Discovering Answers

Iguazu FallsThis past week’s landing of the ESA’s Philae lander on a distant comet was a realtime reminder of how combined human ingenuity can result in phenomenal accomplishments. The Rosetta spacecraft’s success in delivering its lander to the comet is an important facet of our collective search for answers to the longstanding questions about the origins of life in our solar system.


Another news event that caught my attention was about Barbara Bowman who revealed in a Washington Post article that the comedian Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her when she was a 17-year-old aspiring actress. On CNN Ms. Bowman explained that she had attempted to ask for help concerning Mr. Cosby’s actions from several people, including lawyers, but her allegations had been immediately dismissed as ridiculous. It wasn’t until more people started coming forward with similar allegations about Mr. Cosby’s behavior that Ms. Bowman again ventured forward with her story. As she held back tears during her CNN interview, she stated that during the 30 years since the incidents: “I was terrified of him!”

Not unlike Ms. Bowman’s struggle, I’ve been through the wringer of guilt, pain, shame and blame that accompanies such abuse. During the first 20 of the almost 50 years since I was sexually assaulted by a Catholic priest, I experienced a kaleidoscope of emotions that ranged from shock, fear, disgust and despair. Especially disheartening was the reaction of disbelief when divulging that such a ‘distinguished’ person could commit such perverse acts.

Pinks Floral ProfieWhile Ms. Bowman confronts her unresolved issue from 30 years ago, I can look back today and be grateful to have found a solution 30 years ago that has irrefutably contributed to my wellbeing. Leo Jean, my dearest friend, husband and mentor who passed away a year ago, had shared immeasurably helpful knowledge about my spiritual wellbeing that has enabled me to help not only myself, but many others, to meet the challenges that we face at all levels of our lives.

The astounding feat of the first landing on a comet to collect data from its ancient surface to shed light on our physical origins has required many minds and many billions of dollars. On the contrary, many of the answers that we seek about ourselves are not found millions of miles out there in the universe but, rather, right within us, in the essence of our spirits.

While the scientific community is making progress on solving the age-old questions of why we’re here and if there’s anyone else out there, some of us have to resolve the difficulty of coping with abuse in our lives.  Our timelessly knowledgeable spirits can help guide us through such complexities of life – we just have to make the right connection to discover how.


Find out how to get connected with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

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Sharing Spiritual Knowledge

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture atop heart-shaped bottle full of glass stonesKnowledge that is gained spiritually has to be built upon and experienced, rather than just learned in the form of concepts and ideals.

Throughout the production of a weekly Public Access TV show about our work during the 90’s in California, my partner, Leo, would say:  “You can’t hold on to knowledge.  You have to let it flow.”  Although we used to receive a lot of response to our broadcast, the vast majority of our audience viewed it merely as entertainment.

So, what does the sharing of spiritual knowledge involve?  While I was absolutely fascinated with the prospect of immediately learning all about what Leo does, he made it clear that the only way to really learn is to live it.  In other words, in order to learn about the spiritual world, you have to learn through experience how to navigate its waters.  And, since there are many dark waters and levels of understanding, you have to be careful about what depth you’re stepping into and in which direction you’re heading as you venture into the vastly unexplored spiritual realm.

Although I wanted to know everything at once, I had to build a foundation upon which all the other information could rest.  If I didn’t learn how to relax, then I wouldn’t be able to receive higher-level information that was needed in my work.  If I didn’t learn to recognize and refuse negativity, then I would have been quickly inundated by it (since my role is to help others by removing their buildup of negativity so that they can properly work with their spirit.)  If I didn’t learn the fundamentals of vibrations, I wouldn’t have known how to separate the incoming higher-level information coming at me.  I also learned how to respect and nurture my spiritual self, so that we are both acquiring the positive knowledge of the Light* through our efforts together.

For the most part, many people are only looking to how spiritual work can help them in their daily lives.  Everyone learns differently and, in order to benefit from your higher levels of being, it’s still necessary to learn how to relax, heighten awareness and to refuse negativity.  Once these fundamentals become natural, the knowledge about your composite selves will become clearer; the waters will be much less murky and you can always depend on safe haven with the Light.

What I love about the work that I’m doing is that, when I work my spirit, I’m always learning.  There’s never a dull day or a day when I don’t learn something new about myself or about my place within the larger picture of humanity.  For me, the acquisition of spiritual knowledge is similar to a cosmologist’s search for information about the universe: Why are we here…How did the building blocks of life assemble so ideally that we could become who we are…Are there any more lifeforms in the universe…If so, how do we come into contact…What’s inside a black hole…What’s outside our universe…Where is all this heading?

As I consider the slow progress of spiritual evolution on our planet, I am heartened by the enormous strides that cosmology is making to better understand our physical place in the universe.  What could be fundamental to a spiritual breakthrough might be a realization by individuals that their spiritual progress could be accomplished by going within to work with their own spirit.

If we all acquired more positive spiritual knowledge, we could take a colossal step forward toward our spiritual evolution as a race.  I believe that, only then, will we make any form of breakthrough to make contact with more evolved species.  For the moment we must tread through the muck of negativity that we’ve created for ourselves on this beautiful planet.

When we look inward to gather our spiritual knowledge, we should be looking for the Light to which we are all connected universally.  If that Light doesn’t yet exist, then each of us should actively pursue the acquisition of its gentle and powerful positive force until it gleams within.

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe


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Why I Work With My Spirit
Believe in the Power of Your Selves: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Recognizing Spiritual Negativity