♡ Love at All Levels ♡

Red Roses.wp

♡ LOVE ♡

Love is a state in which we all thrive.  Love embraces us with health and happiness, as it instills us with vibrant energy.  We all need love throughout our lives and have the power to give and receive love, as well as share the energy that love generates through our relationships with others.  We can also improve and elevate our personal wellbeing by  experiencing self-love, which allows us to live in harmony with our spirits.

Once you truly love yourself, you’ll be more capable of loving someone else.  Basically, self-love is nonjudgmental self-acceptance.  When you love yourself completely, you’ll exercise control over any negative thoughts and feelings that have prevented you from appreciating your own self-worth.  As a result, you’ll be able to share your love and positive emotions more easily with someone else.  Self-love extends outwards when we’re friendly, respectful, and helpful to others.  More broadly, you’ll be less judgmental and more understanding of others in the world.


Love generates positive energy.  Self-love initiates the process of wellbeing and facilitates a positive state in which your spirit can progress.  In order to fulfill the physical responsibilities as a person who nurtures a positively oriented spirit, you can actively maintain your physical health to ensure that you create a positive physical environment in which your spirit can interact with you.  When you care about your mental and emotional wellbeing, your ongoing efforts to remain relaxed, clear-minded, and emotionally positive will provide another level of positive behavior to help your spirit feel comfortable in your body.  Generally, self-love generates the positive energy that is required to successfully meet all the challenges that life presents.

From my own perspective, my relationship with my spirit motivates and helps me to maintain self-love.  I care deeply about my spiritual self, as I extend love into a higher level of my being.  The process of self-love allows me to provide a positive state in which my spirit can thrive within me.  In this way, I am always ready to keep my commitments to myself, to remove the negativity that I encounter, and to find a positive outcome for every situation.

Love is to be expressed in so many ways, and self-love brings happiness and self-esteem into our being at all levels!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is, when you work with a positively-oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com


♡ Love on the Wall ♡


♡ Love on the Lawn ♡

Overcoming the Negativity of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Child in SpaceI hope that anyone who has been sexually abused by a priest or anyone in authority will be able to learn from my story…

Over the past few years I embarked on an endeavor to resolve some unfinished business that had adversely affected my life since childhood.  It was apparent to me for a long that I had to do something more besides just thinking and talking about it, and I suppose I was just waiting for the ‘right’ time to act.

Four years ago, when I was almost crushed by a car careening at me in a supermarket parking lot, I made a decision to give a statement to a law firm of how I had been raped by a Catholic priest at the age of 10.  My thinking was that, if ever there was a class action suit when others were coming forward about that same priest, my statement would be heard.  The lawyer that I spoke with told me that his firm would be able to help me on an individual basis and that the whole legal procedure would only take a couple of years at most.*

Although I had begun the process of making a report to the authorities 30 years ago when I first realized the impact of that violation of my innocence, I backed away because I was terrified of bringing all that emotional turmoil out into the open.  In fact, I was woefully aware that my own dear mother would never have supported me, because she believed in the religion far more than in her own daughter.

Child with Telescope

Throughout the legal process, I found out how voraciously the church defends their pedophile priests when childhood victims come forward.  Not only does the RC church use their authority to stretch out the time over which a victim has to endure the anxiety of thinking about going into a courtroom against their powerful institution, they accused me of lying!

Early on, the lawyers for the defense indicated that “the Diocese never received any complaints about Fr. Lefaive and had no knowledge of him being an abuser.” They were determined to cast doubt on me and attributed all my teenage and early adulthood problems to other issues, because there was no difference whatsoever in my scholastic achievements immediately following the rape.  In fact, I had skipped a grade in the year just prior to the event and was able to excel in that year and in the two years following.  Since I was under threat to keep the priest’s actions secret, it wasn’t until the priest had left my village that my behavior changed.

JulyCloudsSurprisingly, I never anticipated how difficult it would be to resurface all those childhood memories of the abuse and the aftermath in my life.  I thought that, with all the healing that had taken place since I’d started to work with my spirit, I would easily get through it all.  However, I learned that the entire legal procedure is painstakingly slow, and I underwent an absurd type of psychological torment that might have been intolerable 30 years ago.

During the legal process, I had to submit to psychological assessments by a leading psychologist and a psychiatrist educator who were hired for financial gain to provide conflicting views on my sorry story.   While I was comforted by the contents of my side’s report, I ended up paying a fortune for it.

When I was assessed by the defense psychiatrist, I was questioned for nearly 8 hours straight after a sleepless night, which only ended because the doctor had to pick up his children from school.  In his psychological report, the psychiatrist blamed my early issues on my family’s emotional and economic problems, but he said a few things that were almost supportive and even strange.  He cited studies that revealed that pre-pubescent children and those with higher intelligence fare better after being sexually abused, because they have better coping mechanisms. When I described how I had floated up out of my body, then lost consciousness while the priest was raping me, he rather absurdly stated I must have been thinking about something else.


As the first person to ever come forward about Father Ulysse A. Lefaive, a gruffly-mannered pompous  pedophile priest, I felt confused and betrayed as the date of my trial approached.  Even though he told me that the Diocese in which I was victimized had one of the worst records of child abuse, my lawyer suddenly changed his supportive manner and described the great risk of how the defense lawyers would turn everything around and basically destroy my character and possibly even force me to pay all their legal expenses!

Since the priest and my mother were both dead and I didn’t have enough witnesses to support my case, my lawyer told me that a judge or jury would find it hard to rule against a dead man with no prior accusations employed by such a powerful institution.  How uncaring to have put me through almost 4 years of anxiety by ripping open the wounds of my early life, only to be told that my case wasn’t strong enough to go into court!

Within a few weeks of my trial, I was suddenly surprised to receive an email from an elementary school classmate who had moved shortly after the priest had raped me.  I remembered this boy and had always wondered why he had left so suddenly with no explanation.  When I told what had happened to me at the hands of our parish priest, he said he knew about the ‘bisexual priest’, because he had been molested by him as well.  When I received this news, I was so hopeful that it would help my case, but my lawyer kept telling me that it was best to settle before going into the courtroom.

Ocean SurfaceAlthough I had very much wanted to publicly expose what had happened to me and its effects on my life, my case was settled out of court for much less than had initially been suggested, under the threat of ripping my family name apart and causing my personal financial ruin.  On their part, the RC church doesn’t want the acts of a pedophile priest to be subjected to public scrutiny, so they often bring cases like mine to the courthouse steps before they agree to settle.**  The lawyers and the experts are making money, but the victims can never be repaid.  As children, we were preyed upon by pedophiles who stood in the highest regard in our communities.

Even though the activities of pedophiles employed by the Catholic Church have been exposed during the past 20 years, there’s still a lot more to be done to help the childhood victims of sexual abuse at the hands of their clergymen. The third highest ranking member of the Vatican is now being sued for sexual abuse in Australia, so how can anyone continue to trust in their integrity? At the world level, even though they condemned the Holy See in 2014, I sincerely hope that the UN will consider suspending the membership of the Holy See and conduct their own investigation into the human rights abuses perpetrated by this overly powerful religious institution.Summer Sky 2017.wp

Apart from being disillusioned with my case, I sincerely hope that my story will be helpful to anyone who has been sexually abused in any way by a person of authority.  I am proud of having been strong enough to finally stand up to the wealthy and powerful RC church, as they cast blame on us child survivors and attack our credibility when we come forward.

I’m not saying that making a legal claim against the RC church would help your emotional or mental suffering, because it will open up all the painful memories that your ordeal caused in your life. However, what can be gained from coming forward as an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse:

  1. Self-esteem. You’ll feel so much better for having stood up against a powerful authority that hurt and silenced you.
  2. Credibility.  Your family and friends will understand you better.  What happened set you on a different path than would have been traveled – you’ve blazed your own unique trail.
  3. Validation.  You’ll feel like someone of authority (your lawyer, your psychological assessor) believes you and will act on your behalf in the justice system.  As a child, you weren’t capable of righting the wrong; now your claim against the pedophile will be filed in the court records to help future victims, even if it never makes it to court.

Here is a link to the newspaper article that the law firm representing me posted prior to settling my case:


Glo 7.8.2017.wpFrom my perspective, I am so very grateful that I found a higher-level way to help me fight the extreme negativity I was facing!  If I hadn’t learned how to work with my spirit 30 years ago, I might never have survived the ongoing disgusting negativity that leaves an abused child stranded in fear and hopelessness for the rest of their life.

Now I’ve completed the business of bringing my story into the justice system, so that other child victims of the same pedophile can come forward with more credibility and strength to have their story heard.


Canadian law provides survivors of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of authoritative figures the right to come forward, no matter how much time has lapsed.  A very recent law allows survivors to bring the employers of deceased pedophiles to justice.
** The Diocese of London, Ontario, Canada has waived confidentiality in all cases of child sexual abuse (with the exception of the amount of the settlement), due to the fact that the diocese had never alerted families that a pedophile priest had been abusing children and was being moved from parish to parish prior to 1963.  If families had been notified, they could have taken precautions against leaving their innocent children alone with the employee-priests.

I am always available to help anyone who wants to learn how to work with their spirit in a practical and effective way to get rid of negativity at all levels.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com


My Take on “Spotlight”

Archway FallsviewLast night I finally watched the Oscar-winning best movie: “Spotlight” and found its delivery of the Boston Globe journalists’ investigation of the Boston clergy abuse scandal very enlightening. Although it was intended that the audience watch the movie to follow the journalists’ journey through the veil of silence perpetrated by the Boston diocese, I was also viewing as a survivor.

Throughout the movie I realized how carefully the entire scandal had been muted and silenced by the entire community and justice system. The complexity of proving that a religious institution had been protecting sexual predators at such a large scale should have provoked an overwhelming outcry to correct the issue. However, as the movie pointed out so poignantly, the sexual abuse of children has been a longstanding practice that continues even today.

I loved the delivery of the story…the way it carried you along through how the court had sealed records about a case against the diocese, and how the court files that would have substantiated the journalists’ story were somehow missing from the public records. The exposure of the cover up by the diocese’s lawyers and the cardinal himself revealed how the RC church maintains their veil of silence about their ongoing protection of pedophiles within their ranks.

At the time of the press release of the scandal, I had already begun my recovery from the effects of having been raped as a 10-year-old child at the hands of my parish priest. As some of the victims in the movie pointed out, there was no way to comprehend what was happening, nor anyone to confide in about the abuse by people we had respected as representatives of God himself. One character survivor in the movie stated that his mother had brought out some cookies when the priest came to their house, after her child had told her about the abuse. When you can’t tell the people you’re supposed to trust the most, there’s nowhere to go, but into confusion and self-punishment and, for many, into self-destruction.

Majestic Falls

The only time that I burst out in tears during the movie was when the lawyer who had been working with victims for years described the condition of one of his clients: ‘He’s one of the lucky ones – he’s still alive!’ As someone who endured the aftermath of having been raped by one of the church’s perverted priests, I was ‘lucky’ not to have succumbed to the self-degradation and self-loathing that resulted from my experience.

During the Oscars, the producer of “Spotlight” made a plea to the present pope to help the situation, but the sexual abuse of children appears so rampant that the entire church could fail. Despite the pious character of the present pope, there’s really nothing he can do when priests are allowed to be alone with trusting and reverent children. After all, we were taught to confess our ‘sins’ to them and they ‘forgave’ us. Such hypocrisy has cost the lives of too many innocent children who blindly trusted the church’s representatives and were silenced like deaf mutes into despair.

From my perspective, I somehow made it through the utter confusion of my childhood, teen years and young adulthood, until I found myself not really knowing why it was happening to me. However, there was a glimmer of hope within me that guided me to keep fighting and searching for a solution to my condition. Fortunately, I found someone who understood my spiritual malaise and taught me to work within with the Light* to strengthen my spirit, which gradually brought me back to the person I truly am.

“Spotlight” brings home the multi-faceted lengths to which Catholics protect their priests, bishops and cardinals at the expense of the innocent victims of their perverted sense of religious authority.

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; a generic term not associated with any religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Strength | The Benefits

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818, Hubble Space TelescopeThe recent discovery of the fossilized remains of Homo naledi in a South African cave suggests that our primitive ancestors displayed burial practices long before previously thought. Rather than having developed this behavior over millennia, are we innately spiritual beings who have always contemplated our timeless spiritual journey beyond this finite physical existence?

We could even speculate that our spirits had lives before ours, perhaps somewhere else in the grand cosmos, and that they were once powerfully and positively attuned within their former bodies. Were that true, then what’s happened to our spirit-body relationship? Why don’t we let go of the negativity we drag around and allow our spirits to work in healthful unison within us? And what should we do with our spiritual strength, after we’ve put so much effort into helping our spirits increase their positive knowledge and power?

It’s my belief that our lives are inspired by higher-level guidance from our spiritual selves. If our spirits are positive when we come into this world, but we’re ignorant or closed to their direction, then our consciousness would become clouded with the input that we do allow to infiltrate our minds. If we become cut off from positively-oriented inspiration, then our mental and emotional impressions could become inundated with negativity that interferes with our wellbeing at all levels.

From my own perspective as someone who had extricated myself from the complacency of religious conditioning at a very young age, my spiritual weakness only became apparent after I hit rock bottom. From a very promising childhood with a positively oriented spirit I had descended from being a straight A student in elementary school to becoming a victim of domestic violence. Childhood abuse had caused a downslide in my spiritual strength that continued into adulthood, until I reached a state that threatened my health and safety.

Sunlight in Cave

I had continued to allow people to take advantage of my good nature, abuse and otherwise mistreatme, until one day I read an article in Psychology Today (c. 1985) in which the author noted that rape victims who were not treated soon after their abuse event would continue to suffer worsening symptoms over time. Over a matter of hours that thought led me through heightening anxiety to a profound realization when I said to myself: “I’m going to fight!”

I believe it was at that moment that I gave my spirit the go ahead to start helping me. Instead of just accepting all the negativity that was being hammered upon me, I was suddenly inspired to make my escape from a severely abusive relationship. Until then I had not taken any action to defend myself against the onslaught of negativity that had been weakening me, not just mentally, emotionally and physically, but especially, spiritually. Thankfully, soon after the abrupt turn in my determination, I found my mentor (and later, partner) who presented me with the means by which I was able to climb out of the depths of my sorry situation.

From my starting point 30 years ago, my consistent attention to my spirit as an essential part of me continues to yield significant improvements in my overall wellbeing. As a result of learning how to properly use the positive energy of pure white universal Light*, my spiritual strength has continued to build, and I’ve been able share positive higher-level knowledge with my clients around the world.

Some of the benefits of a dynamic positive spirit-body relationship include:

  1. Loving and accepting yourself completely for who you are
  2. Developing calmness and patience while increasing your focus, concentration and endurance
  3. Working with your higher self (the liaison with your spirit) to assist you with better decision-making and implementation of positive change
  4. Motivating and improving your creative expression
  5. Heightening your awareness to identify negative interference
  6. Using your spiritual sensitivity to deal with inter-dimensional influences
  7. Facilitating the adoption of positive habits, activities and relationships as you learn to counteract the obstacles
  8. Increasing your overall energy and enthusiasm
  9. Using the positive energy of the Light to bring balance and improve your health at all levels
  10. Emanating inner happiness into your present and future life experience

Sunshine thru RocksAt the end of the day, there’s only you and your spirit. So, why not acknowledge your spiritual self as an integral part of your present being? When you come to a point in your life when your understanding of your physical existence relative to your spirit’s timeless nature becomes important, you might want to begin working within with your spirit.

The remarkable results of gaining positive spiritual strength will enhance your wellbeing at all levels and promote your spiritual progress.

See Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

See http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/150910-human-evolution-change/

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

What is a Spirit?

MonkeyHead Nebula PillarMost of us assume that we know what a spirit is, but you might be surprised at how little knowledge we’ve retained about our spiritual nature – your own spirit quite possibly remains the least understood and most important aspect of your existence!

A spirit sparks the energy of life into an embryo in order to progress during that life experience, but relies on the conscious efforts of its form to conduct that progress. While we would like to think that all spirits have good intentions, a spirit doesn’t necessarily work in the best interests of its physical form. Over its timeless existence a spirit’s intent can be compromised and its knowledge of progress can be misinterpreted or forgotten, leading a spirit to create indefinite hardship for its physical forms.

A spirit’s character is a result of its timeless journey, much like we are the product of our own life experiences. A spirit that was once well-intended may have become frustrated with the inability of its forms to allow it to progress in a meaningful way. Another way that a spirit can become negatively oriented is because it relates its progress in negative instead of positive terms, so it nurtures negativity in its life experiences.

Through my many years of working with people to ensure their healthy connection with their spirit, I’ve found that a surprising number of people have allowed more than one spirit into their forms. In moments of weakness, such as when they’ve experienced emotional episodes of intense fear, anger, hatred or despair, individuals have unwittingly allowed spirits with negative intentions to enter their body. The life consequences of such spiritual negativity can be devastating at all levels of their being.

Shining Horizon.11.2013

A spirit creates a form with the expectation that it will be able to progress, but it’s dependent on its body for direction. Most of us are taught a religious notion of what a spirit or ‘soul’ is, so that we relinquish the responsibility for our spirit to some institution, rather than work with it. A spirit can become imprisoned in its body, accompanied by additional spirits that are permitted entry, or it will leave or be ousted altogether.

If a spirit exists solo in a body, then the positive activities of its form can propel it to a higher state of strength and knowledge. However, if the body is open to other spirits, there’s little chance for a spirit to grow stronger, and it will gradually lose ground. That’s what happened to my spirit when I was a child, since I was taught that my spirit or ‘soul’ belonged to a supreme being that would punish me with eternal damnation if I strayed from the doctrines of my religion. The very fear of that incredible notion, along with my complete spiritual dependency on an institution, made my own spirit idly unable to help me. Additional negative spiritual threats I suffered during a clergy abuse event opened me to more spiritual invasion and further obfuscated my ability to help my spirit progress. Years later, when I acknowledged that we are all responsible for and in control of our own spiritual aspect, I took charge of my spirit and remarkably improved my wellbeing.

Calm MarshA spirit is a sentient being that seeks ways to progress through the direction and participation of its form. If you want a good strong spirit with plenty of positive energy to propel it through its journey with you, you can start by regularly bringing in the Light*, the pure positive energy of the universe, without associating it with anything else to prevent its flow. When you feel the difference, you can go a step further and ask me for help to get rid of the stronger spiritual influences that impede your spirit until you can gain strength yourself.

There’s a wealth of knowledge about the positive spiritual realm that has been usurped and capitalized upon or simply forgotten over the course of history. It’s time to start finding out how a positively oriented spirit can help you to achieve a meaningful and joyful life, while allowing you to enjoy its peace and beauty within!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Discovering Answers

Iguazu FallsThis past week’s landing of the ESA’s Philae lander on a distant comet was a realtime reminder of how combined human ingenuity can result in phenomenal accomplishments. The Rosetta spacecraft’s success in delivering its lander to the comet is an important facet of our collective search for answers to the longstanding questions about the origins of life in our solar system.


Another news event that caught my attention was about Barbara Bowman who revealed in a Washington Post article that the comedian Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her when she was a 17-year-old aspiring actress. On CNN Ms. Bowman explained that she had attempted to ask for help concerning Mr. Cosby’s actions from several people, including lawyers, but her allegations had been immediately dismissed as ridiculous. It wasn’t until more people started coming forward with similar allegations about Mr. Cosby’s behavior that Ms. Bowman again ventured forward with her story. As she held back tears during her CNN interview, she stated that during the 30 years since the incidents: “I was terrified of him!”

Not unlike Ms. Bowman’s struggle, I’ve been through the wringer of guilt, pain, shame and blame that accompanies such abuse. During the first 20 of the almost 50 years since I was sexually assaulted by a Catholic priest, I experienced a kaleidoscope of emotions that ranged from shock, fear, disgust and despair. Especially disheartening was the reaction of disbelief when divulging that such a ‘distinguished’ person could commit such perverse acts.

Pinks Floral ProfieWhile Ms. Bowman confronts her unresolved issue from 30 years ago, I can look back today and be grateful to have found a solution 30 years ago that has irrefutably contributed to my wellbeing. Leo Jean, my dearest friend, husband and mentor who passed away a year ago, had shared immeasurably helpful knowledge about my spiritual wellbeing that has enabled me to help not only myself, but many others, to meet the challenges that we face at all levels of our lives.

The astounding feat of the first landing on a comet to collect data from its ancient surface to shed light on our physical origins has required many minds and many billions of dollars. On the contrary, many of the answers that we seek about ourselves are not found millions of miles out there in the universe but, rather, right within us, in the essence of our spirits.

While the scientific community is making progress on solving the age-old questions of why we’re here and if there’s anyone else out there, some of us have to resolve the difficulty of coping with abuse in our lives.  Our timelessly knowledgeable spirits can help guide us through such complexities of life – we just have to make the right connection to discover how.


Find out how to get connected with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Related material:



Sharing Smiles

PathEntranceAs I was rolling along on my inline skates the other day, I experienced some noticeably heartwarming interaction with the passersby who were out in numbers to enjoy some exercise on that particularly beautiful day. Too often there seems to be a tendency for people to avoid each other in our increasingly busy and impersonal world when, instead, we could be invigorating each other with pleasant purpose.

On the paved nature trail where I rollerblade, many of the people who usually looked straight ahead as I passed by on earlier occasions actually looked up and smiled back at me as extended my smile and greetings to them. I could feel their exuberance as we met eyes and smiles. It gave me a sense of community on that trail, where we were all out getting our regular exercise together, but where most usually kept to themselves, as if absorbed by a fear of strangers. The benefits of smiling are enormous to our wellbeing and can be contagious!

Of course, when I first started out on my new rollerblades almost six weeks ago, I had presented myself as a bit of a clown, as I reeled and corrected my balance almost the entire time I headed up the slightly sloping trail. On the way down I would stabilize my center of gravity by holding my knees, like a child when learning to ski or skate. Some people would giggle as we passed each other and I shouted out how much fun I was having. No wonder some of my fellow walkers, joggers, cyclers and bladers were hesitant to greet me…or had I presented a menace (?!) with my smiles and hellos?


It might have been a different scenario if I had accepted the first comment I received when I first put on my skates in my building’s parking garage. It had taken me a few months to decide to get on some rollerblades, after my girlfriend had suggested we start getting out there in the spring. I had bladed with my husband about 20 years ago in California, where we had decided to buy inline skates because we wanted to try out the then new product. He had been a lifelong ice skater, figure skater and hockey player, while I had remembered my zest to run home from school every day as a child to enjoy free skating at my village arena. Together we enjoyed the most exhilarating experience of skating with some fabulously friendly crowds of people along the ocean seawall in Monterey!


It wasn’t long after I had discovered a long winding paved nature trail in Niagara Falls that I decided to put some skates on again. However, as I was making my first pass around the smoothly finished parking garage, the first comment I received from a disgruntled resident pulling into their space was: “You must really need some exercise.” On the next pass around I was met with their additional remark: “Maybe I should just call the paramedics.” As always when confronted with negativity of any sort, I immediately refused their comment, and then continued to complete the rest of my projected 10 turns around the garage.

InlineSkating9.2014wpNow, after several weeks of almost daily practice I’ve gradually progressed to where I’m now confident as I gain momentum and speed and can self-correct my balance with remarkable ease. So, if I had accepted that naysayer’s comment on my very first skate in many years, it might have resounded in my mind and caused me to feel awkward, fearful or even hurt myself. Fortunately, so I never allowed it to affect my progress to become more graceful (?!) on my skates.

My rollerblading experience can be compared to our progress in life, as we learn, adapt and acquire the momentum we need to succeed at all levels of our being. While we’re making it happen, let’s share some smiles anytime, anywhere, so we can all enjoy this spectacular ride together!

BTW: I work across distance to extend my healing knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Please drop by my other website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Related articles:

There’s Magic in Your Smile (Psychology Today)
Does Smiling Make You Happy? (How Stuff Works)
Is the Human Brain Capable of Identifying a Fake Smile? (Neuroscience News)

Higher-Level Refusal

OmegaSwanNebulaMany people have, in some way or another, allowed negative spiritual influences into their lives by deliberately or inadvertently developing their spiritual sensitivity. Safe and successful spiritual work starts with learning positive principles and proceeds with increased awareness and counteraction of negative interference. 

Since our minds are far more sophisticated than we can presently comprehend, we’re often oblivious about much of what our brains grasp at higher levels. We all know how easily we can become conditioned to accepting certain world views, belief systems and personal habits, much of which are detrimental to our wellbeing. Yet how do we know if we’re being influenced at the higher level – and what can we do about it?

When I first learned about refusing negativity, of course I knew I should refuse negative thoughts, emotions and activities that subtracted from my efforts to become more positive. However, in order to refuse negativity in the most absolute sense, I found it was essential to refuse all spiritual and inter-dimensional negative influences.

About 30 years ago, when I first became interested in helping people get through the ordeal of being tormented by negative spiritual influences, I had to learn how to assess the aftermath of their higher-level negative activities. Apart from the physiological effects of their mental stress, emotional duress and physical energy depletion, there were spiritual and inter-dimensional influences that required attention. So, in order to attain the highest level of positive knowledge needed to overcome the most influential spiritual beings that interfere with my clients, I delved deeper.

About 5 years into my training to be a practitioner of spiritual healing, I became aware that I was still accepting summons to go out of body into the inter-dimensional realm. Before I started to work with my spirit and the Light*, I had remembered some instances where I felt like I was floating up out of my body or where I was occasionally paralyzed with fear during nightmarish ‘waking’ dreams in a hypnagogic state. What a relief to find that, just after I started working with my spirit, I had only one instance where I felt myself starting to float as I fell asleep one night. Using it as the perfect opportunity to put my newly acquired spiritual knowledge to work, I refused and counteracted the negative spiritual influence. It immediately stopped and I have never been subjected to that weirdly helpless feeling again.

After working daily alongside my partner over the course of those first few years, I came to recognize people’s intense floating experiences as precursors to inter-dimensional activities.  Even though I had surpassed that level of negative acceptance, I still needed to learn how to refuse what I now know initiated such activity – summons – not at the spiritual level, but at the inter-dimensional level.

Once I had made a commitment to stop going out of body to interact inter-dimensionally, it still took a month to actually stop responding to inter-dimensional summons. An inter-dimensional summons can be very subtle, and a strong one often begins with a sudden loss of energy, like you suddenly feel like you need to take a nap. Some people will hear whispering voices, distant music or other sounds emanating from a higher-level source, while those who are especially sensitive, such as children, will see otherworldly beings whose invitations seem friendly enough to accept or too frightening to refuse.


After I had made a commitment to refuse all summons, I was careful to stay alert and focused on refusing, even while getting very sleepy during the height of my day. Just when I thought I had finally succeeded, I was relaxing one afternoon after working with clients and laid back comfortably on the bed to take a quick nap. However, I sensed a summons and focused on refusing it with all my might. Then it felt like someone had brushed my foot with a very light touch. I opened my eyes because I thought it was my partner, but he had already started his nap. I was then surprised when my higher-level sight (third eye) activated and I saw the upper torso of a huge translucent being standing at the foot of the bed, with its lower extremities extending through the floor. As I hit it profusely with the Light*, it was gone in a flash.

After that incident, when I had learned to say “No!” at the higher level, I was able to resist powerful energy drains, quickly remove inter-dimensional instigators by their unique vibration and progress much faster with my spirit.

Whenever I advise my clients to start resisting inter-dimensional summons, they usually have some startling stories to tell about how and when they’ve felt the effect of past episodes. Once they identify the initiation of a summons and refuse it, they find a remarkable difference in the amount of energy and focus they have throughout their day and how much better they rest during sleep. However, unless someone has started working with a positively oriented spirit, they’re not likely to overcome the onset of an inter-dimensional summons, because they’re subject to what a negatively oriented spirit inherently accepts.

Increased energy and concentration are only part of the benefits of working in unison with your spirit and refusing higher-level negativity in all its forms.

BTW: I work across distance to extend my healing knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Please drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:

Why Stay in Body?
Spiritual vs. Inter-Dimensional Influence

We’re All Inspired by Nelson Mandela

LandSat Image of Cape Town & Cape of Good Hope

LandSat Image of Cape Town & Cape of Good Hope

Early in my life I was strongly opposed to the notion of apartheid or any other form of racial discrimination.  As a child I watched the race riots every night on the local Detroit news casts, and in high school I wrote a book report on the novel, “Black Like Me”, in an effort to understand bigotry.

Late in my teens I met a young man from South Africa, and came to understand the white man’s viewpoint about their status in the country.  He invited me to travel to South Africa with him to visit his parents and to enjoy the idyllic beauty of their recreational capital of Cape Town.

South Africa sounded like the most beautiful country, but I flatly turned down the offer for a free holiday.  The young man couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to go; I couldn’t explain enough my reasons for declining.  I knew only too well about apartheid because of Mr. Mandela’s struggle for equality and subsequent incarceration.  I couldn’t go to a place where one race enforced its superiority over another.

Even when the young man explained how wonderful it was to have someone do everything for me, I couldn’t explain  my opposition strongly enough.  When I asked if the servants were paid, he said they were paid the equivalent of 50 cents per day, that they appreciated having such work and called him “Master”.  This was in the 1970’s!  He still couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t want to go to his country, where the native people had to walk through lanes behind the main streets, so as not to offend the dominating white race.

About a year later, when his parents came to visit, I learned that his father, a former Olympic athlete, had worked to help the black trade unions prior to the Soweto riots.  I enjoyed a walk through Vancouver’s Stanley Park with his mother, a very nice lady who worked in downtown Johannesburg.  They also invited me to visit them in their home and I kindly explained why I couldn’t accept their invitation.  While their son seemed conditioned to and oblivious to the injustice, his parents felt embarrassed about their helplessness of having to live within the laws of their government.

When Nelson Mandela was released from prison and became president of his country, I was so elated that his personal struggle had brought an almost immediate end to apartheid.

That’s how Nelson Mandela inspired me.  I hope we’ve all been inspired by this brave man’s example of enacting positive change by standing by our principles, no matter what.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Real Spirituality

Tranquil StreamWhen I first heard about the concept of working with my spirit to enhance my life, it felt like a veil of uncertainty had been lifted from me and I could suddenly view my life and future in truly positive terms.

On Thursday evening I took Leo’s ashes to a nature park adjacent to the Niagara River so that his physical remains could return to the earth.  Many years ago Leo told me how he felt about his physical form, once his spirit would have left.  In his usually humorous way, he described how his body without his spirit should be recycled, just as any other discarded vessel that we use on a daily basis.  When he had completed his work in the physical form that I knew, I immediately took the initiative to enact his wishes.

Niagara Falls 2013

From my perspective it was a fitting journey that I saw as a metaphor for Leo’s life.  There was true harmony in having the remains of his physical form start off so nobly from the tranquility of the meandering stream in a beautiful natural setting only to empty into the roaring rapids of the Niagara River.  They cascaded over the Falls with the same sheer energy that he exerted as he plunged into the many exciting experiences of his younger years.  Then, as the physical particles churned further downstream to the magnificent whirlpool that etched through the walls of the Niagara Escarpment, it compares to how he had molded the events of his long and vibrant life into the succinct teachings of his spiritual philosophy.   Afterwards, as the signature particles of his physical form made their way along the river and emptied into the waters of Lake Ontario, they’ll eventually flow back into the vastness of the ocean, just as they’ve reentered the spiritual realm in a timeless sophisticated cosmos.

Sunlight raysOf course, as I’ve been letting go of missing Leo’s physical presence, I’ve cried intermittently to release those natural emotions.  However, I’m not falling apart as some people do, because I’m not afraid of happens after someone leaves their physical form, nor of the journey before me.  Instead I reflect on the most positive memories and how Leo used to bring smiles and laughter to the saddest people as they faced the complexity of their lives.  And each day brings renewed energy and strength!

Star Cluster

The most fulfilling daily activity imaginable is to prepare my spirit for its journey into the positive realm, as Leo has so aptly done.   I’ll continue to consciously direct my spirit under positive principles toward its ultimate goal of returning to the Light.

I’m so fortunate to have learned the intricacies of how to interact with the spirits of those with whom I work, so I can help their physical forms assist them on their journey.  What better way to live one’s life?

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Moving On Into the Spiritual Realm

Leo Jean 1922–2013

Leo Jean 1922–2013

On Thursday my dear partner of 28 years moved on from this physical existence into the positive spiritual realm.  Leo Jean was an amazing individual whose legacy is his dedication to his exceptional spiritual work.

From the time I met Leo Jean he brought nothing but positive energy and knowledge into my life.  I was completely ignorant about the incredible aspects of my spiritual self when I met him, but Leo recognized my potential and never stopped teaching me at all levels.

Although Leo’s physical form had started to show the effects of aging at 91, he never complained and was undaunted by the challenges he faced.  From my perspective, I wanted to care for and share with Leo until he was ready to go back into spirit form.

"Glowing Hearts" by Leo Jean (aka Leo's Logo)

Last Thursday morning while I was recharging my spirit with the Light as usual, I saw Leo’s spirit shining brightly beside my own.  His spirit often came to visit with me when I recharged, but that morning he shone especially long and brightly.  About an hour later, I received a call from the Toronto hospital and the doctor told me that Leo had succumbed to the lung infection he’d been fighting.

Leo had often said he would forge a way directly into the positive spiritual realm from this negative location.  Just a week earlier, as I was driving him to the hospital, he was completing work on that final project.  So his work was done and he was ready to go.

I feel so fortunate to have had the privilege to be part of Leo’s life and to work with him so closely!  Although I miss him at the physical level, I’m truly elated to see his spirit back where it belongs, shining with the Light in the positive spiritual realm!

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Perceptive Development

Falls ViewThe other day someone on Twitter asked me to provide some information for their research about how people like me ‘discovered’ our abilities.  There are many circumstances under which someone’s higher-level skills are activated but, for me, there was an underlying desire to develop my inherent skills and a series of events that triggered their activation.  Then my desire to help others who were in a similar state promoted my long journey of working daily to acquire the spiritual and inter-dimensional knowledge necessary to be fully capable of practicing my perceptive and higher-level healing skills.

While it’s true in many cases that someone all of a sudden becomes spiritually activated, I believe that everyone inherently has higher-level abilities, but most people don’t develop them. For those whose abilities are instantaneously given, say after a traumatic accident or illness, there appears to be a spiritual intervention that can be involuntary and destructive.

Very young children are naturally receptive to the spiritual and inter-dimensional worlds, but most are conditioned out of these tendencies very early in life.  Most of us are conditioned to believe in a spiritual being whose very existence transcends all logic of our reality, but we’re hushed when we describe some vision, feeling or event that we’ve experienced outside of that belief system.

House View

Yesterday, while Leo and I took a drive along the scenic falls view drive at Niagara Falls, I reflected back to my earliest years, when I was atoddler enjoying that same view.  I stopped along the way to take a picture of the house where I had lived until I turned 5 years old.  While I don’t remember having any out-of-the ordinary happen to me as a toddler living in the little cottage into which 8 children were crammed, I still have a very clear memory of many events that occurred when I was as young as 2 years of age.  I remember the religious conditioning that started when I was about that young, and I was really taken by it, until I had the brash realization that it was all a fabrication when I was sexually assaulted by the ‘parish priest’ when I was 10.

Sky ViewWhen I was 15 years old and pretty disillusioned about life, I received a vivid vision and telepathic communication from what appeared to be futuristic beings that conveyed to me that my life was some sort of proving ground or run of the gauntlet, so to speak, during which I should adhere to a set of fundamental principles that governed my being. After 15 more years of difficulty in dealing with life’s experiences, I only began to realize the meaning of that event when I met Leo Jean and started to work with my spirit.

For me, the process of the development of my higher-level abilities was actually a daily learning experience to progress with my spirit during which I developed and practiced my inherent skills over 25 years.  I learned to:

  1. Identify the unique vibrations of the types of beings that people on our planet encounter at the spiritual and inter-dimensional levels;
  2. Receive vibrational ‘readings’ from people both in my presence and across distance that signal where their spiritual, inter-dimensional and physical problems lie;
  3.  Receive higher-level/telepathic communication from the individual, their spirit or their higher self about the origin and nature of their problems;
  4. Receive higher-level/telepathic communication about the negative energy/spirits that must be removed in order to eliminate others’ higher-level problems;
  5. Acquire the skill to utilize the purely positive energy of the pure white Light to remove the negative energy/spirits that influence and interfere with my clients’ wellbeing.

In effect, I establish a quantum connection with each individual that signals me when they’re having difficulty, so that I can offer help and knowledge.  A great part of my work entails teaching each client how they can take back control of their spiritual self and higher self in the most positive ways possible.

I really appreciate the interest shown by the researcher and hope I’ve given him an overview of my experience.  Simply put, I didn’t ‘discover’ my skills; I developed them over time through an earnest personal desire to learn about and share knowledge about the higher-level aspects that we all inherently have.

My 1st photo at the Falls: I’m the “baby”.

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

How I Met My Spirit
Why I Work With My Spirit


Higher-Level Conditioning

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on slate with porcelain and resin dolphin figurineWe’re far more capable of processing information at the higher level than most of us realize.  Over the years I’ve found that the way someone accepts higher-level conditioning is similar to how they accept negative conditioning at the physical level, except that most people are oblivious to how higher-level activity can affect them.

Many people have negatively oriented spirits that bring their negative behavior with them.  Since a spirit has free will, no one can force positive energy onto a spirit that rejects it.  Without a physical form to bring it positive knowledge, many spirits will accept negative conditioning that is filtered down to their body and will continue to operate in a negative realm of existence.

If you accept negativity at any level, you deter your spirit’s progress and it can take on spiritual impediments that prevent you from being able to work with it effectively.  Interaction with otherworldly negative beings at the inter-dimensional level can cause quantum entanglement with those beings, making it harder to refuse to respond to them.

How and when does all this higher-level negativity get started?  Early in life, children are summoned to interact with negative beings in higher dimensions.  If a child chooses to go by responding to the summons, then the beings will condition them to continue to interact with them throughout their lifetime.  Because everyone has free will, if a child chooses not to go, the negative beings can’t force their participation.

However, there are many ways to trick or coerce positively oriented children to participate in negative higher-level practices that will facilitate their inter-dimensional conditioning.  These summons usually occur when a child is sleeping but, since a child is still so attuned to their spiritual self, they can be subject to summoning practically anytime. If a child becomes accustomed to allowing their free will to be broken, their acceptance of future summons into inter-dimensional activities is more likely.  At the physical level, they might continue to allow their free will to be broken, break others’ free will and even break their own free will as a result of this acceptance.

So, how does a child resist going with a sophisticated being with remarkable powers of persuasion?  Many children are born with positively oriented spirits, but are conditioned to accept negativity, because their body is accepting it.  When a child responds to higher-level summoning, the negativity at the spiritual level can be overwhelming and, in some cases, a child’s spirit will be ‘kicked out’ and replaced by a stronger spirit that most often won’t work in the child’s favor.

When a child is approached by negative inter-dimensional beings and has the positive knowledge of how to say “No!” to them, they have the power to refuse properly.  The positive way forward is to continue to refuse, no matter what the enticement or threat.  If a child rejects negative conditioning at the spiritual and inter-dimensional levels, they’re likely to become an adult that carries this knowledge forward.

We all think and act in a certain way, but is it the result of how we accepted conditioning or because we made choices to become as we are?  Why do some people welcome change and new ideas, while others remain inflexible and unable to embrace new ways of thinking?

From my own experience, I kept searching for solutions to help me to ‘kick the habit’ of my stressful negative conditioning.  I knew there was something at the higher level that kept me hanging on to negativity, but there was never anything tangible until I started to acquire positive knowledge.  There was one subtle mark of higher-level conditioning that seemed to serve as a reminder that I had possibly been part of some kind of inter-dimensional activity that I couldn’t remember at the physical level.

When I was a child, I used to wonder how I received the ‘scoop’ mark on my leg.  On the back of my left leg, just below the knee joint, in the fleshy part of the calf I had a shallow wedge-shaped indentation where there appeared to be some flesh missing from my leg.  The ‘scooped out’ part was about 2 inches long in a horizontal direction across the back of my upper calf, about 3/8” wide in the middle and tapered at both ends.  I would have remembered a wound that size, since I was very sensitive to any physical injury.  I asked my mother about it a few times, but she never had an answer, so I figured she must have forgotten or maybe it was some sort of defect.

When I met Leo I showed the unusual scoop mark to him, and asked if he might know what it was.  He asked me to refuse the source, memory and influence of the marking, so that he could remove the negative energy/spirits/beings that were responsible.   Within a few weeks, I remember looking for the scoop mark but it had disappeared from my leg, as though it had never been there before!

With Leo’s help I had succeeded in rejecting whatever I had accepted at the higher level that had caused the scoop mark on my leg.  It was as though the marking was an indication that I had been a willing participant in higher-level activities, even though my participation was inadvertent.  My efforts to work with my spirit, stay in body and reacquire my free will at all levels had yielded immediate results to rescind my acceptance of negative behavior patterns.

Although not everyone has physical markings, by making them aware of how to refuse negative influences at all levels, I’m able to help others override their susceptibility to higher-level conditioning.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Meeting Challenges

lightningstrikewpDuring the course of our lives, we all face challenges that bring us to the realization that we’re not immune to difficulty.  It’s in how we meet those challenges that tests our resolve, allows us to use our innovative skills and increases our capacity to adapt to change.

Recently, I was faced with some challenges when, two months ago, Leo (my partner of 28 years) fell and broke his upper arm in the dining area of our home.  My first instinct was to make him comfortable, to observe him and not to rush to judgment of his condition.  My greatest concern was that he would be treated in an ill-equipped country hospital 30 miles outside the city.  Within 48 hours, when Leo’s arm was completely black and blue from shoulder to elbow, I had to call the ambulance and, as I expected, the driver refused to take him to the ER in a quality hospital in downtown Montréal.  Leo’s upper arm was indeed broken and he needed to be admitted because of his age (90).

Immediately, I knew that we had to move out of our house, where multiple levels meant stairs everywhere that would put Leo at risk whenever he moved around.  So, I immediately started to look online for a new place that would meet the criteria necessary to make Leo safe.  I decided to look in Ontario, because it proved to be a reality on so many occasions that English people in Québec were treated with disdain, and I wanted to leave that area anyway.  So I drove 300 miles to the west side of Toronto (Canada’s most populous city), and looked for a place in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge area that was all on one level, had underground parking, elevators and was light and bright, of course!

While my first trip into Ontario brought only a few choices that were not fulfilling all the criteria for safety, I had included the Niagara Peninsula in my online searches and, after my return to Montréal, a realtor called to tell me that there was a condo available that sounded ideal for our needs.  So, I made another trip a week later, took a tour that evening and found the ‘perfect place’ for us that exceeded my list of must-haves.

After finding a suitable place to live, my challenges were seemingly just beginning. I returned to find Leo in a worsening condition at the country hospital.  An MRI scan found that he had also suffered a pelvic fracture, the reason why he wasn’t able to stand up yet.  Then, to make matters worse, members of the care staff were rushing him to eat and he ended up with pneumonia.  So, if the effects of the morphine for the fractures weren’t enough, he was now on antibiotics for the infection.  He was losing weight and wouldn’t eat even the food that I was bringing from home.

As a very high level healer, Leo is very sensitive to the energy around him, and he was immersed in the destructive energy of that care facility.  On two occasions, when I walked in Leo’s room to visit with him as I did every day (except on the days of my trips to Ontario), I found him naked and shivering on his bed, with no care staff around.  The second time, it happened to be December 25th and, while I don’t celebrate religious holidays, I found it to be clearly negligent to treat an elderly person with fractures that way.  I was livid and couldn’t stand to see him remain there for one more day.

The next day, I went to the hospital and asked to have Leo’s doctor release him into my care, so that I could transfer him to one of the facilities downtown.  After four hours of waiting for the doctor to arrive, he indignantly stated that he knew I wasn’t ‘satisfied’ (understatement!) that it would be too hard on Leo to move him to another hospital.  I assured him that I was prepared to transfer him and would provide Leo’s power of attorney in the morning. (I wouldn’t have had the authority over the doctor if I didn’t have the p.o.a.; something of importance for spouses!)

The following day the forecast was for 18 inches of snow and, on my way to the country hospital, I drove past trucks that had driven off the road, small groups of cars that had stopped to clean the ice off their windshields and many abandoned cars.  After Leo was released to my care, a medical transfer truck took him downtown while I drove very carefully through a blizzard that was sending the entire Island of Montréal into chaos.  Leo was admitted to the downtown hospital with ‘weakness’ and treated for dehydration.  I noted a definite difference in the energy level at this facility.

After 2 weeks, I arranged a meeting with the professional team of doctor, head nurse, physiotherapist and social worker to discuss what plan was needed for Leo to get back on his feet.  The doctor explained that, after 6 weeks, Leo’s pelvic fracture was not interfering with his ability to walk; the physiotherapist explained that Leo quite possibly couldn’t stand up.  My first reaction to this attitude was that I would be glad to be present at the physiotherapy sessions, if they would just tell me when they were going to work with him.  When I visited with Leo afterward, I told him what the team had said, then I spent the night refusing the negativity and focusing on getting positive results.

The following day, I sat in on the physiotherapy ‘session’.  The therapist had such a negative approach and I could see that Leo wasLeo Jean's Starlike© Art sculpture atop crystal triangular heart refusing her and, thus, refusing to work with her.  After the physiotherapist left, Leo kept trying to stand up on his own, so I called for someone to help.  An orderly brought a walker and Leo headed out of the room and down the hall.

The doctor just happened to be standing outside the room with the head nurse and yelled out: “It’s a miracle! ” and many heads popped out of doorways to have a look.  Everyone was quite amazed.  The head nurse told me that it was incredible how I was able to elicit such a response from Leo and further noted that my energy was remarkable.  From that day forward, Leo’s health and mobility have improved steadily.  I only facilitated Leo’s determination to ‘get mobile’; the effort was his.  From my point of view, much could be gained from integrating higher level healing into a medical environment to improve the wellbeing of both patients and staff.

For the duration of this entire episode, I have maintained my positive self.  I never stopped working with my spirit and my higher self, as they gave me the inspiration and energy to get through it all.  My ability to refuse the draining negativity that was hitting me mentally, emotionally and physically was certainly put to the test.  However, as each new obstacle emerged, I was able to meet them with real solutions that brought positive results, because I envisioned those results and worked to achieve them.

After all the packing, moving and unpacking (still in progress), Leo and I are now settling in and enjoying our light bright place in Niagara Falls!

Find out more about my work by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Weapons of Innocents Destruction

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture on crystal appleWhen I turned on the TV last night after spending 2 days on the road, I found yet another senseless genocide of innocents had taken place in America the Beautiful.  Just after what might have turned into a catastrophe at the mall in Oregon last week, yesterday’s unspeakable act in Connecticut defies all explanation!

Apart from having the good citizens of America volunteering to hand over their personal arsenals of deadly weapons, there is seemingly no way to stop those who are beyond the reach of reason from acting out this nightmare scenario again.

While the TSA is screening everyone that boards an airplane and government buildings are already like military bases, what can America do about their now regular event gun violence sprees?  Why is everyone hanging on to the 2nd Amendment to ensure their freedom?  Do they distrust their government so much that they’re willing to continue the risk of allowing anyone to stockpile weapons that could be used to kill babies?  Why is it so easy to obtain these weapons of innocents destruction?

How do Americans return safety to their movie theaters, shopping malls and schools?  Is every public place now a potential setting for such an unspeakable tragedy?

I thought that America was the Land of the Free, not the Feared.


Find out more about my work by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

No Worries…Just the Best Possible Outcome

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on shiny blue glassSome of the most negative thinking comes to mind as regret or worry.  Regrets are negative thoughts about the past, while worries are negative thoughts about the future.  Neither of them has any validity in the present, but they are recurring thoughts that unnecessarily interfere with our wellbeing.

The best way to deal with such negative thinking is to at first realize that it’s just wasted time.  Leo used to always ask people: “Do you worry a lot?”  With the almost-always affirmative reply, he’d say:

“If you worry a lot, then you’re a professional at doing nothing.  You have to act to do something about it.”

Those strong words were directed at me when I first met Leo, because I was under a cloud of worry-tivity – my world was full of worry.  I worried about everyone else, too, because I had become an expert at worrying.  I spent my childhood learning all about the ins and outs of worrying from my mother who was an expert at worrying about everything and everybody.  That’s even worse than worrying about one’s own problems, because there’s really nothing anyone can do about someone else’s problems.

I gladly learned that worrying is simply fear of the future.  While we can and should act to make our future the reality that we desire, we still have to go through all the positive steps that will lead to that future.  Our lives are a work in progress, so we need to understand that every constructive action we take will lead us in a positive direction toward our goals.  And we must be prepared to ad lib and make changes as external events act upon us.

Worrying takes us nowhere, but it causes a distraction in our normal thought processes and takes us into the negative realm.  Once we’re submersed in negative thinking patterns (i.e. the go-nowhere good-for-nothing worrying), we also attract negative energy/spirits that fuel the process and feed off of the negative energy that we’ve created.

When I was learning to refuse negativity, I learned to counteract the act of worrying, that had forced me into the corner of doing nothing about my problems.  While I was worrying, I wasn’t formulating a plan of how to solve my problems; I was just adding to them.  While I was a ‘worry-wart’ I was unable to disassociate myself from the future negativity that I was creating in my mind.  In other words, I was heading straight into negative territory every time I worried.

In addition to attracting negative energy/spirits when we worry a lot, there are greater spiritual implications.  Mental and emotional negativity converge at the throat chakra and can allow damage to the spiritual opening, causing additional physical side effects such as thyroid malfunction.  When I started to work with my spirit and learned to refuse the negativity that invaded my thoughts every time I thought about my future, I was able to direct myself in a positive direction.  Not only had I been creating undue mental stress, but I was unable to enjoy the luxury of physical relaxation.  When I let go of my worrying, I was able to allow my body to relax and heal.  As I learned to relax, refuse negative thoughts and to take action to direct my own future, I let go of my expertise at worrying and all its negative side effects.

 “Energy turned back on itself creates stress.  Energy allowed to flow freely allows relaxation.” ~Leo JeanLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on slice of blue rock

As I worked with my spirit and emerged from my worrying pastime, I saw so much more potential in my life than as a survivor of spousal abuse.  In a time of high unemployment while I was training to work as Leo’s assistant, I found interim work as the manager of a portrait studio (350 applicants) and renewed my interest in coaxing babies to break out their smiles (toothless or not!)  Once I started to love myself, believe in myself and care for myself both physically and spiritually, I abandoned my expertise at worrying and became the director of my future.

Whether we believe in fate or determinism, it seems true that everything happens for a reason so that we can learn and benefit from both the positives and the negatives in life.  As long as we direct ourselves in the best ways possible, it does us no good to worry about events that are beyond our control.  For instance, while we await the ‘end date’ of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, we can choose to view it simply as the end of a calendar, as the date of a possible global catastrophe or as the beginning of an enlightened era in human history.  From the quantum perspective of the Many Worlds Theory, every action we take could manifest countless alternative outcomes in other parallel universes, but we get only one.

As we gain more insight about our place in the multiverse, we ought to face our future with confidence and optimism for the best possible outcome, so that we can allow ourselves to prosper at all levels of existence.


Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Related posts:
Choose to Use Your Free Will
Mayan People Did Not Predict World to End in 2012 (BBC)
Doomsday Myths Debunked (Space.com)

What Drives Children’s Negative Actions?

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop mermaid figurine imbedded in resinAs children we develop our individual sense of how to interact with others and, depending on our spiritual orientation, the results can be quite different.  Some children learn a sense of positive morality from their experiences, while others accept the negatively-charged energy they receive from their mistreatment of others.

When I was only 2 years old I committed my first negative action against another living being, when I was unjustly punished and reacted in a surprising way.  (I have a rather vivid memory of certain early childhood events, and this one still stands out.)  My brother (who was still crawling) and I were playing on the floor beside his crib when he reached over and spilled the baby powder, just like he’d done the day before.  The first time he spilled the powder my mother came into the room and swatted me on the behind, because she assumed that I had done it.  This time, I wasn’t going to get blamed, so I remember biting my brother on the forearm and, while he burst into a loud cry, I ran into my parents’ bedroom and hid deep inside the closet so that my mother couldn’t find me.  In my toddler’s mind, it was a split-second reaction to hurt my brother in response to my fear of being punished again because of his actions.  (Poor little guy, with my teeth marks on his arm!)

A few years later, when I was 6 years old, I remember how some of the older kids used to get a big charge out of swinging us around by the arms and then letting us go.  As we went flying off in a slingshot effect then tumbled to the ground with a dazed look on our faces, they laughed in glee.  One day, when no one was around, I remember taking the plunge myself.  I swung one of the 5-year-old neighbor girls around and let her go.  As she started to cry because she was so dazed and, most probably with hurt feelings, I felt a great sense of guilt and remorse.  It was the first and last time I would ever treat another human being that way. From that child came my own cries; her grief was my own.  Although I apologized at the time, and I remember apologizing to her again when we were older, the girl never even remembered the event.  That experience gave me the insight never to be mean to anyone again, and was probably the cornerstone of my moral development.

So what makes a child mean?  From a spiritual perspective, if I had a negatively oriented spirit, I probably never would have felt any remorse about hurting either my little brother or the neighbor girl.  As a 2-year-old, my actions were merely for self-preservation with no sense of right or wrong but, with a little more brain power at age 6, I was able to make a positive moral judgment that changed my behavior.

However, a child with a negatively oriented spirit might have enjoyed the negative energy created during their mistreatment of another living being, because they might have already experienced abuse or brutality as normal.  Their spirit would have grown more negative as the abuse events continue, in their role as both a recipient victim and an emerging perpetrator.  The abusive actions of a child attract negative energy/spirits that fuel their desire to continue to hurt others, as negative spirits feed off the negative energy that is generated.  A child who bullies others is a child in trouble at all levels.

From the perspective of a child who’s on the receiving end of bullying, they’re becoming conditioned not to resist or to fight back.  The first time a bullying event occurs a child becomes afraid, the first step to the acceptance of future incidents.  At the spiritual level, the bullied child starts to receive negative spiritual input that originates with and perpetuates the fear response.  Even if their spirit was more positively oriented at the start, it will inevitably lose ground to the overwhelming influx of negativity created by the bullying.

One of my greatest joys is to help a child by introducing them to their spiritual self and the Light*, so that they canLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures atop colorful glass on resin base gain a fundamental understanding of their individuality from a spiritual perspective.  Learning to work with their spirit brings them so much self-esteem and mindfulness of their extraordinary potential to overcome such obstacles as the impact of bullying.  They quickly see that they have allowed bullying to affect them and that they need to refuse the spiritual negativity that perpetuates the abusive behavior on both ends.  For kids of all ages:

I believe in myself.  I never doubt myself.
I am a winner and I am fully capable of succeeding in all that I choose. ~Leo Jean

The spiritual motivation behind bullying, criminal actions of all kinds and the calamity of war is the same: Negative spirits feed off of the negative energy that negative actions generate.  Hopefully more people will turn inward with a positive spiritual outlook, so that more positive energy is generated at all levels on our planet.


Find out more about my work by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe



The Power to Refuse Negative Thoughts

Turbulent Sky.wpNegative thoughts are constantly bombarding many of us as we navigate through life, but some people are tormented because they have so little power to refuse them. When someone is prone to persistent negative thoughts, there is most often a spiritual reason that prevents them from overcoming their persuasion.

Every living being on our planet is born with the instinct to survive, and each individual has the remarkable capacity to overcome a myriad of negative obstacles.  However, when one’s resolve has been compromised by the intrusion of negative energy/spirits, it diminishes their capacity to resist the impact of higher level  negativity.

Why are some people more sensitive than others, so that they seem to attract and absorb more negativity?  Although it’s partly due to their level of perception and intuitive knowledge of how to deal with it, I think there’s a spiritual reason at its core.  When a child is bothered at the higher level, he or she will simply say: “No!” and it’s usually enough to stop the negative influence but, if a child is subjected to abuse, they’re susceptible to being overwhelmed by the negative energies/spirits that are attracted to such events.

The first time I heard of someone being taunted to self-destruct was over 20 years ago, when a feisty 80-year-old woman came to see us because she was tormented by a cacophony of voices that were continuously urging her to throw herself from her 5-storey balcony.  More recently was the distant healing of a very sensitive 20-year-old woman, Lisa*, that had allowed the energies of others to affect her so much that she was unable to turn off her absorption of negativity.  Both women intuitively knew the source of their self-destructive tendencies was spiritual, and they were brave enough to fight back for their lives.

Five years before she contacted us, Lisa had been diagnosed as schizophrenic.  She suffered from extremely painful headaches and was taking medication that helped to lessen, but never removed, the pain.  Lisa explained that she felt she no longer had any “barriers to the negative energy emitted by negative people” and felt that, if it continued, it would lead her to her “ultimate destruction – suicide”.  Yet she went on to describe how she felt those thoughts could not be her own, because she was a very positive, creative and outgoing person.  As a gifted performer, her greatest desire was to be able to stand on stage without the debilitating pain.

Not only had Lisa opened to several spirits years earlier but, as time went on, more of her spiritual openings became jammed open, amplifying her thoughts of self-destruction.  Without a positively oriented spirit to help her at the spiritual level, Lisa had been unable to refuse the onslaught of negativity and had become more susceptible to it.  She had taken time off from university and was living at home; her father was paying for her healing, but we never spoke to him.  She convinced us that she would be ready and able to refuse when we worked with her over the phone.

Once her damaged chakras were repaired and she was closed to negative energy/spirits, Lisa found that, by working with her new positively oriented spirit, she was finally able to close to the destructive energy that she felt around certain people.  During the next month, while she was receiving daily spiritual support, she learned to refuse the negative energies that used to engulf her at university and in other public places.  Her headaches stopped; she was off to work in another country with friends for the summer; and she looked forward to returning to school in the fall.

A strong resolve and a positively oriented spirit provide the refusal power that’s needed to defeat self-destructive and other negative thoughts that can be emanating from a higher level source.

Fiery Sky.wp

*Name made up to protect her privacy; no significant details that would identify this person are mentioned.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Dealing with Dimensions

Leo Jean's Starlike© Time paper sculpture mounted on crystal clock faceMany people have inter-dimensional experiences, but often what they’ve seen, heard or felt is so strange that it’s difficult for them to explain.

While physicists are struggling to prove or disprove string theory as they work toward a unified theory of how the universe ticks, one of the main focuses is on the existence of 11 dimensions at the quantum level.  So, if the physics works at the larger scale and if we’re surrounded by these invisible dimensions, is it feasible to assume that we’re already conducting activity within them?

My insights about inter-dimensional occurrences are derived from personal experience and from working with others for over 27 years.  Two personal incidents stand out that have helped me to understand the nature of the interference that is caused by inter-dimensional events as opposed to that which is caused by spiritual events.

When I first met Leo Jean, he gave me a spoon that he had twisted into a knot at the neck to use as a reinforcement of my connection to the untapped power of my higher self and spirit.  Upon going to bed a few nights later, I placed the spoon inside my pillowcase and under my pillow for security during the night.  After a short time asleep I awoke with a start and jumped out of bed to turn on the light.  Something felt amiss as I looked around the room.  Then I thought about the spoon that Leo had given me.  I reached my hand inside of the pillowcase to grab it, but I couldn’t feel it, so I flipped over the pillow to see if I could see or feel it that way.  The spoon wasn’t there!  There was no way that anyone could have taken it, since I was alone.  Then I had the thought to refuse the negative interference as I pulled the pillow out of its case.  As I held up the empty pillow case and shook it, I heard a “ping” sound as the twisted spoon fell to the bed.Photo of spoon twisted with mental energy

My reaction to this experience served as a reinforcement of the lessons I was just learning about the spiritual and inter-dimensional worlds.  If I had reacted in fear, I would simply have attracted a whole slough of negative energy/spirits to me.  Instead, after some initial confusion, I reacted in a very positive manner by refusing the negative interference.  Perhaps there was no ‘advantage’ to the spoon being ‘held’ in another dimensional state, so it was ‘returned’.

In another instance I experienced more of a time shift.  A couple of years later, while Leo and I were sharing the errands at a strip mall, I was in the bank while he was shopping for groceries a couple of stores down to the right.  While I stood at the teller, casually looking out the window of the bank, I could see Leo walking from the grocery store past the bank.  I wondered where he was going, since I was supposed to join him at the grocery store, and watched as he kept walking toward the end of the row of stores to the left.

When I exited the bank a couple of minutes later, I followed Leo but he had already disappeared from view.  When I rounded the corner of the building, I saw that Leo was nowhere to be seen, so I continued to walk behind the building for a short distance.  As I returned and looked around the corner toward the bank, I saw that Leo had just come out of the grocery store and was walking toward me.  When we met on the sidewalk, I asked what was going on, because I had just seen him go in the other direction around the building.  I was quite puzzled by what had occurred, because it really had no physical explanation.

Although there are many instances of people who have experienced time distortions while in the vicinity of a magnetic anomaly, such as the Bermuda Triangle or other similar places on our planet, Leo and I were situated in a rather run-of-the-mill place.  (It just happens to be not far from where the Perimeter Institute is now located, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it!)

If I were to speculate, I would have to imagine that I was caught up in some sort of a temporary wave of space-time distortion.  If quantum theory is correct at larger scales, I had simply seen Leo in one probable reality.  Did I observe this because I am more aware, or because my mind is more adaptable?  I can’t even compare it to a déjà vu, because it was taking place in real time.  For whatever reason, the event made me keenly aware that I was still susceptible to interference from an inter-dimensional source.

When people claim that they’ve lost time, have been abducted by extraterrestrials or remember being in an alternate reality, I fully understand that their experience defies explanation in purely physical terms.  It’s frustrating because there is no physical evidence available when the entire incident appears to have taken place solely within their own consciousness as a personal experience.

However, if a person has entered a higher dimension, there can be a distortion in both time and place.  An inter-dimensional experience can last longer in another dimension than it does in ‘real’ time.  A person can wake up in a void in space or can be led into an otherworldly vehicle effortlessly, along with a memory of interaction with inter-dimensional beings.  Just because no one else has shared the exact same experience doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Bearing in mind that we, as humans, cannot be the only living species in the universe and that other forms of life are likely far more advanced than we are, we’re barely ‘scratching the surface’ of understanding the more advanced realms of existence.

When a person knows how to work with their spirit, they’re able to transcend the negative interference that draws them into inter-dimensional activities.
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I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 


Spiritual Responsibility

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures: 24 inside a resin pyramid topped by glowing Starlike©Before I trained to work as a spiritual/natural/quantum healer, I really had no idea that I was any good at it.  When I met Leo Jean 27 years ago, I was fortunate to have found a man who, in spite of a myriad of challenges at all levels, had lived his life in a positive mode.

At that time Leo met regularly with a group of young people that were either dealing with their higher level skills or who wanted Leo to help them to develop them so that they could help others.  About two months beforehand there had been a mysterious murder in the community that involved a teen-aged gas station attendant.  While working the night shift he was shot point blank and killed.  Since the youth had no known enemies and was not involved in any illicit activities, the entire city was searching for answers.  Leo told me that he was working with one of the members of his group that was very gifted and wanted to develop his skills to help find missing children.  He had been able to perceive the incident and ‘look’ at the face of the perpetrator.  Leo asked if I would be willing to see if I could do the same.

At the time I found it fascinating that I could actually be able to help solve a crime of this nature.  However, I would soon find that such work is very dangerous because of the type of people involved.  When I went to ‘look’ at the crime with Leo by going to the exact time and place of the incident at the higher level, I could perceive the face of the man that pulled the trigger in some detail.

Around that time, I was approached at the higher level to succumb to a negative commitment in the guise of the enticement of some fabulous reward.  While I immediately refused to ‘sign the paper’ that was presented to me in a dream, the young man that wanted so badly to help find missing children, accepted and ‘signed’ the document in a remarkably similar dream state.  Almost instantaneously he lost his ability to ‘see’ at the higher level and he began ‘receiving’ information from some higher level source that eventually disgraced him.

In order to evaluate our ability to help solve similar crimes, Leo decided to see if I could also ‘find’ the weapon used.  What I ‘saw’ was that the gun had been dumped into a garbage dumpster and there was no possibility of recovering it.  So, I then ‘looked’ to see where the gun had been purchased, so that it could then possibly be traced to the killer.  What I found was a townhouse-style building in the city of Toronto and I could actually read the address.  Leo then asked me if I could ‘obtain’ the number of the special task force that was assigned to such crimes, since the local RCMP wouldn’t work with him.  So I asked for the number at the higher level, and wrote it down.

A few minutes later, Leo was speaking to a person in the special division of the RCMP in Toronto who asked how he could have possibly known that unlisted number.  Once Leo told them that we were working on the unsolved murder case in a city 200 miles away, the officer passed us to someone who took the particulars of the information that we had collected at the higher level.  When given the address in Toronto, the officer revealed that it was the address of a known arms dealer and told us that he would contact us if they wanted to know anything further.  He added that, since we had breached their security, the phone number would no longer be valid.

The following day, as Leo and I walked in the downtown mall together after lunch, I pointed out a stranger that closelyLeo Jean's Starlike© paper sculptures: 24 inside a resin pyramid topped by glowing Starlike© resembled the man I had perceived when I was ‘looking’ at the crime scene.  Leo calmly stated that I shouldn’t get excited and we walked by, as the man nodded hello to Leo.  After we were back in the car, Leo told me that I had pointed out the same man as the young man from our group.  He was one of the detectives on the case.

At that point Leo announced that, if we were going to work together, we would no longer be solving crimes or looking for missing persons because of the danger to ourselves.  With great relief I wholeheartedly agreed.

Leo Jean’s reminder/caveat: “Whether you use it or abuse it, you are responsible for the knowledge you gain here.”

It was through those experiences that I came to fully understand why Leo chose to develop and use his higher level power to help heal people rather than to solve crimes.  While Leo had developed his own skills to help defeat tyranny during his work in the OSS during WWII, he was largely working on his own behind enemy lines to effect the positive outcomes he desired.  He had placed himself in so many life-threatening situations that some people that recognized him 50 years later were stupefied that he had survived his missions.

It wasn’t until many years later that we ‘looked’ again at some unsolved crimes.  One notable one was the Chandra Levy disappearance.  We posted some information on our website that drew some negative comments from the FBI on the phone and people like Howard Stern on the radio who practically accused Leo of being a likely suspect.  All we knew was that those sniffer dogs that searched the park must have all had colds, as they initially failed to find the body where it was eventually discovered.

Over the years I’ve learned the responsibility of how and when to use my higher level skills in the most positive ways to help improve our clients’ well-being with the Light* at all levels.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe