Positive Headway

WaveThe ideal morality we aspired to as children is constantly being challenged as we reconcile the discrepancy between an idyllic world and the reality we experience. If we were to instead view life simply in terms of positive and negative, it would help make sense of what happens at all levels of our being.

While most of us will generally agree upon what is positive and what is negative, much of our evaluation is subjective, based on our own values, conditioning and past experiences. We can more easily assess the remaining gray areas with the help of higher-level skills acquired through daily practice.

At a larger scale we see how corruption runs rampant in our government, religious and corporate institutions, and we eventually become desensitized to deception, hypocrisy and greed. Since we’re unable to do anything significant about their actions, we can only assess whether the institution makes a positive or negative contribution to our personal lives. There’s no need to become upset by the blatant negativity expressed by governments, religions and corporations – why not just evaluate them as either positive or negative and move on?

In our own personal lives, at this level we have the power to make positive changes to enhance our life situation. But it’s not always easy to rid ourselves of the lingering negativity of the past, unless we have some tools to help us remove those barriers to having a positive life. We’ve all been conditioned to accept so much negativity unopposed into our lives that we often can’t distinguish the difference anymore. Amazing changes can be made when we stop allowing its detrimental effect on our wellbeing!

On a daily basis we make decisions about the positive and negative nature of our relationships, our workplace environment and our general wellbeing. It helps to regard our relationships as either positive or negative to manage the emotions we generally feel about people. Evaluating a coworker or boss as a positive or negative in the workplace also helps to diminish their influence on our energy and concentration. We can make more intelligent health and wealth decisions based on the positive or negative nature of each consideration. In this way we can stop accepting higher-level interference and enjoy who we are, the benefits of what we’ve achieved and the reasons for what we’re doing at the present time.

Ocean Surface

At the spiritual level we are constantly swimming against the tide of negativity and devising ways of staying afloat in positive mode. As we progress and attain higher-level skills, we become more adept at maintaining our balance on the crests of the waves. As we find ourselves maneuvering through each trough, we swim with stronger strokes to rise up and continue riding upon a crest again. Each day on the ocean of life can be exhilarating, when we apply higher-level knowledge to facilitate our journey.

Ocean CloudsYour spirit is much more sensitive to and affected by the negativity you accept or reject at all levels.   When you learn to regard people, places and inanimate things as either positive or negative, it helps you to overcome unpleasant past occurrences, improve your present situation and move you into a brighter future. If you want your spirit to be more positive, then you have to put effort into identifying and refusing the negative influences that interfere with you at any given moment.

Making a commitment to be positive at all levels is of paramount importance to the wellbeing of our individual spirits, so being able to refuse the negatives and promote the positives in our lives makes us better navigators of these undulating waters of life.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

We’re All Inspired by Nelson Mandela

LandSat Image of Cape Town & Cape of Good Hope

LandSat Image of Cape Town & Cape of Good Hope

Early in my life I was strongly opposed to the notion of apartheid or any other form of racial discrimination.  As a child I watched the race riots every night on the local Detroit news casts, and in high school I wrote a book report on the novel, “Black Like Me”, in an effort to understand bigotry.

Late in my teens I met a young man from South Africa, and came to understand the white man’s viewpoint about their status in the country.  He invited me to travel to South Africa with him to visit his parents and to enjoy the idyllic beauty of their recreational capital of Cape Town.

South Africa sounded like the most beautiful country, but I flatly turned down the offer for a free holiday.  The young man couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to go; I couldn’t explain enough my reasons for declining.  I knew only too well about apartheid because of Mr. Mandela’s struggle for equality and subsequent incarceration.  I couldn’t go to a place where one race enforced its superiority over another.

Even when the young man explained how wonderful it was to have someone do everything for me, I couldn’t explain  my opposition strongly enough.  When I asked if the servants were paid, he said they were paid the equivalent of 50 cents per day, that they appreciated having such work and called him “Master”.  This was in the 1970’s!  He still couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t want to go to his country, where the native people had to walk through lanes behind the main streets, so as not to offend the dominating white race.

About a year later, when his parents came to visit, I learned that his father, a former Olympic athlete, had worked to help the black trade unions prior to the Soweto riots.  I enjoyed a walk through Vancouver’s Stanley Park with his mother, a very nice lady who worked in downtown Johannesburg.  They also invited me to visit them in their home and I kindly explained why I couldn’t accept their invitation.  While their son seemed conditioned to and oblivious to the injustice, his parents felt embarrassed about their helplessness of having to live within the laws of their government.

When Nelson Mandela was released from prison and became president of his country, I was so elated that his personal struggle had brought an almost immediate end to apartheid.

That’s how Nelson Mandela inspired me.  I hope we’ve all been inspired by this brave man’s example of enacting positive change by standing by our principles, no matter what.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Earth’s Spiritual Inheritance

Credit: NASA, ESA, and H. Richer (UBC)

Credit: NASA, ESA, and H. Richer (UBC)

As I watch world events lately and reflect upon our troubled world from a spiritual perspective, I sense the lingering negativity of past conflicts and injustices that underlies the current strife.  As we continue to build upon the ruins of past civilizations without acting to remove their negative influence, we are inadvertently being influenced by the spiritual negativity left by our predecessors.

In order to progress in my work I had to acquire the knowledge, strength and stamina required to deal with a wide spectrum of negatively oriented spirits, and in the process I gained some unique insight into our human spiritual condition.  The way the spiritual world works is: the more advanced you are at the spiritual level, the more highly advanced spirits you will likely encounter and the more energy you’ll have to expend to deal with them.  This progression presents a challenge on many levels, especially when dealing with negative spirits that congregate in groups to strengthen their power.  Although human spirits should display more advanced knowledge, for the most part, negative knowledge dominates and a positive existence is difficult or impossible on our planet.

A spirit should be able to move on to a higher level of existence once they’ve left their physical form, but many spirits linger behind in groups because they have no knowledge of what to do afterward. Twenty years ago when I was building my resistance to negativity, it amazed me how much energy drain I used to feel when we drove near old battlefields across Texas, Georgia and Virginia.  The potent energy draining effect is indicative of the enormous negative energy field generated by the many spirits of those who lost their lives in physical conflict.  Because they’ve lost or never acquired positive knowledge, those spirits continue to occupy those areas, attracting more and more aimless spirits that thrive upon the negative energy that shrouds that space.

When I think of how many wars have been waged on our planet, then think of the countless spirits that continue to inhabit those areas and attract more negativity, is it any wonder why there continues to be hotspots of conflict?  If the world’s population continues to hang onto past traditions of division and animosity without any efforts to create positive change, the negative energy passed on from earlier disharmony could escalate the intensity of emotional responses and contribute to increased discord.Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture on ceramic plate with world map

Similar to how, if an individual doesn’t refuse negativity properly, a city, country or region of the world can attract and accumulate more negativity that could eventually become overwhelming.  Of course, the conflicts in the Middle East are a prime example of how latent negative tendencies continue to plague the region, as each generation carries forward the effect of accumulated spiritual negativity to fuel ongoing turmoil.

If individuals made more efforts to refuse negativity and dismantle the negative energy fields brought forward from previous generations, it would generate improved human relations across continents.  Rather than carrying forward the negative spiritual memories that divide inhabitants and act as fodder for conflict, we could expand upon the benefits of sharing positive spiritual experiences among people all over the planet.

Positively oriented spirits would inspire their present and future forms to have positive intentions and provide positive solutions instead of violent reactions to differences, so that we can advance into a threat-free peaceful future for all.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Spiritual vs. Inter-Dimensional Influence

NGC 4038/4039, Antennae Galaxies (interacting galaxies)  Image credit: NASA, ESA, SAO, CXC, JPL-Caltech, and STScI  Since spiritual interference and inter-dimensional interference seem so similar, the distinctions between them require some explanation.  Spiritual interference takes place when entities from the spiritual realm impose themselves upon people at the spiritual level, while inter-dimensional interference occurs when beings that exist in other dimensions of reality, i.e. space and/or time, interact with someone.

Recently a blogger commented on one of my posts about his experience in summoning spirits.  The 7-year practitioner of Reiki had been schooled in a healing method that involved the use of spiritual ‘guides’. Instead of understanding that it was his lack of knowledge about how to deal with spirits, he was terrified when he started to see the ‘demonic’ faces of spirits as he called in his ‘guides’.  While I agree with him about the misguidedness of the ‘New Age’, he had allowed the beings that presented themselves to influence him to believe that they were representatives of the Light*.

As I learned many years ago, people who summon spirits most often have no idea who or how many they’re summoning.  Despite the best of intentions, the use of spiritual guides can be especially dangerous, because any more powerful spirit or being can step in and interfere.  The vast majority of spirits that are attracted to our planet are negatively-oriented and will readily respond to anyone who summons spirits for any reason.  When a spirit is summoned, it can trigger a reaction from the inter-dimensional realm and bring negative influences upon an unsuspecting person.

Since I started my spiritual work, I have always understood that spirits are not to be fooled around with for any reason.  I never trust a spirit that comes around; I immediately refuse it, because no positive spirit would ever break free will and interfere with me.  The summoning of spirit ‘guides’ is a questionable practice that can entice beings from other dimensional realms to interfere with both the practitioner and their client.   If someone who summons spirits has a negative spirit within, or doesn’t have knowledge of vibrations or doesn’t know how to detect the positive nature of a spirit, they can be heading for trouble, as the blogger described.

Recently, I was impressed by the works of Arthur C. Clarke that were featured in an episode of the series: “Prophets of Science Fiction”.  Although I’ve never read any of Clarke’s novels, I was aware that it was he that had provided the calculations for the geosynchronous orbits of satellites.  Probably even more striking to me was the plot of his first novel in which he described the arrival of aliens resembling demons that hovered above the earth for an entire generation in a cloaked or higher dimensional state while they observed the progress of humans.  Clarke’s depiction of the aliens was similar to what religious people would identify as devils or demons.

Photo by G. Romlewski; tall pink cloud

Clarke’s fictional aliens struck me as awesome since, when I was in the middle of my first conscious spiritual battle, I perceived thefigure of what I can only describe as a satyr superimposed over the body of a human (obviously in another dimension).  Once I had found Leo Jean and told him about my experience, he started to remove the satyr-like beings that were harassing me.  We discovered that those particular beings are very common in the negative realm, but are able to remain secretive in their higher dimensional state while interacting with humans.  They are not only spiritual beings, but they hail from other worlds, where their physical characteristics are the product of their evolution.  Former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell stated recently on TV that he believes we are being visited by beings from other worlds and that they are monitoring our progress. (“UFO Hunters” 2012)

Perhaps Clarke was far more knowledgeable about the inter-dimensional realm, as he brought forward advanced knowledge that could only be introduced as fiction to a closed-minded society.  After all, most of the ‘prophets’ of history had to disguise or encode their writings in order to avoid having them destroyed by religious institutions or the ruling class.  Mitchell, backed by his scientific and aeronautical knowledge and personal experiences, offers a rational approach to the exposure and inevitable acknowledgement that we are not alone.

I work with people from around the world who have suffered the consequences of spiritual and inter-dimensional interference.  So many people wonder why they can’t refuse properly, but they don’t realize that they’ve already accepted negative influences.  The uniqueness of my approach to healing is derived from the acquired knowledge of how to remove spirits according to their distinct vibration from within and around people. 
If people were to refuse inter-dimensional beings at both the spiritual and inter-dimensional levels, their secretiveness would continue to unravel and fewer would be susceptible to their negative influence. 

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Meeting Challenges

lightningstrikewpDuring the course of our lives, we all face challenges that bring us to the realization that we’re not immune to difficulty.  It’s in how we meet those challenges that tests our resolve, allows us to use our innovative skills and increases our capacity to adapt to change.

Recently, I was faced with some challenges when, two months ago, Leo (my partner of 28 years) fell and broke his upper arm in the dining area of our home.  My first instinct was to make him comfortable, to observe him and not to rush to judgment of his condition.  My greatest concern was that he would be treated in an ill-equipped country hospital 30 miles outside the city.  Within 48 hours, when Leo’s arm was completely black and blue from shoulder to elbow, I had to call the ambulance and, as I expected, the driver refused to take him to the ER in a quality hospital in downtown Montréal.  Leo’s upper arm was indeed broken and he needed to be admitted because of his age (90).

Immediately, I knew that we had to move out of our house, where multiple levels meant stairs everywhere that would put Leo at risk whenever he moved around.  So, I immediately started to look online for a new place that would meet the criteria necessary to make Leo safe.  I decided to look in Ontario, because it proved to be a reality on so many occasions that English people in Québec were treated with disdain, and I wanted to leave that area anyway.  So I drove 300 miles to the west side of Toronto (Canada’s most populous city), and looked for a place in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge area that was all on one level, had underground parking, elevators and was light and bright, of course!

While my first trip into Ontario brought only a few choices that were not fulfilling all the criteria for safety, I had included the Niagara Peninsula in my online searches and, after my return to Montréal, a realtor called to tell me that there was a condo available that sounded ideal for our needs.  So, I made another trip a week later, took a tour that evening and found the ‘perfect place’ for us that exceeded my list of must-haves.

After finding a suitable place to live, my challenges were seemingly just beginning. I returned to find Leo in a worsening condition at the country hospital.  An MRI scan found that he had also suffered a pelvic fracture, the reason why he wasn’t able to stand up yet.  Then, to make matters worse, members of the care staff were rushing him to eat and he ended up with pneumonia.  So, if the effects of the morphine for the fractures weren’t enough, he was now on antibiotics for the infection.  He was losing weight and wouldn’t eat even the food that I was bringing from home.

As a very high level healer, Leo is very sensitive to the energy around him, and he was immersed in the destructive energy of that care facility.  On two occasions, when I walked in Leo’s room to visit with him as I did every day (except on the days of my trips to Ontario), I found him naked and shivering on his bed, with no care staff around.  The second time, it happened to be December 25th and, while I don’t celebrate religious holidays, I found it to be clearly negligent to treat an elderly person with fractures that way.  I was livid and couldn’t stand to see him remain there for one more day.

The next day, I went to the hospital and asked to have Leo’s doctor release him into my care, so that I could transfer him to one of the facilities downtown.  After four hours of waiting for the doctor to arrive, he indignantly stated that he knew I wasn’t ‘satisfied’ (understatement!) that it would be too hard on Leo to move him to another hospital.  I assured him that I was prepared to transfer him and would provide Leo’s power of attorney in the morning. (I wouldn’t have had the authority over the doctor if I didn’t have the p.o.a.; something of importance for spouses!)

The following day the forecast was for 18 inches of snow and, on my way to the country hospital, I drove past trucks that had driven off the road, small groups of cars that had stopped to clean the ice off their windshields and many abandoned cars.  After Leo was released to my care, a medical transfer truck took him downtown while I drove very carefully through a blizzard that was sending the entire Island of Montréal into chaos.  Leo was admitted to the downtown hospital with ‘weakness’ and treated for dehydration.  I noted a definite difference in the energy level at this facility.

After 2 weeks, I arranged a meeting with the professional team of doctor, head nurse, physiotherapist and social worker to discuss what plan was needed for Leo to get back on his feet.  The doctor explained that, after 6 weeks, Leo’s pelvic fracture was not interfering with his ability to walk; the physiotherapist explained that Leo quite possibly couldn’t stand up.  My first reaction to this attitude was that I would be glad to be present at the physiotherapy sessions, if they would just tell me when they were going to work with him.  When I visited with Leo afterward, I told him what the team had said, then I spent the night refusing the negativity and focusing on getting positive results.

The following day, I sat in on the physiotherapy ‘session’.  The therapist had such a negative approach and I could see that Leo wasLeo Jean's Starlike© Art sculpture atop crystal triangular heart refusing her and, thus, refusing to work with her.  After the physiotherapist left, Leo kept trying to stand up on his own, so I called for someone to help.  An orderly brought a walker and Leo headed out of the room and down the hall.

The doctor just happened to be standing outside the room with the head nurse and yelled out: “It’s a miracle! ” and many heads popped out of doorways to have a look.  Everyone was quite amazed.  The head nurse told me that it was incredible how I was able to elicit such a response from Leo and further noted that my energy was remarkable.  From that day forward, Leo’s health and mobility have improved steadily.  I only facilitated Leo’s determination to ‘get mobile’; the effort was his.  From my point of view, much could be gained from integrating higher level healing into a medical environment to improve the wellbeing of both patients and staff.

For the duration of this entire episode, I have maintained my positive self.  I never stopped working with my spirit and my higher self, as they gave me the inspiration and energy to get through it all.  My ability to refuse the draining negativity that was hitting me mentally, emotionally and physically was certainly put to the test.  However, as each new obstacle emerged, I was able to meet them with real solutions that brought positive results, because I envisioned those results and worked to achieve them.

After all the packing, moving and unpacking (still in progress), Leo and I are now settling in and enjoying our light bright place in Niagara Falls!

Find out more about my work by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


New Year’s Message 2013

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop cut crystal diamondIt’s a natural tendency to want our lives to flow smoothly, so we often just go with the flow…but is that always the best path forward?

As the New Year rings in, it’s as good a time as ever to start making the changes that you want to make in your life.  We all want to make our lives better, more exciting, more prosperous and satisfying, yet how do we initiate change when it seems so impossible?  Changes take place only when we are ready to implement them, and that takes resolve, energy and often courage.

Whenever your life is becoming difficult, you should take the time to reflect upon what’s making it that way.  There are ways to make positive changes in any situation!

Over the years, as we’ve introduced people to working with their spirit, we’ve seen that the addition of inherent higher level knowledge into their life makes a vital difference in how they see themselves moving forward and breaking the ties that they’ve allowed to bind them into an unhappy, difficult or uncomfortable situation.  Reflect on whatever is interfering with your wellbeing, such as your job, relationship or physical condition, so that you can take the necessary action to curtail any negative effects.   Working with your spirit can help you to bring out your best because you’ll take back the part of yourself that you’ve been neglecting.

When you work with your spirit in a positive manner, you’ll learn that your life has many dimensions that you’re just not tapping into.  Hidden from you are higher level ways to look at your life that offer intuitive strategies to improve your wellbeing. Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop cut crystal diamond

The benefits that your spirit and higher self bring to you are considerable, since they are inextricably linked to you.  When you’re not interacting with your spirit and your higher self, you’re missing out on valuable resources that can make a huge difference in your life.

Perhaps learning more about your spirit will bring you the inspiration to implement those positive changes that seem unattainable right now.  It’s up to you to make the choices that will benefit you and your spirit, since your spirit depends on you to progress.

Best wishes for a very positive and prosperous 2013!

Leo & Gloria
January 2013

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

No Worries…Just the Best Possible Outcome

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on shiny blue glassSome of the most negative thinking comes to mind as regret or worry.  Regrets are negative thoughts about the past, while worries are negative thoughts about the future.  Neither of them has any validity in the present, but they are recurring thoughts that unnecessarily interfere with our wellbeing.

The best way to deal with such negative thinking is to at first realize that it’s just wasted time.  Leo used to always ask people: “Do you worry a lot?”  With the almost-always affirmative reply, he’d say:

“If you worry a lot, then you’re a professional at doing nothing.  You have to act to do something about it.”

Those strong words were directed at me when I first met Leo, because I was under a cloud of worry-tivity – my world was full of worry.  I worried about everyone else, too, because I had become an expert at worrying.  I spent my childhood learning all about the ins and outs of worrying from my mother who was an expert at worrying about everything and everybody.  That’s even worse than worrying about one’s own problems, because there’s really nothing anyone can do about someone else’s problems.

I gladly learned that worrying is simply fear of the future.  While we can and should act to make our future the reality that we desire, we still have to go through all the positive steps that will lead to that future.  Our lives are a work in progress, so we need to understand that every constructive action we take will lead us in a positive direction toward our goals.  And we must be prepared to ad lib and make changes as external events act upon us.

Worrying takes us nowhere, but it causes a distraction in our normal thought processes and takes us into the negative realm.  Once we’re submersed in negative thinking patterns (i.e. the go-nowhere good-for-nothing worrying), we also attract negative energy/spirits that fuel the process and feed off of the negative energy that we’ve created.

When I was learning to refuse negativity, I learned to counteract the act of worrying, that had forced me into the corner of doing nothing about my problems.  While I was worrying, I wasn’t formulating a plan of how to solve my problems; I was just adding to them.  While I was a ‘worry-wart’ I was unable to disassociate myself from the future negativity that I was creating in my mind.  In other words, I was heading straight into negative territory every time I worried.

In addition to attracting negative energy/spirits when we worry a lot, there are greater spiritual implications.  Mental and emotional negativity converge at the throat chakra and can allow damage to the spiritual opening, causing additional physical side effects such as thyroid malfunction.  When I started to work with my spirit and learned to refuse the negativity that invaded my thoughts every time I thought about my future, I was able to direct myself in a positive direction.  Not only had I been creating undue mental stress, but I was unable to enjoy the luxury of physical relaxation.  When I let go of my worrying, I was able to allow my body to relax and heal.  As I learned to relax, refuse negative thoughts and to take action to direct my own future, I let go of my expertise at worrying and all its negative side effects.

 “Energy turned back on itself creates stress.  Energy allowed to flow freely allows relaxation.” ~Leo JeanLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on slice of blue rock

As I worked with my spirit and emerged from my worrying pastime, I saw so much more potential in my life than as a survivor of spousal abuse.  In a time of high unemployment while I was training to work as Leo’s assistant, I found interim work as the manager of a portrait studio (350 applicants) and renewed my interest in coaxing babies to break out their smiles (toothless or not!)  Once I started to love myself, believe in myself and care for myself both physically and spiritually, I abandoned my expertise at worrying and became the director of my future.

Whether we believe in fate or determinism, it seems true that everything happens for a reason so that we can learn and benefit from both the positives and the negatives in life.  As long as we direct ourselves in the best ways possible, it does us no good to worry about events that are beyond our control.  For instance, while we await the ‘end date’ of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, we can choose to view it simply as the end of a calendar, as the date of a possible global catastrophe or as the beginning of an enlightened era in human history.  From the quantum perspective of the Many Worlds Theory, every action we take could manifest countless alternative outcomes in other parallel universes, but we get only one.

As we gain more insight about our place in the multiverse, we ought to face our future with confidence and optimism for the best possible outcome, so that we can allow ourselves to prosper at all levels of existence.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Related posts:
Choose to Use Your Free Will
Mayan People Did Not Predict World to End in 2012 (BBC)
Doomsday Myths Debunked (Space.com)

Spiritual Solutions

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on glass filled with layers of colored resinOn this rollercoaster of life we all face a myriad of problems, and it’s the way in which we approach solutions that brings the optimum outcome.

Many of us suffer from the anxiety of our problems, while others seem to have a carefree attitude about life.  What makes some of us worriers while others are seemingly worry free?  A lot of it depends on your perception and how you let your problems affect you, but many people receive much more higher level interference than others.

One of the principles of my work is: “Every problem has a solution at the spiritual level.” ~Leo Jean   Over time I’ve learned to apply it to problem solving by combining both physical and spiritual practices.

When you receive the news that you have a problem, you react in a positive or negative manner.  There seem to be differences in whether a problem is personally  or extraneously generated but, in both instances, there are similar ways to constructively attain a solution.

If I initially react to a problem with a negative attitude, I can expect to get a negative response because I’m attracting negative energy at the higher level.  In turn the negative energy attracts negative spirits that can group together and cause a mushrooming cluster of negative energy.  That would certainly prevent the ease at which I find a positive outcome to any problem!  (Like someone who gets very angry when they receive bad news and starts yelling or badmouthing someone else.  Or someone who blurts out a litany of despair about how unfair life is.)

On the other hand, if I’m presented with a problem, no matter how difficult it seems, I can take several positive approaches to help me as I work with my spirit to effect a positive change.  Here are some ways that I’ve learned to reach solutions that incorporate both physical and spiritual approaches:

  1. I immediately refuse the impact of the negative news at the spiritual level.  In this way, I refuse to invite or attract negative energy.  It’simportant to remind yourself to keep your spiritual openings closed, since they tend to fling open at such times.
  2. I look objectively at the pros and cons of the decisions that I must make, and I refuse and hit all negative thoughts and emotions with the Light*, since fear doubt and worry can cause interference as I take a reasonable approach to solving my problem. (As a bonus for my efforts over time I’ve learned how to work with my spirit to remove any negative spirits that come to interfere with me during this process.)
  3. I consider most problems to be negative impediments to my present and future well-being, so I turn the problem into a challenge that must be met in order to make my life better.
  4. Once I’ve refused properly, I then ask my higher self to help me to reach the right resolution.  Then I let it go and do something else for a while until I receive the answer.  Depending on the magnitude of the issue, I give my higher self enough time to allow a decision that will usually come to me while I’m in a relaxed state.
  5. While I’m in the ongoing process of dealing with my problem, I stick to the plan and continue to refuse properly so that I can minimize negative interference.
You can effect a suitable solution rather quickly by applying this practice to everyday or major problems, as you integrate positive spiritual knowledge into the process.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe



Suitable Spirit

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures mounted on turquoise flower glass baseWhen a spirit is ill-suited to its form, it causes imbalance and can spark unusual or unpredictable behavior at the physical level.

One of the most striking cases that clearly demonstrates how a spirit could be inappropriate for its body is that of a potty-wielding toddler that Leo and I worked with over 20 years ago.  The little girl had caused her parents, who were both doctors, a lot of anxiety when she began exhibiting behavior that was well beyond her physical capability. There had been some progressively worsening events during the previous months that had raised both parents’ concerns, but one incident drew a definite line.

Two months earlier, as her father sat watching TV one evening, the then 15-month old child walked over and picked up an antique wooden potty that had been placed  behind the sofa.  With one hand, she raised the potty over her head and hit her Dad with it.  He couldn’t believe what had happened, because the potty weighed at least 15 pounds.  Fortunately, the child had missed his head and only hit him on the shoulder (and, thankfully, it was only for decorative purposes).  It was a seemingly impossible feat for a child of her age and size! Where was she getting this abnormal strength and why did she show such aggressive behavior?  It was at that point that the little girl’s mother wondered if there might be a spiritual reason and eventually decided to bring her to see us.

That afternoon, as Leo and I worked with both the tiny toddler and her mother, we found that the spirit was of a much higher vibration than was appropriate for such a sweet innocent child.  Some spirits have the ability to demonstrate certain characteristics at the physical level.   This one wasn’t able to adjust properly and was getting increasingly frustrated with its form.  Once Leo had removed it and found a replacement spirit for the little girl, she seemed happily nonchalant about the whole process and started playing with her toys on the floor.  Her mother said that she would bring her back the following week so that we could see how she was doing.

When they returned for a session a week later the whole family came, but the father seemed a little disgruntled.  He explained to us that he had never considered spiritual healing before, but both parents were convinced that there was no physical reason that their daughter could be so strong.  As a father he was also concerned about the growing intensity of her aggressiveness that seemed to be aimed at him.  He said he was very surprised at how much better adjusted his daughter seemed to be after just one week, as she was remarkably calmer and more interested in activities that were typical for her age.  At that point he said he wanted to receive a healing, so that the three of them would be able to work together as a family.

After we finished the session and they were about to leave, I remember vividly his comment: “So all I have to do is to keep my chakras closed? Then I’ll do it!”  His firm commitment to remain closed to negative energy/spirits was notably sincere and successful.

There are so many ways in which a spirit can interfere with its form, even in early childhood.  Children are extremely sensitive to the spiritual world and, when they have a positive spirit that is well-suited and working in their interest, they can enjoy a happier, more fulfilling childhood.  And parents can worry less about them.

A change of spirit to one that is positive and properly suited can significantly benefit children who suffer from illness, behavioral problems and other such negativity.


Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Related posts:
Optimized Childhood
Alone Together

Distinct Vibrations

Leo Jean's Starlike© Satellite Star large paper sculpture on wood baseIn the spiritual world a spirit’s name is a compilation of the entire history of its existence in a distinct vibrational signature.  Unlike the name that is associated with a physical being, a spiritual vibration exists at the quantum level, where spirits can be connected to each other across time and space.

Throughout human history man has handed down family names from generation to generation to essentially describe a person’s ancestry.  From ancient tribes to entire modern populations, surnames tell a lot about a person’s genetic, cultural and family heritage.  During the course of my many years of working alongside Leo Jean, we have been able to decipher the patterns of vibrations that distinguish different types of spirits.  The two major types are simply positive spirits and negative spirits, but from there the distinction grows much more complicated.

As negatively oriented spirits created physical forms there was a tendency to create ever more negative manifestations.  Not unlike scary monsters that children report seeing, these incarnate beings exist in the higher dimensional realms.  While their intention is not always evident at the physical level, they are very methodical in their approach at higher levels.

Whenever I conduct a ‘reading’ of a person’s vibration to determine their spiritual condition, it is done through the vibration of their written signature.  Rather than use the image of a photograph, the written signature bears a much clearer reading of their spirit’s vibration, as it eliminates most of the physical interference.

Since I adhere to the positive principle of respecting free will, I never read a person without first asking their permission.  Leo has taught me to be careful about making higher level connections, so I’m careful not to entangle myself with someone unnecessarily.  When we do quick readings to determine the possibility of working with someone, we must be prepared to properly refuse the influx of negative spirits that are drawn to interfere with our efforts.

A recent reading shows how powerful a signature vibration can be.  The lady who requested an initial reading had contracted a rare genetic disease but had no predisposition to it.  All I had to do was to put my hand on her signature and ask her to think about the origin of her problem.  I could ‘see’ an event that occurred when she was 14 years old during which a classmate went into convulsions in school.  Although she had been perfectly healthy, she was emotionally terrified by what had happened, and two years later she was diagnosed with the same rare condition.  What I saw was that the same types of spirits that had caused the illness in her friend had instigated the same disease in her.  The woman was shocked because she could barely remember the event and had never associated it with her own illness.  Unfortunately, our planet is loaded with malicious spirits whose only intention is to interfere and cause suffering.

Each individual spiritual vibration is like a database loaded with information that reveals so much about the spiritual Waves Breaking.wpinterference that is present.  Those of us who work with a Light*-committed positive spirit transmit a signal that surpasses all negative vibrations and allows us to oppose negative interactions.    Very often Leo and I are ‘attacked’ when we begin to work with someone, especially in the early stages when our clients haven’t learned to let go of negative tendencies.  Any tampering with a spiritual vibration announces to protective spirits (in a negative sense) that the person is attempting to break negative commitments.  We’ve learned to identify all the vibrations that approach to interfere with us during a reading or healing so that we can effectively help to alleviate/reverse/heal the harmful conditions that we discover in our clients.

A spirit’s vibration resonates information about its history, affiliations and commitments throughout the spiritual realm.  As someone disentangles from their negative spiritual connections, they are able to absorb more and more positive energy and knowledge of the Light.

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:
Spiritual Universe
Why I Work With My Spirit
How We Heal Across Distance



Spiritual Responsibility

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures: 24 inside a resin pyramid topped by glowing Starlike©Before I trained to work as a spiritual/natural/quantum healer, I really had no idea that I was any good at it.  When I met Leo Jean 27 years ago, I was fortunate to have found a man who, in spite of a myriad of challenges at all levels, had lived his life in a positive mode.

At that time Leo met regularly with a group of young people that were either dealing with their higher level skills or who wanted Leo to help them to develop them so that they could help others.  About two months beforehand there had been a mysterious murder in the community that involved a teen-aged gas station attendant.  While working the night shift he was shot point blank and killed.  Since the youth had no known enemies and was not involved in any illicit activities, the entire city was searching for answers.  Leo told me that he was working with one of the members of his group that was very gifted and wanted to develop his skills to help find missing children.  He had been able to perceive the incident and ‘look’ at the face of the perpetrator.  Leo asked if I would be willing to see if I could do the same.

At the time I found it fascinating that I could actually be able to help solve a crime of this nature.  However, I would soon find that such work is very dangerous because of the type of people involved.  When I went to ‘look’ at the crime with Leo by going to the exact time and place of the incident at the higher level, I could perceive the face of the man that pulled the trigger in some detail.

Around that time, I was approached at the higher level to succumb to a negative commitment in the guise of the enticement of some fabulous reward.  While I immediately refused to ‘sign the paper’ that was presented to me in a dream, the young man that wanted so badly to help find missing children, accepted and ‘signed’ the document in a remarkably similar dream state.  Almost instantaneously he lost his ability to ‘see’ at the higher level and he began ‘receiving’ information from some higher level source that eventually disgraced him.

In order to evaluate our ability to help solve similar crimes, Leo decided to see if I could also ‘find’ the weapon used.  What I ‘saw’ was that the gun had been dumped into a garbage dumpster and there was no possibility of recovering it.  So, I then ‘looked’ to see where the gun had been purchased, so that it could then possibly be traced to the killer.  What I found was a townhouse-style building in the city of Toronto and I could actually read the address.  Leo then asked me if I could ‘obtain’ the number of the special task force that was assigned to such crimes, since the local RCMP wouldn’t work with him.  So I asked for the number at the higher level, and wrote it down.

A few minutes later, Leo was speaking to a person in the special division of the RCMP in Toronto who asked how he could have possibly known that unlisted number.  Once Leo told them that we were working on the unsolved murder case in a city 200 miles away, the officer passed us to someone who took the particulars of the information that we had collected at the higher level.  When given the address in Toronto, the officer revealed that it was the address of a known arms dealer and told us that he would contact us if they wanted to know anything further.  He added that, since we had breached their security, the phone number would no longer be valid.

The following day, as Leo and I walked in the downtown mall together after lunch, I pointed out a stranger that closelyLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures: 24 inside a resin pyramid topped by glowing Starlike© resembled the man I had perceived when I was ‘looking’ at the crime scene.  Leo calmly stated that I shouldn’t get excited and we walked by, as the man nodded hello to Leo.  After we were back in the car, Leo told me that I had pointed out the same man as the young man from our group.  He was one of the detectives on the case.

At that point Leo announced that, if we were going to work together, we would no longer be solving crimes or looking for missing persons because of the danger to ourselves.  With great relief I wholeheartedly agreed.

Leo Jean’s reminder/caveat: “Whether you use it or abuse it, you are responsible for the knowledge you gain here.”

It was through those experiences that I came to fully understand why Leo chose to develop and use his higher level power to help heal people rather than to solve crimes.  While Leo had developed his own skills to help defeat tyranny during his work in the OSS during WWII, he was largely working on his own behind enemy lines to effect the positive outcomes he desired.  He had placed himself in so many life-threatening situations that some people that recognized him 50 years later were stupefied that he had survived his missions.

It wasn’t until many years later that we ‘looked’ again at some unsolved crimes.  One notable one was the Chandra Levy disappearance.  We posted some information on our website that drew some negative comments from the FBI on the phone and people like Howard Stern on the radio who practically accused Leo of being a likely suspect.  All we knew was that those sniffer dogs that searched the park must have all had colds, as they initially failed to find the body where it was eventually discovered.

Over the years I’ve learned the responsibility of how and when to use my higher level skills in the most positive ways to help improve our clients’ well-being with the Light* at all levels.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe



Alone Together

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on glass flowerWhen you keep your spiritual openings closed, this essential act ensures that you and your spirit have the best chance at successful progress in this existence.  The best defense against negative interference is to make a commitment to keep your spiritual openings or ‘chakras’ closed.

It’s not unusual for someone to have opened one or more of their chakras during a traumatic or extremely emotional event to allow in spiritual negativity/spirits.  It’s still possible to close one’s chakras after the initial opening, but the spiritual negativity/spirits that entered will usually remain within the body.  Since it’s paramount to your spiritual well-being that you have no other spiritual negativity/spirits inside your body, it’s necessary to completely clean out all your spiritual openings before you close them. This ensures that no spiritual negativity/spirit is left behind to cause problems or to invite further negative interference.

However, if any of the chakras become damaged, it’s no longer possible to close them and a healing is required.   Once the functioning is restored, it allows the individual to regain control over all their spiritual openings, so that they can renew their commitment to keep them closed.  One’s own spirit always has access to its own form and can enter and exit freely, as it did from conception.

Because negative spirits have lost their positive knowledge, they are mostly destructive or self-destructive.  Once they enter a person through an open chakra, they feed on their host’s energy, and thrive on the negative energy that they create.  For instance, a very angry person walks around stirring up anger in others because their crown or purple chakra is open, while a very emotional person absorbs and sends out emotional negativity through an open solar plexus or yellow chakra.

A Light* or Light-committed spirit will not coexist within a person that houses spiritual negativity, as its goal is to remain positive.  The very idea of walking around with spiritual negativity inside negates a person’s efforts toward being positive.  While a negatively-oriented spirit might accept and share a form, a positively-oriented spirit will remain largely outside their physical form to avoid such negativity.  Once someone is cleaned out and closed, there is a distinct upswing in their outlook and overall well-being.

Some benefits of being and staying alone together with your spirit include:

  1. Spiritual progress as your spirit works with you to gain strength and accept the positive knowledge of the Light;
  2. Heightened awareness and much stronger refusal of negativity;
  3. Better overall health and self-healing ability with improved chemical balance and energy flow;
  4. Improved brain activity that inspires creativity and decision making;
  5. Easier to love and believe in yourself;
  6. More responsibility for your own actions; and
  7. Increased energy when you recharge your spirit with the Light because the spiritual negativity/spirit is no longer draining you from within.
The importance of keeping your spiritual openings closed can’t be stressed enough, if you choose to work more effectively with your spirit to create a positive existence.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Why Stay in Body?

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on glass flowerPerhaps it sounds very alluring to be floating up out of body into another plane of existence but, as I strive to remain in the positive realm, I’ve chosen to always stay in body in order to fully reject negativity at all levels.

Have you ever wondered about the implications when scientists keep telling us that we’re only using a fraction of our brain’s capacity?  What do you think the function of the rest of our brain is supposed to be?  What if we’re already using the other functions, but we just don’t recall what’s happening at the higher levels of our existence?  Do we coexist in an advanced existence with higher level beings?

There are so many unanswered questions about our existence on this planet.  Just as cosmologists refer to the greater part of our universe as consisting of dark energy, I believe that the majority of my being exists at the spiritual and interdimensional levels.

Back in my late teens, when I was stressed and very overtired, sometimes I used to feel myself floating up out of my body as I was trying to fall asleep.  Just beforehand, I felt very uneasy, as though there was something wrong.  Instead of getting up out of bed, I felt too tired to move.  Then I would feel myself starting to float up out of my body, but I would get a strong sense of foreboding that urged me to retreat back into my form. Once I was terrified during an experience as I perceived a ‘black cloud’ that emanated negativity moving toward me.  I had also found myself floating out of my body during the trauma of being raped by the parish priest when I was 10 years old.

Over time the sensation of floating worsened, the more I resisted the phenomenon and the frequency increased when I was with my ex-husband.  I didn’t feel comfortable with the experience and would try to call out as I held onto the side of the mattress in an effort to remain on the bed.  My body felt almost paralyzed and I would be unable to speak.  Although I tried to share this experience with a couple of people, it wasn’t until many years later that I learned that was happening to me is called a hypnagogic state as one falls asleep.

When I told Leo Jean that I had been experiencing this phenomena and how it disturbed me, he helped me to understand that I had been resisting interaction with negative beings in a higher dimensional state.  In other words, I was using my inherent intuition to resist being drawn out of my body as I fell asleep.  During my work I’ve discovered that people are regularly being summoned out of their bodies to interact at the higher levels or in higher dimensions of reality.

From my perspective, learning to stay in body was a challenge, because I was doing it all the time without knowing it.  Why did I want to stop this activity that some people might find fascinating?  I wanted to stop because I realized that, in order to progress with my spirit into the Light*, I had to stop interacting with negativity at all levels.  All my refusing, bringing in the Light, returning negativity to its source and all the other positive actions I was taking were all being thwarted because I was still interacting interdimensionally in a negative realm.  It was already 6 years since I had started to work with Leo and I was holding back my own progress by accepting summons. Even without my conscious knowledge of this activity, I was still accepting negativity.

Usually the first sign of being summoned out of body is the draining of energy.  So, when I was younger and very tired, the additional energy drain seemed to interfere with the normal process of going out of body and I recalled some aspects of the occurence.  Once I learned to refuse this sensation, there was still much more effort needed.  As my commitment to stay in body became more pronounced, so did the feeling that more effort was being given to draw me out.

Once I made the firm commitment that I was going to succeed at this positive choice, I noticed an increased amount of energy draining that took great effort to overcome.  Over a 3-week period I noticed that I felt great fatigue during the day, even though I was getting enough sleep at night.  Until I fully resisted the summons and made the commitment a reality, I had to limit my sleep only to the physical requirements of my body at night.  In other words, I could rest but I couldn’t nap during the day while I was going through this period of endurance.

It was 21 years ago when I finally succeeded to remain in body, and I identified the moment of success.  One afternoon, after the energy draining was really pronounced, I was resting and resisting the urge to fall asleep into a soothing nap.  While I had my eyes closed, I could feel something brush by my foot.  When I opened my eyes, for a fleeting instant, I could see the shape of an enormous ethereal being that was standing at the foot of the bed.  It was so large that it was standing not on the floor, but at waist depth as the rest of its body went through the floor.  When I saw it, I immediately refused it completely and hit it with the Light.  With that final refusal, the interdimensional being disappeared and I never had a problem with being summoned out of body again.

With that absolute refusal, I felt like I had finally defeated my negative tendencies at all levels.  Even though there are unknown levels of existence that most people have blocked or have chosen not to deal with, there is free will at all levels.  I made the choice to remain in body, in third dimension and in positive reality at all times so that my spirit can progress with me.

In my work I suggest that my clients remain in body and that they refuse summons at all times.  Most are surprised when they experience more energy and feel more in balance as a result of their efforts.  Some have described being summoned as “extreme sleepiness right in the middle of a business meeting” or “having my brain sucked out of my body” as they refuse higher level summons.  In addition to having more energy during the day, their rest during sleep at night is enhanced.

Above all, the most beneficial effect of choosing to stay in body at all times is that I keep my commitment to both my spirit and myself to remain in positive mode.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Take or Break

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures mounted on wooden cube atop glassWhen you ask someone for their advice, you are asking them to give their opinion on what they think you should do.  That’s a big responsibility for them.  However, you have the option of considering whether or not you want to take their advice.  In doing so, you’re exercising your free will.

But what if you act on the advice and then things don’t turn out as you thought they would?  Are you going to blame them because you acted on their opinion?  In the end, you are responsible for all your actions.  Whether or not you asked for the advice, accepted it and acted on it are all aspects of your free will.

I was fortunate to learn the basics of this lesson early in life when, in secondary school, I learned that not everyone would readily accept advice.  My girlfriends often asked me what they should do in a variety of situations, ranging from what they should wear to a dance, to how to complete a homework assignment, to how they should react to a prospective boyfriend.  After doling out advice on many occasions, only to have it often fall on deaf ears, then have my friends return with regretful statements that they wished they had listened to me, I came up with a solution.  Whenever my girlfriends asked for advice, I would tell them: “I can only offer you what I think you should do, because you have to realize it for yourself.  Do you really want to hear what I have to say?”  With that caveat, I felt so much better in spending my time giving an opinion.

During my work in spiritual/natural/quantum/distant healing, my clients are always asking for advice and I’m always readyLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures mounted on wooden cube atop glass with mysuggestions.  Gladly, I learned early that advice is easily given, but not always easily taken.  I respect that someone might only want an opinion and that, in the final analysis, they’re going to do whatever feels right for them.  That’s their free will.  In order to feel like they’re not breaking my free will when they ask for my advice, I always know what to say before giving it.  I’ve learned to make positive suggestions and to allow them to be considered and accepted or rejected without judgment.  I also remind my clients that they can ask their higher self for help in decision making.

Parents have a very fine line to cross between breaking free will and offering guidance to their children.  Sometimes a parent will feel that their free will is being crushed when their child rejects their advice.  A child whose free will is constantly broken will grow rebellious, but when their free will is respected, they are allowed to live in harmony.

It’s a good idea to consider that, whenever you allow someone else to break your free will or you break theirs, you’re impeding your own spiritual progress.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Spiritual Sensitivity

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on pink scrolling glassBeing sensitive to the spiritual/quantum world around us is a natural ability that is most common among children.  Some adults remain sensitive but without knowledge of how to handle their skill, while others struggle to tone down the volume.

When I was a small child, I used to sometimes lie in bed in the morning and stare out the window or up at the ceiling while allowing my vision to be very, very relaxed.  Whenever I was able to enter a precise state of relaxation, I would see a sparkling white light, just like a star gleaming in my field of vision.  I didn’t know it at the time, but I was looking at my spirit and it was acknowledging me by shining its Light* for me.  Over time I lost the ability to enter that relaxed state as my life became overwhelmed with anxiety and negativity.  However, just months before I went through the most trying part of my life, I remember waking up very early one morning to a brilliantly shining light that lingered for what seemed a long time in my field of vision.  My eyes were wide open and I marveled at how beautiful it was.  At that time I knew it was something special, but I still wasn’t aware that it was my spirit trying to communicate with me.

There are certain ways to be perceptive or sensitive to the spiritual world that include seeing, hearing and knowing spiritual information.  When a person’s ‘third eye’ or ‘inner eye’ is open, they can often ‘see’ the faces of spiritual beings or entire bodies that cannot be observed in the normal range of vision.  When a person ‘hears’ voices, they are listening to information emitted at a higher level frequency that is almost always negatively oriented.  When a person ‘knows’ there is spiritual activity or interference, this information comes in the form of intuition or uncanny insight that can be quite sophisticated.  Whatever form it comes in, sensitivity can be helpful or harmful, depending on the knowledge base of the individual.

Often, when someone asks for help with spiritual problems, their sensitivity has been heightened because they’ve experienced some extraordinary spiritual interference.  A few years ago ‘Eva’, a well-educated woman from Central Africa, contacted us for a distant healing because she had been suffering from lack of sleep and mounting physical pain that had no evident explanation. After discussing her physical activities leading up to this problem, Eva admitted that for several months the spiritual harassment had increased after she had sought help from a local native practitioner.  Whenever she tried to go to sleep at night, an invisible songbird would start singing outside her window.  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shut out the sound.  Eva was receiving inter-dimensional summoning messages to go ‘out of body’, and she was unable to sleep more than an hour or two each night, as she was constantly awakened by pain and frightening dreams.

After she properly refused the sources of the negative interference including the local practitioner, we were able to remove the spiritual/inter-dimensional beings responsible for the summoning song.  Once Eva accepted a positively-oriented spirit, she began to work with her spirit and learned to use the Light within her dream state to counteract any further negative interference.  Her pain subsided, she was able to sleep properly again and she also found employment within a couple of weeks, after she had been searching for months.

In order to ‘read’ the particulars of our clients’ spiritual problems, I’ve worked over the years to increase my sensitivity for use in my work.  Part of being able to sense what’s going on in the higher levels of existence is being able to relax completely while concentrating at the same time.  I’ve learned to turn off my sensitivity by keeping my ‘third eye’ closed at all times, except when my spirit alerts me with its Light or when I need to use it in my work.  In all cases I use my spiritual vision only with Light, so that I never draw negative interference.

When you work with your spirit to develop your sensitivity, you’ll be better able to reject spiritual negativity so that you can progress alongside your spirit.


Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Negative-to-Positive Conversion

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures depicting buildingsOver the years my partner used to explain that the primary purpose of doing his difficult spiritual/quantum/natural healing work was: “To convert negative into positive.”  I had to chuckle at the simplicity of his answer because I know the extent to which he works to achieve this conversion process.

When you first think about it, it does sound very simple.  However, beyond the various methods of replacing negative thoughts, emotions and actions with positive ones, Leo Jean has mastered the conversion process at the inter-dimensional and spiritual levels.

When I was first learning how to counteract negativity, I found that there was often evident opposition to my efforts that stemmed from higher levels.  While most negativity is easily dissipated with an initial blast to its source with the Light, there often is a massive amount of reinforcement behind some sources of negativity that are very resistant to this process.  These more resistant sources have accumulated negative strength in much the same way as I’ve worked to acquire more positive knowledge and power of the Light.

When a client comes to us after being constantly bombarded with extreme negativity, it’s necessary to start peeling back the onion, so to speak, by removing large pockets and groups of spiritual negativity in layers.  This is not only necessary from the standpoint of removing the most evident or outermost layers first, but we also have to consider how much adjustment the client will need to regulate their electrical flow and regain their chemical balance afterward.  When removing larger amounts of negativity, the client needs to be sufficiently ready to refuse the influence of the reinforcement and replacement groups as they try to move in.

Leo has taught me to begin a healing by removing the most obvious spiritual negativity first.  In order to perform a proper removal, I first have to take a ‘reading’ of the exact negative vibrations/spirits associated with the person with whom we’re working.  Since every spirit has a distinct vibration, I direct my higher level and my spirit to help me to remove that precise vibration.  I ‘feel’ the negative vibrations like one would feel an electrical current running through a wire.  During my initial years of reading such vibratory patterns, Leo used to provide resistance so that I could withstand the powerful force of the vibrations as I gained strength and stamina.  Sometimes, when he would allow a little too much through his hand to mine, I would feel a charge similar to one you’d feel if you stuck your finger into an electrical socket.  (That smarts!)  All the negativity that someone has accumulated over their lifetime can’t be removed all at once because it would overtax my body, and throw the client off balance electrically and chemically.

Once we know/feel/read the vibrations that need to be removed, the process of conversion is as follows:

  1. We do a ‘pick up’ of the negative vibrations/spirits that are immediately present within each of our client’s chakras.
  2. We surround the negative vibrations/spirits with the Light and remove them to a higher dimensional level where they remain encompassed by the Light until they convert to a positive state and will not harm anyone else.
  3. We replace the negative vibrations/spirits that were within our client with the positive energy of the Light.
  4. When necessary for the well-being of our client, we locate a positively-oriented spirit/vibration that volunteers and accepts the commitment to work with the person, and bring that Light-committed spirit in to work with the client.
  5. Whatever higher-level negative vibrations/spirits/interference remain outside the person as reinforcement or replacements must also be removed by suspending them with the Light, so they don’t interfere as our client learns to work with their spirit.

Even during the brief and effective removal process, we must ensure that no outside negative vibrations/spirits venture near us, so we work with only our bare hands, without the use of anything that could be used as a summoning tool.  The removal of interference beyond the immediate environment is done in the same way as the removal described in #5 above, but can amount to huge numbers that must be properly handled for conversion by a seasoned practitioner (like Leo and now me).  Leo calls this ‘going into spiritual battle.’

My use of Leo Jean’s method of spiritual/quantum/natural healing has proven not only to be effective to remove the negativity present within an individual at a given point in time, but also ensures that those distinct negative vibrations/spirits will never return.  Once any damaged chakras (spiritual apertures) are healed, the person remains firmly closed to any further entry of such negative interference.  The benefits of this advanced yet simple healing method is phenomenal!

Everyone has the inherent potential to build the strength needed to incorporate the negative-to-positive conversion process into their daily lives, but there has to be a starting point of commitment to working with one’s spirit.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Ousting Negativity – Part 3

(…Part 2)

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted in resin on glass baseDuring my training and work as a spiritual/quantum/natural healer, I’ve dealt with some very interesting occurrences when people with no other solutions have come to receive help through Leo Jean’s spiritual/quantum/natural healing method.

Once such case was when a 23-year-old university student traveled all the way from Europe to receive a healing. (Now we do distant healing, so there’s no need to travel).  When I walked into the room he was talking with Leo and facing the other way.  As he turned his head to look at me, I was startled by his eyes.  They were black, almost without whites and, as he looked at me first with his head half-turned, it was as though someone else was peering out through his eyes.  The young man stood just over 6 feet tall, but he was kind of stooped over at the shoulders, as though he was trying to hide his height.  Leo and I worked with him for a couple of hours, removing the large amount of spiritual/higher level negativity that he had allowed to enter him, as well as some of the accumulated negativity that had gathered around him as reinforcement.

When the young man returned the next day and, when he stood up to his full height to greet me, he was smiling broadly.  No wonder – his eyes were their natural beautiful green color and the apparent blackness was gone.  He was excited and happy about the transformation of his eyes, as their constant blackness had caused him to become a social outcast at school.  He said he felt remarkably relaxed and confident that his life would be greatly improved.  Whatever chemical and electrical processes had been triggered to turn his eyeballs black had been adjusted overnight.

During one of our sessions the young man felt comfortable enough to describe how he used to receive inter-dimensional visits from an ancient philosopher that would hover above him in the corner of his room and relate stories as he lay in bed.  He admitted that he felt empowered by the prospect of receiving the knowledge that the being offered but, after several weeks, the visits stopped and the young man noticed the change in his eyes (and so did everyone else).  During the process of accepting its visits, he had extended his trust and allowed the ‘visitor’ to enter him through an open spiritual aperture.  Since it was a negative being with a very high vibration, it had created the physical conditions that caused the strange appearance of his eyes.

Now that he was free of his physical adversity, the young man commented that he might have a difficult time getting back through customs when he returned home.  He took out his passport to show me the photo: there were his strange black eyes.  Then he said, smiling: “I’ll wear the same sweater when I return; I have it with me and perhaps it will help.”  After he returned home, he told us that the customs officers definitely noticed the difference in his appearance and asked him for additional ID and information before they allowed him through.

Previous to this encounter, we had some cases when individuals came to us with one ‘lazy’ eye that wandered to one side due to the impact of spiritual negativity.  But never before had I seen anything quite like this very strange eye blackness, except in the movies. The presence of a large negative spiritual being can manifest many different types of symptoms and behavior, due to the stimulation of various nerves, glands and organs causing electrical or chemical changes.  Causing the blackness of the young man’s eyes was the negative being’s way of outwardly notifying others of its presence.

About 25 years ago Leo told me that there was a researcher in Sudbury, Ontario that he had talked to previously about his work.  We called Dr. Persinger and Leo and he talked for a few minutes on the phone.  Leo told him that there were instances when distinct physical changes were taking place as a result of his healing methods.  Dr. Persinger’s reaction was to say that he had heard of such physical manifestations taking place but, in order for Leo’s work to be taken seriously, he would have to come in “through the back door.”

While modern medical science might be skeptical of our work, we continue to contribute to the well-being of those who cannot find solutions elsewhere.  Our clients’ trust in our ability to remove negativity, combined with their self-belief and commitment to work with their spirit are critical elements that add to the success of any healing.

As I work to earn and accumulate the positive knowledge of the Light*, my confidence comes from within, knowing that my spirit is working endlessly alongside me.  It’s comforting that my spirit knows that I know what it wants, and that I’m willing to work with it to earn and create the positive existence that we both desire.


Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe



Ousting Negativity – Part 2

(…Part 1)

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted inside 4 glass starsChildren would seem to be the most vulnerable to the influence of spiritual negativity, but they are actually very adept at combating negative interference.  From their neutral innocent standpoint, young children are inherently sensitive to the spiritual realm and already understand how to deal with it.

From early in life children are enticed to interact with beings that exist in higher dimensions and, while adults call this imagination, it is very real.  Sometimes, when a child senses the presence of an inter-dimensional being, it will be in the form of something that begs their trust, like a friendly ghost, an angel or a beautiful fairy.  Rather than immediately accept the impact of such an encounter, a child’s first reaction should be to refuse and throw Light* to hit the being.  If the being is positive, the Light will give it energy and it will sparkle its own spiritual Light.  If the being is negative, it will retreat or vanish when hit with the Light.  If more children were aware of how to use the Light in self-defense, fewer would suffer from the interference of negative beings that feed off of their energy.

As creatures of instinct, we all have the choice to react with fear or defiance when threatened at all levels of our being.  If you react in confidence by refusing first, fear will not be given the opportunity to present itself and break down your defenses.  A child’s imagination can yield powerful results when counteracting negativity, as children are constantly being challenged in their efforts to remain in a positive state.

An example from my early childhood might help to explain how a child whose spirit is helping them to resist the pervasiveness of negativity can stand up to a coercive invitation to interact in a negative realm.  While I don’t remember most childhood dreams, this one stands out significantly.

When I was eight years old, I awoke in a dream to find what I recognized to be a ‘witch’ sitting up beside me in my bed.  (She looked like the witch   from the “Mighty Mouse” cartoon.)  When I saw her, I was petrified and stood up on the bed to face her.  The witch told me that she had brought me a gift, and held out a necklace made of round stones that I should put on.  When I refused her gift, she told me that she had come to take me away with her.  When I kept telling her that I wasn’t going to go anywhere with her, she wouldn’t take “No!” for an answer.  As she tried to break my free will, I remained steadfast and didn’t allow her to break my resolve.  As a child I perceived the being that appeared to me as a witch to be ‘bad’ and I was not going to give in to her.

Finally, after what seemed like a very long time (and was probably only a few split seconds), I thought of something.  I told her that, if I were forced to go with her, I would have to say good-bye to my parents.  The ‘witch’ agreed and allowed me to get out of bed and go downstairs to say my farewells.  When I returned, I brought my father with me, wielding a gun.  The witch disappeared and I woke up, trembling, in the tranquility of my bed.  My father often worked nights, so he wasn’t even home, nor had he ever owned a gun.

Although at the time I didn’t consciously know how to work with my spirit, my spirit knew how to help me to use my imagination as a tool to properly refuse while in my dream state.  Many of our higher-level encounters occur in the dream state, so it’s important to learn how to bring positive knowledge to all levels of our being.  If I had accepted the offer of the necklace, I would have accepted some sort of inter-dimensional loyalty to that being.  If I had accepted the summons to leave my body, I would have accepted and succumbed to whatever unknown terms went along with that agreement.  Fortunately, even as a child, I chose to be positive.  After that point, I went through the hardest part of my life, but I still refused to give in to all the negativity that continued to challenge me.

My spirit has been helping me all my life, but I had been conditioned to let go of that all-important connection to the highest part of myself.  Thankfully, I reconnected with my spirit and will continue to learn and, hopefully, inspire others to work within with their own spirit.

My work with Leo Jean has brought me many lessons in how to deal with spiritual negativity, and next I’ll share the story of how a young man was tricked into responding to almost exactly the same enticement that I faced with the ‘witch’ in my dream.

(…Part 3)

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Reacting to Negativity

Leo Jean's Starlike© Opposites; paper sculptures atop bottle with layered color resin interiorWhen you first recognize the onset of negativity, whether physical or spiritual, it’s your responsibility to react immediately to counteract its effect.  Once you accept negativity at any level, it will begin to augment whatever thought, emotion or sensation that was initially affected. 

As soon as I sense that negativity is being sent to interfere with my well-being, I’ve learned to respond by first refusing it while asking my spirit to help me to return it to the source with the Light*.  The foremost reaction is to refuse and return the negativity, but there’s often more work to do.

Although I’ve refused the initial impact of negativity, I will most often have to fight off the supporting negativity that accompanies it.  Depending on the intention of the sender, whether it’s from a spiritual or physical source, there could be further negative interference that needs to be neutralized.  For instance, if I allow doubt to set in at any point while making a decision, my acceptance will bring the negativity of that doubt into the process, thereby attracting further spiritual opposition that makes it much harder to realize a positive outcome.  So, if doubt is the negative interference, then each time doubt arises, I will have to refuse and return it by working with my spirit as in my initial reaction.

If you insert fear, anxiety, sadness, self-pity, frustration, guilt, jealousy, hatred or any other negative emotion where the term ‘doubt’ is used above, the process of dealing with it is essentially the same.  If you allow the effects of negativity to thrive, it will build upon itself into an enormous brick wall with plenty of mortar.

After I’ve engaged in the refusal process, it’s important to switch myself into a positive mode that allows me to continue with minimal interference.  Another natural way I deal with negativity is to take advantage of my intuitive skills.  In the case of making a decision, it helps to ask my higher self to help me, since it is much less vulnerable to interference than my physical self.

Because I’ve been diligently practicing the positive principles of working with the Light as part of my daily routine, my spirit has accumulated more positive knowledge and energy.  As a result, together we are far more capable of eliminating the sources of negativity that continuously try to obstruct our efforts to achieve a positive existence.

One of the most rewarding aspects of working with my spirit is that I’m now equipped to counteract the negativity that interferes with my progress at all levels of my being.  

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:  “Ways to Stay in Positive Mode” and  “Believe in the Power of Your Selves” (Part 2)


Recognizing Spiritual Negativity

"Walkin' Dolphins" ©Leo Jean (Original painting 4' x 5'; acrylic on mahogany board)What does it feel like to be hit by spiritual negativity?  It’s likely that you already know, but have never been able to clearly identify the sensation.  You can acquire the skill to recognize spiritual negativity through the daily examination of physical sensations such as pain, intense emotions and energy draining.   

By developing a heightened awareness of the impact of your surroundings, thoughts and emotions, you’ll increase your ability to identify the source of a spiritual ‘hit’ more quickly.  The key to counteracting its effect is to refuse negativity completely by returning it all to its source with the Light* as soon as possible.

The notion of returning the negativity from a spiritual ‘hit’ is more powerful when you know its source.  Usually you’ll be able to discern who’s sending the negativity as a result of your physical location or thoughts you’re having about someone.  It’s not always possible to pinpoint the source of the negativity, though, because it could be coming through someone else or from a higher-level source. If you don’t refuse and return it, then you’re accepting the flow of negative energy and its influence.

One interesting experience comes to mind when someone asks what a spiritual hit feels like.   Upon my last visit to a zoo about fifteen years ago, Leo Jean, a friend and I were visiting the gorilla exhibit.  We were standing there, watching the gorillas looking back at us through the viewing glass when I met eyes with a female that was looking at me with the saddest expression.  I thought of how horrible it must be for such creatures to be held in captivity with scores of people ogling them every day.

A few seconds later, I noticed an intense pain in my head.  Since I never get headaches, I recognized it as a spiritual hit.  I started to refuse it immediately and to return it to its source.  Apparently, I wasn’t strong enough yet, because the pain just kept increasing until it was excruciating.  My attention turned to the female gorilla, as I then sensed that it was she that was sending me the negative energy associated with her anger and frustration.  I kept refusing and returned it to its source but, after a few minutes of intense pain, I had to ask Leo for help, because my efforts weren’t strong enough.

As we left the gorilla exhibit and walked outside, Leo helped me to return the hit directly to the source (i.e. the female gorilla and the spirits that were helping her) with the Light.  I felt the pain subside immediately.  I then realized quite sheepishly that I had accepted negativity from the gorilla, because I was sympathetic to her physical circumstances.  Upon accepting her emotional outcry, I had allowed her spirit to send me the negativity that she had generated at the physical level.  It was a painful learning experience, but one that evoked a greater commitment in me to gain more strength and positive knowledge, so that I would be able to overcome such spiritual hits in the future.

On the lighter side, my last zoo experience was highlighted by the antics of some very savvy elephants.  Leo amused me and many other zoo visitors when he coaxed two Indian elephants to dance rhythmically back and forth with trunks swinging in unison to a silent beat.  It took Leo several minutes to convince a somewhat reluctant but amazing African elephant to join in on the celebratory dance with its companions.  It was a delightfully happy experience for all!

Since animals are very spiritually oriented, they conduct their spiritual activities in a very similar way as humans.  It’s a great way to demonstrate how thought and emotional energy can be directed and received in a positive or negative way, depending on the sender’s intention.  So, the next time you’re around someone who is ill, angry, complaining, anxious, sad, etc., it’s your responsibility to refuse them properly. As you defend yourself by minimizing your physical exposure and returning all the hits to their source with the Light, you’ll be doing them a favor, since the Light is purely positive energy.

In order to progress in your spiritual development, it will help you to train yourself to recognize spiritual negativity, so that you can react effectively to counteract its impact.


Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe