Reacting to Negativity

Leo Jean's Starlike© Opposites; paper sculptures atop bottle with layered color resin interiorWhen you first recognize the onset of negativity, whether physical or spiritual, it’s your responsibility to react immediately to counteract its effect.  Once you accept negativity at any level, it will begin to augment whatever thought, emotion or sensation that was initially affected. 

As soon as I sense that negativity is being sent to interfere with my well-being, I’ve learned to respond by first refusing it while asking my spirit to help me to return it to the source with the Light*.  The foremost reaction is to refuse and return the negativity, but there’s often more work to do.

Although I’ve refused the initial impact of negativity, I will most often have to fight off the supporting negativity that accompanies it.  Depending on the intention of the sender, whether it’s from a spiritual or physical source, there could be further negative interference that needs to be neutralized.  For instance, if I allow doubt to set in at any point while making a decision, my acceptance will bring the negativity of that doubt into the process, thereby attracting further spiritual opposition that makes it much harder to realize a positive outcome.  So, if doubt is the negative interference, then each time doubt arises, I will have to refuse and return it by working with my spirit as in my initial reaction.

If you insert fear, anxiety, sadness, self-pity, frustration, guilt, jealousy, hatred or any other negative emotion where the term ‘doubt’ is used above, the process of dealing with it is essentially the same.  If you allow the effects of negativity to thrive, it will build upon itself into an enormous brick wall with plenty of mortar.

After I’ve engaged in the refusal process, it’s important to switch myself into a positive mode that allows me to continue with minimal interference.  Another natural way I deal with negativity is to take advantage of my intuitive skills.  In the case of making a decision, it helps to ask my higher self to help me, since it is much less vulnerable to interference than my physical self.

Because I’ve been diligently practicing the positive principles of working with the Light as part of my daily routine, my spirit has accumulated more positive knowledge and energy.  As a result, together we are far more capable of eliminating the sources of negativity that continuously try to obstruct our efforts to achieve a positive existence.

One of the most rewarding aspects of working with my spirit is that I’m now equipped to counteract the negativity that interferes with my progress at all levels of my being.  

Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe

Related posts:  “Ways to Stay in Positive Mode” and  “Believe in the Power of Your Selves” (Part 2)