Counteracting Negative Impact

Asteroids orbiting in main belt between Mars and Jupiter via Image Credit: R. Evans & K. Stapelfeldt (JPL) and NASAAt times our existence on this planet seems so precarious, especially when we experience such wakeup calls as the asteroid flyby and explosive meteor over southern Russia February 15th.  Just as world governments bear the responsibility of creating the means by which we can protect our planet from such natural hazards, we all bear the responsibility to refuse negativity so that each of our spirits can progress positively within us.

A few weeks ago, as I was pulling the car onto the road in front of our (former) house outside Montréal, I looked up toward the east and saw a bright fireball cascading across the sky.  Since it was so bright, at first I thought it might have been an aircraft on fire.  But, as I watched it arcing across my line of vision, I saw it glow reddish then disappear, so I knew I’d seen a meteor.  And it was fascinating!  By that time I had already begun to regard the impending impact of a large celestial object striking our planet as a real possibility yet, at that moment, the sight of that fireball simply filled me with a sense of wonder.  Afterward it brought home with greater validity the realization that asteroids are part of our planet’s natural environment.

Although the recent cosmic activity has alerted the general public to the very real possibility of a celestial body creating havoc on our planet, there have already been steps taken by NASA to track and map the largest asteroids, but they’ve only located a few.  What’s needed is international cooperation to fund and create the advanced technology necessary to enable the deflection of such asteroids as Apophis, the big one that’s heading our way in 2029 and again in 2036.  If we do nothing, we risk the chance of a direct hit.  Just thinking about it isn’t enough.

In his Newsweek article, Dr. Michio Kaku outlined some of the proposed technology that would alleviate the threat, adding:

“It is inevitable that one day we will be hit, and hit hard. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. We realize this every time we see the pockmarked surface of the moon. Unfortunately, without an early-warning system, we don’t know when such an impact might take place.”  (See link to entire article below.)

Just like asteroids and comets are attracted to our planet, negativity is at some level attracted to each one of us.   We’re all being bombarded day and night with negativity and, unless we commit to doing something about it, we’re sitting targets to this constant negative pummeling.  The little grains-of-sand meteor-type hits are easy but, eventually, a big hit will come in and bring with it the kind of personal devastation that no one desires.  There are always positive solutions when you’re ready to create them, but it’s always so much harder to counteract negativity when you’re caught off guard in a state of weakness without means and knowledge.

Here are a few ways to fight the negativity in your daily life:

  1. Make a commitment to yourself to refuse negativity whenever it arises. Become more aware of the negativity that you’re accepting.  Take a few seconds to refuse all sources.  As you get used to doing this, you’ll get better at it.
  2. Refusing negativity is the first step, but you also need to replace the negativity with something positive. Remove yourself from the negative environment.  Go for a walk in the fresh air; excuse yourself from a negative conversation; get rid of objects that remind you of past negative situations.
  3. Take steps to change your situation, if you’re unhappy with the way your life is unfolding.  Quit worrying and regretting.  Forgive yourself more often. Start looking for a new job; strengthen or end relationships; move into a new location that suits you better; you get the drift of it!
  4. Love yourself a little more.  Start doing more of the things that you love to do for yourself: Exercise more, eat better, sleep better; play a musical instrument; build something; learn something new that interests and/or pleases you! There are plenty of ways to make your life more positive–be creative!
  5. “Ideally” request a healing/removal from me.  I will immediately remove the large packets of spiritual negativity and allow you to start from a position of strength.
Just as the world needs to find act to diffuse the inevitability of an asteroid hitting the Earth, only by fighting back against negativity, by building strength of resistance and by creating a positive stance will we endure the impact of negative personal onslaughts.

Side note: After our move from Montréal, I thought I’d see if there were any reports on record about the meteor I’d seen. I found that, according to the American Meteor Society, 50 reports had been received about the fireball (a meteor that is larger than normal), and it’s rare for an individual to see one or two fireballs per lifetime. (Wow!)

(Read the article about Event #181 for 2013 here:

1 “Asteroid Apocalypse”  by Michio Kaku, February 26, 2013 via The Daily Beast:

Related news: 19 March 2013 via Asteroid Threat Collides with Earthly Budget Realities in Congress

For more information about my work as a Higher Level Healing Expert

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“…Learn the Natural Law”

The other day someone in the twitterverse asked me what the term “natural law” meant in the context of the message I received when I was 15, as described in my post called “Early Flat Screen Presentation,” so I’ll attempt to answer that in part now.

What the otherworldly being said was: “This life you lead is a test.  In order to pass you must learn the natural law.” 

First of all, I should state that I didn’t really know why I was selected to be the recipient of that telepathic message.  It wasn’t a dream; I was fully awake in a public restaurant.  I never experienced anything like that before or since.  At first it seemed to spark confusion in me, since it was so vivid and I couldn’t talk about it with anyone, except the girlfriends who were with me at the time.

From my perspective the event was life changing, since the portion of the message that was left with my consciousness was so clear and I only began to understand its significance when I started to work with my spirit 15 years later, when my mentor suggested that the beings were from the future.  The only “natural law” that I knew when I was 15 was that of physics, which I happened to be studying at the time.  It didn’t make sense to me then that they would be telling me that my life depended on the laws of physics.  Now that I’m so much older (and more ‘seasoned’), I believe that the message incorporated the learning of many natural laws including those in the fields of physics, science, philosophy, medicine, law, morality and nature itself.

Most physicists agree that all the laws of physics are the same in our universe, but, in the so-called Many Worlds Theory it’s postulated that there are multiple universes and the laws of physics are potentially different in each one.  Given this format, one could suppose that all natural laws could be different elsewhere. For instance, there could be a universe in which people might rejoice one’s death and mourn at one’s birth.  In another universe the moral law could dictate that everyone has to be cruel and despotic, while those who are kind and compassionate are morally corrupt.

As a result of my many years of working with my spirit and glimpsing into the spiritual journeys of others, I’ve come to believe that the spiritual natural law is likely the same throughout the multiverse and is interconnected with the Light*. With its multiple timeless existences, a spirit can be recognized as the quantum part of our human repertoire.  The message started with “this life…” to differentiate this life from another, as if to suggest its significance in my quantum existence.

Quite frankly, I’m still learning about “the natural law”.  Sometimes I wonder whether the greater part of the message (about 5 minutes long) has been buried within me as a suggestion.  Maybe it was downloaded to me for future reference and will continue to give me inspiration along the way.  In the meantime, I will pursue my efforts to gain a further and deeper understanding of my own interpretation of what it means to “learn the natural law.” It’s interesting that I’ve already learned to use my brain in a more advanced way to communicate across the planet in my higher level healing work.  Since the message I received was sent telepathically, I’ve included a link below to a short video on collective intelligence by the popular theoretical physicist Michio Kaku.

Perhaps the meaning behind the message about the concept of learning “the natural law” is to inspire others to pursue the answers to the questions about the reasons for our current existence.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures imbedded within a crystal horn of plentyLink to Michio Kaku’s video on The Big Think: “Can We Have Brain-to-Brain Communication?”

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

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Release the Secret

The other night I watched “Brad Meltzer’s Decoded” on the History Channel, which looked into the U. S. government’s cover up of UFO evidence.  At the end of the show, one of the investigators divulged that, when he was eight years old, he had seen a UFO while traveling by car with his family.  One of the other investigators said that, if they had known that at the beginning of their investigation, he would have thought that maybe his colleague was a little crazy.  However, afterward he could just say: “That’s incredible!”

This response is indicative of how far we’ve come as human beings to respect the experiences of others without prejudgment.  When someone reveals that they’ve seen a UFO, their credibility is immediately taken into question.  Rather than just evaluating the details of the story, a person’s judgment and mental stability come into question.

When I was fifteen years old, I was contacted by a roomful of other-worldly beings who appeared on a small movie screen.  Unlike the usual circumstances surrounding such events, such as when a lone person is traveling in a remote location, I was fully conscious in a public place full of adults and children.  However, since I was the only subject of the communication, my friends advised me not to talk about it, or people would think I was crazy.  So I remained silent for fifteen years, until I was able to tell someone that I trusted.  Especially during my silence, I often wondered about the significance of being the object of the communication and if there would be any follow up. (See my post Early Flat Screen Presentation.)

Most people keep their alien contact or sightings secret, because of the skeptical reaction they anticipate.  Over the ensuing years, they agonize over thoughts like: “Why me?” “Why was I selected as the recipient of that encounter?” “Does this have some significance in my life?”  The investigator on “Decoded” stated that his UFO sighting stood out as one of the wonders of his childhood, yet he wouldn’t talk about it until after the show’s investigation had sufficiently backed up his credibility.  Earlier on the show, Story Musgrave, a former NASA astronaut, pointed out the statistical certainty that intelligent life must exist on other planets and that some could be billions of years more technologically advanced than we are.

While living in California about fifteen years ago, I was also fortunate enough to be witness to a small group of craft passing over our property.  Within a period of about two weeks Leo had called me outside several times to see some ships, but it took me too long to exit the house and courtyard to reach him on the hillside garden where he was working.  Then, one day I threw down what I was doing and rushed outside, just in time to see three small craft moving westward about fifty feet above the house.  They were rather small, about the size of small helicopters, but they were angular in shape and had small triangular wings.  As I looked up at them flying in a v-shaped formation, they appeared to be made of a translucent material through which light passed, but I couldn’t see the interior or if they were manned.  They passed by silently at no more than 20 mph.  I was so excited as I watched them leave my field of vision over the hillside!  Then, about thirty seconds later, a B-3 bomber came over us, and followed the path of the small crafts.  The B-3’s engine was loud and it looked out of place compared to the advanced-looking crafts.

When I saw the UFO’s, I was with someone who wasn’t afraid to talk about what we had seen.  The following day at the local coffee shop, Leo and I related our sighting to a couple of acquaintances, who had been pilots during World War II.  The pilots asked questions about the structure, position, airspeed and heading of the craft.  Although it felt strange to talk about what we had seen, we were talking to experts that understood the experience, and I’ve never questioned the event since.

Carrying the secret of childhood abuse is a similar burden to having witnessed a UFO event, although much more painful, of course.  In both cases, you’re not supposed to tell or talk about your experience.  You’re forced to carry around your secret, because of the fear that your story will trigger ridicule, reprisal or hurtful criticism.  You might fear that, once your secret is revealed, you will be ostracized and that the skeptical reactions of even those closest to you might be too overwhelming and will ultimately change their perception of you as a person.

Just as the world is coming around to questioning the government cover up of UFO activity, the cover up practices of the abuse of children by religious organizations like the catholic church are finally being examined.  When prestigious people like heads of state, military personnel or scientists state that they have witnessed UFO events, the public never questions their integrity; it was a remarkable experience.  When celebrities reveal their childhood abuse, it’s seen as a factor in driving their success.  For most of us, it’s a painful process of wondering if we’ll be perceived as dysfunctional or ‘damaged goods’.  However, many more people are finally letting go of their fear of exposure.

As I’ve grown to love myself over the years, I’ve learned to talk about what happened to me, since withholding the information had been a negative impediment to my well-being.  You are the product of your experiences so, if you keep events like a UFO sighting or childhood abuse a secret, the effects of not speaking out can be more harmful than just telling it like it is.  Just pick your audience; there are some people out there who will listen without judging you.  When you’re ready to let go, remember to refuse and release the negativity that you’ve been accepting.  You’ll feel better, happier and much lighter!

NOTE: The illustrations posted here are only to suggest what the UFO that Leo and I saw looked like. It didn’t look like either sketch but more like a composite of both (the 2nd relating only to the translucency of the metal).

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 


How We Heal Across Distance

Leo Jean's Starlike© Across Distance: Unique paper sculpture atop oak wall plaqueI find this scientific explanation of how distant healing works fascinating …  Recently I came across an article by Srinivasan Pillay, a psychiatrist and speaker, who has conducted a study on distant healing.  It was interesting to read the results of Dr. Pillay’s study, as it explains some of the science behind our distant healing work.  In his article, “The Science of Distant Healing”, Dr. Pillay writes:

“Within the scientific community, there are a group of people who believe in distant healing and a group of people who do not. Those who believe in distant healing do not believe that it is just some “spooky” phenomenon. There are four principles of physics underlying intention that have been described in the literature: (1) that intention is transmitted by an as yet unknown energy signal; (2) that intention warps space-time much like gravity, creating pathways for connection; (3) that people, like particles are described in quantum physics, have instantaneous correlations across distance; (4) that intention is much like measurement in quantum physics. It organizes random possibilities much like how wave functions can be collapsed into a single function.

So, as of now, it appears that distant healing works in some situations but not in others. But what does this mean? I believe that the healing is not always effective for several reasons: (1) the quality of the intention is not high enough; (2) different intenders have different capacities; (3) different illnesses may require higher levels of intention; (4) there may be other intentions coming from elsewhere that disrupt the intention being measured. I am less inclined to believe that “distant healing” is all nonsense, because the data we have so far illustrates that there is definitely the possibility that the effect can be felt. It is just not ubiquitous or uniform.

I would caution against believing that all people are equally able to perform distant healing, but where there is expectation and faith, the chances of success are higher. In fact, in the study that showed that distant healing had no effect on chronic fatigue, the expectation that one would get better did have an effect. I wonder if this implies that intention works best when we believe in our own capacities to get better.” 1

Dr. Pillay has appropriately described the underlying principles of the intention of distant healing.  Here’s how they relate to our work:

(1)  that intention is transmitted by an as yet unknown energy signal

To my knowledge spiritual/psychic/quantum healing energy has not yet been quantified.  In my recent post, “What’s In Healing Energy?” I described how the energy signal that Leo was emitting while he focused to bring in the universal white light to perform a healing was measured in gamma wavelengths, as indicated on a Roentgen scale.

(2)  that intention warps space-time much like gravity, creating pathways for connection

After we determine that a recipient freely accepts the healing, we can make a connection at what we call the spiritual/psychic/quantum level, so that the healing energy can be instantly conveyed to the recipient across any distance.

(3)  that people, like particles are described in quantum physics, have instantaneous correlations across distance.  It organizes random possibilities much like how wave functions can be collapsed into a single function. 

The connection that we create with a willing recipient is done at the spiritual/psychic/quantum level.  We ‘read’ a person through the vibrations present in their spiritual openings, known as the ‘chakras’. Our reading of their chakras during a healing is how we instantaneously connect across distance.

(4)  that intention is much like measurement in quantum physics 

In quantum physics the measurement would create the connection.  Similarly, our reading of the negative vibrations present in a person’s chakras at a given instant provides the basis for their removal.  Once we connect with the negativity, we simultaneously send pure white Light to surround and extract it from each of the recipient’s spiritual openings.

Dr. Pillay further describes the reasons for impediments to the effectiveness of distant healing energy:

(1)  the quality of the intention is not high enough

It requires years of dedicated practice to accurately receive and deliver focused information during the process of a distant healing.  Leo practiced healing for over 60 years, while I have trained and practiced for over 25 years.

(2)  different intenders have different capacities 

Through practical experience we have sharpened our inherent abilities to work toward higher levels of competence, so that we can remove the confluence of powerful negative influences from willing recipients.

(3)  different illnesses may require higher levels of intention

When a recipient houses a large conglomerate of spiritual negativity, the intender has to be more powerful than the influences that require removal.  Otherwise, the recipient could continue to suffer from the effects of any influences left behind.  To activate the self-healing mechanism inherent in a recipient, it is sometimes necessary to repeat the intention at one- or two-week intervals.

(4)  there may be other intentions coming from elsewhere that disrupt the intention being measured 

External influences from a variety of sources can obstruct the connection to targeted negative influences within a recipient.  In order to complete the intended healing, we must at the same time remove potentially harmful external interference.  The recipient must help to prevent such interference by concentrated refusal.

As further scientific studies are conducted on distant healing, more people will be open to the benefits that it presents.  When I perform distant healing, I extend the knowledge and benefits of the positive energy of the pure white Light to others.

You can read Dr. Pillay’s entire article online at the link below:

1 Srinivasan Pillay, “The Science of Distant Healing ,” Huffington Post   24 Mar 2009

Find out how to request a distant healing and get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

What’s in Healing Energy?

Poster of letter received from woman whose terminal cancer was healed by Leo Jean in 1987In order to experience a successful healing, a person should eliminate all other spiritual influences from the process; fully trust their decision to accept the healing; and continue the positive energy momentum into the future.

While I was captivated by children’s receptiveness to Leo Jean’s healing, I was equally interested in the reaction of adults.  When Leo directs the energy of the pure white Light* into the recipient of a healing, an instantaneous physical change can take place.   One notable example from twenty years ago that comes to mind was the case of a 57-year-old Portuguese woman (we’ll call her Teresa), who came from her home in Bermuda to see us in Ontario, Canada.  When Teresa came into Leo’s office, she was carrying some documents that her niece explained were the X-rays that had been taken a few weeks earlier.  Teresa had undergone surgery for lung cancer but, upon looking inside of her right lung, the surgeon had stitched her back up, stating that there was nothing they could do for her.  After Teresa had pulled up her sweater to show us the very large scar that went from her back around her rib cage, she indicated with both hands that the cancer was the size of a grapefruit.

Leo very calmly asked Teresa if she was ready to have the cancer removed.  Teresa shook her head in the affirmative, and said that she was too young to die.  She wanted to continue working at the job she had started over 20 years earlier.  Then Leo asked Teresa if she prayed a lot.  Teresa started to describe how she attended mass every day at the church that was just down the street from her house in Bermuda.  She prayed a lot!  Leo went on to ask Teresa if she would stop praying so that he could perform the healing.  Teresa looked up with tearful eyes and agreed to stop praying, if it was going to help her healing.

Leo explained that, when someone prays, they automatically summon spirits.  In order for Leo to effectively help Teresa, she would have to stop summoning spirits, because they would bring negative energy that would interfere with his work.  Teresa asked if it would be all right to continue to pray and go to church after she was healed.  Leo told Teresa that, if she wanted to do so, that was her concern. As Leo did the initial healing work, she would continue the healing on her own.  She was already feeling much better within a few visits.

On her final visit, Teresa’s husband came in with her to meet us.  He wasn’t happy at all.  When he walked into the room, he blasted out at Leo that his wife was one of the best Catholics he knew, always praying and going to church.  Leo said that it was none of his concern and that he should go wait in the car, since he was interfering with his wife’s healing.  Teresa’s husband stormed out, and she was apologetic.  Once she returned home, she might consider never going back to that church again.

A month later, one of Teresa’s daughters came to receive a healing from Leo.  She told us how Teresa had gone back to her doctor for more X-rays.  The tumor was completely gone already, and the doctor couldn’t explain it.  Teresa was happily back at work and still arguing with her husband about going to church every day. Soon afterward, we received a thank you letter from Teresa with a money order.  It was her custom that a person should send money every month to someone who had saved their life.  We returned a letter stating that she was under no obligation to us.  It had been a pleasure to work with her and to teach her how to work with her spirit.  The following summer her youngest daughter came from Bermuda to see us. (See letter at end of post)

It was such an incredible experience for me to be present during the healing of a terminal cancer!  By abandoning her lifelong habit of summoning spirits, Teresa had chosen to live a positive life without the fear of reprisal from some deity.  The healing energy that Leo had directed into the tumor had effectively destroyed the cancer cells.  Teresa had allowed the healing to take place by proper refusal at the spiritual level and that, in turn, allowed her body to reject the cancer.

Leo cautioned me that not everyone is willing to accept a healing, since many people are clouded by negative thoughts about the process.  Fear and doubt will both cause them to block the healing energy, so a person must feel totally confident about their decision before they make a request for a healing.

Not long after we worked with Teresa, we worked with a woman whose husband was a nuclear physicist.  After Leo successfully worked with his wife, he was so curious about the process that he asked for a healing himself.  Leo casually mentioned that he would like to find an instrument that could somehow measure the Light energy that he emitted during a healing.  Upon his next visit, the physicist brought with him a Roentgen scale that measures X-rays and gamma rays present in an environment. Leo held the small cylindrical device in one hand as he sent the healing energy to his wife through the other.  There was a marked change from the normal setting on the scale.  The physicist lifted his eyebrows a little.  He said he’d leave the meter with us until he returned the following week when it should have reset itself.

The next week when the physicist and his wife arrived, Leo announced that he was going to increase the power that would be measured by holding the Roentgen scale himself.  Leo concentrated his power on the scale and then handed it to the physicist.  The man’s jaw dropped as he took a careful look at the scale that now showed the highest reading.  He shook his head and said he couldn’t believe it.  He said that he had never before heard of this scale ever reaching this point.  In his expert opinion it was impossible.  At that point he told us to keep the scale, since he could never return it to his workplace to be recharged.

We subsequently met an instruments engineer who, upon showing him the Roentgen scale, asked where we had obtained it.  He told us that such an instrument is regularly used in settings where radioactivity is monitored, such as in nuclear plants or around X-ray machines.  We later learned that the nuclear physicist was one of the world’s foremost authorities in his field.  Maybe one day we’ll be able to find a device that will effectively measure the physical properties of the pure white Light that Leo uses in his healing.

As we continue our work together, Leo continues to make advances into the detection and removal of much higher-level negative energy sources.  Twenty years ago we began working at a distance with clients who had initially come to see us in person.  Now we regularly work with people from around the world over the phone, with similar results as though they were in the same room.

The positive flow of healing energy traverses any distance to a willing receiver who properly refuses external spiritual influences, fully trusts in the process and commits to ongoing work with their spirit.

(Note: These events actually happened over 20 years ago; I just changed the names for the purpose of confidentiality.)

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

How We Heal Across Distance
10 Reasons To Work With Your Spirit
Children’s Choices

Poster of letter received from woman whose terminal cancer was healed by Leo Jean in 1987