Strive for Resilient Strength!

Another New Year is on the horizon!  Just one year ago, we were looking forward to a new decade full of hope and promise.  Since the pandemic hit, we’ve become more highly aware of the fragility of our human existence and how interconnected we all are on this planet.  Although this past year has brought some unusual and difficult circumstances, most of us have realized how precious our lives truly are.  As we face the next phase of this historic pandemic, we may experience more inner reflection than usual and strive to find innovative ways to improve our approach to the challenges that await us.

While there are many established ways to maintain a positive outlook and to promote a healthy state at the physical, mental, and emotional levels, there are also ways to approach this biological challenge at the higher level.  When we focus on our progress from a higher-level perspective, everything else falls into place at the other levels of our being.  When you take the time to direct your attention within, you can increase your energy, improve your mood, reduce stress, and allow clarity of thought.  You may discover unforeseen opportunities and possibilities and realize that you are far more capable of overcoming adversity than you may now imagine.  You can resist the tendency to be fearful, angry, or judgmental about the existential threat of the pandemic and instead, focus on expressing love, gratitude, and understanding in order to direct your future well-being from a positive state of strength.    

The way in which we approach current and future challenges in life may be expressed in relation to our spiritual advancement.  As you meet difficult challenges with a positive stance by formulating creative solutions, you’re contributing to your spiritual strength.  By taking a decisive and thoughtful approach to difficult situations, you’re preventing conflict and helplessness at all levels, thereby contributing to an increase in your spiritual progress.  As you work toward achieving progress with your spiritual self, you’ll experience resilient strength and an enhanced ability to cope with any of the challenges that life presents.  

In order to defeat the impact of the pandemic as quickly as possible, our effective higher-level approach must be accompanied by the implementation of a sound physical approach.  As soon as more of the world population has confidence in and follows the scientific strategy as it unfolds, we will act in a unified cooperative manner to successfully end the spread of the virus and preserve human life everywhere.  

The practice of working with your spirit represents the key to unlocking the higher-level skills that propel you toward a happier, healthier, and more prosperous future!

Let’s do our best and we’ll all get through this together!

Happy New Year 2021!


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

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Spiritual Evolution

MonkeyHead Nebula PillarAt times I wonder how we can reconcile our abundant existence on this planet with the apparent lifelessness of the vast cosmos. It appears we’re about to determine whether or not panspermia occurred in our solar system, as the ESO has found an Earth-sized planet orbiting our nearest star and NASA further confirms there are water vapor plumes emanating from the surface of Europa. In my estimation, we have barely scratched the surface of awakening our potential inclusion as a small, yet integral, part of a universal life system that eludes our current comprehension.

Within only the past 20 years have scientists openly stated that they believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe. While these revelations haven’t impacted my own long held belief in extraterrestrial life, I find some comfort when astrophysicists and cosmologists have publicly declared its high probability. A few have even cautioned that our civilization would seem insignificantly primitive compared to those that might have evolved for billions of years longer and developed unimaginable technology.

In addition to how we would pale in comparison to more technologically evolved beings, we would lag far behind them in our spiritual capacity. I believe that, if we were to start developing our spiritual know-how effectively, we might still have a chance to make a good first impression. We’ve somehow allowed our basic spiritual knowledge on this planet to slip away, as many have allowed institutions to dictate the circumstances under which their spiritual selves must exist, thereby limiting their potential and rendering them subordinate and dependent at this essential level. Instead of progressing spiritually, our civilization has continued to allow countless generations to submit themselves to stagnant belief systems that prevent the evolution of positive spiritual knowledge.

Amazingly, we’re better equipped spiritually as children than we are at maturity. As small children we’re all completely sensitive to the inter-dimensional and spiritual realms but, as many of us grow older, we’ve been conditioned to leave behind our higher-level awareness, and allow the events occurring in our lives to captivate our attention and limit our consciousness to the tangible world. Through my work I’ve taught many children to work with their spirit, and have found them far more capable than most adults, since they believe in themselves and in their spiritual self, as well as trust in the process of counteracting all types of negativity at the higher level. While adults often become bitter or disillusioned with life, children who accept and develop a connection with a positively oriented spirit that works with them – rather than against them – are able to concentrate better, be more empathetic and direct their lives more creatively.

Just as a lifeless universe seems incomprehensible, the hidden dimensions around us remain enigmatically vibrant. Because our spirits transcend our physical existence, we could surmise that otherworldly beings might have similarly evolved spirits that can interact with ours in ways that are above our level of comprehension. If there is other intelligent life out there in the universe, we might have the chance to make that first physical contact in our lifetime, as the UN is already considering. In the interim, if we acknowledged that, by fine-tuning a positive spirit as a virtual instrument that could help us to achieve a higher standard of mental and spiritual skills, we’ll be better able to conduct ourselves to deal with influences that could impact our wellbeing at all levels.

In the blink of a cosmic eye our individual lives whizz by. If we continue to block our own spiritual advancement by stubbornly adhering to antiquated belief systems – out of fear, ignorance or complacency – we’ll deny our spirits the progress they deserve and our civilization might never reach its potential. In effect, the most outstanding expectation we could develop as the outcome of our efforts in this existence is to promote our own spiritual progress.

Let’s not waste time – let’s get started on our spiritual advancement!


Related article:

ESO Discovers Earth-Size Planet in Habitable Zone of Nearest Star


I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website!

Higher-Level Energy

Hydro TowersIn the last century when Tesla proved that electrical energy could be harnessed out of the ambient atmosphere, his invention was regarded as too advanced for the technology of the time. It would now be a phenomenal breakthrough for us to acknowledge and develop our ability to use the ubiquitous positive energy of the universe to bring us individual health and harmony, while allowing our spirits to become more positive during this lifetime.

As I came to realize many years ago, each of us was born with an inherent connection with our spirit that can naturally improve our wellbeing. After I had started to work with my spirit using the Light*, an invisible and powerful energy that is somewhat like electricity at the higher level, I learned that negativity in all its forms can be diminished, deflected and defeated. Over time, this positive energy source has allowed me to create a constructive relationship with my spirit, the unique sentient being within me, and I’ve continued to increase my ability to use it to help people overcome the spiritual malaise that interferes with their wellbeing at all levels.

Aurora from Space

While I help my spirit to progress, working with the Light is a daily practice that generates astonishing energy to bring ongoing confidence, calmness and contentment into my thoughts, emotions and physical being.  Many people are surprised when they learn my age, and immediately assume that my youthful appearance must be attributed to my diet and exercise. Apparently, it doesn’t occur to them that my advanced spiritual work could be at the core of my health and energy.

Through my work I’m grateful to be able to share my spiritual knowledge by helping each of my clients to allow more positive energy to flow through their body, so that they can experience better physical health and help their spirit to progress at the same time. Since your body probably isn’t used to having purely positive energy pass through it, you’ll find it beneficial to bring in the Light as often as you feel necessary, until you’re eventually able to remove the impediments to the flow of positive energy into your body.   Sometimes you’ll need help to remove the more substantial sources of negativity that underlie some of the stubborn issues that you might face at the higher level. Bear in mind that the gentle immense power of this positive energy source can only be accessed when your body is in a positive state, and it takes time and effort to develop the ability to use it effectively.

Brain-informationOne of the most remarkable skills I’ve consciously developed is to be able to detect where negativity lies within a receptive person across any distance by tuning in to their body’s spiritual energy system. More importantly, I can then remove the elements of negativity that obstruct their physiological auto-correction mechanisms, so that their body can self-heal in a more self-sufficient way on an ongoing basis.

Rather than starting at the top of the hill and hoping to continue along a ‘plateau of bliss’, working with the Light is a practical approach to overcoming the many obstacles to happiness and inner peace. When you start out, there is a lot of work to do, in order to generate momentum and stability with this positive higher-level energy. As you incrementally increase your positive energy flow, you’ll find yourself moving along with an ability that allows you to break through many of the barriers that had previously impeded your success.

By continuing to work in an advanced way with your spirit, you will be more resilient as you energize at the higher level with the Light.

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; a generic term not associated with any religion or deity

I welcome and value your input ~ Please feel free to comment!

I work across distance to extend my higher-level knowledge to you, wherever you are in the world! Learn how great life is when you work with a positively oriented spirit!

Feel free to drop by my work website!