A Positive Perspective


James Webb Space TelescopeThe other day I was watching a Discovery Channel special about preparations for the 2018 launch of the James Webb Space Telescope – just completed today – the complex infrared instrument that will allow us to peer further into space than ever before, while it prompts astronomers and astrophysicists to speculate about the prospect of finding more planets in the Goldilocks zone of their stars. As we’re about to make this historic visual leap into unknown regions of the universe, once the James Webb launches we might all feel a flash of excitement about the prospect of finding signs of intelligent life in our universe.

From a spiritual perspective, I believe that our lives are a reflection of our apparent spiritual advancement and that, with acquired awareness, we can more clearly focus on our innate responsibility to promote our own spiritual progress. Each one of us is presented with multi-level challenges as we embark on the complex journey that is our individual lives, and some of us undergo greater endurance testing than others. In this way our strength, resilience and adaptability are proven, and how we deal with difficulty translates into how our spirits will progress.
James Webb Sunshield Layers

Our ability to observe ourselves in a positive light is of utmost importance, because the decisions we make to ameliorate or worsen our condition will help or hinder our spirits on their timeless journey. Over the past 30 years I’ve worked with clients who have raised a plethora of questions about the purpose for their existence and, once they’re aware of the nature of their spiritual aspect, their focus shifts to the import that a positive spirit could have in their lives. When approached through a spiritual lens, there is a clearer understanding of the cause and effect of why adverse conditions are presented in their otherwise ‘normal’ lives. In addition to being challenged physically, mentally and emotionally with negative circumstances, many have been suffering the effects of having been accosted spiritually.

Cat's Eye NebulaSimilar to how the James Webb Space Telescope will be able to penetrate through dense cosmic dust clouds to send back incredibly clear images of previously unseen stars, when you work with your spirit you’ll be able to break through the negativity that interferes with your wellbeing. Since your spiritual self inhabits a higher plane of existence, the acquisition of positive spiritual knowledge will enhance your ability to view your life experiences with more clarity. Once you learn how to recognize and counteract the impact of negative challenges in the immediate moment, you can emerge stronger, healthier and happier as you move forward. As you visualize a positive outcome to your endeavors, your spirit can provide inspiration that will make a real difference in how your future will emerge!

Although the efficacy of working with one’s spirit has too long been hidden from sight, this enlightening practice brings immeasurable clarity at all levels. We can begin to expand our positive spiritual knowledge within this lifetime to allow our spirits to progress, so they can attain and maintain a purely positive stance.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Evolution

MonkeyHead Nebula PillarAt times I wonder how we can reconcile our abundant existence on this planet with the apparent lifelessness of the vast cosmos. It appears we’re about to determine whether or not panspermia occurred in our solar system, as the ESO has found an Earth-sized planet orbiting our nearest star and NASA further confirms there are water vapor plumes emanating from the surface of Europa. In my estimation, we have barely scratched the surface of awakening our potential inclusion as a small, yet integral, part of a universal life system that eludes our current comprehension.

Within only the past 20 years have scientists openly stated that they believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe. While these revelations haven’t impacted my own long held belief in extraterrestrial life, I find some comfort when astrophysicists and cosmologists have publicly declared its high probability. A few have even cautioned that our civilization would seem insignificantly primitive compared to those that might have evolved for billions of years longer and developed unimaginable technology.

In addition to how we would pale in comparison to more technologically evolved beings, we would lag far behind them in our spiritual capacity. I believe that, if we were to start developing our spiritual know-how effectively, we might still have a chance to make a good first impression. We’ve somehow allowed our basic spiritual knowledge on this planet to slip away, as many have allowed institutions to dictate the circumstances under which their spiritual selves must exist, thereby limiting their potential and rendering them subordinate and dependent at this essential level. Instead of progressing spiritually, our civilization has continued to allow countless generations to submit themselves to stagnant belief systems that prevent the evolution of positive spiritual knowledge.

Amazingly, we’re better equipped spiritually as children than we are at maturity. As small children we’re all completely sensitive to the inter-dimensional and spiritual realms but, as many of us grow older, we’ve been conditioned to leave behind our higher-level awareness, and allow the events occurring in our lives to captivate our attention and limit our consciousness to the tangible world. Through my work I’ve taught many children to work with their spirit, and have found them far more capable than most adults, since they believe in themselves and in their spiritual self, as well as trust in the process of counteracting all types of negativity at the higher level. While adults often become bitter or disillusioned with life, children who accept and develop a connection with a positively oriented spirit that works with them – rather than against them – are able to concentrate better, be more empathetic and direct their lives more creatively.

Just as a lifeless universe seems incomprehensible, the hidden dimensions around us remain enigmatically vibrant. Because our spirits transcend our physical existence, we could surmise that otherworldly beings might have similarly evolved spirits that can interact with ours in ways that are above our level of comprehension. If there is other intelligent life out there in the universe, we might have the chance to make that first physical contact in our lifetime, as the UN is already considering. In the interim, if we acknowledged that, by fine-tuning a positive spirit as a virtual instrument that could help us to achieve a higher standard of mental and spiritual skills, we’ll be better able to conduct ourselves to deal with influences that could impact our wellbeing at all levels.

In the blink of a cosmic eye our individual lives whizz by. If we continue to block our own spiritual advancement by stubbornly adhering to antiquated belief systems – out of fear, ignorance or complacency – we’ll deny our spirits the progress they deserve and our civilization might never reach its potential. In effect, the most outstanding expectation we could develop as the outcome of our efforts in this existence is to promote our own spiritual progress.

Let’s not waste time – let’s get started on our spiritual advancement!


Related article:

ESO Discovers Earth-Size Planet in Habitable Zone of Nearest Star



I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

M27 HubbleSitewpEven as we shape the pieces of our existential puzzle together relative to the apparent universe enveloping us, we remain lagging behind with the spiritual advancement that could alter our lives both individually and collectively when approached from a positive perspective. Gaining spiritual strength isn’t a competition – it’s a personal endeavor that requires focus and attention over a lifetime.

When we’re small children, working with our spiritual self is as natural as asking for something to eat or drink. As an essential part of our childhood, we naturally identified the positives and negatives of our spiritual activity and acted accordingly. We might have continued our spiritual savvy long into life, but most of us have been conditioned to leave behind our inherent spiritual knowledge. Many of us faced further obstacles like neglect, bullying or abuse and were adversely affected onward into our lives, and further separated from our spiritual selves.

The further a child drifts from his/her sense of harmony with their spirit, they lose a natural state of wellbeing and the ability to deal with the higher-level negativity that constantly bombards them. If someone continues to lose ground spiritually, the repercussions can filter through to the physical level in the form of physiological and mental malaise and/or financial and relationship problems. Not everyone finds strength of healing through traditional means because there are often spiritual issues at hand that can block and deter the healing process.


From my own perspective as an intelligent enthusiastic child, my world had spiraled downward as I lost spiritual knowledge and strength as a result of a clergy abuse event. At an early age I recognized the inadequacy of available antiquated religious institutions and dropped my family’s traditions.  I felt lost and off balance for many years and remember searching for some sort of harmony in my life, but I didn’t realize that my physical problems had escalated into a spiritual crisis.

When I regained the inherent knowledge of how to work with my spirit and started working with the Light*, I began building up my spiritual strength and positive changes took effect immediately. I experienced a boost in my self-esteem and adopted a completely new perspective about how to look after my physical self. I discovered that my spirit needs a positively oriented body in order to make progress, so I initiated a continuously healthy lifestyle. I realized it’s my responsibility to strive to be as positive as possible in all aspects of my being, if I’m to continue to grow in spiritual strength and positive knowledge.

Sunlight Thru Ocean CloudswpOne of the greatest obstacles to gaining spiritual strength is fear. When you give in to fear of any kind, like fear of failure or success, fear of others’ acceptance or rejection or fear of changing your current situation in life, you’re succumbing to negativity. As you start being yourself and working through all the steps needed to overcome your fears, you’ll notice a boost in your ability to counteract negative thoughts and emotions before they give rise to additional difficulty.

Spiritual strength doesn’t come instantly – it takes effort and commitment. Some people have been duped into quick fixes such as accepting spirit guides, angels, or summoning the spirits of deceased loved ones, as a way to gain spiritual strength; while others have been invited to accept a stranger’s life energy.  Any of these ruses would be a clear opportunity for negative beings/spirits to be invited into ruining your life. Others have decided to join a religious institution with the hope it would take over their spiritual responsibility, but are often led into a false sense of complacency. It’s impossible to learn how to gain strength with your spirit in a few hours or by depending on others – you have to be committed to this very personal endeavor on a long-term basis, since spiritual strength intensifies over time.Mountain Vista

Everyone has the potential to be good at personal spiritual work, but becoming strong spiritually doesn’t come without effort. No one can hand you access to the positive energy of the Light. You have to earn its benefits on a daily basis by meeting negative challenges with determined positive reactions and solutions. Higher-level negativity can be much less obvious than what you already recognize, especially when it emanates from other people and their associations with others. Your perseverance in being patient and acquiring awareness of higher-level negativity will allow you to continuously gain stamina to meet new challenges.

Sunbrushed Lake CloudsOur spirits transcend this physical existence, yet it’s up to us to consciously promote our spiritual progress. While climbing each cliff to overcome negativity, then coasting conscientiously along the plateaus until meeting the next hurdle, you’ll grow stronger as your spirit gains strength due to your efforts.

Gaining spiritual strength is a process of learning, adapting and following through with a lifelong commitment to work positively alongside your spirit to enhance your life experience.

“Make a firmer commitment and believe in yourself!” ~Leo Jean

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Discovering Answers

Iguazu FallsThis past week’s landing of the ESA’s Philae lander on a distant comet was a realtime reminder of how combined human ingenuity can result in phenomenal accomplishments. The Rosetta spacecraft’s success in delivering its lander to the comet is an important facet of our collective search for answers to the longstanding questions about the origins of life in our solar system.


Another news event that caught my attention was about Barbara Bowman who revealed in a Washington Post article that the comedian Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her when she was a 17-year-old aspiring actress. On CNN Ms. Bowman explained that she had attempted to ask for help concerning Mr. Cosby’s actions from several people, including lawyers, but her allegations had been immediately dismissed as ridiculous. It wasn’t until more people started coming forward with similar allegations about Mr. Cosby’s behavior that Ms. Bowman again ventured forward with her story. As she held back tears during her CNN interview, she stated that during the 30 years since the incidents: “I was terrified of him!”

Not unlike Ms. Bowman’s struggle, I’ve been through the wringer of guilt, pain, shame and blame that accompanies such abuse. During the first 20 of the almost 50 years since I was sexually assaulted by a Catholic priest, I experienced a kaleidoscope of emotions that ranged from shock, fear, disgust and despair. Especially disheartening was the reaction of disbelief when divulging that such a ‘distinguished’ person could commit such perverse acts.

Pinks Floral ProfieWhile Ms. Bowman confronts her unresolved issue from 30 years ago, I can look back today and be grateful to have found a solution 30 years ago that has irrefutably contributed to my wellbeing. Leo Jean, my dearest friend, husband and mentor who passed away a year ago, had shared immeasurably helpful knowledge about my spiritual wellbeing that has enabled me to help not only myself, but many others, to meet the challenges that we face at all levels of our lives.

The astounding feat of the first landing on a comet to collect data from its ancient surface to shed light on our physical origins has required many minds and many billions of dollars. On the contrary, many of the answers that we seek about ourselves are not found millions of miles out there in the universe but, rather, right within us, in the essence of our spirits.

While the scientific community is making progress on solving the age-old questions of why we’re here and if there’s anyone else out there, some of us have to resolve the difficulty of coping with abuse in our lives.  Our timelessly knowledgeable spirits can help guide us through such complexities of life – we just have to make the right connection to discover how.


Find out how to get connected with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

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