Time Is for Your Essence

Our busy journey through life leaves only so much time to reflect upon the higher-level aspect of this existence.  While we may all think about time differently, the objective framework of linear time guides us along this physical journey from start to finish.  We measure time in terms of the passing of days, months, and years.  However, our spirits appear to exist in a timeless realm in which their progress can only be measured within a physical form.  With that in mind, wouldn’t we be better off spending more time improving what may be the most meaningful aspect of our lives?  

How we perceive subjective time contrasts with the timeless aspect of the spiritual world.  Once we acknowledge a timeless quantum existence at the higher level, we can surmise that there is no temporal or spatial distance to regulate our interaction with others.  In the related interdimensional realm, time also  flows differently and one may experience time expansion compared to objective time.  For instance, you could be inadvertently interacting with others in ways that are not readily apparent within the timespan of a few split seconds.  By learning to work at the higher level, you’ll be able to detect higher-level activity and assert control over your temporal space in a more positive manner. 

Here are some suggestions that may help to enhance your spiritual timeline:

  1. Spend a little time each day going within to work with your spirit.  During this interaction you’ll remain in the present – the best time to bring in positive energy that promotes well-being at all levels.  
  2. The time you spend with your spirit will gradually yield benefits at the physical level, as positive energy filters down more freely from the higher level to enhance your daily life.
  3. Inspiration flows fleetingly from the higher level through the fabric of time to your consciousness, and your ability to instantaneously process this information transfer increases over time.  Regular tuning of your spiritual connection facilitates decision making; improves navigation of challenging circumstances; and enhances your positive higher-level skills.
  4. Your awareness increases every time you identify incoming higher-level signals as beneficial, harmful, or inert.  The way that you accept or reject each type of energy in a timely manner can influence both you and your spirit, in addition to improving your interactions with others.
  5. Even though there may be no quantifiable time at the spiritual level, our time in this physical existence is limited.  Each time we practice self-love, patience, and perseverance, we promote ongoing well-being and spiritual progress.

As you become accustomed to working at the higher level, you’ll soon experience the harmonious timescape that integrates your essence at all levels.  


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

7 Ways to Work Within

Cherryblossoms April.2020During this and any time, you’ll find that working with your spirit can bring you additional energy and inner strength, as well as provide a sense of calmness and self-satisfaction.

Here are some steps to help make life more enjoyable that involve working within for a few minutes each day:

1.     Make a firm commitment to your spirit that you’ll work with it to refuse and counteract the negativity that you face on a daily basis.

Life is full of challenges for everyone. There are continuous ups and downs and, when you learn to ride the waves by refusing and counteracting negativity before it becomes overwhelming, you’ll have a better connection with your spirit.

2.     Love and accept yourself completely, and start making positive changes in your thinking and lifestyle habits.

Be grateful for who you are as a person and expand on your positive attributes.  Recognize the aspects that don’t make you feel good about yourself and start making changes to your habits and relationships that will improve your well-being.  Practice staying in a positive mode by replacing negative thoughts about yourself and others with constructive observations.

3.     Respect your own free will and the free will of others.


Stop letting others persuade you to do something you don’t want to do, and reciprocate by not pushing your agenda on others.  Each of us has the right to believe in what feels right, to take care of ourselves in the way we see fit, and we should allow others to do the same.

4.     Learn calmness by taking the time to relax.

Spending time in nature can help you to get into synch with the soothing vibrations of the natural world.  Not only will getting out into nature help you feel calmer, it will also improve your mood and refresh your mental resources, especially your directed attention (the attention you use while concentrating).

5.     Bring in plenty of Light! 

The universal Light (capitalized to differentiate a purely positive white light from other colors of the spectrum) is an unlimited positive energy source that you can freely tap into anytime you like.  If your spiritual state is positively charged, it will prove easier to bring in the Light than if it has been drained by negativity.  If you continue to bring in the Light over a long period of time, your spirit can gradually respond to its positive energy.

6.     Perform a daily self-healing.


The main point of doing a daily self-healing is to ensure that you provide a positive environment for your spirit. Many people may require help with this aspect of working with your spirit, because your physical health is related to your spiritual health – and vice versa.  If your spirit has been compromised with negativity, your efforts to self-heal may be less effective, but still give it some time. You can regularly bring the Light into your glands, organs, electrical system, and spiritual apertures for a few minutes each day.

7.     Enjoy each day as a new opportunity to learn, grow, and appreciate your dynamic relationship with your spirit!
Keep making adjustments to your ever-changing life. Allow the nurturing of your relationship with your spirit to help you thoughtfully interact with others, take care of yourself, and appreciate who you are as a precious person on this planet.

Take care of yourselves and everyone you love now and as you advance into your future!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Aspire Higher in 2019!

HorizonalTangentwpNow that we’re entering another new year, we can look forward to the many prospects before us.  We can take advantage of this new calendar year to make the changes that will take us in the direction that we want to go!

From year to year our memories contain the highlights of our lives.  However, our day-to-day experiences could hold so much more significance if we were to think about progressing at a higher level. Each day holds such great potential for personal advancement, yet it’s so easy to get lost in the activities of the day and lose attention for what we really want to be doing.  Our thoughts about the world around us contain the elements of negative and positive processes that can cause either deteriorating or ameliorating experiences.  If we were to consider ourselves as spiritual beings that can work through our higher consciousness, we could view our existence as an opportunity to gain positive universal knowledge.  In this way, we can increase our awareness of how we can be positive in each moment and stand up for ourselves, so that we can maintain our energy and enthusiasm for reaching our preferred state of being.


From the perspective that our spirits operate at a much higher level than we do, we could   effectively use a higher-level standard to guide us toward a more positive life experience.  Rather than waste precious time thinking about what could or should be happening in life, we could be working at the higher level every day to promote our own spiritual progress.  Working toward a state of harmony within naturally contributes to our wellbeing, and allows us to generate the strength and means to achieve our goals.

In 2019, let’s aspire to have the kind of existence we desire…

Let’s use our imagination and create our future as we visualize it to be.

Let’s be kind to ourselves and practice patience and understanding along the way, so that we feel comfortable with the process of creating positive changes.

And let’s smile to express who we are at the spiritual level and draw from our inner beauty and strength.

2019 is going to be amazing!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Your 2018 Creation


A Path.wpAs 2018 approaches and we reflect upon our experiences during the past year, we can now look forward to making some changes that can truly make a difference in our lives.  There’s no sense in dreaming about the life we want – we have to break out of our old habits and start making those positive changes happen!

Although this past year has sped by like a whirlwind and may have been full of personal challenges, we are once again peacefully standing on the threshold of yet another year full of amazing potential.  The thoughts spinning in our heads throughout the year about how to proceed toward our objectives in life can at any time be turned into resolute action toward self-improvement and the achievement of those goals.

However, all change needs a starting point, and for some of us the New Year is the time to make it happen.  When you consider that our lives are continuously changing all the time, making that first meaningful step toward positive change is part of an evolving process that requires ongoing patience and determination.  Whether it’s now or at any time during the year, it seems like we have to take a daring step out of our comfort zone to initiate the positive changes that propel us into the kind of life we want to live.

Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant

Many of us have discovered the powerful tool of working within to attain harmony with our spirit.  When you carry through with a commitment to work with your spirit in a positively prescribed manner, you’re promoting pivotal change at the spiritual level.  As the benefits of this change filter through to you at the physical level, you will have access to unique advantages that will help you attain your desired goals.

In the coming year, as you make daily effort toward a positive future, you will also enhance your spirit’s eternal journey.  In return, your spirit can supply the resiliency and inspiration that helps transform your resolutions into reality, while keeping you on track with daily enthusiasm for the process.

Here are some helpful ways to help you to promote harmony with your spirit on a daily basis:

  1. Love yourself completely! Make the incremental changes that help you feel great about yourself – eat healthier, exercise regularly, get adequate sleep, be creative   –and smile!
  2. Believe in yourself by thinking and speaking in a positive manner about yourself, your accomplishments, and your future objectives.  Refrain from being treated poorly by anyone – never be afraid to speak out and stand up for yourself!
  3. Refuse negative thoughts and feelings, and replace them with positive ones that will alleviate negative remnants of past memories and influences.  Lingering negativity, such as fear, can be reduced by your conscious refusal and counteraction!
  4. Bring positive universal energy into your body and spirit to help you become more positive.  Remember that the pure white “Light” will respond only when you are in a positive state.
  5. Create your positive changes in 2018 by setting realistic goals that can be accomplished in a reasonable time frame.  Be prepared to face external events over which you have no control, and adapt your changes accordingly.

How will your 2018 creation look?  Let’s get going toward a positive future full of inner harmony that accumulates over time and yields real results!

Western Sky.wp


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit: GloRom.com

Infusing Change Into 2017

Trampler 14: Glittering star cluster.At this time of the year many of us are reflecting upon our past year, and find ourselves speculating about how to approach 2017. I always think of each New Year as an opportunity for a brighter future, when we can let go of past fears, be grateful for who we are right now, and renew our efforts to make the kind of positive changes we want to enhance our future.

Before we start any new endeavour, we first have to clean our mind slate of all the unpleasant memories of past difficulties, so that we can initiate our fresh start in full confidence. Once we identify that we are capable of succeeding and breaking through the boundaries that may have deterred us in the past, we can be creative in effecting the changes that we want to make in our lives. While visualizing a realistic outcome for our uniquely remarkable goals, we can use our higher-level skills to remove lingering doubt and apprehension, so that we can boldly and strategically execute our plans.

As we regularly acknowledge our appreciation for who we are and what we’ve accomplished so far, we can be more NGC 248 in Small Magellanic Cloudinnovative as we forge forward into uncharted territory. If we recognize that our spiritual existence impacts us at the physical level, we can begin to reconcile the disparity between suffering and extravagance in our world in a more fundamental way. Rather than accepting divisive social and economic boundaries, in our plans we could include bridges to assist those who are making efforts to get to the other side of their struggle. Furthermore, when we work at the spiritual level we work in the immediacy of the present, at the precise time in which we can receive inspiration that nurtures our ingenuity to bring effective solutions to complex problems at all levels.

Through making firm commitments to both ourselves and to our individual spirits, we initiate the higher-level processes that stimulate our mental capacity to effectively bring about the positive changes that we desire. Strong commitments at the higher level inevitably result in a more focused and deliberate approach toward our goals. This high level of commitment perpetuates the strength and stamina necessary to help us through the process of implementing our unique vision in the coming and future years.

Sun Brightened CloudsIn addition to our individual efforts toward positive change, we can also celebrate our diversity as global participants in a challenging world in which we are unique spiritual beings. If we were to view our existence as a tangible expression of our spirits’ pursuit of knowledge, we could better understand and care about each other and the world in which we live. In effect, we could view each New Year as a symbolic steppingstone within our personal evolution toward spiritual progress.

Let’s infuse 2017 with ongoing positive changes at all levels of our being!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

My Take on “Spotlight”

Archway FallsviewLast night I finally watched the Oscar-winning best movie: “Spotlight” and found its delivery of the Boston Globe journalists’ investigation of the Boston clergy abuse scandal very enlightening. Although it was intended that the audience watch the movie to follow the journalists’ journey through the veil of silence perpetrated by the Boston diocese, I was also viewing as a survivor.

Throughout the movie I realized how carefully the entire scandal had been muted and silenced by the entire community and justice system. The complexity of proving that a religious institution had been protecting sexual predators at such a large scale should have provoked an overwhelming outcry to correct the issue. However, as the movie pointed out so poignantly, the sexual abuse of children has been a longstanding practice that continues even today.

I loved the delivery of the story…the way it carried you along through how the court had sealed records about a case against the diocese, and how the court files that would have substantiated the journalists’ story were somehow missing from the public records. The exposure of the cover up by the diocese’s lawyers and the cardinal himself revealed how the RC church maintains their veil of silence about their ongoing protection of pedophiles within their ranks.

At the time of the press release of the scandal, I had already begun my recovery from the effects of having been raped as a 10-year-old child at the hands of my parish priest. As some of the victims in the movie pointed out, there was no way to comprehend what was happening, nor anyone to confide in about the abuse by people we had respected as representatives of God himself. One character survivor in the movie stated that his mother had brought out some cookies when the priest came to their house, after her child had told her about the abuse. When you can’t tell the people you’re supposed to trust the most, there’s nowhere to go, but into confusion and self-punishment and, for many, into self-destruction.

Majestic Falls

The only time that I burst out in tears during the movie was when the lawyer who had been working with victims for years described the condition of one of his clients: ‘He’s one of the lucky ones – he’s still alive!’ As someone who endured the aftermath of having been raped by one of the church’s perverted priests, I was ‘lucky’ not to have succumbed to the self-degradation and self-loathing that resulted from my experience.

During the Oscars, the producer of “Spotlight” made a plea to the present pope to help the situation, but the sexual abuse of children appears so rampant that the entire church could fail. Despite the pious character of the present pope, there’s really nothing he can do when priests are allowed to be alone with trusting and reverent children. After all, we were taught to confess our ‘sins’ to them and they ‘forgave’ us. Such hypocrisy has cost the lives of too many innocent children who blindly trusted the church’s representatives and were silenced like deaf mutes into despair.

From my perspective, I somehow made it through the utter confusion of my childhood, teen years and young adulthood, until I found myself not really knowing why it was happening to me. However, there was a glimmer of hope within me that guided me to keep fighting and searching for a solution to my condition. Fortunately, I found someone who understood my spiritual malaise and taught me to work within with the Light* to strengthen my spirit, which gradually brought me back to the person I truly am.

“Spotlight” brings home the multi-faceted lengths to which Catholics protect their priests, bishops and cardinals at the expense of the innocent victims of their perverted sense of religious authority.

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; a generic term not associated with any religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Higher-Level Energy

Hydro TowersIn the last century when Tesla proved that electrical energy could be harnessed out of the ambient atmosphere, his invention was regarded as too advanced for the technology of the time. It would now be a phenomenal breakthrough for us to acknowledge and develop our ability to use the ubiquitous positive energy of the universe to bring us individual health and harmony, while allowing our spirits to become more positive during this lifetime.

As I came to realize many years ago, each of us was born with an inherent connection with our spirit that can naturally improve our wellbeing. After I had started to work with my spirit using the Light*, an invisible and powerful energy that is somewhat like electricity at the higher level, I learned that negativity in all its forms can be diminished, deflected and defeated. Over time, this positive energy source has allowed me to create a constructive relationship with my spirit, the unique sentient being within me, and I’ve continued to increase my ability to use it to help people overcome the spiritual malaise that interferes with their wellbeing at all levels.

Aurora from Space

While I help my spirit to progress, working with the Light is a daily practice that generates astonishing energy to bring ongoing confidence, calmness and contentment into my thoughts, emotions and physical being.  Many people are surprised when they learn my age, and immediately assume that my youthful appearance must be attributed to my diet and exercise. Apparently, it doesn’t occur to them that my advanced spiritual work could be at the core of my health and energy.

Through my work I’m grateful to be able to share my spiritual knowledge by helping each of my clients to allow more positive energy to flow through their body, so that they can experience better physical health and help their spirit to progress at the same time. Since your body probably isn’t used to having purely positive energy pass through it, you’ll find it beneficial to bring in the Light as often as you feel necessary, until you’re eventually able to remove the impediments to the flow of positive energy into your body.   Sometimes you’ll need help to remove the more substantial sources of negativity that underlie some of the stubborn issues that you might face at the higher level. Bear in mind that the gentle immense power of this positive energy source can only be accessed when your body is in a positive state, and it takes time and effort to develop the ability to use it effectively.

Brain-informationOne of the most remarkable skills I’ve consciously developed is to be able to detect where negativity lies within a receptive person across any distance by tuning in to their body’s spiritual energy system. More importantly, I can then remove the elements of negativity that obstruct their physiological auto-correction mechanisms, so that their body can self-heal in a more self-sufficient way on an ongoing basis.

Rather than starting at the top of the hill and hoping to continue along a ‘plateau of bliss’, working with the Light is a practical approach to overcoming the many obstacles to happiness and inner peace. When you start out, there is a lot of work to do, in order to generate momentum and stability with this positive higher-level energy. As you incrementally increase your positive energy flow, you’ll find yourself moving along with an ability that allows you to break through many of the barriers that had previously impeded your success.

By continuing to work in an advanced way with your spirit, you will be more resilient as you energize at the higher level with the Light.

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; a generic term not associated with any religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website! OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Dealing With Spirits

MuchaGirlListeningwpMany people believe that it’s okay to fool around with spirits by attending summoning parties at spooky locations in the Halloween season.  I hope these tips will help you make intelligent choices about contact with spirits…

How do people know that a spirit is around them? 

Some people are more sensitive to the spirit world and can feel, see or hear a spirit.  People can ‘feel’ a spirit through its ability to electrically charge particles, resulting in a drop in ambient temperature or by creating an electrostatic charge that feels like a touch or brush.  Others can ‘see’ a spirit when it presents itself as a shadowy figure or an ‘orb’, which looks like a colored translucent sphere floating in the air.  Some people can ‘hear’ a spirit through the contact that they allow through their mind, usually in the form of a voice that speaks to them.

Why do people become so interested and feel compelled to help a spirit that is trying to contact them?

Some people become intrigued with the phenomenon and figure that the spirit needs their help or that it’s possibly the spirit of a poor lost soul or one of their loved ones, an ancestor or someone who used to live in their house.  Many feel sorry for a spirit that is lost or wandering, similar to how someone feels sympathy for someone like that at the physical level.  Others get so curious that they can’t stop trying to make contact, because they think it’s exciting.

What’s the right way to proceed?

From my many years of dealing with people who have been troubled by some spiritual interaction or disturbance, I’ve learned that the best and only way for people to deal with spirits is to refuse them completely.  Forget about trying to understand, listen to, feel sorry for or give any other attention to spirits.  Although spirits can incite profound curiosity, try a positive approach and refuse them immediately rather than accept them!

Be aware that positive spirits don’t hang around people, because they don’t break free will.  So, if a spirit trying to ‘contact’ you, it’s actually a spirit that has lost its positive knowledge and should be recognized as a negatively oriented spirit.  Never trust a spirit or try to form a ‘relationship’ with it, because you’d be placing yourself in a vulnerable position.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop tri-legged glass pedestal

Spirits that have lost their positive knowledge can actually present a destructive menace to your wellbeing.  The main reason that spirits come around is to absorb or drain your energy.  Stronger ones can interfere with your thought patterns and alter your emotional state, waiting for an opportune moment, like when you’re struck with excitement or fear, so that they can jump inside one of your spiritual openings when you lose control.  So why would you want them around?

Hopefully, you won’t be messing around with spirits at this time of year or at any time.  If you do happen to get involved either deliberately or inadvertently, my advice is to adopt a positive stance…Instead of anxiety or excitement, calm down, relax and focus on refusing and hitting the spirit with the Light*.

The best way to learn how to deal positively with the spiritual world would be to contact me to learn how to work with your own spirit, so that you can gain strength and confidence and eliminate your vulnerability.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe.

Why NOT to Summon Spirits

PinkEdgedCloudwpPeople summon spirits for different reasons and, while some call in spirits deliberately, others do it inadvertently.  Either way, there are many misconceptions about the summoning of spirits that can lead to unintentional consequences.

If you’re naïve enough to think you can summon a spirit or spirits for some useful purpose, you need to give it a lot more consideration.  From my experiences of helping people to remove persistent negativity, I can tell you that any spirit that you think you’re calling in might respond in a manner completely contrary to your original intention.

Lots of people are interested in the practice of summoning a spirit guide, ‘angel’ or other supposedly beneficial being, because they think they’re going to be provided with assistance or needed information.  The practice of inviting a spirit to act as one’s spirit guide or for any other reason is a precarious spiritual practice that can potentially cause harm.  So-called spirit guides can offer little for your wellbeing, but are masters at deception.

Spirits exist in a realm of existence where they often act in very unpredictable ways.  Most act in unity with other spirits with definite goals, but there are many that act in a random manner.  All target people that are vulnerable.  If you summon a spirit for any reason, you will attract an idle spirit or group of spirits to your invitation.  And you wouldn’t know the difference!

People are conditioned to summon spirits, likely because it’s an accepted ancient practice in every ‘place of worship’ on the planet.  Although people think their prayers are beneficial, the practice is actually an open invitation to an unlimited number of spirits to enter their presence.  A single spirit or groups of spirits will continue to hang around each of the attendees long after they’ve left the building.  People pray because the spirits that respond will often give them temporary relief from their problems but, in actuality, those spirits will remain with them indefinitely, often with much different outcomes.

My Sky Golden

How do those who are summoning/praying/chanting know which being they’re actually summoning?  In reality, they have no idea! Even if someone is calling on a specific deity, angel, deceased person or other spiritual being, anyone in the spiritual realm can respond.  Spirits around the earth are negatively oriented beings, and any number of idle spirits is just waiting for the chance to attach to unsuspecting people.

Once a spirit has been summoned it’s extremely hard to get rid of it, because it’s their negative nature to make every attempt to attach to the person that summoned them.  The consequences of this negative interference is even more detrimental to your spirit and can cause it to be increasingly isolated from you.

From the perspective of someone who has spent many years learning and teaching positive spiritual knowledge, I can advise that the only spirit that you should associate with is your own spirit, because it’s the only way to safely interact with the spiritual world.

Working with your own spirit and the Light* is the only reliable method to obtain positive results from spiritual interaction, so why not learn how?

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

Find out more about my work at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually around the globe with people from every background 

Spiritual Strength | The Benefits

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818, Hubble Space TelescopeThe recent discovery of the fossilized remains of Homo naledi in a South African cave suggests that our primitive ancestors displayed burial practices long before previously thought. Rather than having developed this behavior over millennia, are we innately spiritual beings who have always contemplated our timeless spiritual journey beyond this finite physical existence?

We could even speculate that our spirits had lives before ours, perhaps somewhere else in the grand cosmos, and that they were once powerfully and positively attuned within their former bodies. Were that true, then what’s happened to our spirit-body relationship? Why don’t we let go of the negativity we drag around and allow our spirits to work in healthful unison within us? And what should we do with our spiritual strength, after we’ve put so much effort into helping our spirits increase their positive knowledge and power?

It’s my belief that our lives are inspired by higher-level guidance from our spiritual selves. If our spirits are positive when we come into this world, but we’re ignorant or closed to their direction, then our consciousness would become clouded with the input that we do allow to infiltrate our minds. If we become cut off from positively-oriented inspiration, then our mental and emotional impressions could become inundated with negativity that interferes with our wellbeing at all levels.

From my own perspective as someone who had extricated myself from the complacency of religious conditioning at a very young age, my spiritual weakness only became apparent after I hit rock bottom. From a very promising childhood with a positively oriented spirit I had descended from being a straight A student in elementary school to becoming a victim of domestic violence. Childhood abuse had caused a downslide in my spiritual strength that continued into adulthood, until I reached a state that threatened my health and safety.

Sunlight in Cave

I had continued to allow people to take advantage of my good nature, abuse and otherwise mistreatme, until one day I read an article in Psychology Today (c. 1985) in which the author noted that rape victims who were not treated soon after their abuse event would continue to suffer worsening symptoms over time. Over a matter of hours that thought led me through heightening anxiety to a profound realization when I said to myself: “I’m going to fight!”

I believe it was at that moment that I gave my spirit the go ahead to start helping me. Instead of just accepting all the negativity that was being hammered upon me, I was suddenly inspired to make my escape from a severely abusive relationship. Until then I had not taken any action to defend myself against the onslaught of negativity that had been weakening me, not just mentally, emotionally and physically, but especially, spiritually. Thankfully, soon after the abrupt turn in my determination, I found my mentor (and later, partner) who presented me with the means by which I was able to climb out of the depths of my sorry situation.

From my starting point 30 years ago, my consistent attention to my spirit as an essential part of me continues to yield significant improvements in my overall wellbeing. As a result of learning how to properly use the positive energy of pure white universal Light*, my spiritual strength has continued to build, and I’ve been able share positive higher-level knowledge with my clients around the world.

Some of the benefits of a dynamic positive spirit-body relationship include:

  1. Loving and accepting yourself completely for who you are
  2. Developing calmness and patience while increasing your focus, concentration and endurance
  3. Working with your higher self (the liaison with your spirit) to assist you with better decision-making and implementation of positive change
  4. Motivating and improving your creative expression
  5. Heightening your awareness to identify negative interference
  6. Using your spiritual sensitivity to deal with inter-dimensional influences
  7. Facilitating the adoption of positive habits, activities and relationships as you learn to counteract the obstacles
  8. Increasing your overall energy and enthusiasm
  9. Using the positive energy of the Light to bring balance and improve your health at all levels
  10. Emanating inner happiness into your present and future life experience

Sunshine thru RocksAt the end of the day, there’s only you and your spirit. So, why not acknowledge your spiritual self as an integral part of your present being? When you come to a point in your life when your understanding of your physical existence relative to your spirit’s timeless nature becomes important, you might want to begin working within with your spirit.

The remarkable results of gaining positive spiritual strength will enhance your wellbeing at all levels and promote your spiritual progress.

See Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

See http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/150910-human-evolution-change/

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Spiritual Strength | Gaining It

M27 HubbleSitewpEven as we shape the pieces of our existential puzzle together relative to the apparent universe enveloping us, we remain lagging behind with the spiritual advancement that could alter our lives both individually and collectively when approached from a positive perspective. Gaining spiritual strength isn’t a competition – it’s a personal endeavor that requires focus and attention over a lifetime.

When we’re small children, working with our spiritual self is as natural as asking for something to eat or drink. As an essential part of our childhood, we naturally identified the positives and negatives of our spiritual activity and acted accordingly. We might have continued our spiritual savvy long into life, but most of us have been conditioned to leave behind our inherent spiritual knowledge. Many of us faced further obstacles like neglect, bullying or abuse and were adversely affected onward into our lives, and further separated from our spiritual selves.

The further a child drifts from his/her sense of harmony with their spirit, they lose a natural state of wellbeing and the ability to deal with the higher-level negativity that constantly bombards them. If someone continues to lose ground spiritually, the repercussions can filter through to the physical level in the form of physiological and mental malaise and/or financial and relationship problems. Not everyone finds strength of healing through traditional means because there are often spiritual issues at hand that can block and deter the healing process.


From my own perspective as an intelligent enthusiastic child, my world had spiraled downward as I lost spiritual knowledge and strength as a result of a clergy abuse event. At an early age I recognized the inadequacy of available antiquated religious institutions and dropped my family’s traditions.  I felt lost and off balance for many years and remember searching for some sort of harmony in my life, but I didn’t realize that my physical problems had escalated into a spiritual crisis.

When I regained the inherent knowledge of how to work with my spirit and started working with the Light*, I began building up my spiritual strength and positive changes took effect immediately. I experienced a boost in my self-esteem and adopted a completely new perspective about how to look after my physical self. I discovered that my spirit needs a positively oriented body in order to make progress, so I initiated a continuously healthy lifestyle. I realized it’s my responsibility to strive to be as positive as possible in all aspects of my being, if I’m to continue to grow in spiritual strength and positive knowledge.

Sunlight Thru Ocean CloudswpOne of the greatest obstacles to gaining spiritual strength is fear. When you give in to fear of any kind, like fear of failure or success, fear of others’ acceptance or rejection or fear of changing your current situation in life, you’re succumbing to negativity. As you start being yourself and working through all the steps needed to overcome your fears, you’ll notice a boost in your ability to counteract negative thoughts and emotions before they give rise to additional difficulty.

Spiritual strength doesn’t come instantly – it takes effort and commitment. Some people have been duped into quick fixes such as accepting spirit guides, angels, or summoning the spirits of deceased loved ones, as a way to gain spiritual strength; while others have been invited to accept a stranger’s life energy.  Any of these ruses would be a clear opportunity for negative beings/spirits to be invited into ruining your life. Others have decided to join a religious institution with the hope it would take over their spiritual responsibility, but are often led into a false sense of complacency. It’s impossible to learn how to gain strength with your spirit in a few hours or by depending on others – you have to be committed to this very personal endeavor on a long-term basis, since spiritual strength intensifies over time.Mountain Vista

Everyone has the potential to be good at personal spiritual work, but becoming strong spiritually doesn’t come without effort. No one can hand you access to the positive energy of the Light. You have to earn its benefits on a daily basis by meeting negative challenges with determined positive reactions and solutions. Higher-level negativity can be much less obvious than what you already recognize, especially when it emanates from other people and their associations with others. Your perseverance in being patient and acquiring awareness of higher-level negativity will allow you to continuously gain stamina to meet new challenges.

Sunbrushed Lake CloudsOur spirits transcend this physical existence, yet it’s up to us to consciously promote our spiritual progress. While climbing each cliff to overcome negativity, then coasting conscientiously along the plateaus until meeting the next hurdle, you’ll grow stronger as your spirit gains strength due to your efforts.

Gaining spiritual strength is a process of learning, adapting and following through with a lifelong commitment to work positively alongside your spirit to enhance your life experience.

“Make a firmer commitment and believe in yourself!” ~Leo Jean

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

Perceptive Preparation

Beautiful ForestLast week’s early snowstorm made me reflect upon nature’s ability to ready itself for the changing climactic influences it faces over time. Many mid-sized trees had failed to shed their leaves in time to create the protective buds that will open into new foliage in the spring. In a similar way, when we’re preparing for upcoming endeavors, our untapped higher-level resources can help us meet any unexpected challenges that might arise.

While all of the larger mature trees in my area had lost their leaves over a month ago, those juvenile trees just hadn’t yet activated the instinct that enables them to lose their leaves in time for nature’s early freeze. Maybe some of those trees were planted at the wrong time of the year or they’re simply in the wrong climactic zone. Well, we’re not trees, but there are some parallels to our higher-level preparedness for unanticipated events.

Since we inhabit a planet that is spiritually negative, many of us are ill-prepared to meet its cold reality as we emerge from the innocence of our childhood. Apart from the many obstacles we face that can tarnish our outlook on life, there are unexpected spiritual impediments that can thwart our best efforts toward happiness. Learning positive spiritual principles increases our ability to deal with difficult daily situations and helps us to develop the positive use of inherent higher-level skills, like intuition and spiritual sensitivity.

Everyone can benefit from the potential positive output of personal spiritual advancement, butAutumn Trees it requires daily focus. After having worked with many clients from around the world, I’ve witnessed how the remarkable strength and resilience that comes from working with their spirit accelerates them to new levels of thought and energy. Upon becoming aware of their spiritual aspect, my clients suddenly brighten as they allow their spirit to emerge from its silence to become an invaluable part of their lives.

Just as trees are essential to our planet’s ecosystem, our spirits are essential to our being. How we respect and nurture them can lead them to flourish, but when we neglect them or leave them to another’s care, we can curtail or even destroy their potential benefits. Let’s not be caught off guard by higher-level obstacles that can disrupt our otherwise well laid plans, but be prepared by gaining incremental knowledge that satisfies our instinct to progress spiritually.

Frozen PathIf we’re to progress both individually and as a positively oriented civilization, it would help to establish a higher-level strategy to enable our spirits to use positive knowledge to overcome the negative spiritual climate on our planet.

The acknowledgement of our spiritual self as a dynamic part of our being can break the cycle of negativity we’ve endured as part of our upbringing on Earth and act as an accelerator to prepare us for a positive future.

❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦       ❦

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Please drop by my work website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Dealing With Spirits

MuchaGirlListeningwpMany people believe that it’s okay to fool around with spirits by attending summoning parties at spooky locations in the Halloween season.  I hope these tips will help you make intelligent choices about contact with spirits…

How do people know that a spirit is around them? 

Some people are more sensitive to the spirit world and can feel, see or hear a spirit.  People can ‘feel’ a spirit through its ability to electrically charge particles, resulting in a drop in ambient temperature or by creating an electrostatic charge that feels like a touch or brush.  Others can ‘see’ a spirit when it presents itself as a shadowy figure or an ‘orb’, which looks like a colored translucent sphere floating in the air.  Some people can ‘hear’ a spirit through the contact that they allow through their mind, usually in the form of a voice that speaks to them.

Why do people become so interested and feel compelled to help a spirit that is trying to contact them?

Some people become intrigued with the phenomenon and figure that the spirit needs their help or that it’s possibly the spirit of a poor lost soul or one of their loved ones, an ancestor or someone who used to live in their house.  Many feel sorry for a spirit that is lost or wandering, similar to how someone feels sympathy for someone like that at the physical level.  Others get so curious that they can’t stop trying to make contact, because they think it’s exciting.

What’s the right way to proceed?

From my many years of dealing with people who have been troubled by some spiritual interaction or disturbance, I’ve learned that the best and only way for people to deal with spirits is to refuse them completely.  Forget about trying to understand, listen to, feel sorry for or give any other attention to spirits.  Although spirits can incite profound curiosity, try a positive approach and refuse them immediately rather than accept them!

Be aware that positive spirits don’t hang around people, because they don’t break free will.  So, if a spirit trying to ‘contact’ you, it’s actually a spirit that has lost its positive knowledge and should be recognized as a negatively oriented spirit.  Never trust a spirit or try to form a ‘relationship’ with it, because you’d be placing yourself in a vulnerable position.

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop tri-legged glass pedestal

Spirits that have lost their positive knowledge can actually present a destructive menace to your wellbeing.  The main reason that spirits come around is to absorb or drain your energy.  Stronger ones can interfere with your thought patterns and alter your emotional state, waiting for an opportune moment, like when you’re struck with excitement or fear, so that they can jump inside one of your spiritual openings when you lose control.  So why would you want them around?

Hopefully, you won’t be messing around with spirits at this time of year or at any time.  If you do happen to get involved either deliberately or inadvertently, my advice is to adopt a positive stance…Instead of anxiety or excitement, calm down, relax and focus on refusing and hitting the spirit with the Light*.  If this process has little effect, I’m fully capable of helping you.

The best way to learn how to deal with spiritual interference would be to contact me to learn how to work with your own spirit, so that you can gain strength and confidence and eliminate your vulnerability.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Your Spiritual Uniqueness

M33 - Traingulum Galaxy  from  hubblesite.org

No one has the same spiritual experience. Just as you are a unique individual, your spirit is different from every other spiritual being in the cosmos, and its experiences can influence your life through its inherent nature and the memories it carries forward.

Since your spirit has probably experienced existences that are incomprehensible to us in our myopic universal view, it may have brought some memories with it into this life that can influence the way your life unfolds. This cumulative information is stored at the spiritual level and can be recognized and acted upon within the spiritual world. This in turn can bring spiritual influence from unexpected sources that can affect you at the physical level.

Since the spiritual realm differs drastically from our tangible experience, there appears to be a misunderstanding of what spiritual knowledge is. Even within your own spiritual belief system you still have a responsibility to help your spirit progress in this lifetime. Otherwise, it moves on into its next existence without having achieved the progress it intended.

Your spirit is unique in all aspects of its being, yet it may have brought with it encumbrances that can interfere with or enhance your life. Not all fortunes come without a higher-level price and not all misfortunes come without a higher-level reason. The term karmic debt has been used to describe what comes from past spiritual experiences, while curses are encumbrances that have been delegated during this current life. As part of my work, I remove the large groups of spirits that comprise such interference, so that my clients can develop and nurture their spirit in a positive spiritual environment.

Your spirit might have had life experiences that surpass your current level of understanding, so you might have to deal with influences that defy all physical means of dealing with them. Spiritual negativity presents challenges that can often create baffling circumstances with one’s life, yet there is always a way through, when you work in a positive way with your spirit.

Your basic spiritual need is to ask for the pure white Light* to come in to remove the negativity that has accumulated within you both spiritually and physically. When you do this regularly on a long-term basis, you should definitely feel the positive effects throughout your entire being.

When you become spiritually aware, that is to say, when you realize that your spirit has sentience and can interact with you, you can start to allow your spirit’s uniqueness to filter through into your physical reality. The most precious possession in life is your spirit, because its uniqueness can make your life a stupendous journey that will propel it into the positive realm.

Even as our civilization melds technology into the fabric of our lives, our spirits will always remain the advanced beings they are, patiently waiting for us to incorporate positive universal knowledge into our collective humanity.

BTW: I work across distance to extend my healing knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Please drop by my other website… OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

What’s In Hope?

Iceland WaterfallsOne of our most common phrases about the future starts with: “I hope…” yet hope by itself is only the starting point for achieving a better future.

When I was a child, I was full of hope for my future because I was taught to believe that, by being hopeful, everything would be okay. I was hoping along, well into my teens, when I began to lose stride with that indefinite attitude. Then hope began to fade and I was totally off target with the kind of life I had ‘hoped’ for. It wasn’t until my situation was almost completely hopeless that I was inspired to pick myself up out of the mess I had created. When I started working with my spirit and the Light*, I turned the passive hopefulness of my earlier life into the strength of action for positive change in my life.

The notion of hope is so abstract, yet it is an essential survival skill that can bring motivating strength to find solutions to difficult situations. As I continued to work with my spirit and applied positive principles to my daily life, the spiritual connection I had previously been missing became an astounding advantage. Because of my spiritual sensitivity, it became apparent that, rather than idle acceptance of all the negative interference that had waylaid my hopes, I had to grow continuously stronger at counteracting the higher-level impediments to my wellbeing.

Wispy Clouds

Today’s Wispy Clouds

Hope by itself is a reflection of being personally impotent to change a situation, but hope combined with courage brings strength of purpose. With respect to everything I can’t personally change, I can use the term ‘hope’ to bring positive results to an external situation, so I can hope everything works out well for someone else, and I hope the world finally resolve its problems and finds peace.

When I proceed in any aspect of my life, I always start with a reasonably attainable goal and ask for help at the higher level. Together with analyzing my situation and potential opportunities, my decisions are inspired by my spirit and filtered down to me by my higher self. Once I can identify the way in which I can implement that higher-level inspiration, I can take focused action to achieve a positive result. I can’t just hope that it will all turn out well…I have to take concrete steps to do it.

Positive action is the key when it comes to your own future. You are the director of your existence…so you should do it, not just hope it will happen! When you work in a positive manner with your spirit, you have the added advantage of higher-level knowledge to help you accomplish your goals.

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website – OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Calm Amid the Chaos

Kepler's Supernova Remnant

Kepler’s Supernova Remnant

Expanding on #9 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

We can compare the orderly state of the universe at its inception and the ensuing entropy with the resulting disorder that occurs as our lives unfold. Similar to how physicists examine the origins of our universe through look-back time, we find order as we return to a state of inner harmony.

Over time the increasing pressure of life’s expectations propel us to a sprinting pace and, as the momentum increases, many of us are unable to get back to a state of peacefulness within. Although vacations and getaways can help, the mounting pressure for time and energy become overwhelming and the stress can potentially accumulate in the form of health and personal problems. But how do we arrive at and maintain our composure during tense times and extrapolate it outward into our relationships, the workplace and elsewhere?

Especially if you’re sensitive to the energies of others, it’s often more difficult to calm your mind, body and emotions, so you can more easily think rather than react. For instance, what if you suddenly became overwrought by an influx of thoughts and emotions that left you tongue-tied, just when you’ve begun a long-awaited conversation with that influential person? Why does that happen and what should you do to alleviate your chaos at that moment?

The confusing convergence of memories, emotionality and anticipation can be aptly counteracted by proper refusal in all time dimensions. When memories from the past become intertwined with the emotions you’re currently feeling and the anxiety of what’s possibly going to happen, you could find yourself unable to focus amid all the mental commotion. By working with your spirit in a specific manner, you can more easily disengage from chaos and return to calmness before and during those crucial moments when you need to be in full control of your faculties.

If you’ve been hit by a health, financial or relationship chaos, there is inevitably a cascade of higher-level negativity that is attracted to you at the same time to cause even greater interference. It’s how you handle the higher-level turbulence that determines how the negativity will affect you, and your spirit is fully equipped to effectively respond to that aspect.

Our response to how we deal with stressful situations is learned so, if we had learned how to counteract – rather than react to – the chaos when we were children, we could quickly get back to a composed state. Children can more easily deal with overwhelming situations, while adults have to overcome ingrained habits and accumulated negativity.

In order to maintain a state in which your mind and body are at ease, it’s essential to get into the habit of refusing and counteracting negativity in a timely manner. When you’re not in control of the tension, you’re accepting it, thereby attracting and allowing further negativity to distance you from your tranquil state.

You’ll return to the center of your universe when you’re in harmony with your spirit!

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear

#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Sensational Self-Esteem

hs-2005-12-e-full_jpg.jpg Eagle Nebula, M16, NGC 6611, IC 4703#4 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

Our individual uniqueness is the most incredible part of our physical existence.  As diverse as the heavenly bodies in the cosmos, we truly are a remarkable menagerie on our planet!

As children we naturally love ourselves and celebrate how different we are from everyone else.  However, many of us suffer from bullying or abuse as children and, for the rest of our lives, we struggle to deal with the consequences at all levels of our being.

Once we’ve been bullied or abused, we have to go through the mental and emotional processes that result from the events that occurred.  We suffer in silence and struggle to fit in, as the lingering negative memories deteriorate our ability to exercise self-love.

In the meantime, we aren’t even aware that we’ve accepted higher-level influences that interfere with our relationship with our spirit.  The early onset of spiritual negativity can attract a continuous stream of negativity over our lifetime that causea the self-imposition of ever-deteriorating self-esteem.

By working with your spirit, you’ll view your precious self in much more positive terms!  You’ll understand that the ongoing interference that was causing you to think less of yourself was nurtured by the negativity that you had been accumulating over the course of your lifetime.

Once you start refusing and counteracting higher-level negativity, your efforts will have a trickle-down effect that continually refreshes your enthusiasm for your individuality.  Your positive thoughts and emotions will become the norm and positive energy will emanate throughout all levels of your being.

You can sensationalize your self-esteem by allowing yourself to… hs-2013-43-a-web

  • Love and accept yourself totally for who you are!
  • Quit comparing yourself to others – they’re not you!
  • Forgive yourself for ever having believed you weren’t always awesome!
  • Refrain from reflecting on what could have or should have been!
  • Shed the shame and reclaim your worth and dignity!
  • Believe in yourself and expand on your positive points!
  • Embrace your ever-evolving uniqueness!
By working with your spirit in the most positive terms, the luminosity of your spirit’s Light* as it progresses will bring a more sophisticated perspective to your life in the context of your grander existence in the cosmos.

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Overcoming Emotional Negativity

LakeMichiganReflection#3 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

As we tread sprightly through the complexities of life, there can be pitfalls that we have to sidestep in order to maintain our emotional balance and inner harmony.  Even though we’re so careful not to land in one, how do you escape the sinkhole that opens when negative thoughts and emotions engulf us?

Throughout our lives we accumulate negative memories that interfere with our happiness and prevent us from loving ourselves.  So, how do we stop accepting incessant thoughts that lead to cascading emotional turmoil (like guilt, anger, hatred, sadness, shame, self-pity, jealousy, depression, greed, frustration, possessiveness and all the others)?

There was a time when I was regularly beset by negative thoughts and emotions, and I thought it was pretty normal for me to react to them, to accept how they overwhelmed me and sank me into a sinkhole of despair.  What could I do to control them, when they were so powerful and hit me when I least expected?

Over time I was really losing my battle, and there didn’t seem to be anything I could do about it, until I had a thought: “I’m not going to give in anymore…I’m going to fight!”

That new strength of determination brought a whole wave of positive energy into my being.  I immediately began thinking through how I would be able to escape from the intolerable life I had accepted.

Yes, ‘I’ had accepted and created the evolution of my miserable life.  And only ‘I’ could get myself out.  But I needed help and, just when I had the realization that I could fight back, there was a response from within me that helped to urge me forward.  It was my spirit, also pretty weak at that time, but so ready to help me out of my self-imposed quagmire.

Not only was I fighting off the negativity that my past memories were triggering within me but, at that very moment, I encountered a distinct higher-level negative force opposing me.  As I conquered my fear of its presence, I drew strength from my spirit to overcome it so that I could begin my climb out of the abysmal existence I had been accepting.

Not long after, I found my remarkable mentor who was able to interpret and understand everything that I had experienced.  Without judgment, he helped me emerge from the influence of all those negative thoughts and emotions in an incredibly effective way.  It was the turning point of my life – when I learned to work effectively with my spirit and gained knowledge about my higher-level existence.thermal emotions

Although everyone has the opportunity to work spiritually, like most people, you’ve been led to believe that someone else will do it for you.  That’s not true, or even realistic! If you, like me, feel you’re ready to leave the sinkhole behind forever, then you can start by refusing to accept its power and influence over you.

Better still, why not learn how to stop any future sinkhole before it opens?  And what if you learn how to counteract the once-inevitable downhill slide before it gains momentum?  Or what if you stop accepting the advancement of negative thoughts and emotions when they first emerge?

Your spirit and higher self are an invaluable part of you – why not begin to use your higher-level skills to help you overcome emotional negativity?

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Freedom From Fear

Eagle Nebula

The Eagle Nebula

Expanding on #2 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

From the awkwardness of shyness to the extreme anxiety of terror, all fear is essentially the same.  

Wild animals instinctively assess their position whenever they encounter an unknown or dangerous situation.  Likewise we, as humans, instantaneously assess for a fight or flight response and our fear can either freeze us in terror or cause courage to emerge.

For many of us the lingering memories of childhood experiences set off alarms when we’re faced with threatening circumstances.  Many of us were bullied, abused or continually cautioned with negatives like: “Don’t…! ” or “You’ll never…!”  Such phrases seem to crop up whenever we’re faced with challenges to our wellbeing.

As a consequence, the negative memories stored over time at the physical, mental and higher levels contribute to self-doubt and indecisiveness.  These limitations on our ability to adapt healthfully to change inhibit us from reaching our full potential.

On top of the physical and mental effects of fear, spiritual negativity is attracted during distressing situations and we carry that accumulation into adulthood.  Fearful events often cause a child to open up to one or more negatively oriented spirits that remain with them throughout their lifetime.

Fear is the greatest of negative tools, and built up spiritual negativity amplifies the effect of past memories and the perceived threat of a challenging situation.  Fear can be real or imagined and sensible solutions are best prompted when we’re steadily cool, calm and collected.

Last summer, I was confronted with what might have been an alarming experience in a grocery store parking lot, but my ongoing work with my spirit proved very effective.  A woman’s plastic shoe became stuck under the accelerator of her SUV, causing her to race toward me with such force that she ran into another SUV and that vehicle struck another.  The SUV missed me by only a few inches, yet I maintained my presence of mind, called 911 and headed home, remarkably composed.

Because I know how to work with my spirit, I automatically refused the perceived negativity as soon as I heard the screeching sound of the driver spinning her tires.  So my spirit and I were already counteracting the wave of negative energy directed toward me before the SUV sped past just behind me.

Goose Spit, Vancouver Is. Canada~Photo by M. Barclay

Goose Spit, Vancouver Is. Canada~Photo by M. Barclay

The more higher-level awareness you acquire, the better prepared you’ll be when fear strikes.  Instead of allowing the onset of bodily chemical processes to further complicate your response to simple stressful situations or major catastrophic events, your higher self and spirit can help you to go forward in confidence.

By going within to work with your spirit, you’ll take charge of all aspects of your being and bring your spiritual knowledge into play.  You’ll be more composed to better assess fear-triggering situations so you’re prepared to respond rationally.

Getting rid of fear and self-doubt are only part of what working with your spirit can add to your life…just imagine how strong and confident you’ll become as you progress!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:
10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

Being Happy

The Heart Nebula

The Heart Nebula

Expanding on #1 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

In order for a star to become a star, it must first go through a process of forming its components that will eventually turn into the nuclear reactor at its core.  Not unlike becoming a star, in order to become a positively oriented being into which the Light* will flow, your spirit needs your help as an essential component of this process.

When I think of working with my spirit, “Happiness” is the first thought that comes to mind.  Just look at the diagram below and you’ll see how we light up thermally when we’re beaming with happiness!

Our lives are constantly transforming, not only from the choices we make personally at all levels, but also from the impact of exterior factors that either interfere with our wellbeing or bring us happiness.  We start off as beautiful happy children, idealistically viewing our world with the utmost optimism but, for so many, some incident starts spoiling the joy.  Whether it’s an off-hand remark, the effect of bullying or an abuse event, there are repercussions as the negativity hits at all levels and becomes engrained as memories.

Children are experts at returning to positive mode after troubling events but, as we grow older, lingering memories often crop up when least expected.  A child’s natural self-love nurtures their ability to work harmoniously with their spirit and the Light*, which enables a smoother and gentler transition from despondent to happy.  As we grow older, it often seems more complicated to get back to our shining self.

Your spirit should be the most positive part of you and, if you’re working effectively with it, your positive spiritual energy will filter down to you at the physical level.  If you’re not working with a positively oriented spirit, you’re missing out on the potential exuberant energy extended by such a spirit.

thermal emotions

If unpleasant thoughts keep popping up in your mind and you can’t shake them, there are usually higher-level reasons why you’re in this negative position.  Thought waves rebound across space and time, within your brain and from others.  When you learn to work with your spirit, you’ll discover ways to block incoming negative thoughts and how to more effectively adjust your thought patterns and get back to positive thinking.

If someone says something offensive or you experience a troubling event, you should be prepared spiritually for the onslaught of negative feelings and aftereffects of such events.  When involved in negative affronts by insensitive people, it’s amazingly effective to counteract the negative energy by going to work immediately at the higher level.  Then you can more easily deal with the physical aspects and get back to being happy within yourself.

Everyone has a different perspective about happiness, so you can’t compare yours to someone else’s experience.  Your personal happy state can be seen as the harmony you find at all levels of your being throughout the continuum of your life experience.

Nothing brings out the positive in me like the feeling I get when I see my spirit sparkling at me – that’s the basis of my happiness! What do you do to get yourself to being happy?

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

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