgotten, leading a spirit to create indefinite hardship for its physical forms.

A spirit’s character is a result of its timeless journey, much like we are the product of our own life experiences. A spirit that was once well-intended may have become frustrated with the inability of its forms to allow it to progress in a meaningful way. Another way that a spirit can become negatively oriented is because it relates its progress in negative instead of positive terms, so it nurtures negativity in its life experiences.

Through my many years of working with people to ensure their healthy connection with their spirit, I’ve found that a surprising number of people have allowed more than one spirit into their forms. In moments of weakness, such as when they’ve experienced emotional episodes of intense fear, anger, hatred or despair, individuals have unwittingly allowed spirits with negative intentions to enter their body. The life consequences of such spiritual negativity can be devastating at all levels of their being.

Shining Horizon.11.2013

A spirit creates a form with the expectation that it will be able to progress, but it’s dependent on its body for direction. Most of us are taught a religious notion of what a spirit or ‘soul’ is, so that we relinquish the responsibility for our spirit to some institution, rather than work with it. A spirit can become imprisoned in its body, accompanied by additional spirits that are permitted entry, or it will leave or be ousted altogether.

If a spirit exists solo in a body, then the positive activities of its form can propel it to a higher state of strength and knowledge. However, if the body is open to other spirits, there’s little chance for a spirit to grow stronger, and it will gradually lose ground. That’s what happened to my spirit when I was a child, since I was taught that my spirit or ‘soul’ belonged to a supreme being that would punish me with eternal damnation if I strayed from the doctrines of my religion. The very fear of that incredible notion, along with my complete spiritual dependency on an institution, made my own spirit idly unable to help me. Additional negative spiritual threats I suffered during a clergy abuse event opened me to more spiritual invasion and further obfuscated my ability to help my spirit progress. Years later, when I acknowledged that we are all responsible for and in control of our own spiritual aspect, I took charge of my spirit and remarkably improved my wellbeing.

Calm MarshA spirit is a sentient being that seeks ways to progress through the direction and participation of its form. If you want a good strong spirit with plenty of positive energy to propel it through its journey with you, you can start by regularly bringing in the Light*, the pure positive energy of the universe, without associating it with anything else to prevent its flow. When you feel the difference, you can go a step further and ask me for help to get rid of the stronger spiritual influences that impede your spirit until you can gain strength yourself.

There’s a wealth of knowledge about the positive spiritual realm that has been usurped and capitalized upon or simply forgotten over the course of history. It’s time to start finding out how a positively oriented spirit can help you to achieve a meaningful and joyful life, while allowing you to enjoy its peace and beauty within!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

Spiritual Resistance

Modern City of Light

Modern City of Light

Last Sunday’s display of solidarity in Paris most certainly eclipsed the demented savagery that took place earlier that week in the City of Light. The citizens of Paris further illuminated the world’s trademark center for art and liberty when they stood together and declared their defiance against the threat of terrorism. Refusal of fear at all levels can help us deal with the impact of such heinous acts.

The fear generated by threats against our right to live in a free and modern society triggers a further reaction at the higher level. Everyone has a choice in how they direct their own spirituality, but some are using religion as a pretext for murdering innocents. Such ideologically motivated acts of terrorism generate spiritual negativity that can cause unexpected and problematic outcomes as it fuels higher-level antagonism.

When people are afraid of any unknown assailant, the ensuing anxiety creates an atmosphere full of doubt, mistrust and suspicion of everyone they encounter bearing a similar description. We all want to feel safe but we don’t want our uncertainty to translate into paranoia that attracts and fuels more negativity.

Statue of Liberty in Paris

As a result of abandoning the tradition of religious participation, I’ve refused in the most absolute sense all of the higher-level negativity that would otherwise be drawn to me as a result of such association. When people bring religion into a conversation, I tell them I’m not religious, but I’m very spiritual – but that seems to cause some confusion! When I work with my spirit, I rid myself of higher-level negativity that would otherwise seep into my world at all levels in either subtle or blatant ways.

In order to take the fight against tyranny to the higher level, we can refuse all the negativity generated by terrorists and return it to them multiplied by whatever factor we decide, with positive energy (pure white Light*) as the delivery method. In this way the negatively oriented terrorists will receive back all their perverted intentions, along with a healthy dose of positive energy – won’t that be disturbing to their dismal cause!

When we witnessed a million Parisians rallied together to display their defiance against coerciveness, they emanated a resounding resistance against fear. As we choose not to be afraid and take positive steps toward counteracting fear within ourselves, we contribute to freedom at all levels.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity 

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Stop by my work website anytime…

Why NOT to Summon Spirits

PinkEdgedCloudwpPeople summon spirits for different reasons and, while some call in spirits deliberately, others do it inadvertently.  Either way, there are many misconceptions about the summoning of spirits that can lead to unintentional consequences.

If you’re naïve enough to think you can summon a spirit or spirits for some useful purpose, you need to give it a lot more consideration.  From my experiences of helping people to remove persistent negativity, I can tell you that any spirit that you think you’re calling in might respond in a manner completely contrary to your original intention.

Lots of people are interested in the practice of summoning a spirit guide, ‘angel’ or other supposedly beneficial being, because they think they’re going to be provided with assistance or needed information.  The practice of inviting a spirit to act as one’s spirit guide or for any other reason is a precarious spiritual practice that can potentially cause harm.  So-called spirit guides can offer little for your wellbeing, but are masters at deception.

Spirits exist in a realm of existence where they often act in very unpredictable ways.  Most act in unity with other spirits with definite goals, but there are many that act in a random manner.  All target people that are vulnerable.  If you summon a spirit for any reason, you will attract an idle spirit or group of spirits to your invitation.  And you wouldn’t know the difference!

People are conditioned to summon spirits, likely because it’s an accepted ancient practice in every ‘place of worship’ on the planet.  Although people think their prayers are beneficial, the practice is actually an open invitation to an unlimited number of spirits to enter their presence.  A single spirit or groups of spirits will continue to hang around each of the attendees long after they’ve left the building.  People pray because the spirits that respond will often give them temporary relief from their problems but, in actuality, those spirits will remain with them indefinitely, often with much different outcomes.

My Sky Golden

How do those who are summoning/praying/chanting know which being they’re actually summoning?  In reality, they have no idea! Even if someone is calling on a specific deity, angel, deceased person or other spiritual being, anyone in the spiritual realm can respond.  Spirits around the earth are negatively oriented beings, and any number of idle spirits is just waiting for the chance to attach to unsuspecting people.

Once a spirit has been summoned it’s extremely hard to get rid of it, because it’s their negative nature to make every attempt to attach to the person that summoned them.  The consequences of this negative interference is even more detrimental to your spirit and can cause it to be increasingly isolated from you.

From the perspective of someone who has spent many years learning and teaching positive spiritual knowledge, I can advise that the only spirit that you should associate with is your own spirit, because it’s the only way to safely interact with the spiritual world.

Working with your own spirit and the Light* is the only reliable method to obtain positive results from spiritual interaction, so why not learn how?

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Find out more about my work at

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually around the globe with people from every background 

Add a Positive Dimension to Your Life

Tranquil WaterfallIf you’re embarrassed about talking about spiritual or inter-dimensional subjects, you’re not alone.  Doesn’t it appear that a lot of people shy away from the most important aspect of their life…their spiritual self?

Before I started to work with my spirit, I had been living with a very negatively oriented man who used to ridicule me every time I talked about supernatural phenomenon.  This person considered that anyone who talked about higher-level subjects were mistaken and misinformed and I had accepted his conditioning.  I was miserable and had some spiritual and higher dimensional experiences that begged explanation, but I didn’t feel free to talk about them.

After I learned how to work with my spirit, I realized that I had reestablished a direct connection between my physical and spiritual selves.  It’s not about being religious (I was subjected to that as a child), but about being aware of what’s going on in the higher levels of my being.  In the ancient past many of those who were connected with the spiritual world were in it for negative reasons…to acquire or maintain power.

As the major religious institutions were established, they felt that they should be the only ones with spiritual knowledge, and convinced everyone to take shelter under their wings.  So many of us have been raised to believe that the belief system of our family is the ‘right’ one.

Many children have asked me to explain why they see higher-level beings and activities while attending religious ceremonies.  Unfortunately, most children lose their ability to perceive such occurrences and as adults become part of the desperate packs of people who count on their religious institutions to provide their spiritual ‘salvation’ in return for adhering to a variety of religious doctrines. However, it’s now clearly apparent that each one of us is responsible for our own spirit.


When a child begins working with their spirit and the Light* early in life, they have the opportunity to deflect the inevitable onslaught of negativity that greets us all.  Instead of being vulnerable and unprepared, a child with positive spiritual knowledge can utilize the principles of working with their spirit to better direct themselves toward a positive future.

Similarly, adults who begin working with their spirit can immediately effect positive change…we just have to work at it with more conscious effort.  Because of all our acquired habits and inadvertent acceptance of the negative elements in our lives, we have to relearn how to identify negative trends, so that we can deal with or eliminate the effects.

Not only does self -awareness at all levels nurture a more positive physical state but, when you work with your spirit to counteract negativity, you benefit from the elimination of negative energy that inhibits your well-being.  There are so many ways that spiritual and inter-dimensional negativity can affect you – without you even knowing it!

Why not learn how to work with your spirit and add a positive dimension to your life?

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Boundless Spiritual Benefits

ISS View of Pacific ISS007-E-10807


I’ve often been pleasantly surprised by the many open-minded people who are quick to absorb certain aspects of spiritual/natural/quantum healing, especially when their children are involved.  After many years meeting people from many countries, creeds and backgrounds, I’ve learned that I can only offer spiritual healing and knowledge to the extent that someone accepts it – that’s how free will works.

When we were getting ready to move into a new home a few years ago, a maid in our hotel room asked what Leo did for a living and he replied that he was a spiritual healer.  That often brought a cringe to my shoulders, as I expected the oncoming wave of incredulity and accompanying higher-level negativity.  However, the maid was excited and asked if we could help her.  She turned around and pointed to her shoulder where the surgeon had closed her up and told her that the muscle damage would be permanent.  Leo offered to help her and, when she accepted, he picked up a whole slough of spirits that had attached themselves to her shoulder, causing her constant pain by preventing the tissue from healing.

The next day the Indian maid returned to our room and was ecstatic that she hadn’t felt any pain since Leo had done the removal.  Then she told us that she had excruciating pain in her shoulder ever since a shark had killed her husband during one of her religion’s most sacred celebrations that included offerings into the waters of the South Pacific.  It was another happy moment when someone had accepted a healing, and she asked if we could help some of her other ailing relatives if needed.

A couple of weeks later we received a call from the lady who asked if we could do a healing on her 2-year-old granddaughter who had been admitted to the children’s hospital in serious condition.  Of course, my reply was that one of the child’s parents would have to make a request for the healing and, a few minutes later I spoke with her son and agreed to meet him at the hospital.

When we entered the child’s room, concerned family members were gathered around, some lying on the beds provided for overnight stays.  The little girl looked so tiny and helpless, moaning loudly in pain with an enlarged liver.  With no hesitation Leo moved aside the tubes, leaned over the child and asked if he could help her and bring her a nice spirit.  Then he started bringing the Light* into the child while she lay motionless and relaxed, which prompted her father to say that it was the first time he’d seen her so calm in the several days since her fever had started.  In 10 to 12 minutes Leo sat down and told the parents: “She’ll be alright now.” STS067-723-96


The following evening we received a call from the child’s father who said that his daughter had been released from the hospital that morning.  He then asked if we could come to their home to tell us what we felt about his living space and to help his 2 young sons that were having behavioral problems.

A week or so later, when we arrived at the man’s house, he met us at the door, accompanied by his wife, sons and his now recovering daughter who was running around with her brothers.  We did a followup healing on his daughter and worked briefly with his sons who were also receptive to each receiving a positively oriented spirit.

Afterward we learned that his wife was a Muslim, that they had many animated arguments about whose faith was superior, and that she accepted the space he had set aside in their home where he conducted his daily Hindu rituals.  He invited me to see some of the religious statues and symbols that had become familiar in movies and I politely listened to a now familiar story of how his religion was the most credible one on the planet (while I refused any influence).

I learned a lot from working with this lovely family.  For the first time Leo and I had worked with someone in a hospital and the result was just as positive as anywhere else.  There should be less division between spiritual/natural/quantum healing and medical science, for all healing arts strive for the same goals.

The message from the parents was that it was OK to work with their children, but they were devoted to their respective religions and never asked for any help.  Gladly the parents welcomed healing for their children!

Incidentally, when I asked how his mother was feeling, the children’s father told me that she had been attending special healing meetings at their temple where her vocal admiration for our healing skills had fallen on deaf ears.  And she had started to feel the pain in her shoulder again, although not as sharply.

Just because someone is used to the medical system or has different spiritual belief values doesn’t mean that they’re inflexible about spiritual healing.  However, they should be prepared to continue the process of refusing negativity and working with their spirit and the Light.

I believe that the positive healing power of the pure white Light crosses all belief boundaries and can reach and benefit anyone who accepts it.

Find out more about my work at

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Begin Being

Image Credit: ESA & NASA

Image Credit: ESA & NASA

Our spirits might explain how the world of quantum mechanics relates to us as human beings, as they are capable of carrying information from one existence to another in a rather ‘spooky’ way.

Just as the universe expanding faster than the speed of light during ‘a’ Big Bang seems to have broken all laws of physics (because expanding space can travel faster than light while particles cannot!), our spiritual aspect transcends space, time and consciousness in a realm that surpasses our current comprehension.

When I first learned that I could work with my spirit, it was as though that notion clicked an immediate response within my psyche.  I could interact daily with my spirit using universal positive principles instead of just dealing with the negative environment on our planet – what a better way to live!

While spirits are constantly interacting at infinite rates in the spiritual realm, our physical sense of spirit is lagging behind at a snail’s pace.  Most people have no idea that their spirit means any more to them than what their religion offers as explanation for its being.  Our bodies are created with far more capabilities to excel at the physical and spiritual levels, yet our spirits have been clumped together in galaxies of various religious beliefs that can offer opposition and even hostility at all levels.

Taking into account the fact that very few of us have considered the potential benefits of interacting with our spirit, most are missing out on the most inspiring influence on our being. Unfortunately, few spirits are given the opportunity to progress in a lifetime, as many are relegated to a position marked: “Unknown”.

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Sabbi (ESA/STScI)

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Sabbi (ESA/STScI)

A spirit wants to work with its body and the Light*; it wants to gain knowledge; it wants to move on to a higher state of existence.  A spirit doesn’t carry forward unnecessary details of this life, but stores vital information during each existence that will assist it at the spiritual level to create its next existence somewhere in the multiverse.

We’re already making some of the most startling cosmological discoveries in the history of our race, yet we are so far behind in spiritual knowledge. If we’re here to learn about our existence, then most of us have a learning disability, because our attention is constantly being absorbed by all of the distractions we’ve created for ourselves.

While many of us are struggling to cope with life’s difficulties and become fixated on our physical wellbeing, our spirits are being ignored and neglected.  However, when we connect with and interact with our own spirit, together we naturally care for and nurture our physical self.

In order for our spirits to excel and penetrate the negative obstacles we encounter at all levels of our being, we need to begin to refuse and counteract negativity to allow positive energy to flow to us and through us.  Then we’ll allow our spirits to shine most brightly as they should.

Find out more about my work at

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Spiritual vs. Inter-Dimensional Influence

NGC 4038/4039, Antennae Galaxies (interacting galaxies)  Image credit: NASA, ESA, SAO, CXC, JPL-Caltech, and STScI  Since spiritual interference and inter-dimensional interference seem so similar, the distinctions between them require some explanation.  Spiritual interference takes place when entities from the spiritual realm impose themselves upon people at the spiritual level, while inter-dimensional interference occurs when beings that exist in other dimensions of reality, i.e. space and/or time, interact with someone.

Recently a blogger commented on one of my posts about his experience in summoning spirits.  The 7-year practitioner of Reiki had been schooled in a healing method that involved the use of spiritual ‘guides’. Instead of understanding that it was his lack of knowledge about how to deal with spirits, he was terrified when he started to see the ‘demonic’ faces of spirits as he called in his ‘guides’.  While I agree with him about the misguidedness of the ‘New Age’, he had allowed the beings that presented themselves to influence him to believe that they were representatives of the Light*.

As I learned many years ago, people who summon spirits most often have no idea who or how many they’re summoning.  Despite the best of intentions, the use of spiritual guides can be especially dangerous, because any more powerful spirit or being can step in and interfere.  The vast majority of spirits that are attracted to our planet are negatively-oriented and will readily respond to anyone who summons spirits for any reason.  When a spirit is summoned, it can trigger a reaction from the inter-dimensional realm and bring negative influences upon an unsuspecting person.

Since I started my spiritual work, I have always understood that spirits are not to be fooled around with for any reason.  I never trust a spirit that comes around; I immediately refuse it, because no positive spirit would ever break free will and interfere with me.  The summoning of spirit ‘guides’ is a questionable practice that can entice beings from other dimensional realms to interfere with both the practitioner and their client.   If someone who summons spirits has a negative spirit within, or doesn’t have knowledge of vibrations or doesn’t know how to detect the positive nature of a spirit, they can be heading for trouble, as the blogger described.

Recently, I was impressed by the works of Arthur C. Clarke that were featured in an episode of the series: “Prophets of Science Fiction”.  Although I’ve never read any of Clarke’s novels, I was aware that it was he that had provided the calculations for the geosynchronous orbits of satellites.  Probably even more striking to me was the plot of his first novel in which he described the arrival of aliens resembling demons that hovered above the earth for an entire generation in a cloaked or higher dimensional state while they observed the progress of humans.  Clarke’s depiction of the aliens was similar to what religious people would identify as devils or demons.

Photo by G. Romlewski; tall pink cloud

Clarke’s fictional aliens struck me as awesome since, when I was in the middle of my first conscious spiritual battle, I perceived thefigure of what I can only describe as a satyr superimposed over the body of a human (obviously in another dimension).  Once I had found Leo Jean and told him about my experience, he started to remove the satyr-like beings that were harassing me.  We discovered that those particular beings are very common in the negative realm, but are able to remain secretive in their higher dimensional state while interacting with humans.  They are not only spiritual beings, but they hail from other worlds, where their physical characteristics are the product of their evolution.  Former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell stated recently on TV that he believes we are being visited by beings from other worlds and that they are monitoring our progress. (“UFO Hunters” 2012)

Perhaps Clarke was far more knowledgeable about the inter-dimensional realm, as he brought forward advanced knowledge that could only be introduced as fiction to a closed-minded society.  After all, most of the ‘prophets’ of history had to disguise or encode their writings in order to avoid having them destroyed by religious institutions or the ruling class.  Mitchell, backed by his scientific and aeronautical knowledge and personal experiences, offers a rational approach to the exposure and inevitable acknowledgement that we are not alone.

I work with people from around the world who have suffered the consequences of spiritual and inter-dimensional interference.  So many people wonder why they can’t refuse properly, but they don’t realize that they’ve already accepted negative influences.  The uniqueness of my approach to healing is derived from the acquired knowledge of how to remove spirits according to their distinct vibration from within and around people. 
If people were to refuse inter-dimensional beings at both the spiritual and inter-dimensional levels, their secretiveness would continue to unravel and fewer would be susceptible to their negative influence. 

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Numbered and Encumbered

30Doradus Hodge31Some recent studies in neuroscience have revealed that our human brains are hardwired to be spiritually aware. However, I’ve observed that all living creatures are spiritually aware.  And it’s important to note that spirits are not religious; people are religious.

As a child I was given no choice but to be indoctrinated into the catholic religion’s belief system.  When I questioned certain practices, there was a stern glance and a change of subject.  When I was sexually assaulted by the priest, my only way out was to keep quiet under threat that my entire family would be punished by some omnipotent being.  Now, as the pope resigns and the moral depravity of the RC church has been exposed, I feel a great sense of relief that the church’s days are numbered.

When you enter into a religious belief system, you’re surrendering your spirit or ‘soul’ into the care of that faith.  That means that you’re also accepting and are subject to all of the spiritual encumbrances that come along with your commitment.  For most people, it’s apparent that they feel comfortable being in the company of numbers of people who have similar spiritual inclinations.  As a child, I was subject to every fear, guilty feeling and shame that the church could place on me to keep me in line.

What I’ve learned is that your spirit doesn’t care if you have a faith or religion.  It doesn’t make you any more or less moral or likely to progress with your spirit.  The fact that you wear certain clothes, symbols or wear your beard in a certain fashion doesn’t mean anything to your spirit.  It could care less.  The fact that you might be accepting some spiritual encumbrances does matter.

When your spirit started out with you in this life, it accepted all of the circumstances that you shared.  As you proceeded in life, you helped or hindered your spirit as you made choices that have led you to where you are today.  Whether you’re religious or not, you still have the intuitive tendency to believe that there is more to your life than what’s apparent.  But what is your spirit being subjected to?  Animals are spiritual, and they’re not religious.  Their spirits are experiencing an existence, just like ours are.  Because our evolution gives us different abilities doesn’t mean that we’re any more or less likely to progress spiritually than a dog, dolphin or elephant.

The spiritual knowledge on our planet has been largely lost due to man’s long history of creating religious and other practices that hold people to spiritual encumbrances, like karmic debt, that follow their spirit into each reincarnation.  What they are, in essence, are groups of spirits that attach themselves to the spirit and whatever form it creates in each subsequent lifetime.  So, a spirit can bring many groups of spirits with it that can create a lifetime of interference in many ways.

When Leo and I started to remove spiritual encumbrances, it was a long slow process until we gained enough strength and spiritual knowledge to know how to remove the advanced spirits that summon the groups to attach to a person.  Once we accessed a high level of vibrational knowledge, we’ve been able to successfully remove the layers of huge groups of spirits that cause interference. What a spirit can’t escape is being summoned by their unique vibration, to which they must respond.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture on glass filled with resin and beads

The spiritual level impacts the physical level when someone accepts an encumbrance from someone else. Even if a person thinks they’re helping their spirit by joining a religion, they’re oblivious to and accepting of everything, including spiritual and inter-dimensional influences, that the religion sends with it.

When Leo and I were living in California in the 90’s, we were essentially told to stop providing healing services by the Medical Association because we were not doctors, so we weren’t allowed to heal people.  We consulted with an attorney who stated that the only way we could continue to work with people in California was to create a religion by way of a 501(c)3 corporation.  Since Leo & I were adverse to religion, we moved to Arizona, where the law was different.  Soon afterward it became apparent that, unless we started a religion in the USA, we were going to be harassed by the powerful AMA.  We actually began the process of starting a 501(c)3, but then realized that we were being pushed into a negative practice.  So we moved to Canada, where people can freely heal and be healed without the involvement of a religious institution.

When large groups of spirits are removed from someone, there is a distinct release of higher level negativity that trickles down from the spiritual to the physical level.  Due to the lack of positive spiritual knowledge on our planet, religious institutions thrive by offering negative spiritual encumbrances that bind people into their numbers.

Find out more by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Spiritual Space

OLightwpur spirits may have congregated on this planet to experience an existence in this spacetime for a reason, and we are the masters of this opportunity.

Since a spirit is essentially dependent on its form to supply it with knowledge during its present existence, it can gain or lose ground on its journey.  With so many choices available, there is ample room for each spirit to determine the manner in which they will exist in their form.

There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ at the spiritual level; there is only ‘positive’ and ‘negative.’  The majority of people choose to surrender the path of their spirit to a religious institution, and I’ve chosen not to belong to any such organization.  Many people fear and/or worship a supreme deity, and I don’t believe that any being that asks to be feared or worshipped can be acting in the best interest of its followers.  A lot of people learn that it’s beneficial to keep their chakras open, and I believe that open chakras allow the entrance of negative spirits/energy.   Some believe that being passively loving will get them through this life, and I’ve learned to retain my compassionate self while standing up to those who interfere with my well-being.

Our spirits are subject to our choices and rely on us to deliver them knowledge that will propel them to a higher level of existence.  In effect, spiritual knowledge is essential for a spirit to progress in its form.  However, there is no definite blueprint as to how this progress is to be accomplished.  If there were, there wouldn’t be so many people on this planet, since many more spirits would have already ascended to a higher realm of existence.  It’s as though we’ve been cast into churning waters and allowed to navigate as best we can with the tools we find on our journey.  Some of us are more daring than others, while others are content to just follow along with the crowd.

Science has made great strides to bring us physical knowledge of our origin and destination.  They search at the macro and micro levels to offer some glimmer of understanding of how and why we exist in this spacetime.   While we seem to be unable to prove the existence of other lifeforms in the multiverse, there is no doubt that they must indeed exist elsewhere in the unexplored vastness of space.

Our quickly accelerating physical knowledge about our human existence makes our spiritual aspect even more alluring.  If there is no life elsewhere, then where did all the spirits that inhabit all the bodies on our planet come from?  If our spirits had past lives and brought knowledge with them, then we should be acting accordingly to learn how to implement that knowledge in a beneficial way.

No one should judge another person for their choice of spiritual path, and we can direct our spirituality as we please.  A person that provides no spiritual knowledge whatsoever prevents their spirit from progressing.  Someone who brings negative spiritual knowledge deters or loses spiritual advancement.  A form that brings the positive knowledge of the Light allows their spirit to progress closer or even to reach its goal.  There are many choices of how to conduct your spiritual wellbeing, and it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your spirit.  Your spirit depends on you, even if it isn’t being served by your choice.

The best path for me is to bring the positive knowledge of the pure white Light into my spirit, allowing us both to thrive harmoniously in its purely positive energy while it progresses toward its ultimate goal of perfection in the Light.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Sense of Separation

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on crystal boxJust as a child feels terrified when separated from their parents, in a similar way a spirit can experience frustration when separated from its body.

Most people assume that their spirit (soul) is happily nestled within them, but this isn’t always the case.  When a spirit is constantly ignored because there is no communication between it and its body, it gradually weakens.  If this persists over a prolonged period of time, a spirit becomes vulnerable to stronger spirits that are attracted to their body.

When I was a child, I was never given any information about my spirit, other than my immortal soul would be sent to hell if I didn’t worship a deity in the way that I was instructed.  Gladly this blatant scare tactic  didn’t stop me from wondering if it were all true.  I was told that my spirit belonged to someone else but, once I learned that it really belongs to me, it changed my whole outlook on life.

A spirit depends on its body to interact with it and, when we’re small children, we inherently know how to do this. Then, as we reach a certain point, we tend to forget as we start to follow the instructions of those who are in charge of our lives.

Most of us are taught at an early age to relinquish the plight of our spirit to a deity that has been conceptualized by an institution and believe we never have to worry about it again.  Religions take control over one’s spirituality, while working with one’s spirit presents the ultimate freedom.

As the pressures of life mount, people can actually open up to allow less-than-beneficial spirits into their form through their spiritual apertures.  This initially happens as children and teenagers experience emotional overload in response to the trauma of mistreatment such as beatings, molestation, rape, bullying and other childhood abuse that causes intense emotions such as:

Fear                        Guilt                        Hatred                        Anxiety            Despair
Anger                     Sadness                  Self-pity                     Jealousy

Once a child opens a spiritual opening related to an emotional upheaval, they’re vulnerable to the influence of aimlessLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on crystal box spirits that hang around, looking for an opportunity to invade a child through an open chakra.  Then the spirit can actually ‘kick out’ the child’s original spirit.  Sometimes the original spirit will remain around the child, regardless of whether they’re acknowledged or not, but often the spirit will be on its way.

As the child grows older, there can be a continuous disconnect between their spiritual self and their physical self, since the spirit they house isn’t the one that they were born with or they have allowed more than one spirit within.  Since no Light* spirit (i.e. a spirit with positive knowledge) would enter a person in this manner, the spirit is always negatively oriented.  Depending on the level of negative intensity of the spirit, there can be ongoing problems at all levels, including self-destructive tendencies.

What I’ve learned through my work is that most people are capable of adapting to a spirit that is not their original, but there are always side effects.  My work entails bringing either the person’s original spirit back or finding a suitable spirit that is vibrationally compatible.  In either case, the spirit has to be positively oriented.  In this way, most quickly find the missing part of themselves that brings them a sense of purpose and meaning.

Some people are detached from their spirit all their life and never learn how to interact with it.  Apart from making life essentially better, the most fundamental of all reasons that a person should choose to consciously interact and progress with their spirit is so that their spirit can move on into the positive realm when their body expires.

When a spirit can interact with its body, its purpose can be fulfilled as it will progress in its journey.  When a body can interact with its spirit, it makes that progress possible.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe