Your 2018 Creation


A Path.wpAs 2018 approaches and we reflect upon our experiences during the past year, we can now look forward to making some changes that can truly make a difference in our lives.  There’s no sense in dreaming about the life we want – we have to break out of our old habits and start making those positive changes happen!

Although this past year has sped by like a whirlwind and may have been full of personal challenges, we are once again peacefully standing on the threshold of yet another year full of amazing potential.  The thoughts spinning in our heads throughout the year about how to proceed toward our objectives in life can at any time be turned into resolute action toward self-improvement and the achievement of those goals.

However, all change needs a starting point, and for some of us the New Year is the time to make it happen.  When you consider that our lives are continuously changing all the time, making that first meaningful step toward positive change is part of an evolving process that requires ongoing patience and determination.  Whether it’s now or at any time during the year, it seems like we have to take a daring step out of our comfort zone to initiate the positive changes that propel us into the kind of life we want to live.

Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant

Many of us have discovered the powerful tool of working within to attain harmony with our spirit.  When you carry through with a commitment to work with your spirit in a positively prescribed manner, you’re promoting pivotal change at the spiritual level.  As the benefits of this change filter through to you at the physical level, you will have access to unique advantages that will help you attain your desired goals.

In the coming year, as you make daily effort toward a positive future, you will also enhance your spirit’s eternal journey.  In return, your spirit can supply the resiliency and inspiration that helps transform your resolutions into reality, while keeping you on track with daily enthusiasm for the process.

Here are some helpful ways to help you to promote harmony with your spirit on a daily basis:

  1. Love yourself completely! Make the incremental changes that help you feel great about yourself – eat healthier, exercise regularly, get adequate sleep, be creative   –and smile!
  2. Believe in yourself by thinking and speaking in a positive manner about yourself, your accomplishments, and your future objectives.  Refrain from being treated poorly by anyone – never be afraid to speak out and stand up for yourself!
  3. Refuse negative thoughts and feelings, and replace them with positive ones that will alleviate negative remnants of past memories and influences.  Lingering negativity, such as fear, can be reduced by your conscious refusal and counteraction!
  4. Bring positive universal energy into your body and spirit to help you become more positive.  Remember that the pure white “Light” will respond only when you are in a positive state.
  5. Create your positive changes in 2018 by setting realistic goals that can be accomplished in a reasonable time frame.  Be prepared to face external events over which you have no control, and adapt your changes accordingly.

How will your 2018 creation look?  Let’s get going toward a positive future full of inner harmony that accumulates over time and yields real results!

Western Sky.wp


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

To arrange a confidential appointment, please visit:

A Positive Perspective


James Webb Space TelescopeThe other day I was watching a Discovery Channel special about preparations for the 2018 launch of the James Webb Space Telescope – just completed today – the complex infrared instrument that will allow us to peer further into space than ever before, while it prompts astronomers and astrophysicists to speculate about the prospect of finding more planets in the Goldilocks zone of their stars. As we’re about to make this historic visual leap into unknown regions of the universe, once the James Webb launches we might all feel a flash of excitement about the prospect of finding signs of intelligent life in our universe.

From a spiritual perspective, I believe that our lives are a reflection of our apparent spiritual advancement and that, with acquired awareness, we can more clearly focus on our innate responsibility to promote our own spiritual progress. Each one of us is presented with multi-level challenges as we embark on the complex journey that is our individual lives, and some of us undergo greater endurance testing than others. In this way our strength, resilience and adaptability are proven, and how we deal with difficulty translates into how our spirits will progress.
James Webb Sunshield Layers

Our ability to observe ourselves in a positive light is of utmost importance, because the decisions we make to ameliorate or worsen our condition will help or hinder our spirits on their timeless journey. Over the past 30 years I’ve worked with clients who have raised a plethora of questions about the purpose for their existence and, once they’re aware of the nature of their spiritual aspect, their focus shifts to the import that a positive spirit could have in their lives. When approached through a spiritual lens, there is a clearer understanding of the cause and effect of why adverse conditions are presented in their otherwise ‘normal’ lives. In addition to being challenged physically, mentally and emotionally with negative circumstances, many have been suffering the effects of having been accosted spiritually.

Cat's Eye NebulaSimilar to how the James Webb Space Telescope will be able to penetrate through dense cosmic dust clouds to send back incredibly clear images of previously unseen stars, when you work with your spirit you’ll be able to break through the negativity that interferes with your wellbeing. Since your spiritual self inhabits a higher plane of existence, the acquisition of positive spiritual knowledge will enhance your ability to view your life experiences with more clarity. Once you learn how to recognize and counteract the impact of negative challenges in the immediate moment, you can emerge stronger, healthier and happier as you move forward. As you visualize a positive outcome to your endeavors, your spirit can provide inspiration that will make a real difference in how your future will emerge!

Although the efficacy of working with one’s spirit has too long been hidden from sight, this enlightening practice brings immeasurable clarity at all levels. We can begin to expand our positive spiritual knowledge within this lifetime to allow our spirits to progress, so they can attain and maintain a purely positive stance.


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website!

Spiritual Harmony

StrikingSky 12.6.15We all seek spirituality in our own way, but some of us need a more self-propelled approach to our spiritual needs than what is pursued by the vast majority. The attainment of spiritual harmony can be established by coupling a genuine desire with a firm commitment that brings about a determined effort to progress with one’s spirit.

Although neuroscientists have concluded that our sense of spiritual yearning has either evolved over time or is hardwired into our brains, there appears to be little knowledge about how to independently promote our own spiritual progress. In childhood our innate sense of spirituality is strong, but it doesn’t take long for many of us to abandon connecting with our spiritual selves, since we recognize so little gratification in the process. As it remains our own choice about how to direct our individual journey through this life, we have to want to pursue a course of action that will give us a sense of achievement for our work at the spiritual level.

Similar to how we crave food and drink to sustain ourselves, we also crave a sense of spiritual nourishment that is either handed to us at the corner institution, or is earned through a conscious commitment to interact with our spiritual selves. Although it might be assumed that you first have to gain a healthy balance at the physical level in order to be in harmony with your spirit, once you start to conscientiously work with your spirit by following positive principles, you will naturally find balance at all levels. You might be surprised to find how easily you can adopt a healthy secure lifestyle and generally take care of yourself better, when you actually feel attuned to your spirit.

A positively oriented spirit requires a firm commitment with its physical body in order for it to be able to exist in a harmonious relationship. A spirit is not affected by time, emotion or the elements of the physical world, but it can be affected by the negative or positive energies that you accept or reject at all levels. A positively oriented spirit will work in unison with its body, when there is mutually positive interaction. Your main task is to genuinely assume the responsibility of doing the hard work of removing the elements of negativity that inhibit your spirit from existing in a positive state.


Bringing a positive perspective into all aspects of your life is an incremental process through which the benefits fall into place as you build on a sound foundation. No one can eliminate all negativity from this life – it’s all around us on our planet – but we can reduce its impact through counteraction and positive replacement. Working against negativity is a challenge that, when met with the strength of commitment to work with a positively oriented spirit, results in a positive stance in your life.

You can feel at peace anywhere anytime, when you know your spirit is progressing, because your efforts to remove the negative elements from your life elevate both you and your spirit to a positive state. When you reach a state of harmony with your spirit, you feel a sense of calm, even when you’re in the middle of traffic, dealing with finances, working out a relationship or dealing with troubling events in your life – somewhat like the feeling you get when you’re out in nature: walking through a forest, sailing atop the ocean waves or looking up at the stars at night.

Being in harmony with your spirit means that you feel a keen sense of serenity and contentment all the time. When your spirit is intimately connected with the purely positive energy of the  universe/multiverse, it brings a sense of timeless majesty into your being. You naturally become more aware of the importance of being in balance with your spirit, as you work alongside it to bring spiritual progress and harmony into your existence.

Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Why not drop by my work website…

Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health

NGC 346 (Pink Elephant Nebula!) Expanding on #5 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

Your spiritual self is an integral part of your being that can bring significant higher-level knowledge to improve your life at all levels. Once you enter into a positive working relationship with your spirit, you’ll find it instrumental to your innate ability to self-heal, to manage the higher-level negativity that usurps your vitality and to bring an ongoing positive perspective about caring for your body.

Our ability to self-heal is a fundamental part of our human physiology, but most of us lack the knowledge to use our higher-level skills to increase our physical resistance to disease and the needed resilience after an illness hits.  For example, when a child equipped with a positively oriented spirit (Light-committed spirit) is instructed how to work with their spirit and perform a self-healing on their cancer, eczema, diabetes or other illness, they’ll begin to show improvement almost immediately.

Compared to an adult, a child’s success in dealing with the negativity associated with sickness and disease is far more startling because they still remember how to work with their spirit.  In addition, a child’s body is already more adaptive to self-healing; they never doubt they’re going to be successful; and they’re receptive and efficient about working with their spirit to remove the negativity that impedes the healthful processes within their body.

Your potential to deal with the negativity associated with your health is the same as a child’s, but you’ve been accepting and accumulating it over a longer period of time. With the advantage of a positively oriented spirit to help you, you’ll gain the knowledge and strength to counteract the higher-level negativity that reinforces the draining of your energy and causes a greater susceptibility to illness.

In addition, working with your spirit enables you to take back your free will to make positive choices that enhance your health at all levels of your being. Your spirit is only too anxious to help you to counteract the mental and emotional negativity you’ve been accepting that interferes with how you look after your physical self.

Although your spirit can be very instrumental in helping you to exercise your free will to gain and maintain great health, you still have lots of work to do.   You have to take back control by making a decision to make changes, like eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking or drinking, and getting enough relaxation and sleep.  Next, you have to put your new desire into effect by planning a course of action.  Then comes the hard part: sticking with it as part of your new lifestyle…and that’s when your spirit can deliver its unique assistance.Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada

As your spirit helps to strengthen your resolve to counteract the negatives that interfere with your healthy life perspective, you’ll more effectively deal with the cravings, temptations and old habits that are presented on a regular basis.  It makes it so much easier to motivate yourself to progress with your plan to get and stay healthy.  For instance, once I started to work with my spirit, it seemed ridiculously easy to stop my addiction to tobacco and alcohol, change my eating habits and exercise daily,  while I learned to relax and sleep better.

Not only does it make common sense to quit negative habits and adapt to a positive lifestyle, it’s essential for your health at all levels of your existence. You can become your own universe of wellbeing within which your spirit, higher self and body progress into a positive happy state!

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#3 Overcoming Emotional Negativity
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit