7 Ways to Take Back Control

     At this or at any time, you may be looking toward changes that will boost your energy, improve your outlook, and motivate you to move forward into the future you envision.  With all that’s going on in the world, it would be highly beneficial to assume control over the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your life that you may have relinquished to something or someone else.  Although there are elements of our lives over which we have little or no control, there are some things that we can control quite effectively.  Here are a few ways to get started…

  1. Identify what makes you feel out of control, such as your overall personal state, your relationships with others, or your financial condition.A solution for every problem may not seem readily apparent, so take some time to work through how to proceed towards the changes you would like in your life.
  1. Take responsibility for how you arrived in this condition, because then you can do something about it. It’s easy to blame others, but we personally make the decisions that set the direction of our lives.  But don’t be too hard on yourself – being kind to your mind can help you work out a solution without emotional interference.
  1. Forgive yourself. Consider your situation from a nonjudgmental point of view, and factor in the positive elements that presently exist in your personal world.  Get serious about your health and start looking after yourself.  Nurture the relationships you have with people that you care about and strive to be around the family, friends, and colleagues that make you feel comfortable.
  1. Relax and reflect. Learning to fully relax allows your mind to reflect upon the positive and negative aspects of how regaining control could affect your current situation.  Look at how your reaction to your problem has affected you energetically.  Are you allowing old habits to interfere with your progress?  Are you burning out because you’re trying to do too much all the time?  Do you allow your relationships with some people to drain your energy?  Do you procrastinate a lot?  Are you frustrated with your work?
  1. Make a change plan. Define the changes can be made immediately to help you to start taking back control of your well-being. Then include those aspects of your world that you care about and either start with easy small changes or reflect upon how realistic it will be to make big changes immediately possible.  Think things through – then get going to change the rest until you feel like you’re gaining control once again.  The longer you linger, the less motivated you might feel about taking the necessary steps toward improvement.  Then be ready to adapt to changing circumstances that inevitably affect any plan along the way.
  1. Practice self-love and self-acceptance. All your life experiences have made you who you are as a unique individual.  Continue to develop and enjoy those attributes as you bring yourself into a state of balance, so that you’re able to make any desired changes for additional improvement.
  1. Work within. By learning to work within with your spirit and by practicing some essential skills, your efforts may bring clarity to your self-perception and help motivate you to quickly take back control in a relaxed and confident manner.

We are far more capable than our current awareness!  Taking back control means attending to the things that you perceive as important in your life and by selectively choosing the aspects over which you feel you have the ability and confidence to improve.  Now you can get started!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

💫 💖✨

It’s Time for Modern Spirituality!

Most of us would agree that spirituality is a very personal endeavor.  While many people adhere to traditional practices, I’ve discovered a modern approach to spirituality that has proven to be far more useful and life enhancing.  The knowledge obtained through modern spirituality can be used as a protective and defensive practice that promotes both personal well-being and spiritual progress.

Through the practice of working with your spirit, you’ll learn the value of incorporating positive higher-level knowledge into your daily routine.  My own interest in spirituality was initiated when I experienced the removal of negative energies that had been interfering with my well-being since childhood.  Prior to that removal by my mentor, I had been living in a state of turmoil resulting from a childhood experience initiated by an abusive religious representative that had severed my connection to my spiritual self.  However, once my energy flow was realigned and I started to work with my spirit, my life began to improve immediately!  Many people, like me, have been able to let go of the helplessness that accompanies difficulty at any stage of life, and have consequently found inner harmony and renewed energy.

Rather than being a passive approach to spirituality, the interactive dynamics of working with one’s spirit has been shown to be life changing.  Becoming aware of what interferes with you at higher levels of your being can be instrumental in helping you to successfully deal with life’s challenges while keeping your mental, emotional, and physical states in balance.  I’ve been developing a set of tools that assist people at the spiritual level, or what I call the higher level.  Not only can you direct your spiritual self to assist you to deflect negativity, but you can learn to perceive what’s occurring at the higher level of your existence, so that you can act to diffuse any negativity that could be acting against your well-being. 

The modern method of improving the spiritual self may be best evaluated when experienced personally.  Some people are more sensitive than others to higher-level negativity, so it’s especially important for these individuals to learn how to deal with negative energies in an efficient and effective manner.  

Modern spirituality provides…

  • Awareness to identify and diffuse higher-level interference that interferes with your well-being at all levels;
  • Life-changing skills to maintain energetic balance that makes it easier to deal with challenging circumstances;
  • Knowledge that provides strength and confidence to take control of your present life situation so you can make desired changes and independently achieve your goals; and
  • Greater self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self-love!

Modern spirituality enables us to navigate the fluctuating waters of life with relative ease.

Upon learning to work with your spiritual self, you’ll discover a unique way to take control of your life in a more positive and energizing way! 

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit! 


To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

💫 💖✨

Harmonizing Energy

During the past few years, I’ve returned to university to finish my degree!  After my court case I was drawn to study psychology – and I’ve become inspired and fascinated by neuroscience!  After many years of learning about how to work with my spirit and then teaching others this self-healing technique, I’ve learned some different perspectives about the concept of the mind/body/spirit.

In a recent course about learning and memory, I learned that people have historically viewed the study of the human psyche along a continuum ranging from spiritual to purely scientific.  At one end of the continuum, the ancient Greeks believed that the mysterious human psyche was a spirit.  As scientific research of the mind developed, the study of the human mind has become a daunting scientific pursuit to unlock the secrets of the processing unit known as the human brain.  Although there appears to be little interest by the scientific community in the possibility of a higher-level or spiritual aspect of a living being, I’m now very intrigued about the prospect of learning how to study the energetic aspects.  My professor in the learning and memory course suggested that I contact a professor at Cambridge who might be interested in doing a study with me.  However, the Cambridge professor stated that he didn’t have the resources to conduct a study because he thought it could involve medical measures – but I don’t think that would necessarily be the case.

During my recent studies in behavioral, cognitive, and endocrinological neuroscience, I have become quite curious about what happens energetically during the unique realignment process that I have been practicing for over 30 years.  When I work with someone either in person or remotely, I first detect where negative energy is blocking harmonious flow in their physical form.  I can actually sense the points at which their energy flow is blocked and help to close off the points of negative penetration.  Then, I can help bring a flow of positively charged energy into the form to elicit a harmonious state.

By presenting the higher-level nature of the mind/brain as a type of energy rather than a spiritual aspect, the concept might someday be better understood by the scientific community.  Previously, I’ve described the input and output of higher-level energy as packets of energy that can either block the free flow of energy or as packets of energy that freely flow to induce a healthy state.  For instance, negatively charged energy drives a mind/body out of balance into illness, while positively charged energy brings a mind/body back into harmony and health.  I think it may be possible to measure the changes in the outflow of negative energy and the inflow of positive energy.

Although there are many imaging techniques by which the mind/brain is studied, there is still very little known about the extraordinary finesse by which the mind/brain operates.  In order to better understand and be able to describe how realigning energy patterns may elicit a healthy state in another person, I think that the initial step would be to identify a measurement instrument that could measure energy transmission during a realignment.  As I continue my practice and more people can experience the benefits, perhaps this natural/ancient/ futuristic method of energetic realignment will one day be recognized as a supplement to the promotion of health and well-being.

Harmonizing energy within the human body may be an advanced step toward facilitating a healthy state of mind, body, and spirit.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Time Is for Your Essence

Our busy journey through life leaves only so much time to reflect upon the higher-level aspect of this existence.  While we may all think about time differently, the objective framework of linear time guides us along this physical journey from start to finish.  We measure time in terms of the passing of days, months, and years.  However, our spirits appear to exist in a timeless realm in which their progress can only be measured within a physical form.  With that in mind, wouldn’t we be better off spending more time improving what may be the most meaningful aspect of our lives?  

How we perceive subjective time contrasts with the timeless aspect of the spiritual world.  Once we acknowledge a timeless quantum existence at the higher level, we can surmise that there is no temporal or spatial distance to regulate our interaction with others.  In the related interdimensional realm, time also  flows differently and one may experience time expansion compared to objective time.  For instance, you could be inadvertently interacting with others in ways that are not readily apparent within the timespan of a few split seconds.  By learning to work at the higher level, you’ll be able to detect higher-level activity and assert control over your temporal space in a more positive manner. 

Here are some suggestions that may help to enhance your spiritual timeline:

  1. Spend a little time each day going within to work with your spirit.  During this interaction you’ll remain in the present – the best time to bring in positive energy that promotes well-being at all levels.  
  2. The time you spend with your spirit will gradually yield benefits at the physical level, as positive energy filters down more freely from the higher level to enhance your daily life.
  3. Inspiration flows fleetingly from the higher level through the fabric of time to your consciousness, and your ability to instantaneously process this information transfer increases over time.  Regular tuning of your spiritual connection facilitates decision making; improves navigation of challenging circumstances; and enhances your positive higher-level skills.
  4. Your awareness increases every time you identify incoming higher-level signals as beneficial, harmful, or inert.  The way that you accept or reject each type of energy in a timely manner can influence both you and your spirit, in addition to improving your interactions with others.
  5. Even though there may be no quantifiable time at the spiritual level, our time in this physical existence is limited.  Each time we practice self-love, patience, and perseverance, we promote ongoing well-being and spiritual progress.

As you become accustomed to working at the higher level, you’ll soon experience the harmonious timescape that integrates your essence at all levels.  


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Self-Love : Love in Progress


Love is a subjective experience that is one of our most essential elements.  Love is affection, desire, appreciation, and so much more!

We all crave love since the moment we are born!  Love may be the most positively powerful sentiment we can ever express in our lives.  We seek and cherish love, and everyone deserves to love and be loved.

An important aspect of love that may be underestimated is self-love, a state of inner harmony, that can be achieved by fully accepting who we are at any given moment.   

Living in self-love may be one of the most effective ways to make life more fulfilling and enjoyable.  Here are some reasons why:

  1. Self-love begins with self-acceptance at any given moment.
  2. Self-love invigorates self-confidence, motivates self-discipline, and improves mood.
  3. Self-esteem is a byproduct of self-love and allows us to authentically express beauty from within.
  4. Self-love allows us to accept love from others, and to reciprocate by allowing love to flow back to others in a genuine way.
  5. Self-love is a positive force that energizes and heals from within, generating self-satisfaction and lasting happiness.

One way to realize the healing feeling of living in self-love is to actively work with your spirit.  The acts of experiencing self-love and progressing

♡ LOVE ♡

spiritually go hand-in-hand.  When you work toward helping your spirit to reach a positive state, you’ll appreciate the beauty of your spiritual aspect and bring higher-level benefits into your daily life.  In this way, you’ll generate a higher-level love that can improve your life at all levels!


Let’s love ourselves more each day!



I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Strive for Resilient Strength!

Another New Year is on the horizon!  Just one year ago, we were looking forward to a new decade full of hope and promise.  Since the pandemic hit, we’ve become more highly aware of the fragility of our human existence and how interconnected we all are on this planet.  Although this past year has brought some unusual and difficult circumstances, most of us have realized how precious our lives truly are.  As we face the next phase of this historic pandemic, we may experience more inner reflection than usual and strive to find innovative ways to improve our approach to the challenges that await us.

While there are many established ways to maintain a positive outlook and to promote a healthy state at the physical, mental, and emotional levels, there are also ways to approach this biological challenge at the higher level.  When we focus on our progress from a higher-level perspective, everything else falls into place at the other levels of our being.  When you take the time to direct your attention within, you can increase your energy, improve your mood, reduce stress, and allow clarity of thought.  You may discover unforeseen opportunities and possibilities and realize that you are far more capable of overcoming adversity than you may now imagine.  You can resist the tendency to be fearful, angry, or judgmental about the existential threat of the pandemic and instead, focus on expressing love, gratitude, and understanding in order to direct your future well-being from a positive state of strength.    

The way in which we approach current and future challenges in life may be expressed in relation to our spiritual advancement.  As you meet difficult challenges with a positive stance by formulating creative solutions, you’re contributing to your spiritual strength.  By taking a decisive and thoughtful approach to difficult situations, you’re preventing conflict and helplessness at all levels, thereby contributing to an increase in your spiritual progress.  As you work toward achieving progress with your spiritual self, you’ll experience resilient strength and an enhanced ability to cope with any of the challenges that life presents.  

In order to defeat the impact of the pandemic as quickly as possible, our effective higher-level approach must be accompanied by the implementation of a sound physical approach.  As soon as more of the world population has confidence in and follows the scientific strategy as it unfolds, we will act in a unified cooperative manner to successfully end the spread of the virus and preserve human life everywhere.  

The practice of working with your spirit represents the key to unlocking the higher-level skills that propel you toward a happier, healthier, and more prosperous future!

Let’s do our best and we’ll all get through this together!

Happy New Year 2021!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

7 Ways to Work Within

Cherryblossoms April.2020During this and any time, you’ll find that working with your spirit can bring you additional energy and inner strength, as well as provide a sense of calmness and self-satisfaction.

Here are some steps to help make life more enjoyable that involve working within for a few minutes each day:

1.     Make a firm commitment to your spirit that you’ll work with it to refuse and counteract the negativity that you face on a daily basis.

Life is full of challenges for everyone. There are continuous ups and downs and, when you learn to ride the waves by refusing and counteracting negativity before it becomes overwhelming, you’ll have a better connection with your spirit.

2.     Love and accept yourself completely, and start making positive changes in your thinking and lifestyle habits.

Be grateful for who you are as a person and expand on your positive attributes.  Recognize the aspects that don’t make you feel good about yourself and start making changes to your habits and relationships that will improve your well-being.  Practice staying in a positive mode by replacing negative thoughts about yourself and others with constructive observations.

3.     Respect your own free will and the free will of others.


Stop letting others persuade you to do something you don’t want to do, and reciprocate by not pushing your agenda on others.  Each of us has the right to believe in what feels right, to take care of ourselves in the way we see fit, and we should allow others to do the same.

4.     Learn calmness by taking the time to relax.

Spending time in nature can help you to get into synch with the soothing vibrations of the natural world.  Not only will getting out into nature help you feel calmer, it will also improve your mood and refresh your mental resources, especially your directed attention (the attention you use while concentrating).

5.     Bring in plenty of Light! 

The universal Light (capitalized to differentiate a purely positive white light from other colors of the spectrum) is an unlimited positive energy source that you can freely tap into anytime you like.  If your spiritual state is positively charged, it will prove easier to bring in the Light than if it has been drained by negativity.  If you continue to bring in the Light over a long period of time, your spirit can gradually respond to its positive energy.

6.     Perform a daily self-healing.


The main point of doing a daily self-healing is to ensure that you provide a positive environment for your spirit. Many people may require help with this aspect of working with your spirit, because your physical health is related to your spiritual health – and vice versa.  If your spirit has been compromised with negativity, your efforts to self-heal may be less effective, but still give it some time. You can regularly bring the Light into your glands, organs, electrical system, and spiritual apertures for a few minutes each day.

7.     Enjoy each day as a new opportunity to learn, grow, and appreciate your dynamic relationship with your spirit!
Keep making adjustments to your ever-changing life. Allow the nurturing of your relationship with your spirit to help you thoughtfully interact with others, take care of yourself, and appreciate who you are as a precious person on this planet.

Take care of yourselves and everyone you love now and as you advance into your future!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

2020: A Year for Clear Vision!


What are your expectations for 2020?  The start of this new decade is an excellent opportunity to direct your attention toward the life you desire by starting to make positive changes right now!

Are you excited about your future?  The enthusiasm you generate by just thinking about making positive changes can generate the momentum you need to strategize and move toward the  future you envision.  You can practice letting go of past memories about times when things didn’t go quite as anticipated and, instead, start focusing on how to stay enthusiastic during the process of getting to your preferred state.

Changing Atmosphere.wpHave you considered what personal changes may be necessary to facilitate your progress? It may be time for you to change some attitudes, to believe in yourself more, and to view your future as a work in progress, rather than as a lofty goal that may seem unattainable.  During this time of transition you’ll need to be prepared to meet unexpected challenges and be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances.

Would you be open to new ideas that could help you to overcome challenges and nurture higher-level skills that may help you to more easily streamline your strategy? Despite our individual differences, we are all similarly equipped as spiritual beings.  Through the process of working with a positively-oriented spirit and accessing the untapped higher-level skills that are generated by working within, you may overcome barriers that you once believed to be impervious to your efforts. As you increase your awareness and ability to counteract sources of difficulty, the inclusion of your spiritual aspect as a contributing factor may help you view your future state with far more clarity.

Starting in 2020, let’s make a commitment to promote positive change at all levels that makes our lives happier, healthier, and more meaningful in this new year and beyond!



I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Why NOT to Summon Spirits

PinkEdgedCloudwpPeople summon spirits for different reasons and, while some call in spirits deliberately, others do it inadvertently.  Either way, there are many misconceptions about the summoning of spirits that can lead to unintentional consequences.

If you’re naïve enough to think you can summon a spirit or spirits for some useful purpose, you need to give it a lot more consideration.  From my experiences of helping people to remove persistent negativity, I can tell you that any spirit that you think you’re calling in might respond in a manner completely contrary to your original intention.

Lots of people are interested in the practice of summoning a spirit guide, ‘angel’ or other supposedly beneficial being, because they think they’re going to be provided with assistance or needed information.  The practice of inviting a spirit to act as one’s spirit guide or for any other reason is a precarious spiritual practice that can potentially cause harm.  So-called spirit guides can offer little for your wellbeing, but are masters at deception.

Spirits exist in a realm of existence where they often act in very unpredictable ways.  Most act in unity with other spirits with definite goals, but there are many that act in a random manner.  All target people that are vulnerable.  If you summon a spirit for any reason, you will attract an idle spirit or group of spirits to your invitation.  And you wouldn’t know the difference!

People are conditioned to summon spirits, likely because it’s an accepted ancient practice in every ‘place of worship’ on the planet.  Although people think their prayers are beneficial, the practice is actually an open invitation to an unlimited number of spirits to enter their presence.  A single spirit or groups of spirits will continue to hang around each of the attendees long after they’ve left the building.  People pray because the spirits that respond will often give them temporary relief from their problems but, in actuality, those spirits will remain with them indefinitely, often with much different outcomes.

My Sky Golden

How do those who are summoning/praying/chanting know which being they’re actually summoning?  In reality, they have no idea! Even if someone is calling on a specific deity, angel, deceased person or other spiritual being, anyone in the spiritual realm can respond.  Spirits around the earth are negatively oriented beings, and any number of idle spirits is just waiting for the chance to attach to unsuspecting people.

Once a spirit has been summoned it’s extremely hard to get rid of it, because it’s their negative nature to make every attempt to attach to the person that summoned them.  The consequences of this negative interference is even more detrimental to your spirit and can cause it to be increasingly isolated from you.

From the perspective of someone who has spent many years learning and teaching positive spiritual knowledge, I can advise that the only spirit that you should associate with is your own spirit, because it’s the only way to safely interact with the spiritual world.

Working with your own spirit and the Light* is the only reliable method to obtain positive results from spiritual interaction, so why not learn how?

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually around the globe with people from every background 

Positive Headway

WaveThe ideal morality we aspired to as children is constantly being challenged as we reconcile the discrepancy between an idyllic world and the reality we experience. If we were to instead view life simply in terms of positive and negative, it would help make sense of what happens at all levels of our being.

While most of us will generally agree upon what is positive and what is negative, much of our evaluation is subjective, based on our own values, conditioning and past experiences. We can more easily assess the remaining gray areas with the help of higher-level skills acquired through daily practice.

At a larger scale we see how corruption runs rampant in our government, religious and corporate institutions, and we eventually become desensitized to deception, hypocrisy and greed. Since we’re unable to do anything significant about their actions, we can only assess whether the institution makes a positive or negative contribution to our personal lives. There’s no need to become upset by the blatant negativity expressed by governments, religions and corporations – why not just evaluate them as either positive or negative and move on?

In our own personal lives, at this level we have the power to make positive changes to enhance our life situation. But it’s not always easy to rid ourselves of the lingering negativity of the past, unless we have some tools to help us remove those barriers to having a positive life. We’ve all been conditioned to accept so much negativity unopposed into our lives that we often can’t distinguish the difference anymore. Amazing changes can be made when we stop allowing its detrimental effect on our wellbeing!

On a daily basis we make decisions about the positive and negative nature of our relationships, our workplace environment and our general wellbeing. It helps to regard our relationships as either positive or negative to manage the emotions we generally feel about people. Evaluating a coworker or boss as a positive or negative in the workplace also helps to diminish their influence on our energy and concentration. We can make more intelligent health and wealth decisions based on the positive or negative nature of each consideration. In this way we can stop accepting higher-level interference and enjoy who we are, the benefits of what we’ve achieved and the reasons for what we’re doing at the present time.

Ocean Surface

At the spiritual level we are constantly swimming against the tide of negativity and devising ways of staying afloat in positive mode. As we progress and attain higher-level skills, we become more adept at maintaining our balance on the crests of the waves. As we find ourselves maneuvering through each trough, we swim with stronger strokes to rise up and continue riding upon a crest again. Each day on the ocean of life can be exhilarating, when we apply higher-level knowledge to facilitate our journey.

Ocean CloudsYour spirit is much more sensitive to and affected by the negativity you accept or reject at all levels.   When you learn to regard people, places and inanimate things as either positive or negative, it helps you to overcome unpleasant past occurrences, improve your present situation and move you into a brighter future. If you want your spirit to be more positive, then you have to put effort into identifying and refusing the negative influences that interfere with you at any given moment.

Making a commitment to be positive at all levels is of paramount importance to the wellbeing of our individual spirits, so being able to refuse the negatives and promote the positives in our lives makes us better navigators of these undulating waters of life.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Re-Understand Yourself Better

A Bright Galaxy Interacts With a Companion

A Bright Galaxy Interacts With a Companion

Expanding on #8 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

When we were children our entire world transpired around us and we were in tune with our spiritual selves. We were able to fashion ways to solve problems through sheer imagination and adaptation to every challenging situation. As we grew older we lost our connection with our spiritual selves, mainly because we became conditioned to relinquish our spiritual connection, to adopt our family’s belief system and try to fit in with everyone else.

Especially if we were bullied or abused as children, our adulthood would become full of mental and emotional issues that interfered with our sense of belonging. Some of us would adapt well to some extent, but many would become lost in a circle of self-repugnance. Then, we further isolated our spirits from our selves as the distractions of life kept us so busy.

Most of us have no idea of what reconnecting with our spiritual selves means. Your spirit is a distinct sentient being that makes choices but, just like many of us, it has been subjected to conditioning, bullying and other infractions of its free will. Unfortunately, many spirits have lost their positive knowledge and drift lost or idle throughout the cosmos. Ironically, although their knowledge should be far superior to ours, a spirit’s only means toward progress is to be directed through its physical form. And we really have no idea of knowing what to do, because our civilization has progressively lost its spiritual knowledge.

For instance, when I was a child, I was led to believe that everything would be fine spiritually, as long as I followed a set of beliefs. However, when the shattering of the fairy tale (when I was raped by a member of the clergy) made me feel lost and idle, very much like what happens to spirits after they’ve been conditioned, betrayed and abused, I went through a disoriented state that spiraled into self-destructive behavior. But I never stopped questioning the system and kept searching for some logical inkling of positivity in my existence. As soon as I started to work with my spirit, there was a “Wow!” moment and I suddenly realized a fundamental sense of self once again.

A similar scenario seems to have occurred to a great number of spirits that have congregated on our planet. Too many spirits have been affected by negative experiences that have eroded the integrity of their being. While you learn how to work with your spirit, it begins to realize purpose and meaning in its own existence, just like you will. Of course, as you strive to maintain a positive stance at all levels, you and your spirit need to learn to work with the Light* to counteract the impact and influence of negativity. (I capitalize the word ‘Light’ to distinguish pure white light and its purely positive energy from any component spectrum of light that harbors negativity.)

Once you start working within with your spirit and the Light, you’ll realize you have the ability to change your life through the application of positive universal principles that bring harmony within. Just knowing that your spirit is progressing because of your efforts brings a wealth of positive energy to invigorate your life.

Reconnecting with your spirit will bring you the understanding that you are responsible for the wellbeing of a distinct sentient being that can reciprocate a comforting sense of self once again.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Higher-Level Free Will

Spiral Galaxy M100

Spiral Galaxy M100

Expanding on #6 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

We understand what the taking and breaking of free will means and how it’s affected us throughout our lives, but what does it mean to have free will at the higher level?  How would it affect you?

In a similar way to how your free will works, what if your spirit, as a sentient being, also makes choices that affect its wellbeing?  Throughout its quantum existence, your spirit deliberates alternatives that determine positive or negative outcomes as it continues on its timeless journey.

However, what if much of your spirit’s free will has been eroded in a manner similar to the constant conditioning you’ve undergone in your life? Just as your conscious decisions are based on past experiences, observations and incoming suggestions, your spirit’s ability to choose between positive and negative alternatives in the spiritual realm might be influenced in the same way.

How would you know if your spirit’s free will has been weakened or compromised, so that it could be filtering down negative information to you, instead of inspiring you in a positive way?  It would help you to become aware of how to deal with higher-level negativity that could influence your decisions and interfere with your judgment at the physical level, especially if you’re spiritually sensitive.

Furthermore, what if your spirit has already exercised its free will and has chosen to accept negative orientation?  Since your spirit relies on your conscious direction to either accept or reject negativity, and you rely on your spirit to help you counteract negativity with the positive energy of the Light*, you could be working against each other’s will!

Wouldn’t it be great to know you’re working in concert with a spirit that’s positively oriented, so that you can more effectively clear your mind of negative influences during the process of making decisions?

When you learn to work harmoniously with your spirit, you can exercise your free will at all levels by eliminating higher-level negativity that infringes upon your freedom to make positive choices that enhance your wellbeing.


Find out how I can help determine whether your spirit is helping or hindering your efforts to be positive and what to do about it, by visiting my website: OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit


Freedom From Fear

Eagle Nebula

The Eagle Nebula

Expanding on #2 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

From the awkwardness of shyness to the extreme anxiety of terror, all fear is essentially the same.  

Wild animals instinctively assess their position whenever they encounter an unknown or dangerous situation.  Likewise we, as humans, instantaneously assess for a fight or flight response and our fear can either freeze us in terror or cause courage to emerge.

For many of us the lingering memories of childhood experiences set off alarms when we’re faced with threatening circumstances.  Many of us were bullied, abused or continually cautioned with negatives like: “Don’t…! ” or “You’ll never…!”  Such phrases seem to crop up whenever we’re faced with challenges to our wellbeing.

As a consequence, the negative memories stored over time at the physical, mental and higher levels contribute to self-doubt and indecisiveness.  These limitations on our ability to adapt healthfully to change inhibit us from reaching our full potential.

On top of the physical and mental effects of fear, spiritual negativity is attracted during distressing situations and we carry that accumulation into adulthood.  Fearful events often cause a child to open up to one or more negatively oriented spirits that remain with them throughout their lifetime.

Fear is the greatest of negative tools, and built up spiritual negativity amplifies the effect of past memories and the perceived threat of a challenging situation.  Fear can be real or imagined and sensible solutions are best prompted when we’re steadily cool, calm and collected.

Last summer, I was confronted with what might have been an alarming experience in a grocery store parking lot, but my ongoing work with my spirit proved very effective.  A woman’s plastic shoe became stuck under the accelerator of her SUV, causing her to race toward me with such force that she ran into another SUV and that vehicle struck another.  The SUV missed me by only a few inches, yet I maintained my presence of mind, called 911 and headed home, remarkably composed.

Because I know how to work with my spirit, I automatically refused the perceived negativity as soon as I heard the screeching sound of the driver spinning her tires.  So my spirit and I were already counteracting the wave of negative energy directed toward me before the SUV sped past just behind me.

Goose Spit, Vancouver Is. Canada~Photo by M. Barclay

Goose Spit, Vancouver Is. Canada~Photo by M. Barclay

The more higher-level awareness you acquire, the better prepared you’ll be when fear strikes.  Instead of allowing the onset of bodily chemical processes to further complicate your response to simple stressful situations or major catastrophic events, your higher self and spirit can help you to go forward in confidence.

By going within to work with your spirit, you’ll take charge of all aspects of your being and bring your spiritual knowledge into play.  You’ll be more composed to better assess fear-triggering situations so you’re prepared to respond rationally.

Getting rid of fear and self-doubt are only part of what working with your spirit can add to your life…just imagine how strong and confident you’ll become as you progress!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:
10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Spiritual Development

Hs-2006-55 a Star-forming region lh95 in the large magellanic cloud Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration

Star-forming region in the large magellanic cloud

With all the technological advancement in our civilization, it’s troubling how primitive we are when it comes to spirituality.  My approach to spiritual development is to initiate a personal process that brings a crescendo of positive self-realizations to promote ongoing wellbeing.

Somehow spiritual progress is sorely lacking in the world today.  It’s dumbfounding how the antiquated spiritual belief systems that were contrived millennia ago continue to convince believers…if any good really resulted from religious worship, life on our planet would be far more harmonious.  Instead we endure continuous fallout from all the perpetual divisiveness.  It’s time we moved on from the archaic notions of heaven and hell; god and the devil; righteous and sinner; and all the malice, resentment and entitlement these concepts promote!

During the past 30 years I’ve had the pleasure of helping people from many different backgrounds to develop a positive relationship with their spirit.  Like me, many are spiritually sensitive and were introduced to their family’s religious belief system as children, and they started searching for their essential self at some point along the way.  A lot of them had already tried other methods that proved ineffective, adding to the amount of spiritual negativity they accepted over time.

When I work with a client who is receptive to autonomous spiritual development, I start by explaining how their spirit is integrated into their overall health.   A spirit is a distinct sentient being that timelessly advances its quantum intelligence and memories, but needs interaction with a physical form in order to progress in its existence.

My clients learn to work with their higher self, the liaison between them and their spirit, in order to access and interpret relevant information from the spiritual and inter-dimensional realms.  By effectively removing higher-level negativity, their spirit, higher self and physical form can then work in unison to promote wellbeing at all levels.

One of the most common and little known aspects of our human conditioning is that most people open to negatively oriented beings early in life, so that their original spirit is no longer the only one in their form.  This loading up of spiritual negativity is the primary reason why so many cannot connect harmoniously with their spirit.

At first the notion of having let in a few negative spirits might conjure up images of scary movies about exorcism and demons, but that’s all part of the myth about what spirits are and how they affect people.  Negatively oriented spirits are everywhere around this planet, but they can’t interfere with someone who knows how to refuse them properly and counteract their influence.  There’s nothing spooky or dramatic about getting rid of negative energy/spirits, even though it’s depicted that way by religious or other practitioners.

Once any negatively oriented spirits have been removed, I determine whether my client’s spirit has already left, or if it’s positive enough to counteract the negativity that they’ll be facing.  In order to enable them to work with the unlimited positive energy source of the *Light, I then ask their permission to bring a positively oriented ‘exchange spirit’ and match its frequency and vibration to my client’s.  In today’s terms, a suitable spirit could be compared to a compatible operating system that properly interfaces a body with its spirit.

Now the process of spiritual development can begin. With a positively oriented spirit that’s committed to work with the positive energy of the pure white Light, my clients are ready to progress alongside their spirit toward a positive state of existence.

If you’re searching for spiritual knowledge, it’s important to know that positive spiritual development is a daily endeavor – and working with a positively oriented spirit is tantamount to your successful progress.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Creating Positive Change

A Butterfly Nebula

A Butterfly Nebula

At times it just seems impossible to make changes to better your life, because negativity just keeps bombarding you, no matter what you do.   But – if you’re ready for the most innovative response to eliminating negative intrusions upon your efforts – you can learn to work with your spirit to create positive change!

Since childhood, we’ve been craftily digging ourselves out of the negativity that has interrupted our happiness along the way.  When we were children almost any little slice out of our happy mood sent us brooding, but we always seemed to find a solution that brought us sparkling back into our happy mood.

Over time we became accustomed to allowing higher-level negativity to act as a reinforcement whenever we entered a state of negativity, and it became increasingly hard to emerge from the quagmire. But how do we stop attracting the higher-level negativity that descends upon us when we’ve entered that state?  That’s when working with your spirit and the Light* becomes the most useful.

That’s what your spirit is for…to help you to resist, counteract and eliminate negativity from your life.  Your spirit is just waiting for you to come to the realization that you understand that essential concept and are prepared to work with it.Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture with butterfly in resin base

As your spirit helps you to overcome negativity, in return you help your spirit to progress toward a positive existence.  This whole process involves using the Light as a positive tool in your daily routine.  It’s not just thinking about getting out of a negative mood – it’s about getting into the good habit of refusing and counteracting the negativity that triggers and perpetuates that state.

Once you can extricate yourself from a lackluster state of negativity, you can start making some incredible steps toward the positive ‘you’!  Remember that creative child that always believed you were capable of doing anything you put your mind to?  Well, that ‘you’ is still there, waiting for you to break through that negative blockade you’ve been building around yourself.

Instead of continuously allowing negativity to invade your well-being, you can make positive changes now, by taking daily steps toward your positive future.  Here are some ways to get started:
  1. Accept yourself for you are, right now, in this moment in time. Forgive yourself, then start loving and believing in yourself a little more each day.
  2. Focus on your positive aspects. Avoid comparing yourself to someone else –you’re unique – be genuinely you!
  3. Focus on what’s most important to your well-being right now. Leave behind the negativity of the past…you can’t change it, but you can make improvements as you move forward.Gloria@Niagarawp
  4. Make lifestyle changes that will remove the negative and add more positive elements – get outside and walk in the fresh air; exercise; eat healthier; change your look; do something creative – to bring joy into your life.
  5. Make realistic goals that are achievable in the short-term, so you’re more easily able to attain positive results from your daily efforts.
  6. Make a commitment to work with your spirit and the Light.  Once you learn how to effectively work with your spirit to remove the negative interference, it will be so much easier to make lasting positive changes.
  7. Keep at it every day …creating your positive life is a work in progress!
Remember to work on your positive future in the now – each day makes a difference – because even small changes will accumulate quickly into a shining new positive you!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


Breaking Through Into 2014

Taken Under the "Wing" of the Small Magellanic Cloud Credit: NASA, ESA, CXC and the University of Potsdam, JPL-Caltech, and STScI

Be the Star You Are!

At this time of year most of us are looking toward positive change in our lives.  Sometimes the unknowns of the future can appear intimidating, so why not create your desired future more easily by making an effort to develop your innate higher-level talents in the upcoming year?

As an integral part of our universal existence, each of us has the implicit responsibility to promote the progress of our spirits.  There are no ‘old souls’ – all our unique spirits were created at the same instant, just as all the stuff of the stars was present at the origin of our majestic universe. Over time some spirits acquired more knowledge than others, so we all started off with different levels of enlightenment in this lifetime.

If your spirit started with a low knowledge base or brought forward negative accumulation, it would lessen your ability to deal with higher-level negativity.  However, once you start applying positive spiritual principles to your life, you’ll amplify your potential to overcome the negativity that interferes with your wellbeing.

Starburst cluster shows celestial fireworks Credit: NASA, ESA, R. O'Connell (University of Virginia), F. Paresce (National Institute for Astrophysics, Bologna, Italy), E. Young (Universities Space Research Association/Ames Research Center), the WFC3 Science Oversight Committee, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Starburst cluster shows celestial fireworks

Although I met with some difficult personal challenges during the past year, it hasn’t diminished my enthusiasm but, instead, it has fueled my determination to continue to create the positive future I desire.  Not only have I become more capable of counteracting the higher-level negativity that accompanies difficult times, I’ve gained strength and helped my spirit to progress.  Now I’ll bring that knowledge forward as I build my future and help my clients to build theirs.

Why not supercharge your life in the New Year by approaching your goals with a focused perspective as you incorporate positive spiritual principles into your life?  You’ll be surprised at how rapidly you’ll achieve lasting positive change in 2014!

I’m ready for my best year ever…are you?

Happy New Year!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Why NOT to Summon Spirits

PinkEdgedCloudwpPeople summon spirits for different reasons and, while some call in spirits deliberately, others do it inadvertently.  Either way, there are many misconceptions about the summoning of spirits that can lead to unintentional consequences.

If you’re naïve enough to think you can summon a spirit or spirits for some useful purpose, you need to give it a lot more consideration.  From my experiences of helping people to remove persistent negativity, I can tell you that any spirit that you think you’re calling in might respond in a manner completely contrary to your original intention.

Lots of people are interested in the practice of summoning a spirit guide, ‘angel’ or other supposedly beneficial being, because they think they’re going to be provided with assistance or needed information.  The practice of inviting a spirit to act as one’s spirit guide or for any other reason is a precarious spiritual practice that can potentially cause harm.  So-called spirit guides can offer little for your wellbeing, but are masters at deception.

Spirits exist in a realm of existence where they often act in very unpredictable ways.  Most act in unity with other spirits with definite goals, but there are many that act in a random manner.  All target people that are vulnerable.  If you summon a spirit for any reason, you will attract an idle spirit or group of spirits to your invitation.  And you wouldn’t know the difference!

People are conditioned to summon spirits, likely because it’s an accepted ancient practice in every ‘place of worship’ on the planet.  Although people think their prayers are beneficial, the practice is actually an open invitation to an unlimited number of spirits to enter their presence.  A single spirit or groups of spirits will continue to hang around each of the attendees long after they’ve left the building.  People pray because the spirits that respond will often give them temporary relief from their problems but, in actuality, those spirits will remain with them indefinitely, often with much different outcomes.

My Sky Golden

How do those who are summoning/praying/chanting know which being they’re actually summoning?  In reality, they have no idea! Even if someone is calling on a specific deity, angel, deceased person or other spiritual being, anyone in the spiritual realm can respond.  Spirits around the earth are negatively oriented beings, and any number of idle spirits is just waiting for the chance to attach to unsuspecting people.

Once a spirit has been summoned it’s extremely hard to get rid of it, because it’s their negative nature to make every attempt to attach to the person that summoned them.  The consequences of this negative interference is even more detrimental to your spirit and can cause it to be increasingly isolated from you.

From the perspective of someone who has spent many years learning and teaching positive spiritual knowledge, I can advise that the only spirit that you should associate with is your own spirit, because it’s the only way to safely interact with the spiritual world.

Working with your own spirit and the Light* is the only reliable method to obtain positive results from spiritual interaction, so why not learn how?

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually around the globe with people from every background 

Thank Yourself for Being You!

peachtreewpSome of us think that our lives are destined to be mediocre, that we have no power to bring ourselves into a level of being that makes us feel more competent, complete and appreciated.

Why do we feel like we’re lost in our everyday struggles, oblivious to the parts of ourselves that could be helpful?  We just sort of amble along, hoping that something will miraculously change and bring us the kind of dynamic life that we think we’re craving.  If that sounds like you, then you’re ready to stir up some changes in your life!

Years ago when I was worrying and feeling helpless about my life, I started looking for something that would create changes at a level that weren’t addressed by traditional remedies.  When I found out about working with my spirit and the Light*, I suddenly became invigorated with the possibilities that my life actually presented.

When you choose to open a positive pathway into your higher-level capabilities, you’ll become more aware of the factors that block access to your inherent talents.  A great deal of the interference that diminishes your self-esteem and creativity originates at the higher level of your being.

What if you’ve been creating the higher-level factors that contribute to such interference because you’ve been accepting and reinforcing your own negative conceptions about yourself? What if you’ve been creating and attracting additional negativity because of those thoughts?  Is it possible that other people pick up on your lack of confidence and low self-esteem, in the same way that you pick up on the over-inflated attitudes of some very self-absorbed people? One thing’s for certain: You’re never going to please everyone all the time, and you have to accept that as part of being human.

Monkey Puzzle Tree

At one time I was shy and afraid of what others might think of me but, once I started to work with my spirit, my self-perspective changed.  I always learn from my interactions with others, whether their opinion appears important or not.

The other day, while I was out for a walk, I stopped to greet a dog on a leash that came running up to me.  The owner immediately started to apologize for her pet, but I assured her that I always welcome such greetings.  The owner told me that her dog never stops to greet anyone, ever.  I considered it a compliment to have such a discerning animal set me apart for a greeting, as though it was her acknowledgment of my harmony within.

How can you begin to accept yourself the way you are, so that you can feel comfortable about being the person you truly are inside?  That’s what self esteem’s  all about!  When you start to love yourself and believe in yourself, you’ll suddenly realize your positive qualities and allow them to flow outward into the world.

As you look at yourself from a positive perspective, accept yourself, then thank yourself and take it from there!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Add a Positive Dimension to Your Life

Tranquil WaterfallIf you’re embarrassed about talking about spiritual or inter-dimensional subjects, you’re not alone.  Doesn’t it appear that a lot of people shy away from the most important aspect of their life…their spiritual self?

Before I started to work with my spirit, I had been living with a very negatively oriented man who used to ridicule me every time I talked about supernatural phenomenon.  This person considered that anyone who talked about higher-level subjects were mistaken and misinformed and I had accepted his conditioning.  I was miserable and had some spiritual and higher dimensional experiences that begged explanation, but I didn’t feel free to talk about them.

After I learned how to work with my spirit, I realized that I had reestablished a direct connection between my physical and spiritual selves.  It’s not about being religious (I was subjected to that as a child), but about being aware of what’s going on in the higher levels of my being.  In the ancient past many of those who were connected with the spiritual world were in it for negative reasons…to acquire or maintain power.

As the major religious institutions were established, they felt that they should be the only ones with spiritual knowledge, and convinced everyone to take shelter under their wings.  So many of us have been raised to believe that the belief system of our family is the ‘right’ one.

Many children have asked me to explain why they see higher-level beings and activities while attending religious ceremonies.  Unfortunately, most children lose their ability to perceive such occurrences and as adults become part of the desperate packs of people who count on their religious institutions to provide their spiritual ‘salvation’ in return for adhering to a variety of religious doctrines. However, it’s now clearly apparent that each one of us is responsible for our own spirit.


When a child begins working with their spirit and the Light* early in life, they have the opportunity to deflect the inevitable onslaught of negativity that greets us all.  Instead of being vulnerable and unprepared, a child with positive spiritual knowledge can utilize the principles of working with their spirit to better direct themselves toward a positive future.

Similarly, adults who begin working with their spirit can immediately effect positive change…we just have to work at it with more conscious effort.  Because of all our acquired habits and inadvertent acceptance of the negative elements in our lives, we have to relearn how to identify negative trends, so that we can deal with or eliminate the effects.

Not only does self -awareness at all levels nurture a more positive physical state but, when you work with your spirit to counteract negativity, you benefit from the elimination of negative energy that inhibits your well-being.  There are so many ways that spiritual and inter-dimensional negativity can affect you – without you even knowing it!

Why not learn how to work with your spirit and add a positive dimension to your life?

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Real Spirituality

Tranquil StreamWhen I first heard about the concept of working with my spirit to enhance my life, it felt like a veil of uncertainty had been lifted from me and I could suddenly view my life and future in truly positive terms.

On Thursday evening I took Leo’s ashes to a nature park adjacent to the Niagara River so that his physical remains could return to the earth.  Many years ago Leo told me how he felt about his physical form, once his spirit would have left.  In his usually humorous way, he described how his body without his spirit should be recycled, just as any other discarded vessel that we use on a daily basis.  When he had completed his work in the physical form that I knew, I immediately took the initiative to enact his wishes.

Niagara Falls 2013

From my perspective it was a fitting journey that I saw as a metaphor for Leo’s life.  There was true harmony in having the remains of his physical form start off so nobly from the tranquility of the meandering stream in a beautiful natural setting only to empty into the roaring rapids of the Niagara River.  They cascaded over the Falls with the same sheer energy that he exerted as he plunged into the many exciting experiences of his younger years.  Then, as the physical particles churned further downstream to the magnificent whirlpool that etched through the walls of the Niagara Escarpment, it compares to how he had molded the events of his long and vibrant life into the succinct teachings of his spiritual philosophy.   Afterwards, as the signature particles of his physical form made their way along the river and emptied into the waters of Lake Ontario, they’ll eventually flow back into the vastness of the ocean, just as they’ve reentered the spiritual realm in a timeless sophisticated cosmos.

Sunlight raysOf course, as I’ve been letting go of missing Leo’s physical presence, I’ve cried intermittently to release those natural emotions.  However, I’m not falling apart as some people do, because I’m not afraid of happens after someone leaves their physical form, nor of the journey before me.  Instead I reflect on the most positive memories and how Leo used to bring smiles and laughter to the saddest people as they faced the complexity of their lives.  And each day brings renewed energy and strength!

Star Cluster

The most fulfilling daily activity imaginable is to prepare my spirit for its journey into the positive realm, as Leo has so aptly done.   I’ll continue to consciously direct my spirit under positive principles toward its ultimate goal of returning to the Light.

I’m so fortunate to have learned the intricacies of how to interact with the spirits of those with whom I work, so I can help their physical forms assist them on their journey.  What better way to live one’s life?

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!