7 Ways to Take Back Control

     At this or at any time, you may be looking toward changes that will boost your energy, improve your outlook, and motivate you to move forward into the future you envision.  With all that’s going on in the world, it would be highly beneficial to assume control over the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your life that you may have relinquished to something or someone else.  Although there are elements of our lives over which we have little or no control, there are some things that we can control quite effectively.  Here are a few ways to get started…

  1. Identify what makes you feel out of control, such as your overall personal state, your relationships with others, or your financial condition.A solution for every problem may not seem readily apparent, so take some time to work through how to proceed towards the changes you would like in your life.
  1. Take responsibility for how you arrived in this condition, because then you can do something about it. It’s easy to blame others, but we personally make the decisions that set the direction of our lives.  But don’t be too hard on yourself – being kind to your mind can help you work out a solution without emotional interference.
  1. Forgive yourself. Consider your situation from a nonjudgmental point of view, and factor in the positive elements that presently exist in your personal world.  Get serious about your health and start looking after yourself.  Nurture the relationships you have with people that you care about and strive to be around the family, friends, and colleagues that make you feel comfortable.
  1. Relax and reflect. Learning to fully relax allows your mind to reflect upon the positive and negative aspects of how regaining control could affect your current situation.  Look at how your reaction to your problem has affected you energetically.  Are you allowing old habits to interfere with your progress?  Are you burning out because you’re trying to do too much all the time?  Do you allow your relationships with some people to drain your energy?  Do you procrastinate a lot?  Are you frustrated with your work?
  1. Make a change plan. Define the changes can be made immediately to help you to start taking back control of your well-being. Then include those aspects of your world that you care about and either start with easy small changes or reflect upon how realistic it will be to make big changes immediately possible.  Think things through – then get going to change the rest until you feel like you’re gaining control once again.  The longer you linger, the less motivated you might feel about taking the necessary steps toward improvement.  Then be ready to adapt to changing circumstances that inevitably affect any plan along the way.
  1. Practice self-love and self-acceptance. All your life experiences have made you who you are as a unique individual.  Continue to develop and enjoy those attributes as you bring yourself into a state of balance, so that you’re able to make any desired changes for additional improvement.
  1. Work within. By learning to work within with your spirit and by practicing some essential skills, your efforts may bring clarity to your self-perception and help motivate you to quickly take back control in a relaxed and confident manner.

We are far more capable than our current awareness!  Taking back control means attending to the things that you perceive as important in your life and by selectively choosing the aspects over which you feel you have the ability and confidence to improve.  Now you can get started!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

💫 💖✨

Self-Love : Love in Progress


Love is a subjective experience that is one of our most essential elements.  Love is affection, desire, appreciation, and so much more!

We all crave love since the moment we are born!  Love may be the most positively powerful sentiment we can ever express in our lives.  We seek and cherish love, and everyone deserves to love and be loved.

An important aspect of love that may be underestimated is self-love, a state of inner harmony, that can be achieved by fully accepting who we are at any given moment.   

Living in self-love may be one of the most effective ways to make life more fulfilling and enjoyable.  Here are some reasons why:

  1. Self-love begins with self-acceptance at any given moment.
  2. Self-love invigorates self-confidence, motivates self-discipline, and improves mood.
  3. Self-esteem is a byproduct of self-love and allows us to authentically express beauty from within.
  4. Self-love allows us to accept love from others, and to reciprocate by allowing love to flow back to others in a genuine way.
  5. Self-love is a positive force that energizes and heals from within, generating self-satisfaction and lasting happiness.

One way to realize the healing feeling of living in self-love is to actively work with your spirit.  The acts of experiencing self-love and progressing

♡ LOVE ♡

spiritually go hand-in-hand.  When you work toward helping your spirit to reach a positive state, you’ll appreciate the beauty of your spiritual aspect and bring higher-level benefits into your daily life.  In this way, you’ll generate a higher-level love that can improve your life at all levels!


Let’s love ourselves more each day!



I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Infusing Change Into 2017

Trampler 14: Glittering star cluster.At this time of the year many of us are reflecting upon our past year, and find ourselves speculating about how to approach 2017. I always think of each New Year as an opportunity for a brighter future, when we can let go of past fears, be grateful for who we are right now, and renew our efforts to make the kind of positive changes we want to enhance our future.

Before we start any new endeavour, we first have to clean our mind slate of all the unpleasant memories of past difficulties, so that we can initiate our fresh start in full confidence. Once we identify that we are capable of succeeding and breaking through the boundaries that may have deterred us in the past, we can be creative in effecting the changes that we want to make in our lives. While visualizing a realistic outcome for our uniquely remarkable goals, we can use our higher-level skills to remove lingering doubt and apprehension, so that we can boldly and strategically execute our plans.

As we regularly acknowledge our appreciation for who we are and what we’ve accomplished so far, we can be more NGC 248 in Small Magellanic Cloudinnovative as we forge forward into uncharted territory. If we recognize that our spiritual existence impacts us at the physical level, we can begin to reconcile the disparity between suffering and extravagance in our world in a more fundamental way. Rather than accepting divisive social and economic boundaries, in our plans we could include bridges to assist those who are making efforts to get to the other side of their struggle. Furthermore, when we work at the spiritual level we work in the immediacy of the present, at the precise time in which we can receive inspiration that nurtures our ingenuity to bring effective solutions to complex problems at all levels.

Through making firm commitments to both ourselves and to our individual spirits, we initiate the higher-level processes that stimulate our mental capacity to effectively bring about the positive changes that we desire. Strong commitments at the higher level inevitably result in a more focused and deliberate approach toward our goals. This high level of commitment perpetuates the strength and stamina necessary to help us through the process of implementing our unique vision in the coming and future years.

Sun Brightened CloudsIn addition to our individual efforts toward positive change, we can also celebrate our diversity as global participants in a challenging world in which we are unique spiritual beings. If we were to view our existence as a tangible expression of our spirits’ pursuit of knowledge, we could better understand and care about each other and the world in which we live. In effect, we could view each New Year as a symbolic steppingstone within our personal evolution toward spiritual progress.

Let’s infuse 2017 with ongoing positive changes at all levels of our being!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Facilitating Change

Hawaiian Vista |Distant ViewWhenever one of my clients is about to make a change to better their life, they’re confident that the cumulative positive knowledge they’ve gained by working with their spirit will simplify their transition toward their goal of a brighter future. When you work at the higher level to bring your spiritual aspect into the process of change, you’ll be able to view the elements of change from a whole new perspective.

Many of us are afraid to break out of the shell we’ve created for ourselves – a shell in which we feel secure – but in many cases it’s that seemingly impermeable shell that often encapsulates us with all the negativity we’ve accumulated over time.  As children we were used to being shown the way in which things should be done, but many of us grew to understand that we didn’t fit inside the mold that was being fitted around us. Whether it was because we had been neglected, bullied or abused – or felt apart from the crowd – those of us who found ourselves outside the ‘box’ were compelled to discover how to go forward without conforming to a set of uncomfortably confined dimensions.

On the one hand, any who had experienced traumatic events and settled into the security of a self-fabricated protective framework most of their lives, might find the element of change foreign or even frightening. Just think of all the unknown elements they might have to consider over which they have no control, in order to make improvements in their lives!

Hawaiian Vista |Clear View

On the other hand, those of us, like me, who sought to escape the mental and emotional distress  of early events found ourselves steered toward an existence of continuous change that caused us to adapt to challenging new circumstances in new environments. In my case, learning how to work with my spirit was the explosion that broke open my confinement and facilitated making the critical changes in my life that allowed me to experience self-love, to believe in myself and to view myself as the director of my existence.

When harnessing the benefits of higher-level knowledge to effect change you can more easily:

  • Plan realistic, not whimsical changes;
  • Predict and prepare for obvious and unexpected obstacles;
  • Meet snags and challenges more effectively; and
  • Replace anxiety and uncertainty with calmness and confidence.

The skill of removing the persistent and often undetectable elements of negativity that could potentially thwart your efforts to successfully bring about meaningful change is contingent upon a firm commitment to working in an alert, positive manner at all levels of your being. Your spirit is waiting for you to engage with it to crack open that shell of complacency, routine and acceptance that limits your potential to enjoy a happier, healthier and more satisfying life in stride with your entire self!

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

M27 HubbleSitewpEven as we shape the pieces of our existential puzzle together relative to the apparent universe enveloping us, we remain lagging behind with the spiritual advancement that could alter our lives both individually and collectively when approached from a positive perspective. Gaining spiritual strength isn’t a competition – it’s a personal endeavor that requires focus and attention over a lifetime.

When we’re small children, working with our spiritual self is as natural as asking for something to eat or drink. As an essential part of our childhood, we naturally identified the positives and negatives of our spiritual activity and acted accordingly. We might have continued our spiritual savvy long into life, but most of us have been conditioned to leave behind our inherent spiritual knowledge. Many of us faced further obstacles like neglect, bullying or abuse and were adversely affected onward into our lives, and further separated from our spiritual selves.

The further a child drifts from his/her sense of harmony with their spirit, they lose a natural state of wellbeing and the ability to deal with the higher-level negativity that constantly bombards them. If someone continues to lose ground spiritually, the repercussions can filter through to the physical level in the form of physiological and mental malaise and/or financial and relationship problems. Not everyone finds strength of healing through traditional means because there are often spiritual issues at hand that can block and deter the healing process.


From my own perspective as an intelligent enthusiastic child, my world had spiraled downward as I lost spiritual knowledge and strength as a result of a clergy abuse event. At an early age I recognized the inadequacy of available antiquated religious institutions and dropped my family’s traditions.  I felt lost and off balance for many years and remember searching for some sort of harmony in my life, but I didn’t realize that my physical problems had escalated into a spiritual crisis.

When I regained the inherent knowledge of how to work with my spirit and started working with the Light*, I began building up my spiritual strength and positive changes took effect immediately. I experienced a boost in my self-esteem and adopted a completely new perspective about how to look after my physical self. I discovered that my spirit needs a positively oriented body in order to make progress, so I initiated a continuously healthy lifestyle. I realized it’s my responsibility to strive to be as positive as possible in all aspects of my being, if I’m to continue to grow in spiritual strength and positive knowledge.

Sunlight Thru Ocean CloudswpOne of the greatest obstacles to gaining spiritual strength is fear. When you give in to fear of any kind, like fear of failure or success, fear of others’ acceptance or rejection or fear of changing your current situation in life, you’re succumbing to negativity. As you start being yourself and working through all the steps needed to overcome your fears, you’ll notice a boost in your ability to counteract negative thoughts and emotions before they give rise to additional difficulty.

Spiritual strength doesn’t come instantly – it takes effort and commitment. Some people have been duped into quick fixes such as accepting spirit guides, angels, or summoning the spirits of deceased loved ones, as a way to gain spiritual strength; while others have been invited to accept a stranger’s life energy.  Any of these ruses would be a clear opportunity for negative beings/spirits to be invited into ruining your life. Others have decided to join a religious institution with the hope it would take over their spiritual responsibility, but are often led into a false sense of complacency. It’s impossible to learn how to gain strength with your spirit in a few hours or by depending on others – you have to be committed to this very personal endeavor on a long-term basis, since spiritual strength intensifies over time.Mountain Vista

Everyone has the potential to be good at personal spiritual work, but becoming strong spiritually doesn’t come without effort. No one can hand you access to the positive energy of the Light. You have to earn its benefits on a daily basis by meeting negative challenges with determined positive reactions and solutions. Higher-level negativity can be much less obvious than what you already recognize, especially when it emanates from other people and their associations with others. Your perseverance in being patient and acquiring awareness of higher-level negativity will allow you to continuously gain stamina to meet new challenges.

Sunbrushed Lake CloudsOur spirits transcend this physical existence, yet it’s up to us to consciously promote our spiritual progress. While climbing each cliff to overcome negativity, then coasting conscientiously along the plateaus until meeting the next hurdle, you’ll grow stronger as your spirit gains strength due to your efforts.

Gaining spiritual strength is a process of learning, adapting and following through with a lifelong commitment to work positively alongside your spirit to enhance your life experience.

“Make a firmer commitment and believe in yourself!” ~Leo Jean

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Positive Headway

WaveThe ideal morality we aspired to as children is constantly being challenged as we reconcile the discrepancy between an idyllic world and the reality we experience. If we were to instead view life simply in terms of positive and negative, it would help make sense of what happens at all levels of our being.

While most of us will generally agree upon what is positive and what is negative, much of our evaluation is subjective, based on our own values, conditioning and past experiences. We can more easily assess the remaining gray areas with the help of higher-level skills acquired through daily practice.

At a larger scale we see how corruption runs rampant in our government, religious and corporate institutions, and we eventually become desensitized to deception, hypocrisy and greed. Since we’re unable to do anything significant about their actions, we can only assess whether the institution makes a positive or negative contribution to our personal lives. There’s no need to become upset by the blatant negativity expressed by governments, religions and corporations – why not just evaluate them as either positive or negative and move on?

In our own personal lives, at this level we have the power to make positive changes to enhance our life situation. But it’s not always easy to rid ourselves of the lingering negativity of the past, unless we have some tools to help us remove those barriers to having a positive life. We’ve all been conditioned to accept so much negativity unopposed into our lives that we often can’t distinguish the difference anymore. Amazing changes can be made when we stop allowing its detrimental effect on our wellbeing!

On a daily basis we make decisions about the positive and negative nature of our relationships, our workplace environment and our general wellbeing. It helps to regard our relationships as either positive or negative to manage the emotions we generally feel about people. Evaluating a coworker or boss as a positive or negative in the workplace also helps to diminish their influence on our energy and concentration. We can make more intelligent health and wealth decisions based on the positive or negative nature of each consideration. In this way we can stop accepting higher-level interference and enjoy who we are, the benefits of what we’ve achieved and the reasons for what we’re doing at the present time.

Ocean Surface

At the spiritual level we are constantly swimming against the tide of negativity and devising ways of staying afloat in positive mode. As we progress and attain higher-level skills, we become more adept at maintaining our balance on the crests of the waves. As we find ourselves maneuvering through each trough, we swim with stronger strokes to rise up and continue riding upon a crest again. Each day on the ocean of life can be exhilarating, when we apply higher-level knowledge to facilitate our journey.

Ocean CloudsYour spirit is much more sensitive to and affected by the negativity you accept or reject at all levels.   When you learn to regard people, places and inanimate things as either positive or negative, it helps you to overcome unpleasant past occurrences, improve your present situation and move you into a brighter future. If you want your spirit to be more positive, then you have to put effort into identifying and refusing the negative influences that interfere with you at any given moment.

Making a commitment to be positive at all levels is of paramount importance to the wellbeing of our individual spirits, so being able to refuse the negatives and promote the positives in our lives makes us better navigators of these undulating waters of life.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com


Trimmed TreesWhen we consider that our spirits are an essential aspect of our being, we can engage their energy and timeless knowledge to enhance our lives. As we proceed through life, we can each stand with our spirit as we constantly adapt at all levels to the ever-changing circumstances of our life experience.

Throughout our lives there will always be challenges to confront yet, if we work to refuse and eliminate negativity as it presents itself, we can more easily glide into balance at all levels. Although some of us continue to struggle with the ongoing aftermath that earlier neglect, bullying or abuse has inflicted upon our wellbeing, we can effectively reduce the negative baggage we carry by refusing its influence properly.

As we cope and deal with emotional turmoil as it erupts from time to time, we can take steps toward limiting the impact of its residual negativity upon our wellbeing.

The learning and implementation of fundamental spiritual principles can help you become aware of and counteract higher-level negativity, so you can get on a positive footing in stride with the highest part of your being.

As we learn to withstand and deal with all the negativity that attempts to undermine our efforts to enjoy our lives, we can move through life with a much lighter step. Once you let go of the negative tendencies you’ve grown accustomed to accepting as part of your burden, you’ll realize that you had been allowing it to weigh you down, rather than releasing its friction.

Solo Tree

When you…

STAND UP FOR YOURSELF…you develop strength at all levels.

STAND FOR SOMETHING…you bring strength of purpose to enhance your wellbeing.

STAND OUT AS YOURSELF… you’ll recognize the unique individual you are.

STAND WITH YOUR SPIRIT… you’ll establish unsurpassed energy and harmony.

As we position ourselves within this dimension of spacetime, we learn to stand not before or behind others, but beside them in our quest for greater meaning and enduring happiness in our life experience.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Freedom From Fear

Eagle Nebula

The Eagle Nebula

Expanding on #2 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

From the awkwardness of shyness to the extreme anxiety of terror, all fear is essentially the same.  

Wild animals instinctively assess their position whenever they encounter an unknown or dangerous situation.  Likewise we, as humans, instantaneously assess for a fight or flight response and our fear can either freeze us in terror or cause courage to emerge.

For many of us the lingering memories of childhood experiences set off alarms when we’re faced with threatening circumstances.  Many of us were bullied, abused or continually cautioned with negatives like: “Don’t…! ” or “You’ll never…!”  Such phrases seem to crop up whenever we’re faced with challenges to our wellbeing.

As a consequence, the negative memories stored over time at the physical, mental and higher levels contribute to self-doubt and indecisiveness.  These limitations on our ability to adapt healthfully to change inhibit us from reaching our full potential.

On top of the physical and mental effects of fear, spiritual negativity is attracted during distressing situations and we carry that accumulation into adulthood.  Fearful events often cause a child to open up to one or more negatively oriented spirits that remain with them throughout their lifetime.

Fear is the greatest of negative tools, and built up spiritual negativity amplifies the effect of past memories and the perceived threat of a challenging situation.  Fear can be real or imagined and sensible solutions are best prompted when we’re steadily cool, calm and collected.

Last summer, I was confronted with what might have been an alarming experience in a grocery store parking lot, but my ongoing work with my spirit proved very effective.  A woman’s plastic shoe became stuck under the accelerator of her SUV, causing her to race toward me with such force that she ran into another SUV and that vehicle struck another.  The SUV missed me by only a few inches, yet I maintained my presence of mind, called 911 and headed home, remarkably composed.

Because I know how to work with my spirit, I automatically refused the perceived negativity as soon as I heard the screeching sound of the driver spinning her tires.  So my spirit and I were already counteracting the wave of negative energy directed toward me before the SUV sped past just behind me.

Goose Spit, Vancouver Is. Canada~Photo by M. Barclay

Goose Spit, Vancouver Is. Canada~Photo by M. Barclay

The more higher-level awareness you acquire, the better prepared you’ll be when fear strikes.  Instead of allowing the onset of bodily chemical processes to further complicate your response to simple stressful situations or major catastrophic events, your higher self and spirit can help you to go forward in confidence.

By going within to work with your spirit, you’ll take charge of all aspects of your being and bring your spiritual knowledge into play.  You’ll be more composed to better assess fear-triggering situations so you’re prepared to respond rationally.

Getting rid of fear and self-doubt are only part of what working with your spirit can add to your life…just imagine how strong and confident you’ll become as you progress!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:
10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Creating Positive Change

A Butterfly Nebula

A Butterfly Nebula

At times it just seems impossible to make changes to better your life, because negativity just keeps bombarding you, no matter what you do.   But – if you’re ready for the most innovative response to eliminating negative intrusions upon your efforts – you can learn to work with your spirit to create positive change!

Since childhood, we’ve been craftily digging ourselves out of the negativity that has interrupted our happiness along the way.  When we were children almost any little slice out of our happy mood sent us brooding, but we always seemed to find a solution that brought us sparkling back into our happy mood.

Over time we became accustomed to allowing higher-level negativity to act as a reinforcement whenever we entered a state of negativity, and it became increasingly hard to emerge from the quagmire. But how do we stop attracting the higher-level negativity that descends upon us when we’ve entered that state?  That’s when working with your spirit and the Light* becomes the most useful.

That’s what your spirit is for…to help you to resist, counteract and eliminate negativity from your life.  Your spirit is just waiting for you to come to the realization that you understand that essential concept and are prepared to work with it.Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture with butterfly in resin base

As your spirit helps you to overcome negativity, in return you help your spirit to progress toward a positive existence.  This whole process involves using the Light as a positive tool in your daily routine.  It’s not just thinking about getting out of a negative mood – it’s about getting into the good habit of refusing and counteracting the negativity that triggers and perpetuates that state.

Once you can extricate yourself from a lackluster state of negativity, you can start making some incredible steps toward the positive ‘you’!  Remember that creative child that always believed you were capable of doing anything you put your mind to?  Well, that ‘you’ is still there, waiting for you to break through that negative blockade you’ve been building around yourself.

Instead of continuously allowing negativity to invade your well-being, you can make positive changes now, by taking daily steps toward your positive future.  Here are some ways to get started:
  1. Accept yourself for you are, right now, in this moment in time. Forgive yourself, then start loving and believing in yourself a little more each day.
  2. Focus on your positive aspects. Avoid comparing yourself to someone else –you’re unique – be genuinely you!
  3. Focus on what’s most important to your well-being right now. Leave behind the negativity of the past…you can’t change it, but you can make improvements as you move forward.Gloria@Niagarawp
  4. Make lifestyle changes that will remove the negative and add more positive elements – get outside and walk in the fresh air; exercise; eat healthier; change your look; do something creative – to bring joy into your life.
  5. Make realistic goals that are achievable in the short-term, so you’re more easily able to attain positive results from your daily efforts.
  6. Make a commitment to work with your spirit and the Light.  Once you learn how to effectively work with your spirit to remove the negative interference, it will be so much easier to make lasting positive changes.
  7. Keep at it every day …creating your positive life is a work in progress!
Remember to work on your positive future in the now – each day makes a difference – because even small changes will accumulate quickly into a shining new positive you!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Thank Yourself for Being You!

peachtreewpSome of us think that our lives are destined to be mediocre, that we have no power to bring ourselves into a level of being that makes us feel more competent, complete and appreciated.

Why do we feel like we’re lost in our everyday struggles, oblivious to the parts of ourselves that could be helpful?  We just sort of amble along, hoping that something will miraculously change and bring us the kind of dynamic life that we think we’re craving.  If that sounds like you, then you’re ready to stir up some changes in your life!

Years ago when I was worrying and feeling helpless about my life, I started looking for something that would create changes at a level that weren’t addressed by traditional remedies.  When I found out about working with my spirit and the Light*, I suddenly became invigorated with the possibilities that my life actually presented.

When you choose to open a positive pathway into your higher-level capabilities, you’ll become more aware of the factors that block access to your inherent talents.  A great deal of the interference that diminishes your self-esteem and creativity originates at the higher level of your being.

What if you’ve been creating the higher-level factors that contribute to such interference because you’ve been accepting and reinforcing your own negative conceptions about yourself? What if you’ve been creating and attracting additional negativity because of those thoughts?  Is it possible that other people pick up on your lack of confidence and low self-esteem, in the same way that you pick up on the over-inflated attitudes of some very self-absorbed people? One thing’s for certain: You’re never going to please everyone all the time, and you have to accept that as part of being human.

Monkey Puzzle Tree

At one time I was shy and afraid of what others might think of me but, once I started to work with my spirit, my self-perspective changed.  I always learn from my interactions with others, whether their opinion appears important or not.

The other day, while I was out for a walk, I stopped to greet a dog on a leash that came running up to me.  The owner immediately started to apologize for her pet, but I assured her that I always welcome such greetings.  The owner told me that her dog never stops to greet anyone, ever.  I considered it a compliment to have such a discerning animal set me apart for a greeting, as though it was her acknowledgment of my harmony within.

How can you begin to accept yourself the way you are, so that you can feel comfortable about being the person you truly are inside?  That’s what self esteem’s  all about!  When you start to love yourself and believe in yourself, you’ll suddenly realize your positive qualities and allow them to flow outward into the world.

As you look at yourself from a positive perspective, accept yourself, then thank yourself and take it from there!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit

Star Cluster V838 Monocerotis

Credit: NASA, ESA, and H. Bond (STScI)

If you’ve never heard of working with your spirit, it’s probably because the knowledge has been lost in time with the building of our civilization.  You’ve heard about the spiritual teachings of prophets that had wonderful experiences and sparked the evolution of various religions, and maybe you’ve even followed them, but you’ve never been told about your own innate ability to work with your spirit.

Too many spirits live through countless numbers of lives without any progress, because their forms are oblivious about how to participate in the process.

Here are some of the ways that you could benefit from your essential ability of working with your spirit:

  1. You’ll feel happy inside.  Happy like you did when you were a very young child because, back then, you were working with your spirit as a natural part of being alive.  You’ll learn higher-level ways to counteract incoming streams of depressing thoughts before they overwhelm and send you into emotional gloom.
  2. You’ll get rid of the negativity of fear and doubt.  You’ll realize that a lot of the fears and doubts that cause anxiety come not only from the lingering memories of past experiences, but from outside yourself in the spiritual and inter-dimensional realms.  You’ll learn how to refuse and deal with it effectively.
  3. You’ll stop accepting other forms of negativity.  You’ll have an advantage over the onslaught of negative thoughts and emotions that trigger reactions such as guilt, anger, hatred, sadness, shame, self-pity, jealousy, depression, greed, frustration, possessiveness and all the others that interfere with your feeling of wellness.  Your spirit will assist you to overcome such negativity!
  4. Your self-esteem will skyrocket. Your self-confidence will increase as you exercise self-love.  And you’ll be able to accept and see yourself as the unique, beautiful and worthy individual you truly are!
  5. You’ll be self-motivated to get healthy.  Have you ever wanted to get back into shape, start eating a healthy diet or stop smoking or drinking, but just never got it together?  By self-healing with your spirit, you’ll not only feel motivated, you’ll feel totally at ease as you gain and maintain great health!
  6. You’ll take back your free will.  If you’ve ever struggled against factors that interfere with the direction in which you want to take your life, you’ll take back control by identifying the negative factors that interfere with decision making and cloud your judgment about your needs and wants.  You’ll be in charge of your life once and for all!
  7. You’ll unleash your inner creativity.  One of our greatest attributes we have as human beings is our ability to create.  Not only is it a talent, it’s as necessary to your spiritual well-being as it is to your physical/mental health.  Self-expression brings relaxation and concentration together in harmony as you create an art form that’s uniquely you!
  8. You’ll understand yourself better.  During childhood you probably had a better understanding of yourself than you do now, because you were still working with your spirit.   Once you reconnect, your spirit will bring you a fundamentally comforting sense of self once again.
  9. You’ll feel calm, even amid all the chaos.  When all hell breaks loose around you, you’ll be able to call upon your spirit to help you to return to a tranquil state  within yourself so you can deal with it all cool, calm and collectively.
  10. You’ll progress with your spirit.  As you gain strength by working with your spirit, you’ll progress at both the physical and spiritual levels.  By following the fundamental guidelines of how to remain in the positive realm, you’ll feel more empowered as you incrementally gain and implement positive spiritual knowledge.
If you’re anything like me, once you’ve heard about working with your spirit, you’ll want to start immediately…Your spirit’s waiting for you!

Find out how to get started now at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!


#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit


Spirit Anxiety vs. Awareness

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop tri-legged glass pedestalLately I’ve noticed that many of the people directed to my blog site by search engines have been searching for information about how to deal with ‘spirit anxiety’.  When someone is sensitive to the presence of spirits but doesn’t know how to react, the anxiety they experience is the first sign that they’re allowing a spirit to interfere with them.

How do people know that a spirit is around them? 

Some people are more sensitive to the spirit world and can feel, see or hear a spirit.  People can ‘feel’ a spirit through its ability to electrically charge particles, resulting in a drop in ambient temperature or by creating an electrostatic charge that feels like a touch or brush.  Others can ‘see’ a spirit when it presents itself as a shadowy figure or an ‘orb’, which looks like a colored translucent sphere floating in the air.  Some people can ‘hear’ a spirit through the contact that they allow through their mind, usually in the form of a voice that speaks to them.

Why do people become so interested and feel compelled to help a spirit that is trying to contact them?   

Some people become intrigued with the phenomenon and figure that the spirit needs their help or that it’s possibly the spirit of a poor lost soul or one of their loved ones, an ancestor or someone who used to live in their house.  Many feel sorry for a spirit that is lost or wandering, similar to how someone feels sympathy for someone like that at the physical level.  Others get so curious that they can’t stop trying to make contact, because they think it’s exciting.

What’s the right way to proceed?

From my many years of dealing with people who have been troubled by some spiritual interaction or disturbance, I’ve learned that the best and only way for people to deal with spirits is to refuse them completely.  Forget about trying to understand, listen to, feel sorry for or give any other attention to spirits.  Although spirits can incite profound curiosity, try a positive approach and refuse them immediately rather than accept them!

Be aware that positive spirits don’t hang around people, because they don’t break free will.  So, if a spirit trying to ‘contact’ you, it’s actually a spirit that has lost its positive knowledge and should be recognized as a negatively oriented spirit.  Never trust a spirit or try to form a ‘relationship’ with it, because you’d be placing yourself in a vulnerable position.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop tri-legged glass pedestal

Spirits that have lost their positive knowledge can actually present a destructive menace to your wellbeing.  The main reason that spirits come around is to absorb or drain your energy.  Stronger ones can interfere with your thought patterns and alter your emotional state, waiting for an opportune moment, like when you’re struck with excitement or fear, so that they can jump inside one of your spiritual openings when you lose control.  So why would you want them around?

For those who are more advanced in their understanding, it will help you to know that inter-dimensional beings are highly sophisticated spiritually.  Although they can have significantly more negative impact on someone who has accepted them at some level, I recommend that you refuse them in much the same way you would treat incarnate spirits.

My advice is to adopt a positive stance: Instead of anxiety, calm down, relax and focus on refusing and hitting the spirit with the Light.  If this process has little effect, I’m fully capable of helping you.

The best way to counteract spirit anxiety would be to contact me to learn how to work with your own spirit, so that you can gain strength and confidence and eliminate your vulnerability to spiritual interference.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

Spiritual vs. Inter-dimensional Influence
Higher-Level Interference
Higher-Level Conditioning

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

No Worries…Just the Best Possible Outcome

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on shiny blue glassSome of the most negative thinking comes to mind as regret or worry.  Regrets are negative thoughts about the past, while worries are negative thoughts about the future.  Neither of them has any validity in the present, but they are recurring thoughts that unnecessarily interfere with our wellbeing.

The best way to deal with such negative thinking is to at first realize that it’s just wasted time.  Leo used to always ask people: “Do you worry a lot?”  With the almost-always affirmative reply, he’d say:

“If you worry a lot, then you’re a professional at doing nothing.  You have to act to do something about it.”

Those strong words were directed at me when I first met Leo, because I was under a cloud of worry-tivity – my world was full of worry.  I worried about everyone else, too, because I had become an expert at worrying.  I spent my childhood learning all about the ins and outs of worrying from my mother who was an expert at worrying about everything and everybody.  That’s even worse than worrying about one’s own problems, because there’s really nothing anyone can do about someone else’s problems.

I gladly learned that worrying is simply fear of the future.  While we can and should act to make our future the reality that we desire, we still have to go through all the positive steps that will lead to that future.  Our lives are a work in progress, so we need to understand that every constructive action we take will lead us in a positive direction toward our goals.  And we must be prepared to ad lib and make changes as external events act upon us.

Worrying takes us nowhere, but it causes a distraction in our normal thought processes and takes us into the negative realm.  Once we’re submersed in negative thinking patterns (i.e. the go-nowhere good-for-nothing worrying), we also attract negative energy/spirits that fuel the process and feed off of the negative energy that we’ve created.

When I was learning to refuse negativity, I learned to counteract the act of worrying, that had forced me into the corner of doing nothing about my problems.  While I was worrying, I wasn’t formulating a plan of how to solve my problems; I was just adding to them.  While I was a ‘worry-wart’ I was unable to disassociate myself from the future negativity that I was creating in my mind.  In other words, I was heading straight into negative territory every time I worried.

In addition to attracting negative energy/spirits when we worry a lot, there are greater spiritual implications.  Mental and emotional negativity converge at the throat chakra and can allow damage to the spiritual opening, causing additional physical side effects such as thyroid malfunction.  When I started to work with my spirit and learned to refuse the negativity that invaded my thoughts every time I thought about my future, I was able to direct myself in a positive direction.  Not only had I been creating undue mental stress, but I was unable to enjoy the luxury of physical relaxation.  When I let go of my worrying, I was able to allow my body to relax and heal.  As I learned to relax, refuse negative thoughts and to take action to direct my own future, I let go of my expertise at worrying and all its negative side effects.

 “Energy turned back on itself creates stress.  Energy allowed to flow freely allows relaxation.” ~Leo JeanLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on slice of blue rock

As I worked with my spirit and emerged from my worrying pastime, I saw so much more potential in my life than as a survivor of spousal abuse.  In a time of high unemployment while I was training to work as Leo’s assistant, I found interim work as the manager of a portrait studio (350 applicants) and renewed my interest in coaxing babies to break out their smiles (toothless or not!)  Once I started to love myself, believe in myself and care for myself both physically and spiritually, I abandoned my expertise at worrying and became the director of my future.

Whether we believe in fate or determinism, it seems true that everything happens for a reason so that we can learn and benefit from both the positives and the negatives in life.  As long as we direct ourselves in the best ways possible, it does us no good to worry about events that are beyond our control.  For instance, while we await the ‘end date’ of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, we can choose to view it simply as the end of a calendar, as the date of a possible global catastrophe or as the beginning of an enlightened era in human history.  From the quantum perspective of the Many Worlds Theory, every action we take could manifest countless alternative outcomes in other parallel universes, but we get only one.

As we gain more insight about our place in the multiverse, we ought to face our future with confidence and optimism for the best possible outcome, so that we can allow ourselves to prosper at all levels of existence.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Related posts:
Choose to Use Your Free Will
Mayan People Did Not Predict World to End in 2012 (BBC)
Doomsday Myths Debunked (Space.com)

What Drives Children’s Negative Actions?

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop mermaid figurine imbedded in resinAs children we develop our individual sense of how to interact with others and, depending on our spiritual orientation, the results can be quite different.  Some children learn a sense of positive morality from their experiences, while others accept the negatively-charged energy they receive from their mistreatment of others.

When I was only 2 years old I committed my first negative action against another living being, when I was unjustly punished and reacted in a surprising way.  (I have a rather vivid memory of certain early childhood events, and this one still stands out.)  My brother (who was still crawling) and I were playing on the floor beside his crib when he reached over and spilled the baby powder, just like he’d done the day before.  The first time he spilled the powder my mother came into the room and swatted me on the behind, because she assumed that I had done it.  This time, I wasn’t going to get blamed, so I remember biting my brother on the forearm and, while he burst into a loud cry, I ran into my parents’ bedroom and hid deep inside the closet so that my mother couldn’t find me.  In my toddler’s mind, it was a split-second reaction to hurt my brother in response to my fear of being punished again because of his actions.  (Poor little guy, with my teeth marks on his arm!)

A few years later, when I was 6 years old, I remember how some of the older kids used to get a big charge out of swinging us around by the arms and then letting us go.  As we went flying off in a slingshot effect then tumbled to the ground with a dazed look on our faces, they laughed in glee.  One day, when no one was around, I remember taking the plunge myself.  I swung one of the 5-year-old neighbor girls around and let her go.  As she started to cry because she was so dazed and, most probably with hurt feelings, I felt a great sense of guilt and remorse.  It was the first and last time I would ever treat another human being that way. From that child came my own cries; her grief was my own.  Although I apologized at the time, and I remember apologizing to her again when we were older, the girl never even remembered the event.  That experience gave me the insight never to be mean to anyone again, and was probably the cornerstone of my moral development.

So what makes a child mean?  From a spiritual perspective, if I had a negatively oriented spirit, I probably never would have felt any remorse about hurting either my little brother or the neighbor girl.  As a 2-year-old, my actions were merely for self-preservation with no sense of right or wrong but, with a little more brain power at age 6, I was able to make a positive moral judgment that changed my behavior.

However, a child with a negatively oriented spirit might have enjoyed the negative energy created during their mistreatment of another living being, because they might have already experienced abuse or brutality as normal.  Their spirit would have grown more negative as the abuse events continue, in their role as both a recipient victim and an emerging perpetrator.  The abusive actions of a child attract negative energy/spirits that fuel their desire to continue to hurt others, as negative spirits feed off the negative energy that is generated.  A child who bullies others is a child in trouble at all levels.

From the perspective of a child who’s on the receiving end of bullying, they’re becoming conditioned not to resist or to fight back.  The first time a bullying event occurs a child becomes afraid, the first step to the acceptance of future incidents.  At the spiritual level, the bullied child starts to receive negative spiritual input that originates with and perpetuates the fear response.  Even if their spirit was more positively oriented at the start, it will inevitably lose ground to the overwhelming influx of negativity created by the bullying.

One of my greatest joys is to help a child by introducing them to their spiritual self and the Light*, so that they canLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures atop colorful glass on resin base gain a fundamental understanding of their individuality from a spiritual perspective.  Learning to work with their spirit brings them so much self-esteem and mindfulness of their extraordinary potential to overcome such obstacles as the impact of bullying.  They quickly see that they have allowed bullying to affect them and that they need to refuse the spiritual negativity that perpetuates the abusive behavior on both ends.  For kids of all ages:

I believe in myself.  I never doubt myself.
I am a winner and I am fully capable of succeeding in all that I choose. ~Leo Jean

The spiritual motivation behind bullying, criminal actions of all kinds and the calamity of war is the same: Negative spirits feed off of the negative energy that negative actions generate.  Hopefully more people will turn inward with a positive spiritual outlook, so that more positive energy is generated at all levels on our planet.


Find out more about my work by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe



Spiritual Solutions

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on glass filled with layers of colored resinOn this rollercoaster of life we all face a myriad of problems, and it’s the way in which we approach solutions that brings the optimum outcome.

Many of us suffer from the anxiety of our problems, while others seem to have a carefree attitude about life.  What makes some of us worriers while others are seemingly worry free?  A lot of it depends on your perception and how you let your problems affect you, but many people receive much more higher level interference than others.

One of the principles of my work is: “Every problem has a solution at the spiritual level.” ~Leo Jean   Over time I’ve learned to apply it to problem solving by combining both physical and spiritual practices.

When you receive the news that you have a problem, you react in a positive or negative manner.  There seem to be differences in whether a problem is personally  or extraneously generated but, in both instances, there are similar ways to constructively attain a solution.

If I initially react to a problem with a negative attitude, I can expect to get a negative response because I’m attracting negative energy at the higher level.  In turn the negative energy attracts negative spirits that can group together and cause a mushrooming cluster of negative energy.  That would certainly prevent the ease at which I find a positive outcome to any problem!  (Like someone who gets very angry when they receive bad news and starts yelling or badmouthing someone else.  Or someone who blurts out a litany of despair about how unfair life is.)

On the other hand, if I’m presented with a problem, no matter how difficult it seems, I can take several positive approaches to help me as I work with my spirit to effect a positive change.  Here are some ways that I’ve learned to reach solutions that incorporate both physical and spiritual approaches:

  1. I immediately refuse the impact of the negative news at the spiritual level.  In this way, I refuse to invite or attract negative energy.  It’simportant to remind yourself to keep your spiritual openings closed, since they tend to fling open at such times.
  2. I look objectively at the pros and cons of the decisions that I must make, and I refuse and hit all negative thoughts and emotions with the Light*, since fear doubt and worry can cause interference as I take a reasonable approach to solving my problem. (As a bonus for my efforts over time I’ve learned how to work with my spirit to remove any negative spirits that come to interfere with me during this process.)
  3. I consider most problems to be negative impediments to my present and future well-being, so I turn the problem into a challenge that must be met in order to make my life better.
  4. Once I’ve refused properly, I then ask my higher self to help me to reach the right resolution.  Then I let it go and do something else for a while until I receive the answer.  Depending on the magnitude of the issue, I give my higher self enough time to allow a decision that will usually come to me while I’m in a relaxed state.
  5. While I’m in the ongoing process of dealing with my problem, I stick to the plan and continue to refuse properly so that I can minimize negative interference.
You can effect a suitable solution rather quickly by applying this practice to everyday or major problems, as you integrate positive spiritual knowledge into the process.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe



The Potential of a Positive Spirit

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on glass cart with sun faceAt some point early in life there should be a catalyst that sparks each child into believing in their own unique potential.

Children are subjected to the world that is presented to them by their parents, family, playmates, school and community.  When a troubled child is without guidance and encouragement, it makes it especially hard for them to envision a bright future.  Unfortunately, even in our western world there are too many children who are born into an existence that strains their ability to cope with difficulty and to have a positive outlook on their future.

Over the years I’ve seen that positive change is possible in any troubled child’s life, if they’re extended the opportunity to accept who they are through a positive sense of self.  A young Portuguese boy, Luis*, clearly demonstrated how quickly a child can alter their self-image, when they realize their special qualities as an individual.

Luis’ mother had come to see us because of the significant head and back pain that she was suffering, due to some manual labor at work.  After her first session, the single mother of 3 decided to bring her children to see us, so that they could each receive a new positively oriented spirit as she had done.  On her second visit, we met Luis and his sisters.

Luis was 10 years old and extremely shy.  He barely said a word as we talked with his mom and sisters and, when it was his turn to work with us, he was receptive, but not really sure of himself.  One of his eyes wandered off to the side, so Leo removed the large negative energy/spirit that had contributed to the muscle weakness, and introduced a Light**-committed spirit for him to work with as his own.   In order to help Luis gain enough confidence to focus on his self-healing, Leo showed him that he had much more potential power when he worked with his spirit.  Luis was impressed when he saw that he was capable of twisting a spoon into a knot, but Leo wanted him to know that he was a lot more spiritually powerful than that.

Leo used to exercise his mind power by initiating movement in a chrome decoration that sat on his desk.   At rest a little chrome ballerina that dangled from a wire above a flat round base simply stood still but, as Leo focused his mind power to energize the figurine, it would spin and ‘dance’ around the little platform.  (I always marveled at how Leo could do that, but I was never able to do it myself!)

As Leo showed Luis how he could make the ballerina dance, the boy watched attentively. Leo suggested that he concentrate toChrome ballerina similar to that which demonstrated mind power energy make the dancer move, just as he had focused to twist the spoon, only this time he couldn’t touch the metal.  With seemingly little effort from a few feet away, Luis started to move the ballerina from her rest position into a swirling dance, just as Leo had showed him. All of a sudden, the ballerina stopped, as Luis realized what he had done and stopped concentrating.  Then he started to move it again. His face lit up with a big smile that glowed across the room.

Then, Leo did what I always saw as so earnestly supportive – he gave the chromed ballerina to Luis, saying: “No one else has ever done it.  Now it’s yours!”  Well, that little boy’s grin was as wide as his face as he looked over at his mother with a look of pride and accomplishment.

Who would have assumed that a timid child would respond to such a challenge and surpass everyone’s expectations?  Then Leo revealed the purpose of challenging Luis in that way.  Leo guided Luis to use his newly-found ability not only in daily self-healing, but also to work with his spirit to channel the Light to remove the negative memory of the spirit that had caused his eye to be off-center, and to stop any other negative spirits that tried to come in as replacements.

Upon his next visit, Luis’ eye was markedly improved.  On his third visit, two weeks later, Luis’ eye was already centered properly!  Not only was Luis’ eye corrected, but he was also full of genuine self-esteem and self-confidence.  His smiling face and sparkling blue eyes shone with positive energy and he talked and laughed as though he had never been shy before.  This incredible boy, whose life was so lackluster before he realized his positive spiritual power, was now a vibrantly confident child.

It doesn’t matter at what age a person starts to work with their spirit. The introduction of a positive spiritual self can change even the most lackluster life into one that teems with positive potential.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Name made up to protect his privacy; no significant details that would identify this person are mentioned.
**Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


The Power to Refuse Negative Thoughts

Turbulent Sky.wpNegative thoughts are constantly bombarding many of us as we navigate through life, but some people are tormented because they have so little power to refuse them. When someone is prone to persistent negative thoughts, there is most often a spiritual reason that prevents them from overcoming their persuasion.

Every living being on our planet is born with the instinct to survive, and each individual has the remarkable capacity to overcome a myriad of negative obstacles.  However, when one’s resolve has been compromised by the intrusion of negative energy/spirits, it diminishes their capacity to resist the impact of higher level  negativity.

Why are some people more sensitive than others, so that they seem to attract and absorb more negativity?  Although it’s partly due to their level of perception and intuitive knowledge of how to deal with it, I think there’s a spiritual reason at its core.  When a child is bothered at the higher level, he or she will simply say: “No!” and it’s usually enough to stop the negative influence but, if a child is subjected to abuse, they’re susceptible to being overwhelmed by the negative energies/spirits that are attracted to such events.

The first time I heard of someone being taunted to self-destruct was over 20 years ago, when a feisty 80-year-old woman came to see us because she was tormented by a cacophony of voices that were continuously urging her to throw herself from her 5-storey balcony.  More recently was the distant healing of a very sensitive 20-year-old woman, Lisa*, that had allowed the energies of others to affect her so much that she was unable to turn off her absorption of negativity.  Both women intuitively knew the source of their self-destructive tendencies was spiritual, and they were brave enough to fight back for their lives.

Five years before she contacted us, Lisa had been diagnosed as schizophrenic.  She suffered from extremely painful headaches and was taking medication that helped to lessen, but never removed, the pain.  Lisa explained that she felt she no longer had any “barriers to the negative energy emitted by negative people” and felt that, if it continued, it would lead her to her “ultimate destruction – suicide”.  Yet she went on to describe how she felt those thoughts could not be her own, because she was a very positive, creative and outgoing person.  As a gifted performer, her greatest desire was to be able to stand on stage without the debilitating pain.

Not only had Lisa opened to several spirits years earlier but, as time went on, more of her spiritual openings became jammed open, amplifying her thoughts of self-destruction.  Without a positively oriented spirit to help her at the spiritual level, Lisa had been unable to refuse the onslaught of negativity and had become more susceptible to it.  She had taken time off from university and was living at home; her father was paying for her healing, but we never spoke to him.  She convinced us that she would be ready and able to refuse when we worked with her over the phone.

Once her damaged chakras were repaired and she was closed to negative energy/spirits, Lisa found that, by working with her new positively oriented spirit, she was finally able to close to the destructive energy that she felt around certain people.  During the next month, while she was receiving daily spiritual support, she learned to refuse the negative energies that used to engulf her at university and in other public places.  Her headaches stopped; she was off to work in another country with friends for the summer; and she looked forward to returning to school in the fall.

A strong resolve and a positively oriented spirit provide the refusal power that’s needed to defeat self-destructive and other negative thoughts that can be emanating from a higher level source.

Fiery Sky.wp

*Name made up to protect her privacy; no significant details that would identify this person are mentioned.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Dealing with Dimensions

Leo Jean's Starlike© Time paper sculpture mounted on crystal clock faceMany people have inter-dimensional experiences, but often what they’ve seen, heard or felt is so strange that it’s difficult for them to explain.

While physicists are struggling to prove or disprove string theory as they work toward a unified theory of how the universe ticks, one of the main focuses is on the existence of 11 dimensions at the quantum level.  So, if the physics works at the larger scale and if we’re surrounded by these invisible dimensions, is it feasible to assume that we’re already conducting activity within them?

My insights about inter-dimensional occurrences are derived from personal experience and from working with others for over 27 years.  Two personal incidents stand out that have helped me to understand the nature of the interference that is caused by inter-dimensional events as opposed to that which is caused by spiritual events.

When I first met Leo Jean, he gave me a spoon that he had twisted into a knot at the neck to use as a reinforcement of my connection to the untapped power of my higher self and spirit.  Upon going to bed a few nights later, I placed the spoon inside my pillowcase and under my pillow for security during the night.  After a short time asleep I awoke with a start and jumped out of bed to turn on the light.  Something felt amiss as I looked around the room.  Then I thought about the spoon that Leo had given me.  I reached my hand inside of the pillowcase to grab it, but I couldn’t feel it, so I flipped over the pillow to see if I could see or feel it that way.  The spoon wasn’t there!  There was no way that anyone could have taken it, since I was alone.  Then I had the thought to refuse the negative interference as I pulled the pillow out of its case.  As I held up the empty pillow case and shook it, I heard a “ping” sound as the twisted spoon fell to the bed.Photo of spoon twisted with mental energy

My reaction to this experience served as a reinforcement of the lessons I was just learning about the spiritual and inter-dimensional worlds.  If I had reacted in fear, I would simply have attracted a whole slough of negative energy/spirits to me.  Instead, after some initial confusion, I reacted in a very positive manner by refusing the negative interference.  Perhaps there was no ‘advantage’ to the spoon being ‘held’ in another dimensional state, so it was ‘returned’.

In another instance I experienced more of a time shift.  A couple of years later, while Leo and I were sharing the errands at a strip mall, I was in the bank while he was shopping for groceries a couple of stores down to the right.  While I stood at the teller, casually looking out the window of the bank, I could see Leo walking from the grocery store past the bank.  I wondered where he was going, since I was supposed to join him at the grocery store, and watched as he kept walking toward the end of the row of stores to the left.

When I exited the bank a couple of minutes later, I followed Leo but he had already disappeared from view.  When I rounded the corner of the building, I saw that Leo was nowhere to be seen, so I continued to walk behind the building for a short distance.  As I returned and looked around the corner toward the bank, I saw that Leo had just come out of the grocery store and was walking toward me.  When we met on the sidewalk, I asked what was going on, because I had just seen him go in the other direction around the building.  I was quite puzzled by what had occurred, because it really had no physical explanation.

Although there are many instances of people who have experienced time distortions while in the vicinity of a magnetic anomaly, such as the Bermuda Triangle or other similar places on our planet, Leo and I were situated in a rather run-of-the-mill place.  (It just happens to be not far from where the Perimeter Institute is now located, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it!)

If I were to speculate, I would have to imagine that I was caught up in some sort of a temporary wave of space-time distortion.  If quantum theory is correct at larger scales, I had simply seen Leo in one probable reality.  Did I observe this because I am more aware, or because my mind is more adaptable?  I can’t even compare it to a déjà vu, because it was taking place in real time.  For whatever reason, the event made me keenly aware that I was still susceptible to interference from an inter-dimensional source.

When people claim that they’ve lost time, have been abducted by extraterrestrials or remember being in an alternate reality, I fully understand that their experience defies explanation in purely physical terms.  It’s frustrating because there is no physical evidence available when the entire incident appears to have taken place solely within their own consciousness as a personal experience.

However, if a person has entered a higher dimension, there can be a distortion in both time and place.  An inter-dimensional experience can last longer in another dimension than it does in ‘real’ time.  A person can wake up in a void in space or can be led into an otherworldly vehicle effortlessly, along with a memory of interaction with inter-dimensional beings.  Just because no one else has shared the exact same experience doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Bearing in mind that we, as humans, cannot be the only living species in the universe and that other forms of life are likely far more advanced than we are, we’re barely ‘scratching the surface’ of understanding the more advanced realms of existence.

When a person knows how to work with their spirit, they’re able to transcend the negative interference that draws them into inter-dimensional activities.
To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com
I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 


Spiritual Vigilance

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on side of star-shaped glassWhen someone is under spiritual attack, there is often a tendency to suffer in silence due to the stigma associated with being victimized and their fear of the spirits that torment them.

“Spirits are only friendly to gain your trust,” is what I say when I have to break the news to prospective clients who tell me about their woeful experiences.  This realization is often difficult to swallow when they find they were duped to trust a seemingly benevolent being that ignited some sort of hyper-awareness followed by a series of incredible events.  Over the years I’ve responded to many inquiries from people who are seeking help, because they’ve inadvertently accepted the influence of malicious spirits.  Some people tell me that they were attending a public event while others say they were all alone when they suddenly started to experience interaction with a being, and that being was soon joined by a larger group.  Other people are just curious and naively think that they can get involved with a seemingly friendly spirit for egotistical reasons.

There are a variety of ways that people describe the increasing torment of what they comprehend to be a spiritual attack, such as:

  1. An initial sudden ‘event’ that initiates mental communication with a being that states that their intervention is benevolent, such as a vision of a deity, angel, wise man, guide or beam of light;
  2. The acceptance of the ‘voice’ of the entity gradually involves following directives that must be followed upon threat of punishment;
  3. The person feels that the entity behind the ‘voice’ is conducting their behavior at the physical level, by sometimes speaking ‘through them’ in an inappropriate way, by making them do certain physical actions, or by preventing them from expressing themselves;
  4. The person can see a projection of the being that causes them to trust or accept it;
  5. The person starts to experience involuntary movement of their body, such as twitching, shaking or shuddering;
  6. The person begins to remember their experiences in higher level interaction with the being(s) that they accepted, often involving incidents of sexual abuse;
  7. The person feels or sees objects being inserted or removed from their astral or inter-dimensional body, often involving pain that is undetectable by medical diagnosis;
  8. The person experiences sleeplessness, neglects their physical health, and is unable to hold a job or interact with family and friends as before.

While most people never experience all of the above symptoms of a negative spiritual attack, some people have reported several at a time.  Intuitively, the person is aware that there are spirits involved and that they can’t freely talk about their experiences.  Some victims seek the help of psychics who are normally not equipped to offer anything more than a confirmation of the spiritual attack.  Others have already undergone some sort of treatment from shamans (which I don’t recommend, because they tend to fight spirits with spirits that they summon in rituals).  While those in the medical field might elect to dispense pharmaceutical drugs to such a person, chemicals will never remove the spirits that caused the problems.  I prefer to offer help by higher level healing and by teaching people how to regain control of their own spiritual conduct by working with their spirit.

For anyone who encounters a spiritual being that can manifest sound, apparitions or other 3rd dimensional phenomenon, I can offer the following advice as a rule of thumb (especially important for parents of children who see, hear or otherwise sense ghosts and monsters; it will make those nasty ones vanish!):

Never welcome nor accept any spirit.  However, if you are ever aware of one in your presence, imagine/project a large ball composed of pure sparkling white Light* and throw it at them.  Continue this process until the spirit leaves, usually upon the first hit.  If you need help to eradicate a spirit, I can effectively do this, no matter where you are in the world (for a fee).

Being spiritually vigilant means that you take responsibility for your own spirit and nurture it in the most positive ways possible, especially by using the pure white Light to dissipate negativity within you and in your environment.

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Spiritual Responsibility

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures: 24 inside a resin pyramid topped by glowing Starlike©Before I trained to work as a spiritual/natural/quantum healer, I really had no idea that I was any good at it.  When I met Leo Jean 27 years ago, I was fortunate to have found a man who, in spite of a myriad of challenges at all levels, had lived his life in a positive mode.

At that time Leo met regularly with a group of young people that were either dealing with their higher level skills or who wanted Leo to help them to develop them so that they could help others.  About two months beforehand there had been a mysterious murder in the community that involved a teen-aged gas station attendant.  While working the night shift he was shot point blank and killed.  Since the youth had no known enemies and was not involved in any illicit activities, the entire city was searching for answers.  Leo told me that he was working with one of the members of his group that was very gifted and wanted to develop his skills to help find missing children.  He had been able to perceive the incident and ‘look’ at the face of the perpetrator.  Leo asked if I would be willing to see if I could do the same.

At the time I found it fascinating that I could actually be able to help solve a crime of this nature.  However, I would soon find that such work is very dangerous because of the type of people involved.  When I went to ‘look’ at the crime with Leo by going to the exact time and place of the incident at the higher level, I could perceive the face of the man that pulled the trigger in some detail.

Around that time, I was approached at the higher level to succumb to a negative commitment in the guise of the enticement of some fabulous reward.  While I immediately refused to ‘sign the paper’ that was presented to me in a dream, the young man that wanted so badly to help find missing children, accepted and ‘signed’ the document in a remarkably similar dream state.  Almost instantaneously he lost his ability to ‘see’ at the higher level and he began ‘receiving’ information from some higher level source that eventually disgraced him.

In order to evaluate our ability to help solve similar crimes, Leo decided to see if I could also ‘find’ the weapon used.  What I ‘saw’ was that the gun had been dumped into a garbage dumpster and there was no possibility of recovering it.  So, I then ‘looked’ to see where the gun had been purchased, so that it could then possibly be traced to the killer.  What I found was a townhouse-style building in the city of Toronto and I could actually read the address.  Leo then asked me if I could ‘obtain’ the number of the special task force that was assigned to such crimes, since the local RCMP wouldn’t work with him.  So I asked for the number at the higher level, and wrote it down.

A few minutes later, Leo was speaking to a person in the special division of the RCMP in Toronto who asked how he could have possibly known that unlisted number.  Once Leo told them that we were working on the unsolved murder case in a city 200 miles away, the officer passed us to someone who took the particulars of the information that we had collected at the higher level.  When given the address in Toronto, the officer revealed that it was the address of a known arms dealer and told us that he would contact us if they wanted to know anything further.  He added that, since we had breached their security, the phone number would no longer be valid.

The following day, as Leo and I walked in the downtown mall together after lunch, I pointed out a stranger that closelyLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures: 24 inside a resin pyramid topped by glowing Starlike© resembled the man I had perceived when I was ‘looking’ at the crime scene.  Leo calmly stated that I shouldn’t get excited and we walked by, as the man nodded hello to Leo.  After we were back in the car, Leo told me that I had pointed out the same man as the young man from our group.  He was one of the detectives on the case.

At that point Leo announced that, if we were going to work together, we would no longer be solving crimes or looking for missing persons because of the danger to ourselves.  With great relief I wholeheartedly agreed.

Leo Jean’s reminder/caveat: “Whether you use it or abuse it, you are responsible for the knowledge you gain here.”

It was through those experiences that I came to fully understand why Leo chose to develop and use his higher level power to help heal people rather than to solve crimes.  While Leo had developed his own skills to help defeat tyranny during his work in the OSS during WWII, he was largely working on his own behind enemy lines to effect the positive outcomes he desired.  He had placed himself in so many life-threatening situations that some people that recognized him 50 years later were stupefied that he had survived his missions.

It wasn’t until many years later that we ‘looked’ again at some unsolved crimes.  One notable one was the Chandra Levy disappearance.  We posted some information on our website that drew some negative comments from the FBI on the phone and people like Howard Stern on the radio who practically accused Leo of being a likely suspect.  All we knew was that those sniffer dogs that searched the park must have all had colds, as they initially failed to find the body where it was eventually discovered.

Over the years I’ve learned the responsibility of how and when to use my higher level skills in the most positive ways to help improve our clients’ well-being with the Light* at all levels.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe