Time Is for Your Essence

Our busy journey through life leaves only so much time to reflect upon the higher-level aspect of this existence.  While we may all think about time differently, the objective framework of linear time guides us along this physical journey from start to finish.  We measure time in terms of the passing of days, months, and years.  However, our spirits appear to exist in a timeless realm in which their progress can only be measured within a physical form.  With that in mind, wouldn’t we be better off spending more time improving what may be the most meaningful aspect of our lives?  

How we perceive subjective time contrasts with the timeless aspect of the spiritual world.  Once we acknowledge a timeless quantum existence at the higher level, we can surmise that there is no temporal or spatial distance to regulate our interaction with others.  In the related interdimensional realm, time also  flows differently and one may experience time expansion compared to objective time.  For instance, you could be inadvertently interacting with others in ways that are not readily apparent within the timespan of a few split seconds.  By learning to work at the higher level, you’ll be able to detect higher-level activity and assert control over your temporal space in a more positive manner. 

Here are some suggestions that may help to enhance your spiritual timeline:

  1. Spend a little time each day going within to work with your spirit.  During this interaction you’ll remain in the present – the best time to bring in positive energy that promotes well-being at all levels.  
  2. The time you spend with your spirit will gradually yield benefits at the physical level, as positive energy filters down more freely from the higher level to enhance your daily life.
  3. Inspiration flows fleetingly from the higher level through the fabric of time to your consciousness, and your ability to instantaneously process this information transfer increases over time.  Regular tuning of your spiritual connection facilitates decision making; improves navigation of challenging circumstances; and enhances your positive higher-level skills.
  4. Your awareness increases every time you identify incoming higher-level signals as beneficial, harmful, or inert.  The way that you accept or reject each type of energy in a timely manner can influence both you and your spirit, in addition to improving your interactions with others.
  5. Even though there may be no quantifiable time at the spiritual level, our time in this physical existence is limited.  Each time we practice self-love, patience, and perseverance, we promote ongoing well-being and spiritual progress.

As you become accustomed to working at the higher level, you’ll soon experience the harmonious timescape that integrates your essence at all levels.  


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Aspire Higher in 2019!

HorizonalTangentwpNow that we’re entering another new year, we can look forward to the many prospects before us.  We can take advantage of this new calendar year to make the changes that will take us in the direction that we want to go!

From year to year our memories contain the highlights of our lives.  However, our day-to-day experiences could hold so much more significance if we were to think about progressing at a higher level. Each day holds such great potential for personal advancement, yet it’s so easy to get lost in the activities of the day and lose attention for what we really want to be doing.  Our thoughts about the world around us contain the elements of negative and positive processes that can cause either deteriorating or ameliorating experiences.  If we were to consider ourselves as spiritual beings that can work through our higher consciousness, we could view our existence as an opportunity to gain positive universal knowledge.  In this way, we can increase our awareness of how we can be positive in each moment and stand up for ourselves, so that we can maintain our energy and enthusiasm for reaching our preferred state of being.


From the perspective that our spirits operate at a much higher level than we do, we could   effectively use a higher-level standard to guide us toward a more positive life experience.  Rather than waste precious time thinking about what could or should be happening in life, we could be working at the higher level every day to promote our own spiritual progress.  Working toward a state of harmony within naturally contributes to our wellbeing, and allows us to generate the strength and means to achieve our goals.

In 2019, let’s aspire to have the kind of existence we desire…

Let’s use our imagination and create our future as we visualize it to be.

Let’s be kind to ourselves and practice patience and understanding along the way, so that we feel comfortable with the process of creating positive changes.

And let’s smile to express who we are at the spiritual level and draw from our inner beauty and strength.

2019 is going to be amazing!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

You Are a Star – Speak Out!

A spiral in AndromedaThe other day one of my friends on social media shared a 2014 video of a tearful young North Korean woman who delivered a compelling account of her perilous journey to what she thought was freedom in China.  As they navigated by the night sky, Yeon-mi Park described how she felt that only the stars were with them. This is one of the feelings that oppressed or abused people deal with throughout their lives, because they have been separated from the harmony within that was meant to exist. In speaking out about the tragedy that she and others in her country have lived through, this brave young refugee exemplifies the need to talk about abusive experiences in order for self-healing to take place.

One thing that I’ve had to learn as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse is that I’ve had to deal with not only the self-destructive feelings in the aftermath of the abuse, but also with the physical repercussions of feeling isolated from everyone else in my life. My own experience, although not nearly as tragic as Yeon-mi’s, once brought me to the same place: looking up at the stars and wondering if anyone anywhere even cared about me.

One thing about keeping secrets is that, for the purpose of keeping someone else’s confidence, such promises ‘not to tell anyone’ are proper morals in our society. However, when someone has abused you and threatened you not to tell anyone, the corrosive nature of that twisted confidentiality gradually eats away at you from within. Too many people are walking around today, like I used to, with self-destructive tendencies because of the shameful secrets of victimization that have led to withdrawal, depression, self-medication and uncharacteristic behavior.

We survivors of abuse must speak out, because it’s the only way to stop the deterioration 0105-4x5color.aiof our being and start the healing process. We did nothing wrong, but bear the shame and guilt of having been violated, often by the people we were supposed to have trusted most. Unless we break through the fear and finally tell a friend, family member or seek professional help, the hurt will keep festering away within. Not only does the aftermath of abuse cause emotional and mental difficulty and ongoing trauma to our bodies, it also impacts our spiritual selves in a vicious cycle of pernicious negativity. Fortunately I found a way to work within with my spirit, so that I was able to stop the cycle to regain my self-esteem, dignity and self-heal over time.

It’s clear that, no matter how difficult it is to come forward, we must speak out loudly against abuse and oppression, so that depravity and corruption of power can be exposed and curtailed. And equally as important, instead of being judgmental, we must listen to others and be understanding of their experience. Otherwise, at the planetary and personal levels, we could all be complicit in allowing such atrocities to continue to happen to the world’s children.

The next time you look up at the stars, realize that you’re not the only one who has gazed upon them either in wonderment or for solace – we are all stars in the mesh of humanity!

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Inner Essentials

Spiral Galaxy NGC 7742 Even as astronomers scour the galaxy for signs of extraterrestrial life in the billions of locations that are potentially suited to sustain complex organisms, there are so many questions about our existence that need to be explored and discovered at the higher levels of our being. Instead, we are still fighting the endless conflicts of religion and politics that continue to divide and create greater disparity between us. In the micro-cosmos that begins here within each and every one of us, there is still great progress to be made toward reaching a harmonious balance that includes all aspects of our existence.

As young children, when our emotional, physical and spiritual worlds were still melded in wholesomeness, our inner happiness and peace could shine through in youthful energy. However, for many of us there were rips or tears in our emotional world as a result of abuse that permeated our spiritual wellbeing. Just as a black hole rips through the fabric of the universe absorbing matter at an astonishing rate, an abusive event can rip through the structure of a child’s spiritual self, visibly eating away at their overall health.

Niagara Whirlpool Rapids

Each time a child is bullied or abused, the experience  weakens the framework thatbinds his/her spiritual self to their emotional and physical selves. Ongoing abusive experiences can further rip a child’s spiritual self from them, leading to mental and physical distress that can end in addiction, lasting depression or crumbling physical health. However, similar to how closer investigation of black holes in the universe can potentially answer age old questions about our very existence in the cosmos, peering into the spiritual void initiated during a traumatic event can bring understanding of oneself and allow the spark of inner harmony to begin.

The other day I was watching a documentary about the Greek islands1 and I found the description of the island of Kos especially interesting. In one location on the island, the ancient Greeks divided the focus of their healing process into three parts: the physical body, the soul or emotional body and the spiritual body, and provided different venues for healing each aspect. The Greek guide made it clear that the ancients’ meaning of the ‘soul’ was not the same as their meaning of the ‘spirit’. While the basic balances of a natural healing process have become increasingly complicated by scientific treatment, the ancient Greeks seemed to understand the need for an integrated approach to wellness.

As adults we’re still children within, striving to bring balance to our ongoing physical, mental and emotional experiences. It can be quite a juggling act to keep everything going with the right rhythm and timing, as we keep compensating for all the hurts, guilt, fear and other negative emotional waves that have caused imbalance within us. In addition to filling the spiritual gap with the positive energies of self-love, self-forgiveness and daily effort toward a brighter future, we have to get rid of the negative spiritual influences that obstruct overall health.

Tranquil PathA healthy spiritual self is paramount to all aspects of our wellbeing and our choices in how we approach our spirituality can make a difference. There appear to be spiritual extroverts who like to express their spiritual beliefs in the company of others and spiritual introverts who prefer to experience spirituality in solitude. While spiritual dependence on others can interfere with our spirits’ needs, our time alone is most likely the best test for overall balance, because our thoughts, emotions and energy are our own. In the absence of inner harmony, our individual spirits can be adversely affected by the influence of the cumulative negativity that can curtail the body’s ability to self heal.

When you work in harmony with your spirit, you’ll naturally be more mindful and capable of promoting wellness at all levels of your being.

1 Joanna Lumley’s Greek Odyssey. ITV. 2011.

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Calm Amid the Chaos

Kepler's Supernova Remnant

Kepler’s Supernova Remnant

Expanding on #9 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

We can compare the orderly state of the universe at its inception and the ensuing entropy with the resulting disorder that occurs as our lives unfold. Similar to how physicists examine the origins of our universe through look-back time, we find order as we return to a state of inner harmony.

Over time the increasing pressure of life’s expectations propel us to a sprinting pace and, as the momentum increases, many of us are unable to get back to a state of peacefulness within. Although vacations and getaways can help, the mounting pressure for time and energy become overwhelming and the stress can potentially accumulate in the form of health and personal problems. But how do we arrive at and maintain our composure during tense times and extrapolate it outward into our relationships, the workplace and elsewhere?

Especially if you’re sensitive to the energies of others, it’s often more difficult to calm your mind, body and emotions, so you can more easily think rather than react. For instance, what if you suddenly became overwrought by an influx of thoughts and emotions that left you tongue-tied, just when you’ve begun a long-awaited conversation with that influential person? Why does that happen and what should you do to alleviate your chaos at that moment?

The confusing convergence of memories, emotionality and anticipation can be aptly counteracted by proper refusal in all time dimensions. When memories from the past become intertwined with the emotions you’re currently feeling and the anxiety of what’s possibly going to happen, you could find yourself unable to focus amid all the mental commotion. By working with your spirit in a specific manner, you can more easily disengage from chaos and return to calmness before and during those crucial moments when you need to be in full control of your faculties.

If you’ve been hit by a health, financial or relationship chaos, there is inevitably a cascade of higher-level negativity that is attracted to you at the same time to cause even greater interference. It’s how you handle the higher-level turbulence that determines how the negativity will affect you, and your spirit is fully equipped to effectively respond to that aspect.

Our response to how we deal with stressful situations is learned so, if we had learned how to counteract – rather than react to – the chaos when we were children, we could quickly get back to a composed state. Children can more easily deal with overwhelming situations, while adults have to overcome ingrained habits and accumulated negativity.

In order to maintain a state in which your mind and body are at ease, it’s essential to get into the habit of refusing and counteracting negativity in a timely manner. When you’re not in control of the tension, you’re accepting it, thereby attracting and allowing further negativity to distance you from your tranquil state.

You’ll return to the center of your universe when you’re in harmony with your spirit!

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear

#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Overcoming Emotional Negativity

LakeMichiganReflection#3 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

As we tread sprightly through the complexities of life, there can be pitfalls that we have to sidestep in order to maintain our emotional balance and inner harmony.  Even though we’re so careful not to land in one, how do you escape the sinkhole that opens when negative thoughts and emotions engulf us?

Throughout our lives we accumulate negative memories that interfere with our happiness and prevent us from loving ourselves.  So, how do we stop accepting incessant thoughts that lead to cascading emotional turmoil (like guilt, anger, hatred, sadness, shame, self-pity, jealousy, depression, greed, frustration, possessiveness and all the others)?

There was a time when I was regularly beset by negative thoughts and emotions, and I thought it was pretty normal for me to react to them, to accept how they overwhelmed me and sank me into a sinkhole of despair.  What could I do to control them, when they were so powerful and hit me when I least expected?

Over time I was really losing my battle, and there didn’t seem to be anything I could do about it, until I had a thought: “I’m not going to give in anymore…I’m going to fight!”

That new strength of determination brought a whole wave of positive energy into my being.  I immediately began thinking through how I would be able to escape from the intolerable life I had accepted.

Yes, ‘I’ had accepted and created the evolution of my miserable life.  And only ‘I’ could get myself out.  But I needed help and, just when I had the realization that I could fight back, there was a response from within me that helped to urge me forward.  It was my spirit, also pretty weak at that time, but so ready to help me out of my self-imposed quagmire.

Not only was I fighting off the negativity that my past memories were triggering within me but, at that very moment, I encountered a distinct higher-level negative force opposing me.  As I conquered my fear of its presence, I drew strength from my spirit to overcome it so that I could begin my climb out of the abysmal existence I had been accepting.

Not long after, I found my remarkable mentor who was able to interpret and understand everything that I had experienced.  Without judgment, he helped me emerge from the influence of all those negative thoughts and emotions in an incredibly effective way.  It was the turning point of my life – when I learned to work effectively with my spirit and gained knowledge about my higher-level existence.thermal emotions

Although everyone has the opportunity to work spiritually, like most people, you’ve been led to believe that someone else will do it for you.  That’s not true, or even realistic! If you, like me, feel you’re ready to leave the sinkhole behind forever, then you can start by refusing to accept its power and influence over you.

Better still, why not learn how to stop any future sinkhole before it opens?  And what if you learn how to counteract the once-inevitable downhill slide before it gains momentum?  Or what if you stop accepting the advancement of negative thoughts and emotions when they first emerge?

Your spirit and higher self are an invaluable part of you – why not begin to use your higher-level skills to help you overcome emotional negativity?

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit