Why NOT to Summon Spirits

PinkEdgedCloudwpPeople summon spirits for different reasons and, while some call in spirits deliberately, others do it inadvertently.  Either way, there are many misconceptions about the summoning of spirits that can lead to unintentional consequences.

If you’re naïve enough to think you can summon a spirit or spirits for some useful purpose, you need to give it a lot more consideration.  From my experiences of helping people to remove persistent negativity, I can tell you that any spirit that you think you’re calling in might respond in a manner completely contrary to your original intention.

Lots of people are interested in the practice of summoning a spirit guide, ‘angel’ or other supposedly beneficial being, because they think they’re going to be provided with assistance or needed information.  The practice of inviting a spirit to act as one’s spirit guide or for any other reason is a precarious spiritual practice that can potentially cause harm.  So-called spirit guides can offer little for your wellbeing, but are masters at deception.

Spirits exist in a realm of existence where they often act in very unpredictable ways.  Most act in unity with other spirits with definite goals, but there are many that act in a random manner.  All target people that are vulnerable.  If you summon a spirit for any reason, you will attract an idle spirit or group of spirits to your invitation.  And you wouldn’t know the difference!

People are conditioned to summon spirits, likely because it’s an accepted ancient practice in every ‘place of worship’ on the planet.  Although people think their prayers are beneficial, the practice is actually an open invitation to an unlimited number of spirits to enter their presence.  A single spirit or groups of spirits will continue to hang around each of the attendees long after they’ve left the building.  People pray because the spirits that respond will often give them temporary relief from their problems but, in actuality, those spirits will remain with them indefinitely, often with much different outcomes.

My Sky Golden

How do those who are summoning/praying/chanting know which being they’re actually summoning?  In reality, they have no idea! Even if someone is calling on a specific deity, angel, deceased person or other spiritual being, anyone in the spiritual realm can respond.  Spirits around the earth are negatively oriented beings, and any number of idle spirits is just waiting for the chance to attach to unsuspecting people.

Once a spirit has been summoned it’s extremely hard to get rid of it, because it’s their negative nature to make every attempt to attach to the person that summoned them.  The consequences of this negative interference is even more detrimental to your spirit and can cause it to be increasingly isolated from you.

From the perspective of someone who has spent many years learning and teaching positive spiritual knowledge, I can advise that the only spirit that you should associate with is your own spirit, because it’s the only way to safely interact with the spiritual world.

Working with your own spirit and the Light* is the only reliable method to obtain positive results from spiritual interaction, so why not learn how?

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually around the globe with people from every background 

What is a Spirit?

MonkeyHead Nebula PillarMost of us assume that we know what a spirit is, but you might be surprised at how little knowledge we’ve retained about our spiritual nature – your own spirit quite possibly remains the least understood and most important aspect of your existence!

A spirit sparks the energy of life into an embryo in order to progress during that life experience, but relies on the conscious efforts of its form to conduct that progress. While we would like to think that all spirits have good intentions, a spirit doesn’t necessarily work in the best interests of its physical form. Over its timeless existence a spirit’s intent can be compromised and its knowledge of progress can be misinterpreted or forgotten, leading a spirit to create indefinite hardship for its physical forms.

A spirit’s character is a result of its timeless journey, much like we are the product of our own life experiences. A spirit that was once well-intended may have become frustrated with the inability of its forms to allow it to progress in a meaningful way. Another way that a spirit can become negatively oriented is because it relates its progress in negative instead of positive terms, so it nurtures negativity in its life experiences.

Through my many years of working with people to ensure their healthy connection with their spirit, I’ve found that a surprising number of people have allowed more than one spirit into their forms. In moments of weakness, such as when they’ve experienced emotional episodes of intense fear, anger, hatred or despair, individuals have unwittingly allowed spirits with negative intentions to enter their body. The life consequences of such spiritual negativity can be devastating at all levels of their being.

Shining Horizon.11.2013

A spirit creates a form with the expectation that it will be able to progress, but it’s dependent on its body for direction. Most of us are taught a religious notion of what a spirit or ‘soul’ is, so that we relinquish the responsibility for our spirit to some institution, rather than work with it. A spirit can become imprisoned in its body, accompanied by additional spirits that are permitted entry, or it will leave or be ousted altogether.

If a spirit exists solo in a body, then the positive activities of its form can propel it to a higher state of strength and knowledge. However, if the body is open to other spirits, there’s little chance for a spirit to grow stronger, and it will gradually lose ground. That’s what happened to my spirit when I was a child, since I was taught that my spirit or ‘soul’ belonged to a supreme being that would punish me with eternal damnation if I strayed from the doctrines of my religion. The very fear of that incredible notion, along with my complete spiritual dependency on an institution, made my own spirit idly unable to help me. Additional negative spiritual threats I suffered during a clergy abuse event opened me to more spiritual invasion and further obfuscated my ability to help my spirit progress. Years later, when I acknowledged that we are all responsible for and in control of our own spiritual aspect, I took charge of my spirit and remarkably improved my wellbeing.

Calm MarshA spirit is a sentient being that seeks ways to progress through the direction and participation of its form. If you want a good strong spirit with plenty of positive energy to propel it through its journey with you, you can start by regularly bringing in the Light*, the pure positive energy of the universe, without associating it with anything else to prevent its flow. When you feel the difference, you can go a step further and ask me for help to get rid of the stronger spiritual influences that impede your spirit until you can gain strength yourself.

There’s a wealth of knowledge about the positive spiritual realm that has been usurped and capitalized upon or simply forgotten over the course of history. It’s time to start finding out how a positively oriented spirit can help you to achieve a meaningful and joyful life, while allowing you to enjoy its peace and beauty within!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Why NOT to Summon Spirits

PinkEdgedCloudwpPeople summon spirits for different reasons and, while some call in spirits deliberately, others do it inadvertently.  Either way, there are many misconceptions about the summoning of spirits that can lead to unintentional consequences.

If you’re naïve enough to think you can summon a spirit or spirits for some useful purpose, you need to give it a lot more consideration.  From my experiences of helping people to remove persistent negativity, I can tell you that any spirit that you think you’re calling in might respond in a manner completely contrary to your original intention.

Lots of people are interested in the practice of summoning a spirit guide, ‘angel’ or other supposedly beneficial being, because they think they’re going to be provided with assistance or needed information.  The practice of inviting a spirit to act as one’s spirit guide or for any other reason is a precarious spiritual practice that can potentially cause harm.  So-called spirit guides can offer little for your wellbeing, but are masters at deception.

Spirits exist in a realm of existence where they often act in very unpredictable ways.  Most act in unity with other spirits with definite goals, but there are many that act in a random manner.  All target people that are vulnerable.  If you summon a spirit for any reason, you will attract an idle spirit or group of spirits to your invitation.  And you wouldn’t know the difference!

People are conditioned to summon spirits, likely because it’s an accepted ancient practice in every ‘place of worship’ on the planet.  Although people think their prayers are beneficial, the practice is actually an open invitation to an unlimited number of spirits to enter their presence.  A single spirit or groups of spirits will continue to hang around each of the attendees long after they’ve left the building.  People pray because the spirits that respond will often give them temporary relief from their problems but, in actuality, those spirits will remain with them indefinitely, often with much different outcomes.

My Sky Golden

How do those who are summoning/praying/chanting know which being they’re actually summoning?  In reality, they have no idea! Even if someone is calling on a specific deity, angel, deceased person or other spiritual being, anyone in the spiritual realm can respond.  Spirits around the earth are negatively oriented beings, and any number of idle spirits is just waiting for the chance to attach to unsuspecting people.

Once a spirit has been summoned it’s extremely hard to get rid of it, because it’s their negative nature to make every attempt to attach to the person that summoned them.  The consequences of this negative interference is even more detrimental to your spirit and can cause it to be increasingly isolated from you.

From the perspective of someone who has spent many years learning and teaching positive spiritual knowledge, I can advise that the only spirit that you should associate with is your own spirit, because it’s the only way to safely interact with the spiritual world.

Working with your own spirit and the Light* is the only reliable method to obtain positive results from spiritual interaction, so why not learn how?

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually around the globe with people from every background 

Add a Positive Dimension to Your Life

Tranquil WaterfallIf you’re embarrassed about talking about spiritual or inter-dimensional subjects, you’re not alone.  Doesn’t it appear that a lot of people shy away from the most important aspect of their life…their spiritual self?

Before I started to work with my spirit, I had been living with a very negatively oriented man who used to ridicule me every time I talked about supernatural phenomenon.  This person considered that anyone who talked about higher-level subjects were mistaken and misinformed and I had accepted his conditioning.  I was miserable and had some spiritual and higher dimensional experiences that begged explanation, but I didn’t feel free to talk about them.

After I learned how to work with my spirit, I realized that I had reestablished a direct connection between my physical and spiritual selves.  It’s not about being religious (I was subjected to that as a child), but about being aware of what’s going on in the higher levels of my being.  In the ancient past many of those who were connected with the spiritual world were in it for negative reasons…to acquire or maintain power.

As the major religious institutions were established, they felt that they should be the only ones with spiritual knowledge, and convinced everyone to take shelter under their wings.  So many of us have been raised to believe that the belief system of our family is the ‘right’ one.

Many children have asked me to explain why they see higher-level beings and activities while attending religious ceremonies.  Unfortunately, most children lose their ability to perceive such occurrences and as adults become part of the desperate packs of people who count on their religious institutions to provide their spiritual ‘salvation’ in return for adhering to a variety of religious doctrines. However, it’s now clearly apparent that each one of us is responsible for our own spirit.


When a child begins working with their spirit and the Light* early in life, they have the opportunity to deflect the inevitable onslaught of negativity that greets us all.  Instead of being vulnerable and unprepared, a child with positive spiritual knowledge can utilize the principles of working with their spirit to better direct themselves toward a positive future.

Similarly, adults who begin working with their spirit can immediately effect positive change…we just have to work at it with more conscious effort.  Because of all our acquired habits and inadvertent acceptance of the negative elements in our lives, we have to relearn how to identify negative trends, so that we can deal with or eliminate the effects.

Not only does self -awareness at all levels nurture a more positive physical state but, when you work with your spirit to counteract negativity, you benefit from the elimination of negative energy that inhibits your well-being.  There are so many ways that spiritual and inter-dimensional negativity can affect you – without you even knowing it!

Why not learn how to work with your spirit and add a positive dimension to your life?

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Boundless Spiritual Benefits

ISS View of Pacific ISS007-E-10807


I’ve often been pleasantly surprised by the many open-minded people who are quick to absorb certain aspects of spiritual/natural/quantum healing, especially when their children are involved.  After many years meeting people from many countries, creeds and backgrounds, I’ve learned that I can only offer spiritual healing and knowledge to the extent that someone accepts it – that’s how free will works.

When we were getting ready to move into a new home a few years ago, a maid in our hotel room asked what Leo did for a living and he replied that he was a spiritual healer.  That often brought a cringe to my shoulders, as I expected the oncoming wave of incredulity and accompanying higher-level negativity.  However, the maid was excited and asked if we could help her.  She turned around and pointed to her shoulder where the surgeon had closed her up and told her that the muscle damage would be permanent.  Leo offered to help her and, when she accepted, he picked up a whole slough of spirits that had attached themselves to her shoulder, causing her constant pain by preventing the tissue from healing.

The next day the Indian maid returned to our room and was ecstatic that she hadn’t felt any pain since Leo had done the removal.  Then she told us that she had excruciating pain in her shoulder ever since a shark had killed her husband during one of her religion’s most sacred celebrations that included offerings into the waters of the South Pacific.  It was another happy moment when someone had accepted a healing, and she asked if we could help some of her other ailing relatives if needed.

A couple of weeks later we received a call from the lady who asked if we could do a healing on her 2-year-old granddaughter who had been admitted to the children’s hospital in serious condition.  Of course, my reply was that one of the child’s parents would have to make a request for the healing and, a few minutes later I spoke with her son and agreed to meet him at the hospital.

When we entered the child’s room, concerned family members were gathered around, some lying on the beds provided for overnight stays.  The little girl looked so tiny and helpless, moaning loudly in pain with an enlarged liver.  With no hesitation Leo moved aside the tubes, leaned over the child and asked if he could help her and bring her a nice spirit.  Then he started bringing the Light* into the child while she lay motionless and relaxed, which prompted her father to say that it was the first time he’d seen her so calm in the several days since her fever had started.  In 10 to 12 minutes Leo sat down and told the parents: “She’ll be alright now.”

http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov STS067-723-96


The following evening we received a call from the child’s father who said that his daughter had been released from the hospital that morning.  He then asked if we could come to their home to tell us what we felt about his living space and to help his 2 young sons that were having behavioral problems.

A week or so later, when we arrived at the man’s house, he met us at the door, accompanied by his wife, sons and his now recovering daughter who was running around with her brothers.  We did a followup healing on his daughter and worked briefly with his sons who were also receptive to each receiving a positively oriented spirit.

Afterward we learned that his wife was a Muslim, that they had many animated arguments about whose faith was superior, and that she accepted the space he had set aside in their home where he conducted his daily Hindu rituals.  He invited me to see some of the religious statues and symbols that had become familiar in movies and I politely listened to a now familiar story of how his religion was the most credible one on the planet (while I refused any influence).

I learned a lot from working with this lovely family.  For the first time Leo and I had worked with someone in a hospital and the result was just as positive as anywhere else.  There should be less division between spiritual/natural/quantum healing and medical science, for all healing arts strive for the same goals.

The message from the parents was that it was OK to work with their children, but they were devoted to their respective religions and never asked for any help.  Gladly the parents welcomed healing for their children!

Incidentally, when I asked how his mother was feeling, the children’s father told me that she had been attending special healing meetings at their temple where her vocal admiration for our healing skills had fallen on deaf ears.  And she had started to feel the pain in her shoulder again, although not as sharply.

Just because someone is used to the medical system or has different spiritual belief values doesn’t mean that they’re inflexible about spiritual healing.  However, they should be prepared to continue the process of refusing negativity and working with their spirit and the Light.

I believe that the positive healing power of the pure white Light crosses all belief boundaries and can reach and benefit anyone who accepts it.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Begin Being

Image Credit: ESA & NASA

Image Credit: ESA & NASA

Our spirits might explain how the world of quantum mechanics relates to us as human beings, as they are capable of carrying information from one existence to another in a rather ‘spooky’ way.

Just as the universe expanding faster than the speed of light during ‘a’ Big Bang seems to have broken all laws of physics (because expanding space can travel faster than light while particles cannot!), our spiritual aspect transcends space, time and consciousness in a realm that surpasses our current comprehension.

When I first learned that I could work with my spirit, it was as though that notion clicked an immediate response within my psyche.  I could interact daily with my spirit using universal positive principles instead of just dealing with the negative environment on our planet – what a better way to live!

While spirits are constantly interacting at infinite rates in the spiritual realm, our physical sense of spirit is lagging behind at a snail’s pace.  Most people have no idea that their spirit means any more to them than what their religion offers as explanation for its being.  Our bodies are created with far more capabilities to excel at the physical and spiritual levels, yet our spirits have been clumped together in galaxies of various religious beliefs that can offer opposition and even hostility at all levels.

Taking into account the fact that very few of us have considered the potential benefits of interacting with our spirit, most are missing out on the most inspiring influence on our being. Unfortunately, few spirits are given the opportunity to progress in a lifetime, as many are relegated to a position marked: “Unknown”.

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Sabbi (ESA/STScI)

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Sabbi (ESA/STScI)

A spirit wants to work with its body and the Light*; it wants to gain knowledge; it wants to move on to a higher state of existence.  A spirit doesn’t carry forward unnecessary details of this life, but stores vital information during each existence that will assist it at the spiritual level to create its next existence somewhere in the multiverse.

We’re already making some of the most startling cosmological discoveries in the history of our race, yet we are so far behind in spiritual knowledge. If we’re here to learn about our existence, then most of us have a learning disability, because our attention is constantly being absorbed by all of the distractions we’ve created for ourselves.

While many of us are struggling to cope with life’s difficulties and become fixated on our physical wellbeing, our spirits are being ignored and neglected.  However, when we connect with and interact with our own spirit, together we naturally care for and nurture our physical self.

In order for our spirits to excel and penetrate the negative obstacles we encounter at all levels of our being, we need to begin to refuse and counteract negativity to allow positive energy to flow to us and through us.  Then we’ll allow our spirits to shine most brightly as they should.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Numbered and Encumbered

30Doradus Hodge31Some recent studies in neuroscience have revealed that our human brains are hardwired to be spiritually aware. However, I’ve observed that all living creatures are spiritually aware.  And it’s important to note that spirits are not religious; people are religious.

As a child I was given no choice but to be indoctrinated into the catholic religion’s belief system.  When I questioned certain practices, there was a stern glance and a change of subject.  When I was sexually assaulted by the priest, my only way out was to keep quiet under threat that my entire family would be punished by some omnipotent being.  Now, as the pope resigns and the moral depravity of the RC church has been exposed, I feel a great sense of relief that the church’s days are numbered.

When you enter into a religious belief system, you’re surrendering your spirit or ‘soul’ into the care of that faith.  That means that you’re also accepting and are subject to all of the spiritual encumbrances that come along with your commitment.  For most people, it’s apparent that they feel comfortable being in the company of numbers of people who have similar spiritual inclinations.  As a child, I was subject to every fear, guilty feeling and shame that the church could place on me to keep me in line.

What I’ve learned is that your spirit doesn’t care if you have a faith or religion.  It doesn’t make you any more or less moral or likely to progress with your spirit.  The fact that you wear certain clothes, symbols or wear your beard in a certain fashion doesn’t mean anything to your spirit.  It could care less.  The fact that you might be accepting some spiritual encumbrances does matter.

When your spirit started out with you in this life, it accepted all of the circumstances that you shared.  As you proceeded in life, you helped or hindered your spirit as you made choices that have led you to where you are today.  Whether you’re religious or not, you still have the intuitive tendency to believe that there is more to your life than what’s apparent.  But what is your spirit being subjected to?  Animals are spiritual, and they’re not religious.  Their spirits are experiencing an existence, just like ours are.  Because our evolution gives us different abilities doesn’t mean that we’re any more or less likely to progress spiritually than a dog, dolphin or elephant.

The spiritual knowledge on our planet has been largely lost due to man’s long history of creating religious and other practices that hold people to spiritual encumbrances, like karmic debt, that follow their spirit into each reincarnation.  What they are, in essence, are groups of spirits that attach themselves to the spirit and whatever form it creates in each subsequent lifetime.  So, a spirit can bring many groups of spirits with it that can create a lifetime of interference in many ways.

When Leo and I started to remove spiritual encumbrances, it was a long slow process until we gained enough strength and spiritual knowledge to know how to remove the advanced spirits that summon the groups to attach to a person.  Once we accessed a high level of vibrational knowledge, we’ve been able to successfully remove the layers of huge groups of spirits that cause interference. What a spirit can’t escape is being summoned by their unique vibration, to which they must respond.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture on glass filled with resin and beads

The spiritual level impacts the physical level when someone accepts an encumbrance from someone else. Even if a person thinks they’re helping their spirit by joining a religion, they’re oblivious to and accepting of everything, including spiritual and inter-dimensional influences, that the religion sends with it.

When Leo and I were living in California in the 90’s, we were essentially told to stop providing healing services by the Medical Association because we were not doctors, so we weren’t allowed to heal people.  We consulted with an attorney who stated that the only way we could continue to work with people in California was to create a religion by way of a 501(c)3 corporation.  Since Leo & I were adverse to religion, we moved to Arizona, where the law was different.  Soon afterward it became apparent that, unless we started a religion in the USA, we were going to be harassed by the powerful AMA.  We actually began the process of starting a 501(c)3, but then realized that we were being pushed into a negative practice.  So we moved to Canada, where people can freely heal and be healed without the involvement of a religious institution.

When large groups of spirits are removed from someone, there is a distinct release of higher level negativity that trickles down from the spiritual to the physical level.  Due to the lack of positive spiritual knowledge on our planet, religious institutions thrive by offering negative spiritual encumbrances that bind people into their numbers.

Find out more by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Sense of Separation

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on crystal boxJust as a child feels terrified when separated from their parents, in a similar way a spirit can experience frustration when separated from its body.

Most people assume that their spirit (soul) is happily nestled within them, but this isn’t always the case.  When a spirit is constantly ignored because there is no communication between it and its body, it gradually weakens.  If this persists over a prolonged period of time, a spirit becomes vulnerable to stronger spirits that are attracted to their body.

When I was a child, I was never given any information about my spirit, other than my immortal soul would be sent to hell if I didn’t worship a deity in the way that I was instructed.  Gladly this blatant scare tactic  didn’t stop me from wondering if it were all true.  I was told that my spirit belonged to someone else but, once I learned that it really belongs to me, it changed my whole outlook on life.

A spirit depends on its body to interact with it and, when we’re small children, we inherently know how to do this. Then, as we reach a certain point, we tend to forget as we start to follow the instructions of those who are in charge of our lives.

Most of us are taught at an early age to relinquish the plight of our spirit to a deity that has been conceptualized by an institution and believe we never have to worry about it again.  Religions take control over one’s spirituality, while working with one’s spirit presents the ultimate freedom.

As the pressures of life mount, people can actually open up to allow less-than-beneficial spirits into their form through their spiritual apertures.  This initially happens as children and teenagers experience emotional overload in response to the trauma of mistreatment such as beatings, molestation, rape, bullying and other childhood abuse that causes intense emotions such as:

Fear                        Guilt                        Hatred                        Anxiety            Despair
Anger                     Sadness                  Self-pity                     Jealousy

Once a child opens a spiritual opening related to an emotional upheaval, they’re vulnerable to the influence of aimlessLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on crystal box spirits that hang around, looking for an opportunity to invade a child through an open chakra.  Then the spirit can actually ‘kick out’ the child’s original spirit.  Sometimes the original spirit will remain around the child, regardless of whether they’re acknowledged or not, but often the spirit will be on its way.

As the child grows older, there can be a continuous disconnect between their spiritual self and their physical self, since the spirit they house isn’t the one that they were born with or they have allowed more than one spirit within.  Since no Light* spirit (i.e. a spirit with positive knowledge) would enter a person in this manner, the spirit is always negatively oriented.  Depending on the level of negative intensity of the spirit, there can be ongoing problems at all levels, including self-destructive tendencies.

What I’ve learned through my work is that most people are capable of adapting to a spirit that is not their original, but there are always side effects.  My work entails bringing either the person’s original spirit back or finding a suitable spirit that is vibrationally compatible.  In either case, the spirit has to be positively oriented.  In this way, most quickly find the missing part of themselves that brings them a sense of purpose and meaning.

Some people are detached from their spirit all their life and never learn how to interact with it.  Apart from making life essentially better, the most fundamental of all reasons that a person should choose to consciously interact and progress with their spirit is so that their spirit can move on into the positive realm when their body expires.

When a spirit can interact with its body, its purpose can be fulfilled as it will progress in its journey.  When a body can interact with its spirit, it makes that progress possible.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Spiritual Universe

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, et al (See description)

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, et al (See description)

The universe is filled with spirits whose past and future memories are intermingled in a timeless existence that transcends our imagination.

Through my work I have learned to perceive the world through spirit.  Spirits create forms as the means by which they can progress to the next level of advancement.  Spirits that are positively oriented seek the positive knowledge of the Light* in order to progress, while spirits of negative orientation seek advancement through the acquisition of power.  The increase/loss in power is gained by positive behavior for positive spirits and by negative behavior for negative spirits.

Each spirit carries the memories of its entire existence in its unique vibration.  The vibration adjusts as the spirit gains or loses progress in its journey. Spirits possess free will and can choose to be either positive or negative, but many don’t know they have a choice or have been conditioned to accept negativity.

In the negative realm more powerful spirits are sustained by weaker spirits. Spirits can manipulate matter and can be seen, heard and felt by someone that is highly sensitive.  They can cause damage to cells and block energy flow in a physical form.  Although spirits are emotionless, negative spirits can cause emotions in people by eliciting a chemical reaction in order to feed off of the energy.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture on glass fishbowl paperweight

When someone asks for a spiritual/natural/quantum healing, the first thing we do is to remove the spiritual negativity from within and around them, namely the spirits that have lost or have never acquired the positive knowledge of the Light.  Once the removal is complete, the individual has a chance to enjoy working in harmony with their spirit so that both can flourish as they work together to create a positive existence.

Whenever I think of the billions of people on our planet, I reflect on their spiritual attributes rather than on their physical manifestations. I don’t mean this in a religious sense, since I’m not religious, but strictly in a metaphysical way.   I’ve learned that in the spiritual realm there is…

No age
No race
No ethnicity
No class
No status
No gender
No religion
No physical traits…

There are only positive or negative spirits.

Over time we will evolve enough to constructively incorporate our spiritual knowledge into our human repertoire.  Once this is accomplished, we may be able to use this integral part of our being to interact with more advanced beings who are probably awaiting our progress.


Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Related posts:
Why I Work With My Spirit
We Are All Spiritual Beings
10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit


Hallowed Hypocrisy

Dark Cloud.wpA recent episode of “Brad Melzer’s: Decoded” delved into the mysterious death of Pope John Paul I in 1978.  The investigative crew opened up the suspicion that Vatican officials didn’t conduct a full and open investigation because the newly elected pope might have exposed some of the church’s secretive practices and corruption within its ranks.  This topic always perks up my ears, since I’ve long been anticipating the unraveling of this hypocritical establishment that has recently faced the exposure of widespread sexual abuse of children by its clergy.

The team first looked into the fact that the Vatican is a sovereign state, so the pope’s death was subject only to an internal investigation.  Some Italian prosecutors and at least one investigative journalist ended up murdered in the aftermath.  Next they explored the fact that JPI was possibly a reformer and some speculated that he was about to out corruption inside the church.  Before becoming pontiff, JPI had visited with the last remaining child who had witnessed the Fatima ‘miracle’ and had also been involved with the Vatican Bank in Venice.  Apparently the well-meaning pontiff discovered that the prophecy was about his intention to reveal the infiltration of Freemasons into the church’s hierarchy, as well as corruption within the Vatican Bank.

In summary, Brad Melzer asked: “Who would’ve predicted the Vatican would end up laundering heroine money for the Mafia to cover up a Freemason banking scandal that ends up with the murder of the pope?  Our Lady of Fatima.”

If the church is so corrupt, as has been proven beyond a doubt over the centuries, why do people continue their membership?  The recent exposure of child abuse by the clergy makes it abundantly clear that no child is safe around their ‘celibate’ priests.   Even with evidence of monetary corruption, people continue to contribute tax-free dollars to the Vatican’s ‘vow of poverty’.  If it’s ever proven that Vatican officials murdered a pope and they used the ‘vow of obedience’ to cover it up, would people still believe in what this institution stands for?  Does this make any sense?

Fear is the greatest tool of a negative regime and, while coercive practices are outlawed in most societies, they are at the root of most religious doctrines.  From my perspective, as someone who broke away early in my life from the apparent hypocrisy of Catholicism, people are simply desperate for someone to look after their spirit (soul) after they die.  As religious institutions are aware of this fateful fear, they offer it to anyone on this planet who is willing to accept that an organization could provide a secure position in the afterlife.  Why would anyone trust the most precious part of their being to such a manmade institution?

When I see the billions of people that have lumped their spirits into the various religious organizations that divide our planet, I perceive an underlying spiritual battle that fuels their incessant demand for more members.  Even the most seemingly benevolent religious organizations place spiritual impediments on their members to ensure that they will comply with the requirements of membership.  The very notion of praying for someone else is a breach of the recipient’s free will.

The fact that the Catholic Church has paid hundreds of millions of dollars to suppress the public testimony of thousands of abuse victims is reason enough to avoid the church like the plague.  I could express at length the contradictions, but I believe that anyone that has experienced such deliberate infractions of their free will already understands.  I’m glad that the mainstream media is bringing to light such hypocrisy with such shows as “Decoded”, since so many are unable to believe it’s really true.

From my perspective, I had been searching for a way to fulfill my own spiritual needs, until I acknowledged that my spirit is a unique entity that is within me for my well-being and that I alone am responsible for its progress.

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 


Religion Can Strike a Sour Chord

My Other KeyboardFor most of my life I’ve quietly been a non-believer and it always amazes me how adults continue to believe in the creation and other stories that their religions narrate.  While I still respect the choice that religious people make to believe in something as intangible, abstract and incredible as an omnipotent being that created everything from scratch, it would be less farfetched to worship the big bang.  However, when you think about how children are conditioned and encouraged in very clever ways to follow the footsteps of their parents or government into a given religion, it’s not hard to understand why religious beliefs are so embedded into the minds of almost all human beings.

Recently a client mentioned to me how fortunate she felt because she had never been indoctrinated into any religious belief system as a child.  I felt so pleased for her, because she had never been forced to participate in such an incarceration of the mind.  I reflected on my own catholic upbringing that was filled with conditioning by experts. My earliest memory of being punished was when I was three years old.  I had just returned from having attended church for the first time without my mother.  Our neighbor, a staunch religious woman, had caught me “sweeping the floor” with my nose, and advised my mother to punish me immediately with a spanking.  My mother questioned this advice but, because she was being pressured by one of her peers, duly spanked me for my irreverence.  Even though I protested that all I had been doing was counting the boots of the people in the row in front of us!

After learning that I was to do everything exactly as everyone else did while in the house of cards, I became an observer.  I used to watch everyone as they entered the church: walking up to the basin of holy water, dipping their finger in and genuflecting down on one knee as they crossed themselves with the blessed liquid.  Everyone was so serious, all dressed up in their finery.  If a young girl forgot to wear a hat or scarf over her head, a helpful mother would kindly provide her with a Kleenex and bobby pin to ensure her respectful appearance.

One Sunday there was an unexpected transition from the normal solemn mood of the mass.  The organist, who happened to have been my first grade teacher, suddenly stood up while playing one of the livelier tunes that she usually played with such reverence.  As she stood up, she looked around as though she was expecting everyone’s admiration.  My mother who led the choir looked at her with some surprise.  As the weeks went by, the organist continued to stand, then even smile and move in rhythm with the music as the pressure for attention mounted.  To everyone’s relief, the poor woman was soon replaced, so that the somber monotony could resume.

It was around that time, when I was about 12 years old, that my mother announced that I was going to be able to take piano lessons.  I was ecstatic at the prospect of finally learning to play the big old upright that stood in our dining room.  Some of my older five sisters had started lessons, but never seemed to stay with it.  For two and a half years, I was the happiest person around.  I practiced piano every day before dinner, but was among the shiest of all pianists. When my mother brought company over and asked me to play, I would agree only if they all sat in the other room.  I was so happy that I didn’t have to take lessons at the convent, where tales of yardsticks as weapons were wielded on faulty fingers. When I won first place at a regional piano competition, I was both proud and relieved because they had allowed me to focus while I played facing a wall.

However, soon my musical elation would be thoroughly quashed as religion interfered.  One day as I was getting money for the bus to go to my weekly lesson, my mother mentioned that I could soon start learning to play the organ at the church.  I looked at her with incredulity.  My immediate response was: “Then I’ll quit!”  To which my mother responded: “You’ll regret it!” I felt threatened and came back with: “I might regret it, but I’ll never play the organ at church!”  I knew only too well how many hours had to be spent playing at the church while the choir practiced.  And who would always be popping in to see the ladies but the depraved priest that had raped me a few years earlier!  Even more troubling was when the priest accepted my mother’s invitation to dinner that Easter.  It was difficult to sit across the table from that man, knowing that he was held under such esteem by my mother, while I was still under his threat not to tell or my family would be punished.

Although music and religion have intertwined since ancient times, from when temples were built to maximize the impact of sounds and song to when many musical artists attribute their talents to early song worship, religion always strikes a sour chord for me.  It brought me nothing but grief as a child and continuously presents divisiveness on our planet.  In a world where freedom is of concern to us all, what about the religious freedom of children? Despite all the physical and psychological efforts by the religious conditioners in my early life, I’m glad that I was able to see through the hypocrisy and rationally decide for myself about the notion of God.

On the positive side, my experience set me on a spiritual search for meaning in my life.  It wasn’t until I started working with my spirit that I finally understood that the ultimate goal of every human should be to personally attain harmony with their spirit.



Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

What’s in Healing Energy?

Poster of letter received from woman whose terminal cancer was healed by Leo Jean in 1987In order to experience a successful healing, a person should eliminate all other spiritual influences from the process; fully trust their decision to accept the healing; and continue the positive energy momentum into the future.

While I was captivated by children’s receptiveness to Leo Jean’s healing, I was equally interested in the reaction of adults.  When Leo directs the energy of the pure white Light* into the recipient of a healing, an instantaneous physical change can take place.   One notable example from twenty years ago that comes to mind was the case of a 57-year-old Portuguese woman (we’ll call her Teresa), who came from her home in Bermuda to see us in Ontario, Canada.  When Teresa came into Leo’s office, she was carrying some documents that her niece explained were the X-rays that had been taken a few weeks earlier.  Teresa had undergone surgery for lung cancer but, upon looking inside of her right lung, the surgeon had stitched her back up, stating that there was nothing they could do for her.  After Teresa had pulled up her sweater to show us the very large scar that went from her back around her rib cage, she indicated with both hands that the cancer was the size of a grapefruit.

Leo very calmly asked Teresa if she was ready to have the cancer removed.  Teresa shook her head in the affirmative, and said that she was too young to die.  She wanted to continue working at the job she had started over 20 years earlier.  Then Leo asked Teresa if she prayed a lot.  Teresa started to describe how she attended mass every day at the church that was just down the street from her house in Bermuda.  She prayed a lot!  Leo went on to ask Teresa if she would stop praying so that he could perform the healing.  Teresa looked up with tearful eyes and agreed to stop praying, if it was going to help her healing.

Leo explained that, when someone prays, they automatically summon spirits.  In order for Leo to effectively help Teresa, she would have to stop summoning spirits, because they would bring negative energy that would interfere with his work.  Teresa asked if it would be all right to continue to pray and go to church after she was healed.  Leo told Teresa that, if she wanted to do so, that was her concern. As Leo did the initial healing work, she would continue the healing on her own.  She was already feeling much better within a few visits.

On her final visit, Teresa’s husband came in with her to meet us.  He wasn’t happy at all.  When he walked into the room, he blasted out at Leo that his wife was one of the best Catholics he knew, always praying and going to church.  Leo said that it was none of his concern and that he should go wait in the car, since he was interfering with his wife’s healing.  Teresa’s husband stormed out, and she was apologetic.  Once she returned home, she might consider never going back to that church again.

A month later, one of Teresa’s daughters came to receive a healing from Leo.  She told us how Teresa had gone back to her doctor for more X-rays.  The tumor was completely gone already, and the doctor couldn’t explain it.  Teresa was happily back at work and still arguing with her husband about going to church every day. Soon afterward, we received a thank you letter from Teresa with a money order.  It was her custom that a person should send money every month to someone who had saved their life.  We returned a letter stating that she was under no obligation to us.  It had been a pleasure to work with her and to teach her how to work with her spirit.  The following summer her youngest daughter came from Bermuda to see us. (See letter at end of post)

It was such an incredible experience for me to be present during the healing of a terminal cancer!  By abandoning her lifelong habit of summoning spirits, Teresa had chosen to live a positive life without the fear of reprisal from some deity.  The healing energy that Leo had directed into the tumor had effectively destroyed the cancer cells.  Teresa had allowed the healing to take place by proper refusal at the spiritual level and that, in turn, allowed her body to reject the cancer.

Leo cautioned me that not everyone is willing to accept a healing, since many people are clouded by negative thoughts about the process.  Fear and doubt will both cause them to block the healing energy, so a person must feel totally confident about their decision before they make a request for a healing.

Not long after we worked with Teresa, we worked with a woman whose husband was a nuclear physicist.  After Leo successfully worked with his wife, he was so curious about the process that he asked for a healing himself.  Leo casually mentioned that he would like to find an instrument that could somehow measure the Light energy that he emitted during a healing.  Upon his next visit, the physicist brought with him a Roentgen scale that measures X-rays and gamma rays present in an environment. Leo held the small cylindrical device in one hand as he sent the healing energy to his wife through the other.  There was a marked change from the normal setting on the scale.  The physicist lifted his eyebrows a little.  He said he’d leave the meter with us until he returned the following week when it should have reset itself.

The next week when the physicist and his wife arrived, Leo announced that he was going to increase the power that would be measured by holding the Roentgen scale himself.  Leo concentrated his power on the scale and then handed it to the physicist.  The man’s jaw dropped as he took a careful look at the scale that now showed the highest reading.  He shook his head and said he couldn’t believe it.  He said that he had never before heard of this scale ever reaching this point.  In his expert opinion it was impossible.  At that point he told us to keep the scale, since he could never return it to his workplace to be recharged.

We subsequently met an instruments engineer who, upon showing him the Roentgen scale, asked where we had obtained it.  He told us that such an instrument is regularly used in settings where radioactivity is monitored, such as in nuclear plants or around X-ray machines.  We later learned that the nuclear physicist was one of the world’s foremost authorities in his field.  Maybe one day we’ll be able to find a device that will effectively measure the physical properties of the pure white Light that Leo uses in his healing.

As we continue our work together, Leo continues to make advances into the detection and removal of much higher-level negative energy sources.  Twenty years ago we began working at a distance with clients who had initially come to see us in person.  Now we regularly work with people from around the world over the phone, with similar results as though they were in the same room.

The positive flow of healing energy traverses any distance to a willing receiver who properly refuses external spiritual influences, fully trusts in the process and commits to ongoing work with their spirit.

(Note: These events actually happened over 20 years ago; I just changed the names for the purpose of confidentiality.)

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

How We Heal Across Distance
10 Reasons To Work With Your Spirit
Children’s Choices

Poster of letter received from woman whose terminal cancer was healed by Leo Jean in 1987

1. Early Impetus

My life changed significantly when I learned to work with my spirit over 25 years ago, and I could then view my existence in a whole new perspective.  Perhaps my story will inspire you to work with your spirit as you search for meaning in your life.

Ever since I was a young child I pondered the reason for my existence.  How did we come to be on this planet and for what purpose are we here?  Burdened with a childhood steeped in deep religious doctrine, I began to break away at the age of 8, at least in my thoughts, from the notion that God was the most important factor in my life.  It was at that time that I remember lying in bed and saying to myself: “I’m not worthy to be married to God.”  I had just decided that I didn’t want to be a nun, as my mother had been nurturing me to be up to that point.

It wasn’t the first time that I had questioned catholic doctrine as a child, like in the first grade.  My teacher was telling my class all about how our religion doesn’t worship pagan gods, statues or idols.  I put up my hand and asked the legitimate question: “But what about all the statues in our church?”  That question met with firm facial disapproval by the teacher, as she quickly changed the subject.

Later on in 1966, at the age of 10, I was still trying to meet the standards that every “good” catholic girl is supposed to strive for.  I had excelled in my catholic studies and was already “confirmed” by the bishop.  In the spring I volunteered to teach religious doctrine by introducing the catechism to 1st grade catholic children who were attending the local protestant school.  Two other students had also volunteered and we met in the church basement on Wednesdays after school.  After our class on the third week, I decided to show my fellow instructors how to make prank calls on the phone in the basement kitchen, like one of my sisters had done a few days earlier.  We were laughing away at one of the calls, when a voice came on the phone, obviously the priest who had picked up the receiver upstairs, telling us to stay right were we were.

An endless minute later, Father LeFaive came charging down an interior stairway (that I never knew existed) and broke open the door.  He was livid with anger, asking who was responsible for talking on his phone.  Being the ultimate honest child, I admitted my guilt and the priest told the other children to go home.  He pointed to a tray of plastic glasses on the counter of the kitchen, and ordered me to bring it upstairs for him.  I climbed the stairs with the tray of plastic glasses with such fear of punishment that I could barely breathe.  I knew that I was in deep trouble when the priest told my mother what I had done.

To my surprise, when we entered the upstairs doorway, we entered into the priest’s kitchen, not into the church itself.  My heart was pounding with fear by then, as the good father told me to put the tray down on the counter.  Then he told me to go through the archway leading into the hallway but, instead of turning right and going into the vestry, he pointed over my shoulder to go through the doorway straight ahead.  As I entered the room I saw that it was the priest’s bedroom.  The bed was immediately to my left, while I remember looking at myself in the mirror on the opposite wall.  I wondered what he was going to do, as I watched him in the mirror.

Well, it didn’t take but a few seconds upon entering the room, when Father LeFaive told me to lie down on the bed.  Of course, I did so immediately.  He was, after all, my priest.  I saw him undoing his belt, and so I thought that he was going to beat me.  However, as I was entering a state of panic, he told me to close my eyes and go to sleep.  I remember peaking through my almost-closed eyelids as I watched the priest and I went into some sort of altered state as I left my body to the sexual punishment meted out by that sick man of god (I omitted the capitalization on purpose).  When I returned to consciousness, my clothes were back on and we were in the vestry.  Father LeFaive looked me square in the eyes and said to me, in no uncertain terms: “Run home now, or you’ll be late.  You can’t tell anyone what happened.  If you ever tell your mother or anyone, the devil will punish your entire family!”

Wow!  That kind of ended my belief in any kind of benevolent deity.  So my search for a real meaning to my life began in earnest.  When I was a disgruntled teenager (no wonder!) I asked my mother on a few occasions why the priest would have taken me into his bedroom.  My mother would be so indignant when I brought up that subject that it took a lot of courage for me to break into such conversations.  Her response was always to shrug and say that I must have seen the inside of the priest’s house from the vestry or gone in when my younger brothers were altar boys.  Then, as I would try to relate the exact details to explain what had happened, she never listened, and always insisted that I was mistaken.  Her religious beliefs blinded her to my plight, and our relationship became intolerable.

Something similar had happened when I was 6 years old, on my first sleepover at one of my classmate’s.  Our moms were best friends; my mother was the choir leader at our little church in the village, and her mother sang alongside her.   My friend’s father was one of the two village policemen, and he used to sit in his easy chair in the livingroom and shout out orders.  During the night, as my friend and I lay asleep in her bed together, I woke up to find that her father was pulling me down to the foot of the bed.  I asked him what he was doing, and he told me to go back to sleep.  I watched as he pulled my girlfriend down, then I went back to sleep.  In the morning, when my friend’s mother asked me how I slept, I told her that her husband had “come in and woke us up”.  She dismissed my statement stating that he had just gone to use the bathroom.  When my mother arrived to pick me up, I immediately told her about being awakened in the middle of the night, and the other woman looked at her and explained that he had just gone to use the bathroom.

As I grew into adulthood I always remembered these events vividly, but I never dealt with the emotional impact that they had on me.  My mother, who was supposed to be my most trusted guardian, could only dismiss my allegations as some sort of imaginary concoction or misinterpretation of the events.  As a result of my fear of reprisal from the church and my mother’s non-action, I learned to keep things to myself after that.  Since these two very notable experiences had happened during my primary development years, I was hardly able to deal with them on my own.  At home I was nicknamed “Gluck”, short for “Gloria the Suck”, because I was always crying for my mother.

As a result of my early childhood experiences, I was extremely shy. Although I was able to articulate my viewpoints with my close friends, I was unable to master any form of communication with groups.  Instead, I would utter some silly phrase or out-of-context comment that would make others look at me strangely.  As a teenager I decided that I wasn’t going to follow the path that everyone else was heading for.  I couldn’t, because I had these terrible secrets, and felt I would never fit in.  So I abandoned the ideals that had been presented to me as a child, and began to search for more meaning in my life.  I felt there was something terribly hypocritical about the trappings of a so-called normal life, so I decided that I would seek that which was real.  At least what was real to me.

I wanted to know about my purpose here.  I didn’t want a fairy tale.  Then at age fifteen, I had some of the most profound five minutes of my life, when I was presented with the seeds to my quest for substance in my existence.