Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health

NGC 346 (Pink Elephant Nebula!) Expanding on #5 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

Your spiritual self is an integral part of your being that can bring significant higher-level knowledge to improve your life at all levels. Once you enter into a positive working relationship with your spirit, you’ll find it instrumental to your innate ability to self-heal, to manage the higher-level negativity that usurps your vitality and to bring an ongoing positive perspective about caring for your body.

Our ability to self-heal is a fundamental part of our human physiology, but most of us lack the knowledge to use our higher-level skills to increase our physical resistance to disease and the needed resilience after an illness hits.  For example, when a child equipped with a positively oriented spirit (Light-committed spirit) is instructed how to work with their spirit and perform a self-healing on their cancer, eczema, diabetes or other illness, they’ll begin to show improvement almost immediately.

Compared to an adult, a child’s success in dealing with the negativity associated with sickness and disease is far more startling because they still remember how to work with their spirit.  In addition, a child’s body is already more adaptive to self-healing; they never doubt they’re going to be successful; and they’re receptive and efficient about working with their spirit to remove the negativity that impedes the healthful processes within their body.

Your potential to deal with the negativity associated with your health is the same as a child’s, but you’ve been accepting and accumulating it over a longer period of time. With the advantage of a positively oriented spirit to help you, you’ll gain the knowledge and strength to counteract the higher-level negativity that reinforces the draining of your energy and causes a greater susceptibility to illness.

In addition, working with your spirit enables you to take back your free will to make positive choices that enhance your health at all levels of your being. Your spirit is only too anxious to help you to counteract the mental and emotional negativity you’ve been accepting that interferes with how you look after your physical self.

Although your spirit can be very instrumental in helping you to exercise your free will to gain and maintain great health, you still have lots of work to do.   You have to take back control by making a decision to make changes, like eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking or drinking, and getting enough relaxation and sleep.  Next, you have to put your new desire into effect by planning a course of action.  Then comes the hard part: sticking with it as part of your new lifestyle…and that’s when your spirit can deliver its unique assistance.Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada

As your spirit helps to strengthen your resolve to counteract the negatives that interfere with your healthy life perspective, you’ll more effectively deal with the cravings, temptations and old habits that are presented on a regular basis.  It makes it so much easier to motivate yourself to progress with your plan to get and stay healthy.  For instance, once I started to work with my spirit, it seemed ridiculously easy to stop my addiction to tobacco and alcohol, change my eating habits and exercise daily,  while I learned to relax and sleep better.

Not only does it make common sense to quit negative habits and adapt to a positive lifestyle, it’s essential for your health at all levels of your existence. You can become your own universe of wellbeing within which your spirit, higher self and body progress into a positive happy state!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

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