Release the Secret

The other night I watched “Brad Meltzer’s Decoded” on the History Channel, which looked into the U. S. government’s cover up of UFO evidence.  At the end of the show, one of the investigators divulged that, when he was eight years old, he had seen a UFO while traveling by car with his family.  One of the other investigators said that, if they had known that at the beginning of their investigation, he would have thought that maybe his colleague was a little crazy.  However, afterward he could just say: “That’s incredible!”

This response is indicative of how far we’ve come as human beings to respect the experiences of others without prejudgment.  When someone reveals that they’ve seen a UFO, their credibility is immediately taken into question.  Rather than just evaluating the details of the story, a person’s judgment and mental stability come into question.

When I was fifteen years old, I was contacted by a roomful of other-worldly beings who appeared on a small movie screen.  Unlike the usual circumstances surrounding such events, such as when a lone person is traveling in a remote location, I was fully conscious in a public place full of adults and children.  However, since I was the only subject of the communication, my friends advised me not to talk about it, or people would think I was crazy.  So I remained silent for fifteen years, until I was able to tell someone that I trusted.  Especially during my silence, I often wondered about the significance of being the object of the communication and if there would be any follow up. (See my post Early Flat Screen Presentation.)

Most people keep their alien contact or sightings secret, because of the skeptical reaction they anticipate.  Over the ensuing years, they agonize over thoughts like: “Why me?” “Why was I selected as the recipient of that encounter?” “Does this have some significance in my life?”  The investigator on “Decoded” stated that his UFO sighting stood out as one of the wonders of his childhood, yet he wouldn’t talk about it until after the show’s investigation had sufficiently backed up his credibility.  Earlier on the show, Story Musgrave, a former NASA astronaut, pointed out the statistical certainty that intelligent life must exist on other planets and that some could be billions of years more technologically advanced than we are.

While living in California about fifteen years ago, I was also fortunate enough to be witness to a small group of craft passing over our property.  Within a period of about two weeks Leo had called me outside several times to see some ships, but it took me too long to exit the house and courtyard to reach him on the hillside garden where he was working.  Then, one day I threw down what I was doing and rushed outside, just in time to see three small craft moving westward about fifty feet above the house.  They were rather small, about the size of small helicopters, but they were angular in shape and had small triangular wings.  As I looked up at them flying in a v-shaped formation, they appeared to be made of a translucent material through which light passed, but I couldn’t see the interior or if they were manned.  They passed by silently at no more than 20 mph.  I was so excited as I watched them leave my field of vision over the hillside!  Then, about thirty seconds later, a B-3 bomber came over us, and followed the path of the small crafts.  The B-3’s engine was loud and it looked out of place compared to the advanced-looking crafts.

When I saw the UFO’s, I was with someone who wasn’t afraid to talk about what we had seen.  The following day at the local coffee shop, Leo and I related our sighting to a couple of acquaintances, who had been pilots during World War II.  The pilots asked questions about the structure, position, airspeed and heading of the craft.  Although it felt strange to talk about what we had seen, we were talking to experts that understood the experience, and I’ve never questioned the event since.

Carrying the secret of childhood abuse is a similar burden to having witnessed a UFO event, although much more painful, of course.  In both cases, you’re not supposed to tell or talk about your experience.  You’re forced to carry around your secret, because of the fear that your story will trigger ridicule, reprisal or hurtful criticism.  You might fear that, once your secret is revealed, you will be ostracized and that the skeptical reactions of even those closest to you might be too overwhelming and will ultimately change their perception of you as a person.

Just as the world is coming around to questioning the government cover up of UFO activity, the cover up practices of the abuse of children by religious organizations like the catholic church are finally being examined.  When prestigious people like heads of state, military personnel or scientists state that they have witnessed UFO events, the public never questions their integrity; it was a remarkable experience.  When celebrities reveal their childhood abuse, it’s seen as a factor in driving their success.  For most of us, it’s a painful process of wondering if we’ll be perceived as dysfunctional or ‘damaged goods’.  However, many more people are finally letting go of their fear of exposure.

As I’ve grown to love myself over the years, I’ve learned to talk about what happened to me, since withholding the information had been a negative impediment to my well-being.  You are the product of your experiences so, if you keep events like a UFO sighting or childhood abuse a secret, the effects of not speaking out can be more harmful than just telling it like it is.  Just pick your audience; there are some people out there who will listen without judging you.  When you’re ready to let go, remember to refuse and release the negativity that you’ve been accepting.  You’ll feel better, happier and much lighter!

NOTE: The illustrations posted here are only to suggest what the UFO that Leo and I saw looked like. It didn’t look like either sketch but more like a composite of both (the 2nd relating only to the translucency of the metal).

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 


We’re All Spiritual Beings

Most think of the spiritual world as dauntingly mysterious. It’s an unseen realm in which we all dwell and interact, but most have failed to comprehend its significance in our daily lives.

Many are fascinated with ghosts and paranormal occurrences, while others like to surrender their spirituality to a religious institution.  I had never been satisfied with those interpretations of what exists beyond our physical dimension.  Through my work with Leo Jean, I’ve learned so much more about the spiritual world around us all.

You can think of a spirit as a sentient being without a body. From the instant of our conception, we have a spirit.  Even before conception a spirit has to make a decision whether or not it wants to create and enter a particular body.  Why are so many couples that are physically capable of creating children unable to conceive?  It’s because there’s no spirit that has decided to enter that embryo.  On the other hand, sometimes a spirit will leave, and the woman miscarries. As Leo says: “Without a spirit, there is no life.”

Anyone who owns a pet or has worked with animals will suggest that their animal has a spiritual connection with them.  It goes beyond words with animals.  People feel emotions for their pets and their pets sense energy and emotions from their owners.  That’s because animals have spirits, too.  Their bodies are just equipped differently.

Where did all these spirits come from then, if only a few humans started out on this planet? It’s comparable to the question of what happened before the Big Bang (if there was one).  If there were only a few people on Earth in primitive times, where did all the spirits come from that now exist within the 7 billion people and the billions of animals on our planet?  Well, we could say that the spirits of all those people and creatures came from the microscopic life that existed before these lifeforms came to be formed.  Then, from where did all those spirits possibly originate?

Humans are all born with intuitive skills.  Newborns are intimately connected with the spiritual world, as they adjust to their physical forms.  Infants are in tune with the spiritual realm and they can see and hear spirits in their daily activities.  Toddlers smile when they see a friendly face and will put up a fuss if someone comes up to them that they aren’t familiar with.  In some cases, a toddler will scream hysterically if a particular person comes around them.  That’s because the toddler can see the spirits in and around that person and is rejecting that person.  Infants and toddlers see the faces of the spirits and are reacting to their knowledge of that type of spirit.

There are positive spirits and negative spirits.  The positive spirits will never break a person’s free will, nor will they hang around a negative environment.  Positive spirits make choices.  Negative spirits, on the other hand, have lost their positive knowledge and are engaged in all kinds of negative activities.  For instance, a negative spirit will find an opportunity to enter a screaming toddler in a moment of distress.  The toddler has let down their spiritual defences and has opened one or more of their spiritual openings.  In pops a negative spirit.

Once a child opens one of their spiritual openings, it can lead to more spiritual vulnerability.  If a child closes their spiritual openings, they are better off.  However, usually every time that they endure another emotional outbreak, that same spiritual opening will reopen because it is damaged.  A child that has a very calm demeanour is a child that remains closed to other spirits.

Why would a spirit want to invade someone else’s body?  Sometimes it’s a spirit of a deceased family member that has remained around their relations because they don’t know what else to do or where to go.  They’ve lost their spiritual knowledge, because their former body didn’t know how to direct their spirit.  So they enter a body out of convenience.  Then they don’t have to create a form from scratch.

The next question that arises is what does a spirit do inside of someone else’s body?  That depends on the spirit and how negative it is.  Some spirits will enter or invade a body because they want to cause harm to the original spirit’s creation or to torment a spirit that is housed in another body.

There are destructive spirits that can cause damage to humans.  For instance, a child with ADD can be helped if they allow the removal of the spirit that is causing the problem.  Spirits can be too powerful or will simply not adjust to a human form easily.  This causes an imbalance.  More dramatic signs of ill-suited spirits are when a child suddenly contracts a life-threatening or terminal illness.  Although I respect medical science, sometimes a spiritual solution can be a viable remedy. Very often the change of a child’s spirit will allow their body to heal and give that child a chance at a normal healthy life.  A child can see their spirit as a comforting sparkling light.

What does it mean to work with your spirit?  The children that Leo and I have worked with immediately get it.  They begin to remove the negative influences that have caused their problems and get on with life.  It’s very simple for a child, because they haven’t yet lost all of their inherent spiritual knowledge.  On the other hand, adults are the most difficult to work with, due to their many years of conditioning and loss of spiritual knowhow.  We usually ask the children we work with to describe or draw pictures of ‘the ones that bother them’.  Most children are still so much in tune with the spiritual world and can talk about it in a matter-of-fact way.

How could Leo possibly know how to work with spirits like he does?  From my understanding, Leo never let go of his spiritual knowledge of the Light* throughout his life.  For most of that time, he had to remain quiet about what he knows, because it’s not a generally accepted practice in our society.  Leo is, however, a very steadfast dedicated man and he has endured 90 years without relinquishing his knowledge.

Part of the knowledge that is usually rejected is that which refers to the origin of our spirits.  Again, what caused the Big Bang?  What was there beforehand?  Now scientists are hypothesizing that there is a multiverse and that our universe is just an offshoot, a bubble that is expanding, along with many others.  So, where did all our spirits come from?

From the thousands of people that we’ve worked with around the world, we’ve compiled an immense amount of information about the origins of our spirits. Spirits know no boundaries, and can move freely anywhere throughout the multiverse.  They can cross over into our universe and create a form. The bodies that they create trap them inside the molecular structure, but they can enter and exit through the form’s open spiritual apertures.  A person’s original spirit can exceptionally enter and exit its own form through closed apertures.  Other spirits cannot enter a person’s form if their spiritual openings are closed.   The scary version of all this from the movies causes people to be afraid but, in fact, many people house more than one spirit.

Why would all these spirits be acting in this way?  What’s the point of all this spiritual body-hopping?  From our perspective, this has been continuously happening throughout time on our planet.  Few spirits have any positive knowledge, so they are largely destructive or self-destructive.  They feed on energy, and thrive on the negative energy that they create.  Some are  even too powerful or destructive to exist in a human form.

Our spiritual/natural/quantum healing method provides a solution, as we match positively-oriented spirits to people to create a synchronized balance.  When a person works in harmony with their spirit, they are working with a sole spiritual being that is dedicated to improving their life experience.

Find out how to get started working with your spirit by visiting my website at !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment! 

*Light: The pure white light of the universe; purely positive energy; not associated with any one religion or deity; I work spiritually with people from every background from around the globe