Spiritual Sensitivity

Leo Jean's Starlike© paper sculpture mounted on pink scrolling glassBeing sensitive to the spiritual/quantum world around us is a natural ability that is most common among children.  Some adults remain sensitive but without knowledge of how to handle their skill, while others struggle to tone down the volume.

When I was a small child, I used to sometimes lie in bed in the morning and stare out the window or up at the ceiling while allowing my vision to be very, very relaxed.  Whenever I was able to enter a precise state of relaxation, I would see a sparkling white light, just like a star gleaming in my field of vision.  I didn’t know it at the time, but I was looking at my spirit and it was acknowledging me by shining its Light* for me.  Over time I lost the ability to enter that relaxed state as my life became overwhelmed with anxiety and negativity.  However, just months before I went through the most trying part of my life, I remember waking up very early one morning to a brilliantly shining light that lingered for what seemed a long time in my field of vision.  My eyes were wide open and I marveled at how beautiful it was.  At that time I knew it was something special, but I still wasn’t aware that it was my spirit trying to communicate with me.

There are certain ways to be perceptive or sensitive to the spiritual world that include seeing, hearing and knowing spiritual information.  When a person’s ‘third eye’ or ‘inner eye’ is open, they can often ‘see’ the faces of spiritual beings or entire bodies that cannot be observed in the normal range of vision.  When a person ‘hears’ voices, they are listening to information emitted at a higher level frequency that is almost always negatively oriented.  When a person ‘knows’ there is spiritual activity or interference, this information comes in the form of intuition or uncanny insight that can be quite sophisticated.  Whatever form it comes in, sensitivity can be helpful or harmful, depending on the knowledge base of the individual.

Often, when someone asks for help with spiritual problems, their sensitivity has been heightened because they’ve experienced some extraordinary spiritual interference.  A few years ago ‘Eva’, a well-educated woman from Central Africa, contacted us for a distant healing because she had been suffering from lack of sleep and mounting physical pain that had no evident explanation. After discussing her physical activities leading up to this problem, Eva admitted that for several months the spiritual harassment had increased after she had sought help from a local native practitioner.  Whenever she tried to go to sleep at night, an invisible songbird would start singing outside her window.  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shut out the sound.  Eva was receiving inter-dimensional summoning messages to go ‘out of body’, and she was unable to sleep more than an hour or two each night, as she was constantly awakened by pain and frightening dreams.

After she properly refused the sources of the negative interference including the local practitioner, we were able to remove the spiritual/inter-dimensional beings responsible for the summoning song.  Once Eva accepted a positively-oriented spirit, she began to work with her spirit and learned to use the Light within her dream state to counteract any further negative interference.  Her pain subsided, she was able to sleep properly again and she also found employment within a couple of weeks, after she had been searching for months.

In order to ‘read’ the particulars of our clients’ spiritual problems, I’ve worked over the years to increase my sensitivity for use in my work.  Part of being able to sense what’s going on in the higher levels of existence is being able to relax completely while concentrating at the same time.  I’ve learned to turn off my sensitivity by keeping my ‘third eye’ closed at all times, except when my spirit alerts me with its Light or when I need to use it in my work.  In all cases I use my spiritual vision only with Light, so that I never draw negative interference.

When you work with your spirit to develop your sensitivity, you’ll be better able to reject spiritual negativity so that you can progress alongside your spirit.


Find out how to start working with your spirit by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe