Overcoming Emotional Negativity

LakeMichiganReflection#3 on my list of “10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit”…

As we tread sprightly through the complexities of life, there can be pitfalls that we have to sidestep in order to maintain our emotional balance and inner harmony.  Even though we’re so careful not to land in one, how do you escape the sinkhole that opens when negative thoughts and emotions engulf us?

Throughout our lives we accumulate negative memories that interfere with our happiness and prevent us from loving ourselves.  So, how do we stop accepting incessant thoughts that lead to cascading emotional turmoil (like guilt, anger, hatred, sadness, shame, self-pity, jealousy, depression, greed, frustration, possessiveness and all the others)?

There was a time when I was regularly beset by negative thoughts and emotions, and I thought it was pretty normal for me to react to them, to accept how they overwhelmed me and sank me into a sinkhole of despair.  What could I do to control them, when they were so powerful and hit me when I least expected?

Over time I was really losing my battle, and there didn’t seem to be anything I could do about it, until I had a thought: “I’m not going to give in anymore…I’m going to fight!”

That new strength of determination brought a whole wave of positive energy into my being.  I immediately began thinking through how I would be able to escape from the intolerable life I had accepted.

Yes, ‘I’ had accepted and created the evolution of my miserable life.  And only ‘I’ could get myself out.  But I needed help and, just when I had the realization that I could fight back, there was a response from within me that helped to urge me forward.  It was my spirit, also pretty weak at that time, but so ready to help me out of my self-imposed quagmire.

Not only was I fighting off the negativity that my past memories were triggering within me but, at that very moment, I encountered a distinct higher-level negative force opposing me.  As I conquered my fear of its presence, I drew strength from my spirit to overcome it so that I could begin my climb out of the abysmal existence I had been accepting.

Not long after, I found my remarkable mentor who was able to interpret and understand everything that I had experienced.  Without judgment, he helped me emerge from the influence of all those negative thoughts and emotions in an incredibly effective way.  It was the turning point of my life – when I learned to work effectively with my spirit and gained knowledge about my higher-level existence.thermal emotions

Although everyone has the opportunity to work spiritually, like most people, you’ve been led to believe that someone else will do it for you.  That’s not true, or even realistic! If you, like me, feel you’re ready to leave the sinkhole behind forever, then you can start by refusing to accept its power and influence over you.

Better still, why not learn how to stop any future sinkhole before it opens?  And what if you learn how to counteract the once-inevitable downhill slide before it gains momentum?  Or what if you stop accepting the advancement of negative thoughts and emotions when they first emerge?

Your spirit and higher self are an invaluable part of you – why not begin to use your higher-level skills to help you overcome emotional negativity?

Find out how to get started by visiting my website at OnlyPositiveKnowledge.com !

I welcome and value your input~Please feel free to comment!

Related posts:

10 Reasons to Work With Your Spirit
#1 Being Happy
#2 Freedom From Fear
#4 Sensational Self-Esteem
#5 Why Working With Your Spirit Can Improve Your Health
#6 Higher-Level Free Will
#7 Release Your Creativity!
#8 Re-Understand Yourself Better
#9 Calm Amid the Chaos
#10 Progress With Your Spirit

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